ISSTA 2017
26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2017)
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26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2017), July 10–14, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

ISSTA 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alameer, Abdulmajeed ISSTA '17: "XFix: An Automated Tool for ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Repair of Layout ..."
Ali, Karim ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Alim, Adil ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Ammann, Paul ISSTA '17: "Inferring Mutant Utility from ..."
Athaiya, Snigdha ISSTA '17: "Inferring Page Models for ..." ISSTA '17: "Testing and Analysis of Web ..."
Basin, David ISSTA '17: "Test Execution Checkpointing ..."
Bendík, Jaroslav ISSTA '17: "Consistency Checking in Requirements ..."
Benedikt, Michael ISSTA '17: "ArtForm: A Tool for Exploring ..."
Bessa, Iury ISSTA '17: "Verifying Digital Systems ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Bodden, Eric ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Borges Jr., Nataniel P. ISSTA '17: "Data Flow Oriented UI Testing: ..."
Braione, Pietro ISSTA '17: "Combining Symbolic Execution ..."
Brennan, Tegan ISSTA '17: "Path Cost Analysis for Side ..."
Breugel, Franck van ISSTA '17: "ArtForm: A Tool for Exploring ..."
Bryce, Renee ISSTA '17: "Caret-HM: Recording and Replaying ..."
Buchs, Tristan ISSTA '17: "Test Execution Checkpointing ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '17: "Accelerating Array Constraints ..."
Casalnuovo, Casey ISSTA '17: "GitcProc: A Tool for Processing ..."
Chaabane, Abdelberi ISSTA '17: "Semi-automated Discovery of ..."
Chaves, Lennon ISSTA '17: "Verifying Digital Systems ..."
Chen, Feng ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Chen, Mei-Hwa ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Chen, Yizhen ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Chu, Duc-Hiep ISSTA '17: "JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas ISSTA '17: "Verifying Digital Systems ..."
Daka, Ermira ISSTA '17: "Generating Unit Tests with ..."
Denaro, Giovanni ISSTA '17: "Combining Symbolic Execution ..."
Detweiler, Carrick ISSTA '17: "Phriky-Units: A Lightweight, ..." ISSTA '17: "Lightweight Detection of Physical ..."
Do, Lisa Nguyen Quang ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Dubach, Christophe ISSTA '17: "ParTeCL: Parallel Testing ..." ISSTA '17: "Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration ..."
Egele, Manuel ISSTA '17: "Semi-automated Discovery of ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ISSTA '17: "Phriky-Units: A Lightweight, ..." ISSTA '17: "Lightweight Detection of Physical ..." ISSTA '17: "Improving the Cost-Effectiveness ..."
El-Hokayem, Antoine ISSTA '17: "THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized ..." ISSTA '17: "Monitoring Decentralized Specifications ..."
Falcone, Yliès ISSTA '17: "THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized ..." ISSTA '17: "Monitoring Decentralized Specifications ..."
Fan, Xiaokang ISSTA '17: "Boosting the Precision of ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '17: "Generating Unit Tests with ..."
Gambi, Alessio ISSTA '17: "CUT: Automatic Unit Testing ..."
Glaser, Thomas ISSTA '17: "An Actionable Performance ..."
Gotlieb, Arnaud ISSTA '17: "Reinforcement Learning for ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '17: "A Suite of Tools for Making ..." ISSTA '17: "One Test to Rule Them All ..."
Guarnieri, Marco ISSTA '17: "Test Execution Checkpointing ..."
Gyori, Alex ISSTA '17: "Refining Interprocedural Change-Impact ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ISSTA '17: "XFix: An Automated Tool for ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Repair of Layout ..."
Hallé, Sylvain ISSTA '17: "SealTest: A Simple Library ..." ISSTA '17: "LabPal: Repeatable Computer ..."
Hao, Dan ISSTA '17: "Faster Mutation Analysis via ..."
Holmes, Josie ISSTA '17: "A Suite of Tools for Making ..." ISSTA '17: "One Test to Rule Them All ..."
Hotzkow, Jenny ISSTA '17: "Automatically Inferring and ..."
Jahangirova, Gunel ISSTA '17: "Oracle Problem in Software ..."
Just, René ISSTA '17: "Inferring Mutant Utility from ..."
Kanade, Aditya ISSTA '17: "Efficient Computation of Happens-Before ..."
Kapfhammer, Gregory M. ISSTA '17: "ReDeCheck: An Automatic Layout ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Layout Failure Detection ..."
Kappler, Sebastian ISSTA '17: "CUT: Automatic Unit Testing ..."
Katz, Deborah S. ISSTA '17: "Understanding Intended Behavior ..."
Kellar, Kevin ISSTA '17: "One Test to Rule Them All ..."
Khoury, Raphaël ISSTA '17: "SealTest: A Simple Library ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ISSTA '17: "Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault ..."
Kim, Dongsun ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Kirda, Engin ISSTA '17: "Semi-automated Discovery of ..."
Klein, Jacques ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Koch, William ISSTA '17: "Semi-automated Discovery of ..."
Komondoor, Raghavan ISSTA '17: "Testing and Analysis of Web ..."
Koyuncu, Anil ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Kroening, Daniel ISSTA '17: "Verifying Digital Systems ..."
Kurtz, Bob ISSTA '17: "Inferring Mutant Utility from ..."
Kwon, Yonghwi ISSTA '17: "CPR: Cross Platform Binary ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. ISSTA '17: "Refining Interprocedural Change-Impact ..."
Lampel, Johannes ISSTA '17: "CUT: Automatic Unit Testing ..."
Le, Xuan-Bach D. ISSTA '17: "JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair ..."
Le Goues, Claire ISSTA '17: "JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair ..."
Le Traon, Yves ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Li, Xia ISSTA '17: "Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault ..."
Li, Xuandong ISSTA '17: "Automatic Detection and Validation ..."
Liao, Xiangke ISSTA '17: "Boosting the Precision of ..."
Lima, Eddie ISSTA '17: "Verifying Digital Systems ..."
Liu, Daren ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Livshits, Benjamin ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Lo, David ISSTA '17: "JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair ..."
Löscher, Andreas ISSTA '17: "Targeted Property-Based Testing ..."
Mahajan, Sonal ISSTA '17: "XFix: An Automated Tool for ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Repair of Layout ..."
Maiya, Pallavi ISSTA '17: "Efficient Computation of Happens-Before ..."
Marijan, Dusica ISSTA '17: "Reinforcement Learning for ..."
Mathis, Björn ISSTA '17: "Dynamic Tainting for Automatic ..."
Mattavelli, Andrea ISSTA '17: "Accelerating Array Constraints ..." ISSTA '17: "Combining Symbolic Execution ..."
McMinn, Phil ISSTA '17: "ReDeCheck: An Automatic Layout ..." ISSTA '17: "XFix: An Automated Tool for ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Layout Failure Detection ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Repair of Layout ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '17: "ArtForm: A Tool for Exploring ..."
Monperrus, Martin ISSTA '17: "Impact of Tool Support in ..."
Mossige, Morten ISSTA '17: "Reinforcement Learning for ..."
Mostafa, Shaikh ISSTA '17: "Experience Paper: A Study ..." ISSTA '17: "PerfRanker: Prioritization ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Nurmuradov, Dmitry ISSTA '17: "Caret-HM: Recording and Replaying ..."
Oliveira, Carlos ISSTA '17: "Mapping Hardness of Automated ..."
Ore, John-Paul ISSTA '17: "Phriky-Units: A Lightweight, ..." ISSTA '17: "Lightweight Detection of Physical ..."
Partush, Nimrod ISSTA '17: "Refining Interprocedural Change-Impact ..."
Perry, David M. ISSTA '17: "Accelerating Array Constraints ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '17: "Combining Symbolic Execution ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '17: "An Actionable Performance ..."
Rajan, Ajitha ISSTA '17: "ParTeCL: Parallel Testing ..." ISSTA '17: "Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration ..."
Ray, Baishakhi ISSTA '17: "GitcProc: A Tool for Processing ..."
Reiss, Steven P. ISSTA '17: "Identifying Test-Suite-Overfitted ..."
Robertson, William ISSTA '17: "Semi-automated Discovery of ..."
Rodriguez, Rodney ISSTA '17: "Experience Paper: A Study ..."
Rojas, José Miguel ISSTA '17: "Generating Unit Tests with ..."
Rubio-González, Cindy ISSTA '17: "GitcProc: A Tool for Processing ..."
Sagonas, Konstantinos ISSTA '17: "Targeted Property-Based Testing ..."
Santolucito, Mark ISSTA '17: "Version Space Learning for ..."
Selakovic, Marija ISSTA '17: "An Actionable Performance ..."
Shi, Yangqingwei ISSTA '17: "Faster Mutation Analysis via ..."
Smith, Justin ISSTA '17: "Just-in-Time Static Analysis ..."
Sohn, Jeongju ISSTA '17: "FLUCCS: Using Code and Change ..."
Spencer, Ben ISSTA '17: "ArtForm: A Tool for Exploring ..."
Spieker, Helge ISSTA '17: "Reinforcement Learning for ..."
Suchak, Yagnik ISSTA '17: "GitcProc: A Tool for Processing ..."
Sui, Yulei ISSTA '17: "Boosting the Precision of ..."
Sun, Wei ISSTA '17: "Improving the Cost-Effectiveness ..."
Torabi Dashti, Mohammad ISSTA '17: "Test Execution Checkpointing ..."
Tsankov, Petar ISSTA '17: "Test Execution Checkpointing ..."
Visser, Willem ISSTA '17: "JFIX: Semantics-Based Repair ..."
Walsh, Thomas A. ISSTA '17: "ReDeCheck: An Automatic Layout ..." ISSTA '17: "Automated Layout Failure Detection ..."
Wang, Bo ISSTA '17: "Faster Mutation Analysis via ..."
Wang, Linzhang ISSTA '17: "Automatic Detection and Validation ..."
Wang, Weihang ISSTA '17: "CPR: Cross Platform Binary ..."
Wang, Xiaoyin ISSTA '17: "Experience Paper: A Study ..." ISSTA '17: "PerfRanker: Prioritization ..."
Wang, Yu ISSTA '17: "Automatic Detection and Validation ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '17: "PerfRanker: Prioritization ..."
Xin, Qi ISSTA '17: "Identifying Test-Suite-Overfitted ..."
Xiong, Yingfei ISSTA '17: "Faster Mutation Analysis via ..."
Xu, Dongyan ISSTA '17: "CPR: Cross Platform Binary ..."
Xu, Lisong ISSTA '17: "Improving the Cost-Effectiveness ..."
Xue, Jingling ISSTA '17: "Boosting the Precision of ..."
Yaneva, Vanya ISSTA '17: "ParTeCL: Parallel Testing ..." ISSTA '17: "Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration ..."
Ying, Ming ISSTA '17: "Effective Online Software ..."
Yoo, Shin ISSTA '17: "FLUCCS: Using Code and Change ..."
Yu, Tingting ISSTA '17: "Automatic Detection and Validation ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '17: "CUT: Automatic Unit Testing ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '17: "Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '17: "Faster Mutation Analysis via ..."
Zhang, Mengshi ISSTA '17: "Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ISSTA '17: "CPR: Cross Platform Binary ..." ISSTA '17: "Accelerating Array Constraints ..."
Zhao, Jianhua ISSTA '17: "Automatic Detection and Validation ..."
Zheng, Yunhui ISSTA '17: "CPR: Cross Platform Binary ..."

166 authors

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