ISSTA 2016
25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)
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25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 18–20, 2016, Saarbrücken, Germany

ISSTA 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adamsen, Christoffer Quist ISSTA '16: "Analyzing Test Completeness ..."
Alavi, Arash ISSTA '16: "Automatically Verifying and ..."
Alipour, Mohammad Amin ISSTA '16: "Generating Focused Random ..."
André, Pascal ISSTA '16: "COSTOTest: A Tool for Building ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ISSTA '16: "Energy-Aware Test-Suite Minimization ..."
Bardin, Sébastien ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Bashroush, Rabih ISSTA '16: "Jolinar: Analysing the Energy ..."
Behrang, Farnaz ISSTA '16: "Zero-Overhead Profiling via ..."
Berger, Christian ISSTA '16: "Unveiling Anomalies and Their ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ISSTA '16: "DroidRA: Taming Reflection ..."
B. Le, Tien-Duy ISSTA '16: "A Learning-to-Rank Based Fault ..."
Bowes, David ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '16: "Automated and Effective Testing ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Callan, Robert ISSTA '16: "Zero-Overhead Profiling via ..."
Chapman, Carl ISSTA '16: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Chen, Yu-Fang ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Cheng, Shiyang ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ISSTA '16: "CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis ..."
Christi, Arpit ISSTA '16: "Generating Focused Random ..."
Clark, David ISSTA '16: "Test Oracle Assessment and ..."
Coles, Henry ISSTA '16: "PIT: A Practical Mutation ..."
Correia, Miguel ISSTA '16: "DEKANT: A Static Analysis ..."
Craig, Andrew P. ISSTA '16: "Testing Stochastic Software ..."
Cunniffe, Nik J. ISSTA '16: "Testing Stochastic Software ..."
David, Robin ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ISSTA '16: "Automatic Test Case Generation: ..."
Ermuth, Markus ISSTA '16: "Monkey See, Monkey Do: Effective ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '16: "Automatic Generation of Oracles ..."
Eugster, Patrick ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..."
Fagerström, Mikael ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Feist, Josselin ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Ghosh, Indradeep ISSTA '16: "FSX: Fine-Grained Incremental ..."
Gilligan, Christopher A. ISSTA '16: "Testing Stochastic Software ..."
Goffi, Alberto ISSTA '16: "Automatic Generation of Oracles ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ISSTA '16: "Generating Focused Random ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ISSTA '16: "Automatic Generation of Oracles ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '16: "Generating Focused Random ..."
Grunske, Lars ISSTA '16: "A Learning-to-Rank Based Fault ..."
Guliani, Rohit ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Hall, Tracy ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..."
Hao, Dan ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '16: "Test Oracle Assessment and ..." ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..." ISSTA '16: "Threats to the Validity of ..." ISSTA '16: "Sapienz: Multi-objective Automated ..."
Henard, Christopher ISSTA '16: "PIT: A Practical Mutation ..." ISSTA '16: "Threats to the Validity of ..."
Herpel, Thomas ISSTA '16: "Unveiling Anomalies and Their ..."
Hu, Yongjian ISSTA '16: "Automatically Verifying and ..."
Islam, Syed ISSTA '16: "Jolinar: Analysing the Energy ..."
Ismail, Emre Emir ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Jabbarvand, Reyhaneh ISSTA '16: "Energy-Aware Test-Suite Minimization ..."
Jahangirova, Gunel ISSTA '16: "Test Oracle Assessment and ..."
Jan, Sadeeq ISSTA '16: "Automated and Effective Testing ..."
Jia, Yue ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..." ISSTA '16: "Threats to the Validity of ..." ISSTA '16: "Sapienz: Multi-objective Automated ..."
Kaleeswaran, Shalini ISSTA '16: "Efficient Race Detection in ..."
Kanade, Aditya ISSTA '16: "Efficient Race Detection in ..."
Klein, Jacques ISSTA '16: "DroidRA: Taming Reflection ..."
Knauss, Alessia ISSTA '16: "Unveiling Anomalies and Their ..."
Knauss, Eric ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Kochhar, Pavneet Singh ISSTA '16: "Practitioners' Expectations ..."
Larsson, Fredrik ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Laurent, Thomas ISSTA '16: "PIT: A Practical Mutation ..."
Le, Vu ISSTA '16: "Toward Understanding Compiler ..."
Le Goues, Claire ISSTA '16: "A Learning-to-Rank Based Fault ..."
Le Traon, Yves ISSTA '16: "Threats to the Validity of ..."
Li, Boyang ISSTA '16: "Documenting Database Usages ..."
Li, Li ISSTA '16: "DroidRA: Taming Reflection ..."
Li, Shanping ISSTA '16: "Practitioners' Expectations ..."
Liebel, Grischa ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Lin, Chun-Han ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ISSTA '16: "Documenting Database Usages ..."
Liu, Peng ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..." ISSTA '16: "IPA: Improving Predictive ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..."
Liu, Yepang ISSTA '16: "CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis ..."
Lo, David ISSTA '16: "Practitioners' Expectations ..." ISSTA '16: "A Learning-to-Rank Based Fault ..."
Lüttgen, Gerald ISSTA '16: "DSI: An Evidence-Based Approach ..."
Malek, Sam ISSTA '16: "Energy-Aware Test-Suite Minimization ..."
Mao, Ke ISSTA '16: "Sapienz: Multi-objective Automated ..."
Marion, Jean-Yves ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Martinez, Matias ISSTA '16: "ASTOR: A Program Repair Library ..."
Medeiros, Ibéria ISSTA '16: "DEKANT: A Static Analysis ..."
Meng, Guozhu ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..."
Meng, Xiaozhu ISSTA '16: "Binary Code Is Not Easy ..."
Mezzetti, Gianluca ISSTA '16: "Analyzing Test Completeness ..."
Miller, Barton P. ISSTA '16: "Binary Code Is Not Easy ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '16: "Analyzing Test Completeness ..."
Monperrus, Martin ISSTA '16: "ASTOR: A Program Repair Library ..."
Mottu, Jean-Marie ISSTA '16: "COSTOTest: A Tool for Building ..."
Mounier, Laurent ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Mudduluru, Rashmi ISSTA '16: "Efficient Flow Profiling for ..."
Narayanan, Annamalai ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..."
Nasre, Rupesh ISSTA '16: "EagerMerge: An Optimistic ..."
Neamtiu, Iulian ISSTA '16: "Automatically Verifying and ..."
Neves, Nuno ISSTA '16: "DEKANT: A Static Analysis ..."
Nguyen, Cu D. ISSTA '16: "Automated and Effective Testing ..."
Nordling, Karin ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Noureddine, Adel ISSTA '16: "Jolinar: Analysing the Energy ..."
Octeau, Damien ISSTA '16: "DroidRA: Taming Reflection ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ISSTA '16: "Automatic Test Case Generation: ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '16: "Zero-Overhead Profiling via ..."
Palomba, Fabio ISSTA '16: "Automatic Test Case Generation: ..."
Panichella, Annibale ISSTA '16: "Automatic Test Case Generation: ..."
Papadakis, Mike ISSTA '16: "PIT: A Practical Mutation ..." ISSTA '16: "Threats to the Validity of ..."
Parry, Matthew ISSTA '16: "Testing Stochastic Software ..."
Patrick, Matthew ISSTA '16: "Testing Stochastic Software ..."
Pelliccione, Patrizio ISSTA '16: "Verdict Machinery: On the ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '16: "Automatic Generation of Oracles ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ISSTA '16: "Documenting Database Usages ..."
Potet, Marie-Laure ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '16: "SyncProf: Detecting, Localizing, ..." ISSTA '16: "Monkey See, Monkey Do: Effective ..."
Prasad, Mukul R. ISSTA '16: "FSX: Fine-Grained Incremental ..."
Prvulovic, Milos ISSTA '16: "Zero-Overhead Profiling via ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna ISSTA '16: "Efficient Flow Profiling for ..."
Rupprecht, Thomas ISSTA '16: "DSI: An Evidence-Based Approach ..."
Sadeghi, Alireza ISSTA '16: "Energy-Aware Test-Suite Minimization ..."
Samrit, Sudhir ISSTA '16: "EagerMerge: An Optimistic ..."
Santhiar, Anirudh ISSTA '16: "Efficient Race Detection in ..."
Sarro, Federica ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..."
Schroeder, Jan ISSTA '16: "Unveiling Anomalies and Their ..."
Shueh, Ching-Yuan ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Staron, Miroslaw ISSTA '16: "Unveiling Anomalies and Their ..."
Stolee, Kathryn T. ISSTA '16: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Su, Zhendong ISSTA '16: "Toward Understanding Compiler ..."
Sun, Chengnian ISSTA '16: "Toward Understanding Compiler ..."
Sunyé, Gerson ISSTA '16: "COSTOTest: A Tool for Building ..."
Ta, Thanh Dinh ISSTA '16: "Specification of Concretization ..."
Terragni, Valerio ISSTA '16: "CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis ..."
Tokumoto, Susumu ISSTA '16: "FSX: Fine-Grained Incremental ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '16: "Test Oracle Assessment and ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '16: "IPA: Improving Predictive ..."
Uehara, Tadahiro ISSTA '16: "FSX: Fine-Grained Incremental ..."
Vendome, Christopher ISSTA '16: "Documenting Database Usages ..."
Ventresque, Anthony ISSTA '16: "PIT: A Practical Mutation ..."
Wang, Bow-Yaw ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Wang, Weihang ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..."
Wang, Ziyi ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
White, David H. ISSTA '16: "DSI: An Evidence-Based Approach ..."
Wu, Fan ISSTA '16: "Mutation-Aware Fault Prediction ..."
Xia, Xin ISSTA '16: "Practitioners' Expectations ..."
Xu, Lei ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..."
Xu, Zhengzi ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..."
Xue, Yinxing ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..."
Yoshida, Hiroaki ISSTA '16: "FSX: Fine-Grained Incremental ..."
Yu, Fang ISSTA '16: "Optimal Sanitization Synthesis ..."
Yu, Tingting ISSTA '16: "SyncProf: Detecting, Localizing, ..."
Zaidman, Andy ISSTA '16: "Automatic Test Case Generation: ..."
Zajic, Alenka ISSTA '16: "Zero-Overhead Profiling via ..."
Zang, Lei ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Jie ISSTA '16: "Semantic Modelling of Android ..." ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '16: "Predictive Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Qirun ISSTA '16: "Toward Understanding Compiler ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..." ISSTA '16: "IPA: Improving Predictive ..."
Zheng, Yunhui ISSTA '16: "ARROW: Automated Repair of ..."

164 authors

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