ISSTA 2012
2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)
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2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 15–20, 2012, Minneapolis, MN, USA

ISSTA 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Ahn, Jaemin ISSTA '12: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Alkhalaf, Muath ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ISSTA '12: "State Aware Test Case Regeneration ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ISSTA '12: "Empirical Investigation of ..."
Balzarotti, Davide ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..."
Bodden, Eric ISSTA '12: "RefaFlex: Safer Refactorings ..."
Briand, Lionel ISSTA '12: "Empirical Investigation of ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Caballero, Juan ISSTA '12: "Undangle: Early Detection ..."
Canali, Davide ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..."
Chan, W. K. ISSTA '12: "CARISMA: a Context-sensitive ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan ISSTA '12: "Measuring Enforcement Windows ..."
Chen, Yang ISSTA '12: "Swarm Testing ..."
Choudhary, Shauvik Roy ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Christodorescu, Mihai ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..."
Cobb, Jake ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Coughlin, Devin ISSTA '12: "Measuring Enforcement Windows ..."
Csallner, Christoph ISSTA '12: "Residual Investigation: Predictive ..."
Disney, Tim ISSTA '12: "Cooperative Types for Controlling ..."
Diwan, Amer ISSTA '12: "Measuring Enforcement Windows ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ISSTA '12: "Probabilistic Symbolic Execution ..." ISSTA '12: "Compositional Load Test Generation ..."
Eide, Eric ISSTA '12: "Swarm Testing ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ISSTA '12: "Compositional Load Test Generation ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '12: "Finding Errors in Multithreaded ..."
Fazzini, Mattia ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Flanagan, Cormac ISSTA '12: "Cooperative Types for Controlling ..." ISSTA '12: "Detecting Inconsistencies ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '12: "Isolating Failure Causes through ..." ISSTA '12: "Search-Based System Testing: ..."
Freund, Stephen N. ISSTA '12: "Cooperative Types for Controlling ..."
Fry, Zachary P. ISSTA '12: "A Human Study of Patch Maintainability ..."
Geldenhuys, Jaco ISSTA '12: "Probabilistic Symbolic Execution ..."
Grieco, Gustavo ISSTA '12: "Undangle: Early Detection ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '12: "Swarm Testing ..."
Gross, Florian ISSTA '12: "Search-Based System Testing: ..."
Gross, Thomas R. ISSTA '12: "Static Detection of Brittle ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '12: "State Aware Test Case Regeneration ..."
Harrold, Mary Jean ISSTA '12: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..." ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Heiniger, Severin ISSTA '12: "Static Detection of Brittle ..."
Hong, Shin ISSTA '12: "Understanding User Understanding: ..." ISSTA '12: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Iqbal, Muhammad Zohaib ISSTA '12: "Empirical Investigation of ..."
Jensen, Simon Holm ISSTA '12: "Remedying the Eval that Men ..."
Jhi, Yoon-Chan ISSTA '12: "A First Step Towards Algorithm ..."
Jonsson, Peter A. ISSTA '12: "Remedying the Eval that Men ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ISSTA '12: "Memoized Symbolic Execution ..." ISSTA '12: "Regression Mutation Testing ..."
Kim, Mijung ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Kim, Moonzoo ISSTA '12: "Understanding User Understanding: ..." ISSTA '12: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Kirda, Engin ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..."
Kruegel, Christopher ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..." ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Kurc, Tahsin ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Landau, Bryan ISSTA '12: "A Human Study of Patch Maintainability ..."
Lanzi, Andrea ISSTA '12: "A Quantitative Study of Accuracy ..."
Li, Kaituo ISSTA '12: "Residual Investigation: Predictive ..."
Li, Zhiyuan ISSTA '12: "Multi-slicing: A Compiler-Supported ..."
Liu, Peng ISSTA '12: "A First Step Towards Algorithm ..."
Lü, Hao ISSTA '12: "Finding Errors in Multithreaded ..."
Malhotra, Kunal ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Marchetto, Alessandro ISSTA '12: "Combining Model-Based and ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '12: "Regression Mutation Testing ..."
Marron, Mark ISSTA '12: "Undangle: Early Detection ..."
Mars, Jason ISSTA '12: "THeME: A System for Testing ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '12: "Remedying the Eval that Men ..."
Nappa, Antonio ISSTA '12: "Undangle: Early Detection ..."
Navathe, Shamkant B. ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Nguyen, Cu D. ISSTA '12: "Combining Model-Based and ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '12: "Isolating Failure Causes through ..." ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..." ISSTA '12: "ViewPoints: Differential String ..."
Park, Sangmin ISSTA '12: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. ISSTA '12: "Memoized Symbolic Execution ..."
Post, Andrew ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '12: "Static Detection of Brittle ..."
Regehr, John ISSTA '12: "Swarm Testing ..."
Reichenbach, Christoph ISSTA '12: "Residual Investigation: Predictive ..."
Rößler, Jeremias ISSTA '12: "Isolating Failure Causes through ..."
Rothermel, Gregg ISSTA '12: "Understanding User Understanding: ..."
Saltz, Joel ISSTA '12: "Efficient Regression Testing ..."
Siek, Jeremy G. ISSTA '12: "Measuring Enforcement Windows ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis ISSTA '12: "Residual Investigation: Predictive ..."
Soffa, Mary Lou ISSTA '12: "THeME: A System for Testing ..."
Staats, Matt ISSTA '12: "Understanding User Understanding: ..."
Strejček, Jan ISSTA '12: "Abstracting Path Conditions ..."
Sui, Yulei ISSTA '12: "Static Memory Leak Detection ..."
Thies, Andreas ISSTA '12: "RefaFlex: Safer Refactorings ..."
Tomb, Aaron ISSTA '12: "Detecting Inconsistencies ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '12: "Combining Model-Based and ..."
Trtík, Marek ISSTA '12: "Abstracting Path Conditions ..."
Tse, T. H. ISSTA '12: "CARISMA: a Context-sensitive ..."
Visser, Willem ISSTA '12: "Probabilistic Symbolic Execution ..."
Walcott-Justice, Kristen ISSTA '12: "THeME: A System for Testing ..."
Weimer, Westley ISSTA '12: "A Human Study of Patch Maintainability ..."
Wu, Dinghao ISSTA '12: "A First Step Towards Algorithm ..."
Xu, Boni ISSTA '12: "CARISMA: a Context-sensitive ..."
Xue, Jingling ISSTA '12: "Static Memory Leak Detection ..."
Yang, Guowei ISSTA '12: "Memoized Symbolic Execution ..."
Ye, Ding ISSTA '12: "Static Memory Leak Detection ..."
Yi, Jaeheon ISSTA '12: "Cooperative Types for Controlling ..."
Yu, Hongtao ISSTA '12: "Multi-slicing: A Compiler-Supported ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '12: "Isolating Failure Causes through ..." ISSTA '12: "Search-Based System Testing: ..."
Zhai, Ke ISSTA '12: "CARISMA: a Context-sensitive ..."
Zhang, Chaoqiang ISSTA '12: "Swarm Testing ..."
Zhang, Fangfang ISSTA '12: "A First Step Towards Algorithm ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '12: "Regression Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '12: "Regression Mutation Testing ..."
Zhang, Pingyu ISSTA '12: "Compositional Load Test Generation ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '12: "Finding Errors in Multithreaded ..."
Zhu, Sencun ISSTA '12: "A First Step Towards Algorithm ..."

114 authors

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