ISSTA 2015
2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)
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2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 13–17, 2015, Baltimore, MD, USA

ISSTA 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Achour, Sara ISSTA '15: "An Analysis of Patch Plausibility ..."
Adamsen, Christoffer Quist ISSTA '15: "Systematic Execution of Android ..."
Aiken, Alex ISSTA '15: "Modelgen: Mining Explicit ..."
Ali, Shaukat ISSTA '15: "RTCM: A Natural Language Based, ..."
Anand, Saswat ISSTA '15: "Modelgen: Mining Explicit ..."
Aquino, Andrea ISSTA '15: "Scalable Program Analysis ..." ISSTA '15: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ISSTA '15: "Automated Unit Test Generation ..."
Arnold, Matthew ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Azimi, Pooria ISSTA '15: "TSTL: A Language and Tool ..."
Baldini, Ioana ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Barr, Earl T. ISSTA '15: "Automated Software Transplantation ..."
Bell, Jonathan ISSTA '15: "Dynamic Taint Tracking for ..."
Bianchi, Francesco A. ISSTA '15: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Briand, Lionel ISSTA '15: "Automatic Generation of System ..."
Brun, Yuriy ISSTA '15: "Preventing Data Errors with ..."
Burke, Edmund K. ISSTA '15: "Empirical Evaluation of Pareto ..."
Chandramohan, Mahinthan ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Chen, Hongxu ISSTA '15: "S-Looper: Automatic Summarization ..."
Chen, Manman ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..."
Chen, Meixian ISSTA '15: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Chen, Xiangqun ISSTA '15: "WuKong: A Scalable and Accurate ..."
Chiba, Shigeru ISSTA '15: "Calculation Coverage Testing ..."
Clapp, Lazaro ISSTA '15: "Modelgen: Mining Explicit ..."
Cong, Kai ISSTA '15: "Automatic Fault Injection ..."
Dahse, Johannes ISSTA '15: "Experience Report: An Empirical ..."
Demiroz, Gulsen ISSTA '15: "Cost-Aware Combinatorial Interaction ..."
Denaro, Giovanni ISSTA '15: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Dhok, Monika ISSTA '15: "Pegasus: Automatic Barrier ..."
Dimjašević, Marko ISSTA '15: "Test-Case Generation for Runtime ..."
Dolby, Julian ISSTA '15: "Scalable and Precise Taint ..."
Dong, Jin Song ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..." ISSTA '15: "Reliability Assessment for ..."
Dong, Yao ISSTA '15: "Scalable and Precise Taint ..."
Eloussi, Lamyaa ISSTA '15: "Practical Regression Test ..."
Epitropakis, Michael G. ISSTA '15: "Empirical Evaluation of Pareto ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '15: "Proactive Detection of Inadequate ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '15: "Automated Unit Test Generation ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ISSTA '15: "Enhancing Reuse of Constraint ..."
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra ISSTA '15: "Test-Case Generation for Runtime ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '15: "Practical Regression Test ..."
Goknil, Arda ISSTA '15: "Automatic Generation of System ..."
Gong, Liang ISSTA '15: "DLint: Dynamically Checking ..."
Grechanik, Mark ISSTA '15: "Automating Performance Bottleneck ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '15: "TSTL: A Language and Tool ..."
Gui, Lin ISSTA '15: "Reliability Assessment for ..."
Gunawi, Haryadi S. ISSTA '15: "SAMC: A Fast Model Checker ..."
Guo, Yao ISSTA '15: "WuKong: A Scalable and Accurate ..."
Gyori, Alex ISSTA '15: "Reliable Testing: Detecting ..."
Hariri, Farah ISSTA '15: "Reliable Testing: Detecting ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '15: "Empirical Evaluation of Pareto ..." ISSTA '15: "Automated Software Transplantation ..."
Hay, Roee ISSTA '15: "Dynamic Detection of Inter-application ..."
Holz, Thorsten ISSTA '15: "Experience Report: An Empirical ..."
Honiden, Shinichi ISSTA '15: "Feedback-Controlled Random ..."
Hothersall-Thomas, Charlie ISSTA '15: "BrowserAudit: Automated Testing ..."
Hozumi, Shumpei ISSTA '15: "Calculation Coverage Testing ..."
Huang, Wei ISSTA '15: "Scalable and Precise Taint ..."
Iqbal, Zohaib ISSTA '15: "Automatic Generation of System ..."
Ishikawa, Fuyuki ISSTA '15: "Feedback-Controlled Random ..."
Jia, Xiangyang ISSTA '15: "Enhancing Reuse of Constraint ..."
Jia, Yue ISSTA '15: "Automated Software Transplantation ..."
Kaiser, Gail ISSTA '15: "Dynamic Taint Tracking for ..."
Khoshnood, Sepideh ISSTA '15: "ConcBugAssist: Constraint ..."
Kusano, Markus ISSTA '15: "ConcBugAssist: Constraint ..."
Le, Vu ISSTA '15: "Randomized Stress-Testing ..."
Le, Wei ISSTA '15: "S-Looper: Automatic Summarization ..."
Leesatapornwongsa, Tanakorn ISSTA '15: "SAMC: A Fast Model Checker ..."
Lei, Li ISSTA '15: "Automatic Fault Injection ..."
Li, Xiaohong ISSTA '15: "S-Looper: Automatic Summarization ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '15: "S-Looper: Automatic Summarization ..." ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..." ISSTA '15: "Reliability Assessment for ..." ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Long, Fan ISSTA '15: "An Analysis of Patch Plausibility ..."
Long, Teng ISSTA '15: "Collaborative Testing across ..."
Luo, Qi ISSTA '15: "Automating Performance Bottleneck ..."
Ma, Ziang ISSTA '15: "WuKong: A Scalable and Accurate ..."
Maffeis, Sergio ISSTA '15: "BrowserAudit: Automated Testing ..."
Marginean, Alexandru ISSTA '15: "Automated Software Transplantation ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '15: "Practical Regression Test ..." ISSTA '15: "Reliable Testing: Detecting ..."
Meliou, Alexandra ISSTA '15: "Preventing Data Errors with ..."
Mezzetti, Gianluca ISSTA '15: "Systematic Execution of Android ..."
Milanova, Ana ISSTA '15: "Scalable and Precise Taint ..."
Mitchell, Nick ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Mittal, Pranjal ISSTA '15: "TSTL: A Language and Tool ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '15: "Systematic Execution of Android ..."
Mudduluru, Rashmi ISSTA '15: "Pegasus: Automatic Barrier ..."
Muşlu, Kıvanç ISSTA '15: "Preventing Data Errors with ..."
Narayanaswamy, Ganesh ISSTA '15: "When Truth Is Efficient: Analysing ..."
Novakovic, Chris ISSTA '15: "BrowserAudit: Automated Testing ..."
Ohmann, Peter ISSTA '15: "Making Your Crashes Work for ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '15: "Evaluating the Usefulness ..."
Parnin, Chris ISSTA '15: "Evaluating the Usefulness ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio ISSTA '15: "Automatic Generation of System ..."
Petke, Justyna ISSTA '15: "Automated Software Transplantation ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '15: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Pinto, Jervis ISSTA '15: "TSTL: A Language and Tool ..."
Pistoia, Marco ISSTA '15: "Dynamic Detection of Inter-application ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ISSTA '15: "Automating Performance Bottleneck ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '15: "DLint: Dynamically Checking ..."
Qi, Zichao ISSTA '15: "An Analysis of Patch Plausibility ..."
Rajan, V.T. ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna ISSTA '15: "Pegasus: Automatic Barrier ..."
Rinard, Martin ISSTA '15: "An Analysis of Patch Plausibility ..."
Rojas, José Miguel ISSTA '15: "Automated Unit Test Generation ..."
Rolfsnes, Thomas ISSTA '15: "Mining Change History for ..."
Sakamoto, Kazunori ISSTA '15: "Feedback-Controlled Random ..."
Sato, Yoshiki ISSTA '15: "Calculation Coverage Testing ..."
Sen, Koushik ISSTA '15: "DLint: Dynamically Checking ..."
Shen, Du ISSTA '15: "Automating Performance Bottleneck ..."
Shi, August ISSTA '15: "Reliable Testing: Detecting ..."
Sridharan, Manu ISSTA '15: "DLint: Dynamically Checking ..."
Su, Zhendong ISSTA '15: "Randomized Stress-Testing ..."
Sun, Chengnian ISSTA '15: "Randomized Stress-Testing ..."
Sun, Jun ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..." ISSTA '15: "Reliability Assessment for ..." ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Sweeney, Peter F. ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Tan, Tian Huat ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..."
Tanofsky, Philip ISSTA '15: "Experience Report: How is ..."
Tarvo, Alexander ISSTA '15: "CanaryAdvisor: A Statistical-Based ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '15: "Dynamic Detection of Inter-application ..."
Wang, Chao ISSTA '15: "ConcBugAssist: Constraint ..."
Wang, Chunhui ISSTA '15: "Automatic Generation of System ..."
Wang, Haoyu ISSTA '15: "WuKong: A Scalable and Accurate ..."
Wang, Junjie ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Wang, Qianqian ISSTA '15: "Evaluating the Usefulness ..."
Wang, Xiaoyin ISSTA '15: "Experience Report: How is ..."
Xiao, Hao ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Xie, Fei ISSTA '15: "Automatic Fault Injection ..."
Xie, Xiaofei ISSTA '15: "S-Looper: Automatic Summarization ..."
Xue, Yinxing ISSTA '15: "Optimizing Selection of Competing ..." ISSTA '15: "Detection and Classification ..."
Yang, Zhenkun ISSTA '15: "Automatic Fault Injection ..."
Yatoh, Kohsuke ISSTA '15: "Feedback-Controlled Random ..."
Ying, Shi ISSTA '15: "Enhancing Reuse of Constraint ..."
Yoo, Shin ISSTA '15: "Empirical Evaluation of Pareto ..."
Yue, Tao ISSTA '15: "RTCM: A Natural Language Based, ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '15: "Experience Report: How is ..."
Zhang, Man ISSTA '15: "RTCM: A Natural Language Based, ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '15: "Proactive Detection of Inadequate ..."

143 authors

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