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2014 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 21–25, 2014, San Jose, CA, USA

ISSTA 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Acher, Mathieu ISSTA '14: "A Variability-Based Testing ..."
Aiken, Alex ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Alférez, Mauricio ISSTA '14: "A Variability-Based Testing ..."
Alipour, Mohammad Amin ISSTA '14: "MuCheck: An Extensible Tool ..." ISSTA '14: "Using Test Case Reduction ..."
Alkhalaf, Muath ISSTA '14: "Semantic Differential Repair ..."
Allier, Simon ISSTA '14: "Tailored Source Code Transformations ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ISSTA '14: "Coverage and Fault Detection ..." ISSTA '14: "Automated Testing for SQL ..."
Appelt, Dennis ISSTA '14: "Automated Testing for SQL ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ISSTA '14: "Extending a Search-Based Test ..."
Arlt, Stephan ISSTA '14: "Reducing GUI Test Suites via ..."
Aydin, Abdulbaki ISSTA '14: "Semantic Differential Repair ..."
Balakrishnan, Gogul ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Baudry, Benoit ISSTA '14: "Tailored Source Code Transformations ..." ISSTA '14: "A Variability-Based Testing ..."
Benavides, David ISSTA '14: "A Variability-Based Testing ..."
Bishop, Judith ISSTA '14: "Constructing Coding Duels ..."
Böhme, Marcel ISSTA '14: "CoREBench: Studying Complexity ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '14: "Automated Testing for SQL ..." ISSTA '14: "Identifying Optimal Trade-Offs ..."
Bronson, Nathan ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '14: "Semantic Differential Repair ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '14: "Covrig: A Framework for the ..."
Cando, Adam ISSTA '14: "Legend: An Agile DSL Toolset ..."
Chandra, Satish ISSTA '14: "Robust Test Automation using ..."
Chen, Meixian ISSTA '14: "Reusing Constraint Proofs ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ISSTA '14: "Virtual DOM Coverage for Effective ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ISSTA '14: "CrashLocator: Locating Crashing ..."
Chhetri, Deepak ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Clause, James ISSTA '14: "Lightweight Automated Detection ..." ISSTA '14: "Integrated Energy-Directed ..."
Cotroneo, Domenico ISSTA '14: "An Empirical Study of Injected ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ISSTA '14: "Constructing Coding Duels ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '14: "Defects4J: A Database of Existing ..." ISSTA '14: "A Format String Checker for ..." ISSTA '14: "A Type System for Format Strings ..." ISSTA '14: "Efficient Mutation Analysis ..." ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Fedyukovich, Grigory ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Ferrara, Pietro ISSTA '14: "Hybrid Security Analysis of ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '14: "Extending a Search-Based Test ..." ISSTA '14: "Efficient Mutation Analysis ..."
Galeotti, Juan Pablo ISSTA '14: "Extending a Search-Based Test ..."
Galindo, José A. ISSTA '14: "A Variability-Based Testing ..."
Gao, Zebao ISSTA '14: "Virtual DOM Coverage for Effective ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ISSTA '14: "MuCheck: An Extensible Tool ..."
Gotlieb, Arnaud ISSTA '14: "FLOWER: Optimal Test Suite ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '14: "MuCheck: An Extensible Tool ..." ISSTA '14: "Using Test Case Reduction ..."
Gross, Thomas R. ISSTA '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Gueta, Guy Golan ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Gupta, Aarti ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ISSTA '14: "Integrated Energy-Directed ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '14: "Coverage and Fault Detection ..."
Henderson, Andrew ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Hosek, Petr ISSTA '14: "Covrig: A Framework for the ..."
Hu, Xunchao ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Huggler, Markus ISSTA '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Hyvärinen, Antti E. J. ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Ivančić, Franjo ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Jalali, Darioush ISSTA '14: "Defects4J: A Database of Existing ..." ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ISSTA '14: "Scalable Detection of Missed ..."
Jin, Yuchen ISSTA '14: "Integrated Energy-Directed ..."
Just, René ISSTA '14: "The Major Mutation Framework: ..." ISSTA '14: "Defects4J: A Database of Existing ..." ISSTA '14: "Efficient Mutation Analysis ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng ISSTA '14: "Scalable Detection of Missed ..." ISSTA '14: "Efficient Predicated Bug Signature ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ISSTA '14: "Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant ..."
Kim, Gene ISSTA '14: "A Format String Checker for ..." ISSTA '14: "A Type System for Format Strings ..."
Kim, Sunghun ISSTA '14: "CrashLocator: Locating Crashing ..."
King, Tariq M. ISSTA '14: "Legend: An Agile DSL Toolset ..."
Ko, In-Young ISSTA '14: "Dodona: Automated Oracle Data ..."
Kulkarni, Sandeep S. ISSTA '14: "Automatic Repair for Multi-threaded ..."
Lam, Wing ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Lanzaro, Anna ISSTA '14: "An Empirical Study of Injected ..."
Le, Duc ISSTA '14: "MuCheck: An Extensible Tool ..."
Li, Ding ISSTA '14: "Integrated Energy-Directed ..."
Lin, Yiyan ISSTA '14: "Automatic Repair for Multi-threaded ..."
Loyola, Pablo ISSTA '14: "Dodona: Automated Oracle Data ..."
Mack, Cody ISSTA '14: "Legend: An Agile DSL Toolset ..."
Maeda, Naoto ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Mariani, Leonardo ISSTA '14: "Link: Exploiting the Web of ..." ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Marijan, Dusica ISSTA '14: "FLOWER: Optimal Test Suite ..."
Marinescu, Paul ISSTA '14: "Covrig: A Framework for the ..."
Mesbah, Ali ISSTA '14: "DOM-Based Test Adequacy Criteria ..."
Milea, Narcisa Andreea ISSTA '14: "Scalable Detection of Missed ..."
Mirshokraie, Shabnam ISSTA '14: "Effective Test Generation ..."
Mirzaaghaei, Mehdi ISSTA '14: "DOM-Based Test Adequacy Criteria ..."
Monperrus, Martin ISSTA '14: "Tailored Source Code Transformations ..."
Muhammad, Ali ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Muşlu, Kıvanç ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Natella, Roberto ISSTA '14: "An Empirical Study of Injected ..."
Nejati, Shiva ISSTA '14: "Identifying Optimal Trade-Offs ..."
Nguyen, Cu Duy ISSTA '14: "Automated Testing for SQL ..."
Nistor, Adrian ISSTA '14: "SunCat: Helping Developers ..."
Notkin, David ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Nunez, Gabriel ISSTA '14: "Legend: An Agile DSL Toolset ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '14: "X-PERT: A Web Application ..." ISSTA '14: "Cross-Platform Feature Matching ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Person, Suzette ISSTA '14: "Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '14: "Link: Exploiting the Web of ..."
Pistoia, Marco ISSTA '14: "Hybrid Security Analysis of ..."
Podelski, Andreas ISSTA '14: "Reducing GUI Test Suites via ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Prakash, Aravind ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Prasad, Mukul R. ISSTA '14: "X-PERT: A Web Application ..." ISSTA '14: "Cross-Platform Feature Matching ..."
Ravindranath, Lenin ISSTA '14: "SunCat: Helping Developers ..."
Riganelli, Oliviero ISSTA '14: "Link: Exploiting the Web of ..."
Roth, Andreas ISSTA '14: "ProCrawl: Mining Test Models ..."
Rothermel, Gregg ISSTA '14: "Dodona: Automated Oracle Data ..."
Roy Choudhary, Shauvik ISSTA '14: "X-PERT: A Web Application ..." ISSTA '14: "Cross-Platform Feature Matching ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ISSTA '14: "CoREBench: Studying Complexity ..."
Rungta, Neha ISSTA '14: "Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant ..."
Sagiv, Mooly ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Sahin, Cagri ISSTA '14: "Integrated Energy-Directed ..."
Santiago, Dionny ISSTA '14: "Legend: An Agile DSL Toolset ..."
Santoro, Mauro ISSTA '14: "Link: Exploiting the Web of ..."
Schur, Matthias ISSTA '14: "ProCrawl: Mining Test Models ..."
Sehestedt, Stephan ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Shacham, Ohad ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Sharygina, Natasha ISSTA '14: "Verification-Aided Regression ..."
Sinha, Saurabh ISSTA '14: "Robust Test Automation using ..."
Srisakaokul, Siwakorn ISSTA '14: "A Format String Checker for ..." ISSTA '14: "A Type System for Format Strings ..."
Staats, Matt ISSTA '14: "Dodona: Automated Oracle Data ..."
Sun, Chengnian ISSTA '14: "Efficient Predicated Bug Signature ..."
Suri, Neeraj ISSTA '14: "An Empirical Study of Injected ..."
Thummalapenta, Suresh ISSTA '14: "Robust Test Automation using ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai ISSTA '14: "Constructing Coding Duels ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '14: "Hybrid Security Analysis of ..."
Vechev, Martin ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Wang, Chao ISSTA '14: "Runtime Prevention of Concurrency ..."
Wang, Jiteng ISSTA '14: "Canalyze: A Static Bug-Finding ..."
Wang, Xujiewen ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Wehrle, Martin ISSTA '14: "Reducing GUI Test Suites via ..."
Weitz, Konstantin ISSTA '14: "A Format String Checker for ..." ISSTA '14: "A Type System for Format Strings ..."
Winter, Stefan ISSTA '14: "An Empirical Study of Injected ..."
Wu, Rongxin ISSTA '14: "CrashLocator: Locating Crashing ..."
Wuttke, Jochen ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Xiao, Xusheng ISSTA '14: "ARC++: Effective Typestate ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '14: "Constructing Coding Duels ..."
Xu, Zhenbo ISSTA '14: "Canalyze: A Static Bug-Finding ..."
Xu, Zhongxing ISSTA '14: "Canalyze: A Static Bug-Finding ..."
Yahav, Eran ISSTA '14: "Verifying Atomicity via Data ..."
Yan, Lok Kwong ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Yandrapally, Rahulkrishna ISSTA '14: "Robust Test Automation using ..."
Yang, Guowei ISSTA '14: "Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant ..."
Yin, Heng ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '14: "ProCrawl: Mining Test Models ..."
Zhang, Benwen ISSTA '14: "Lightweight Automated Detection ..."
Zhang, Chaoqiang ISSTA '14: "Using Test Case Reduction ..."
Zhang, Hongyu ISSTA '14: "CrashLocator: Locating Crashing ..."
Zhang, Jian ISSTA '14: "Canalyze: A Static Bug-Finding ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '14: "Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '14: "Runtime Prevention of Concurrency ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '14: "Empirically Revisiting the ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ISSTA '14: "Virtual DOM Coverage for Effective ..."
Zheng, Yunhui ISSTA '14: "Virtual DOM Coverage for Effective ..."
Zhou, Rundong ISSTA '14: "Make It Work, Make It Right, ..."
Zou, Yunxiao ISSTA '14: "Virtual DOM Coverage for Effective ..."
Zuo, Zhiqiang ISSTA '14: "Efficient Statistical Debugging ..." ISSTA '14: "Efficient Predicated Bug Signature ..."

171 authors

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