ISSTA 2019
28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2019)
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28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2019), July 15–19, 2019, Beijing, China

ISSTA 2019 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Albert, Elvira ISSTA '19: "Optimal Context-Sensitive ..." ISSTA '19: "SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Bell, Jonathan ISSTA '19: "Mitigating the Effects of ..."
Benton, Samuel ISSTA '19: "Practical Program Repair via ..."
Beresford, Alastair R. ISSTA '19: "LibID: Reliable Identification ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ISSTA '19: "TBar: Revisiting Template-Based ..." ISSTA '19: "Mining Android Crash Fixes ..."
Bodden, Eric ISSTA '19: "Codebase-Adaptive Detection ..."
Borges Jr., Nataniel P. ISSTA '19: "Learning User Interface Element ..."
Brown, Guy J. ISSTA '19: "Improving Random GUI Testing ..."
Cai, Haipeng ISSTA '19: "A Large-Scale Study of Application ..."
Chen, Guang ISSTA '19: "VFQL: Combinational Static ..." ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Chen, Hongxu ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Chen, Jinfu ISSTA '19: "A Cost-Effective Strategy ..."
Chen, Junjie ISSTA '19: "History-Driven Build Failure ..."
Chen, Zhe ISSTA '19: "Detecting Memory Errors at ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ISSTA '19: "CoCoTest: Collaborative Crowdsourced ..." ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Christakis, Maria ISSTA '19: "Differentially Testing Soundness ..."
Ciancone, Andrea ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Coppik, Nicolas ISSTA '19: "Assessing the State and Improving ..."
Cordy, Maxime ISSTA '19: "Search-Based Test and Improvement ..."
Correas, Jesús ISSTA '19: "SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier ..."
Cui, Baoquan ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Degott, Christian ISSTA '19: "Learning User Interface Element ..."
De la Banda, Maria Garcia ISSTA '19: "Optimal Context-Sensitive ..."
Devroey, Xavier ISSTA '19: "Effective and Efficient API ..."
Do, Lisa Nguyen Quang ISSTA '19: "Codebase-Adaptive Detection ..."
Dor, Nurit ISSTA '19: "From Typestate Verification ..."
Eichberg, Michael ISSTA '19: "Judge: Identifying, Understanding, ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '19: "Theory and Practice of String ..."
Fang, Chunrong ISSTA '19: "CoCoTest: Collaborative Crowdsourced ..."
Fazzini, Mattia ISSTA '19: "Automated API-Usage Update ..."
Feng, Yang ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Fink, Stephen J. ISSTA '19: "From Typestate Verification ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '19: "Improving Random GUI Testing ..." ISSTA '19: "Automatically Testing Self-Driving ..."
Fu, Xiaoqin ISSTA '19: "Towards Scalable Defense of ..." ISSTA '19: "A Large-Scale Study of Application ..."
Gambi, Alessio ISSTA '19: "Automatically Testing Self-Driving ..."
Ganesh, Vijay ISSTA '19: "Theory and Practice of String ..."
Gao, Jian ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Gao, Jun ISSTA '19: "Mining Android Crash Fixes ..."
Gao, Xiang ISSTA '19: "Crash-Avoiding Program Repair ..."
Geay, Emmanuel ISSTA '19: "From Typestate Verification ..."
Ghanbari, Ali ISSTA '19: "Practical Program Repair via ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ISSTA '19: "Root Causing Flaky Tests in ..."
Golagha, Mojdeh ISSTA '19: "Failure Clustering without ..."
Gómez-Zamalloa, Miguel ISSTA '19: "Optimal Context-Sensitive ..."
Gordillo, Pablo ISSTA '19: "SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier ..."
Gousios, Georgios ISSTA '19: "Effective and Efficient API ..."
Grano, Giovanni ISSTA '19: "A New Dimension of Test Quality: ..."
Gu, Ming ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..." ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Gu, Zuxing ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Guo, Jiaqi ISSTA '19: "Sara: Self-Replay Augmented ..."
Guo, Philip J. ISSTA '19: "Theory and Practice of String ..."
Hao, Dan ISSTA '19: "History-Driven Build Failure ..."
Hao, Rui ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Helm, Dominik ISSTA '19: "Judge: Identifying, Understanding, ..."
Hobor, Aquinas ISSTA '19: "Exploiting the Laws of Order ..."
Hooimeijer, Pieter ISSTA '19: "Theory and Practice of String ..."
Ilmberger, Hermann ISSTA '19: "Failure Clustering without ..."
Isabel, Miguel ISSTA '19: "Conditional Dynamic Partial ..." ISSTA '19: "Optimal Context-Sensitive ..."
Jia, Yue ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Jiang, Yu ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Jones, James A. ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Juefei-Xu, Felix ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Kan, Shuanglong ISSTA '19: "Detecting Memory Errors at ..."
Kechagia, Maria ISSTA '19: "Effective and Efficient API ..."
Kiezun, Adam ISSTA '19: "Theory and Practice of String ..."
Kim, Dongsun ISSTA '19: "TBar: Revisiting Template-Based ..."
Kintis, Marinos ISSTA '19: "Ukwikora: Continuous Inspection ..."
Klein, Jacques ISSTA '19: "Mining Android Crash Fixes ..."
Klinger, Christian ISSTA '19: "Differentially Testing Soundness ..."
Kollmann, Stephan A. ISSTA '19: "LibID: Reliable Identification ..."
Kolluri, Aashish ISSTA '19: "Exploiting the Laws of Order ..."
Kong, Pingfan ISSTA '19: "Mining Android Crash Fixes ..."
Kotcharlakota, Phani Raj Goutham ISSTA '19: "Deferred Concretization in ..."
Koyuncu, Anil ISSTA '19: "TBar: Revisiting Template-Based ..."
Kübler, Florian ISSTA '19: "Judge: Identifying, Understanding, ..."
Kudjo, Patrick Kwaku ISSTA '19: "A Cost-Effective Strategy ..."
Laaber, Christoph ISSTA '19: "Continuous Software Performance ..."
Lam, Wing ISSTA '19: "Root Causing Flaky Tests in ..."
Lee, Sungho ISSTA '19: "JNI Program Analysis with ..." ISSTA '19: "Adlib: Analyzer for Mobile ..."
Lehmann, Daniel ISSTA '19: "Interactive Metamorphic Testing ..."
Lehnhoff, Constantin ISSTA '19: "Failure Clustering without ..."
Lemieux, Caroline ISSTA '19: "Semantic Fuzzing with Zest ..." ISSTA '19: "JQF: Coverage-Guided Property-Based ..."
Le Traon, Yves ISSTA '19: "Search-Based Test and Improvement ..." ISSTA '19: "Semantic Fuzzing with Zest ..." ISSTA '19: "Ukwikora: Continuous Inspection ..."
Li, Bo ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Li, Chi ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Li, Haoyu ISSTA '19: "CoCoTest: Collaborative Crowdsourced ..."
Li, Li ISSTA '19: "A Large-Scale Study of Application ..." ISSTA '19: "Mining Android Crash Fixes ..."
Li, Shuyue ISSTA '19: "Sara: Self-Replay Augmented ..."
Li, Wei ISSTA '19: "DeepFL: Integrating Multiple ..."
Li, Xia ISSTA '19: "DeepFL: Integrating Multiple ..."
Li, Yuying ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Liu, Kui ISSTA '19: "TBar: Revisiting Template-Based ..."
Liu, Ting ISSTA '19: "Sara: Self-Replay Augmented ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Lorrach, Pierre ISSTA '19: "Ukwikora: Continuous Inspection ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang ISSTA '19: "Sara: Self-Replay Augmented ..."
Lou, Yiling ISSTA '19: "History-Driven Build Failure ..."
Ma, Lei ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Ma, Xutong ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Mao, Ke ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Marginean, Alexandru ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '19: "Mitigating the Effects of ..."
Mechtaev, Sergey ISSTA '19: "Crash-Avoiding Program Repair ..."
Mera, Michaël ISSTA '19: "Mining Constraints for Grammar ..."
Mezini, Mira ISSTA '19: "Judge: Identifying, Understanding, ..."
Mols, Alexander ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Mueller, Marc ISSTA '19: "Automatically Testing Self-Driving ..."
Muller, Steve ISSTA '19: "Search-Based Test and Improvement ..."
Nasre, Rupesh ISSTA '19: "QADroid: Regression Event ..."
Nath, Suman ISSTA '19: "Root Causing Flaky Tests in ..."
Nikolic, Ivica ISSTA '19: "Exploiting the Laws of Order ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '19: "Automated API-Usage Update ..."
Padhye, Rohan ISSTA '19: "Semantic Fuzzing with Zest ..." ISSTA '19: "JQF: Coverage-Guided Property-Based ..."
Pan, Linjie ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Pandey, Awanish ISSTA '19: "Deferred Concretization in ..."
Panichella, Annibale ISSTA '19: "Effective and Efficient API ..."
Papadakis, Mike ISSTA '19: "Search-Based Test and Improvement ..." ISSTA '19: "Semantic Fuzzing with Zest ..." ISSTA '19: "Ukwikora: Continuous Inspection ..."
Peleg, Hila ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Peng, Chao ISSTA '19: "On the Correctness of GPU ..."
Piskachev, Goran ISSTA '19: "Codebase-Adaptive Detection ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '19: "Interactive Metamorphic Testing ..."
Pretschner, Alexander ISSTA '19: "Failure Clustering without ..."
Qian, Ju ISSTA '19: "Detecting Memory Errors at ..."
Qin, Xue ISSTA '19: "TestMig: Migrating GUI Test ..."
Ramalingam, G. ISSTA '19: "From Typestate Verification ..."
Reif, Michael ISSTA '19: "Judge: Identifying, Understanding, ..."
Román-Díez, Guillermo ISSTA '19: "SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier ..."
Roy, Subhajit ISSTA '19: "Deferred Concretization in ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ISSTA '19: "Crash-Avoiding Program Repair ..."
Rubio, Albert ISSTA '19: "SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier ..."
Rwemalika, Renaud ISSTA '19: "Ukwikora: Continuous Inspection ..."
Ryu, Sukyoung ISSTA '19: "Adlib: Analyzer for Mobile ..."
Santhiar, Anirudh ISSTA '19: "Root Causing Flaky Tests in ..."
Sarro, Federica ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."
Saxena, Prateek ISSTA '19: "Exploiting the Laws of Order ..."
Schwahn, Oliver ISSTA '19: "Assessing the State and Improving ..."
See, Simon ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Sen, Koushik ISSTA '19: "Semantic Fuzzing with Zest ..." ISSTA '19: "JQF: Coverage-Guided Property-Based ..."
Sergey, Ilya ISSTA '19: "Exploiting the Laws of Order ..."
Sharma, Aman ISSTA '19: "QADroid: Regression Event ..."
Shi, August ISSTA '19: "Mitigating the Effects of ..."
Stuckey, Peter J. ISSTA '19: "Optimal Context-Sensitive ..."
Sun, Jiaguang ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..." ISSTA '19: "VFQL: Combinational Static ..."
Suri, Neeraj ISSTA '19: "Assessing the State and Improving ..."
Tang, Wensheng ISSTA '19: "Identifying Error Code Misuses ..."
Thummalapenta, Suresh ISSTA '19: "Root Causing Flaky Tests in ..."
Tolksdorf, Sandro ISSTA '19: "Interactive Metamorphic Testing ..."
Van Deursen, Arie ISSTA '19: "Effective and Efficient API ..."
Wang, Cong ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Wang, Xiaoyin ISSTA '19: "TestMig: Migrating GUI Test ..."
Wang, Yuexing ISSTA '19: "VFQL: Combinational Static ..." ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Wei, Zhibin ISSTA '19: "CoCoTest: Collaborative Crowdsourced ..."
White, Thomas D. ISSTA '19: "Improving Random GUI Testing ..."
Winter, Stefan ISSTA '19: "Assessing the State and Improving ..."
Wu, Jiecheng ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Wüstholz, Valentin ISSTA '19: "Differentially Testing Soundness ..."
Xie, Xiaofei ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Xin, Qi ISSTA '19: "Automated API-Usage Update ..."
Xing, Zhenchang ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Xue, Jingling ISSTA '19: "Detecting Memory Errors at ..."
Xue, Minhui ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Yahav, Eran ISSTA '19: "From Typestate Verification ..."
Yan, Jiwei ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Yan, Jun ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Yan, Junqi ISSTA '19: "Detecting Memory Errors at ..."
Yang, Zijiang ISSTA '19: "Sara: Self-Replay Augmented ..."
Yin, Jianxiong ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Yin, Weiliang ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '19: "Learning User Interface Element ..."
Zhang, Huafeng ISSTA '19: "Go-Clone: Graph-Embedding ..."
Zhang, Jian ISSTA '19: "Androlic: An Extensible Flow, ..."
Zhang, Jiexin ISSTA '19: "LibID: Reliable Identification ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '19: "DeepFL: Integrating Multiple ..." ISSTA '19: "Practical Program Repair via ..." ISSTA '19: "History-Driven Build Failure ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '19: "History-Driven Build Failure ..."
Zhang, Xiaofang ISSTA '19: "CTRAS: A Tool for Aggregating ..."
Zhang, Yuqun ISSTA '19: "DeepFL: Integrating Multiple ..."
Zhang, Ziyi ISSTA '19: "A Large-Scale Study of Application ..."
Zhao, Jianjun ISSTA '19: "DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided ..."
Zhong, Hao ISSTA '19: "TestMig: Migrating GUI Test ..."
Zhou, Min ISSTA '19: "VFQL: Combinational Static ..." ISSTA '19: "VBSAC: A Value-Based Static ..."
Zorin, Ilya ISSTA '19: "Some Challenges for Software ..."

205 authors

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