ISSTA 2018
27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2018)
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27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2018), July 16–21, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands

ISSTA 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Afzal, Wasif ISSTA '18: "Automated Test Mapping and ..."
Ahuja, Manish ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Almasi, M. Moein ISSTA '18: "Search-Based Detection of ..."
Barr, Earl T. ISSTA '18: "Making Data-Driven Porting ..."
Behrang, Farnaz ISSTA '18: "Test Migration for Efficient ..."
Benefelds, Janis ISSTA '18: "Search-Based Detection of ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ISSTA '18: "CiD: Automating the Detection ..." ISSTA '18: "Bench4BL: Reproducibility ..."
Bläser, Luc ISSTA '18: "Practical Detection of Concurrency ..."
Blasi, Arianna ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Bose, R. P. Jagadeesh Chandra ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Brennan, Tegan ISSTA '18: "Symbolic Path Cost Analysis ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '18: "Test Case Prioritization for ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '18: "Symbolic Path Cost Analysis ..."
Castellanos, Sergio Delgado ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Celik, Ahmet ISSTA '18: "piCoq: Parallel Regression ..."
Chen, Xiangqun ISSTA '18: "Shaping Program Repair Space ..."
Chen, Yifan ISSTA '18: "An Empirical Study on TensorFlow ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ISSTA '18: "An Empirical Study on TensorFlow ..."
Clark, David ISSTA '18: "OASIs: Oracle Assessment and ..."
Cummins, Chris ISSTA '18: "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo ISSTA '18: "Automatically Translating ..."
Dang, Tommy ISSTA '18: "MalViz: An Interactive Visualization ..."
Dort, Vlastimil ISSTA '18: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Drosos, Ian ISSTA '18: "Comparing Developer-Provided ..."
Dubash, Neville ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Dwarakanath, Anurag ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..." ISSTA '18: "Comparing Developer-Provided ..." ISSTA '18: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Fazzini, Mattia ISSTA '18: "Automatically Translating ..."
Fiedor, Jan ISSTA '18: "Advances in the ANaConDA Framework ..."
Fourtounis, George ISSTA '18: "Shooting from the Heap: Ultra-Scalable ..." ISSTA '18: "Static Analysis of Java Dynamic ..."
Francalanza, Adrian ISSTA '18: "Shooting from the Heap: Ultra-Scalable ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '18: "Search-Based Detection of ..."
Gao, Jian ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Gao, Qing ISSTA '18: "Shaping Program Repair Space ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '18: "piCoq: Parallel Regression ..."
Goffi, Alberto ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Grech, Neville ISSTA '18: "Shooting from the Heap: Ultra-Scalable ..."
Gu, Ming ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Guo, Hui ISSTA '18: "Exploiting Community Structure ..."
Guo, Shengjian ISSTA '18: "Eliminating Timing Side-Channel ..."
Gyori, Alex ISSTA '18: "Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ISSTA '18: "Remove RATs from Your Code: ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '18: "OASIs: Oracle Assessment and ..."
Hemmati, Hadi ISSTA '18: "Search-Based Detection of ..."
Hosek, Petr ISSTA '18: "Making Data-Driven Porting ..."
Jahangirova, Gunel ISSTA '18: "OASIs: Oracle Assessment and ..."
Jiang, Jiajun ISSTA '18: "Shaping Program Repair Space ..."
Jiang, Yu ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Jung, Woosung ISSTA '18: "Bench4BL: Reproducibility ..."
Just, René ISSTA '18: "Comparing Developer-Provided ..."
Kastrinis, George ISSTA '18: "Static Analysis of Java Dynamic ..."
Kellogg, Martin ISSTA '18: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Kersten, Rody ISSTA '18: "Badger: Complexity Analysis ..."
Khazem, Kareem ISSTA '18: "Making Data-Driven Porting ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ISSTA '18: "Test Input Generation with ..."
Kim, Dongsun ISSTA '18: "Bench4BL: Reproducibility ..."
Klein, Jacques ISSTA '18: "CiD: Automating the Detection ..."
Křikava, Filip ISSTA '18: "Tests from Traces: Automated ..."
Kuznetsov, Konstantin ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. ISSTA '18: "Deep Specification Mining ..."
Leather, Hugh ISSTA '18: "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep ..."
Lee, Jaekwon ISSTA '18: "Bench4BL: Reproducibility ..."
Lemieux, Caroline ISSTA '18: "PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating ..."
Le Traon, Yves ISSTA '18: "Bench4BL: Reproducibility ..."
Lhoták, Ondřej ISSTA '18: "Safe and Sound Program Analysis ..."
Li, Ding ISSTA '18: "Remove RATs from Your Code: ..."
Li, Li ISSTA '18: "CiD: Automating the Detection ..."
Li, Yaqi ISSTA '18: "LAND: A User-Friendly and ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ISSTA '18: "Mutode: Generic JavaScript ..."
Liu, Han ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Lo, David ISSTA '18: "Deep Specification Mining ..."
Lyu, Yingjun ISSTA '18: "Remove RATs from Your Code: ..."
Madsen, Magnus ISSTA '18: "Safe and Sound Program Analysis ..."
Mahmood, Suleman ISSTA '18: "Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '18: "Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction ..."
McMinn, Phil ISSTA '18: "Search-Based Detection of ..."
Millstein, Suzanne ISSTA '18: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Murray, Alastair ISSTA '18: "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep ..."
Muske, Tukaram ISSTA '18: "Repositioning of Static Analysis ..."
Mužikovská, Monika ISSTA '18: "Advances in the ANaConDA Framework ..."
Namin, Akbar Siami ISSTA '18: "MalViz: An Interactive Visualization ..."
Nejati, Shiva ISSTA '18: "Test Case Prioritization for ..."
Nguyen, Vinh The ISSTA '18: "MalViz: An Interactive Visualization ..."
Noller, Yannic ISSTA '18: "Badger: Complexity Analysis ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '18: "Automatically Translating ..." ISSTA '18: "Test Migration for Efficient ..."
Ostrand, Thomas J. ISSTA '18: "Automated Test Mapping and ..."
Padhye, Rohan ISSTA '18: "PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating ..."
Palmskog, Karl ISSTA '18: "piCoq: Parallel Regression ..."
Pan, Linjie ISSTA '18: "LAND: A User-Friendly and ..."
Parnin, Chris ISSTA '18: "Comparing Developer-Provided ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. ISSTA '18: "Test Input Generation with ..." ISSTA '18: "Symbolic Path Cost Analysis ..." ISSTA '18: "Badger: Complexity Analysis ..."
Petoumenos, Pavlos ISSTA '18: "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '18: "Translating Code Comments ..."
Podder, Sanjay ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Prammer, Martin ISSTA '18: "Automatically Translating ..."
Qiu, Lina ISSTA '18: "Analyzing the Analyzers: FlowDroid/IccTA, ..."
Rao, Raghotham M. ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Rodríguez-Baquero, Diego ISSTA '18: "Mutode: Generic JavaScript ..."
Rubin, Julia ISSTA '18: "Analyzing the Analyzers: FlowDroid/IccTA, ..."
Rubio-González, Cindy ISSTA '18: "Exploiting Community Structure ..."
Sabetzadeh, Mehrdad ISSTA '18: "Test Case Prioritization for ..."
Saha, Seemanta ISSTA '18: "Symbolic Path Cost Analysis ..."
Schaumont, Patrick ISSTA '18: "Eliminating Timing Side-Channel ..."
Sen, Koushik ISSTA '18: "PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander ISSTA '18: "Repositioning of Static Analysis ..."
Shi, August ISSTA '18: "Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction ..."
Shin, Seung Yeob ISSTA '18: "Test Case Prioritization for ..."
Sikand, Samarth ISSTA '18: "Identifying Implementation ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis ISSTA '18: "Shooting from the Heap: Ultra-Scalable ..." ISSTA '18: "Static Analysis of Java Dynamic ..."
Smrčka, Aleš ISSTA '18: "Advances in the ANaConDA Framework ..."
Song, Dawn ISSTA '18: "PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating ..."
Strandberg, Per Erik ISSTA '18: "Automated Test Mapping and ..."
Sun, Wanting ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Sundmark, Daniel ISSTA '18: "Automated Test Mapping and ..."
Talluri, Rohith ISSTA '18: "Repositioning of Static Analysis ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '18: "OASIs: Oracle Assessment and ..."
Vašíček, Ondřej ISSTA '18: "Advances in the ANaConDA Framework ..."
Visser, Willem ISSTA '18: "Test Input Generation with ..."
Vitek, Jan ISSTA '18: "Tests from Traces: Automated ..."
Vojnar, Tomáš ISSTA '18: "Advances in the ANaConDA Framework ..."
Wang, Chao ISSTA '18: "Eliminating Timing Side-Channel ..."
Wang, Haoyu ISSTA '18: "CiD: Automating the Detection ..."
Wang, Yingying ISSTA '18: "Analyzing the Analyzers: FlowDroid/IccTA, ..."
Weyuker, Elaine J. ISSTA '18: "Automated Test Mapping and ..."
Wu, Meng ISSTA '18: "Eliminating Timing Side-Channel ..."
Xiong, Yingfei ISSTA '18: "An Empirical Study on TensorFlow ..." ISSTA '18: "Shaping Program Repair Space ..."
Yan, Jiwei ISSTA '18: "LAND: A User-Friendly and ..."
Yan, Jun ISSTA '18: "LAND: A User-Friendly and ..."
Yang, Xin ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Ying, Weiliang ISSTA '18: "Managing Concurrent Testing ..."
Zhang, Hongyu ISSTA '18: "Shaping Program Repair Space ..."
Zhang, Jian ISSTA '18: "LAND: A User-Friendly and ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '18: "An Empirical Study on TensorFlow ..."
Zhang, Yuhao ISSTA '18: "An Empirical Study on TensorFlow ..."
Zhao, Peiyuan ISSTA '18: "Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction ..."
Zimmer, Frank ISSTA '18: "Test Case Prioritization for ..."

146 authors

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