ISSTA 2011
2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2011)
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2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2011), July 17–21, 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada

ISSTA 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Allwood, Tristan ISSTA '11: "High Coverage Testing of Haskell ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ISSTA '11: "Adaptive Random Testing: An ..."
Babić, Domagoj ISSTA '11: "Statically-Directed Dynamic ..."
Balasubramanian, Daniel ISSTA '11: "Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis ..."
Bao, Tao ISSTA '11: "Selecting Peers for Execution ..."
Berg, Ryan ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Bernat, Andrew R. ISSTA '11: "Efficient, Sensitivity Resistant ..."
Briand, Lionel ISSTA '11: "Adaptive Random Testing: An ..."
Bu, Yingyi ISSTA '11: "Combined Static and Dynamic ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '11: "Bounded Verification of Ruby ..."
Burger, Martin ISSTA '11: "Minimizing Reproduction of ..."
Burnim, Jacob ISSTA '11: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '11: "High Coverage Testing of Haskell ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ISSTA '11: "Feedback Driven Adaptive Combinatorial ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ISSTA '11: "eXpress: Guided Path Exploration ..."
DiGiuseppe, Nicholas ISSTA '11: "On the Influence of Multiple ..."
Dillon, Laura K. ISSTA '11: "Scalable Analysis of Conceptual ..."
Dolby, Julian ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Dumlu, Emine ISSTA '11: "Feedback Driven Adaptive Combinatorial ..."
Eisenbach, Susan ISSTA '11: "High Coverage Testing of Haskell ..."
Engler, Dawson ISSTA '11: "Using Automatic Persistent ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '11: "Combined Static and Dynamic ..."
Eschbach, Robert ISSTA '11: "Iterative Refinement of Specification ..."
Farchi, Eitan ISSTA '11: "Using Binary Decision Diagrams ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '11: "Generating Parameterized Unit ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '11: "CoDeSe: Fast Deserialization ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ISSTA '11: "Automatic Partial Loop Summarization ..."
Gross, Thomas R. ISSTA '11: "Detecting Anomalies in the ..."
Guarnieri, Salvatore ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Gunter, Elsa L. ISSTA '11: "Automated Framework for Formal ..."
Guo, Philip J. ISSTA '11: "Using Automatic Persistent ..."
Huang, Jeff ISSTA '11: "Persuasive Prediction of Concurrency ..."
Jagannath, Vilas ISSTA '11: "Change-Aware Preemption Prioritization ..."
Jones, James A. ISSTA '11: "On the Influence of Multiple ..."
Kakarla, Sahitya ISSTA '11: "The Use of Mutation in Testing ..."
Kamin, Sam ISSTA '11: "CoDeSe: Fast Deserialization ..."
Karsai, Gábor ISSTA '11: "Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis ..."
Le, Wei ISSTA '11: "Generating Analyses for Detecting ..."
Liblit, Ben ISSTA '11: "Defective Error/Pointer Interactions ..."
Lowry, Michael ISSTA '11: "Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis ..."
Luchaup, Daniel ISSTA '11: "Automatic Partial Loop Summarization ..."
Luo, Qingzhou ISSTA '11: "Change-Aware Preemption Prioritization ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '11: "Change-Aware Preemption Prioritization ..." ISSTA '11: "CoDeSe: Fast Deserialization ..."
Martignoni, Lorenzo ISSTA '11: "Statically-Directed Dynamic ..."
McCamant, Stephen ISSTA '11: "Statically-Directed Dynamic ..."
McGill, Matthew J. ISSTA '11: "Scalable Analysis of Conceptual ..."
Miller, Barton P. ISSTA '11: "Recovering the Toolchain Provenance ..." ISSTA '11: "Efficient, Sensitivity Resistant ..."
Namin, Akbar Siami ISSTA '11: "The Use of Mutation in Testing ..."
Nijjar, Jaideep ISSTA '11: "Bounded Verification of Ruby ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '11: "Are Automated Debugging Techniques ..."
Parnin, Chris ISSTA '11: "Are Automated Debugging Techniques ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. ISSTA '11: "Symbolic Execution with Mixed ..." ISSTA '11: "Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis ..."
Pistoia, Marco ISSTA '11: "Path- and Index-sensitive ..." ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Porter, Adam ISSTA '11: "Feedback Driven Adaptive Combinatorial ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '11: "Detecting Anomalies in the ..."
Rosenblum, Nathan ISSTA '11: "Recovering the Toolchain Provenance ..."
Roundy, Kevin ISSTA '11: "Efficient, Sensitivity Resistant ..."
Rountev, Atanas ISSTA '11: "Demand-Driven Context-Sensitive ..."
Rubio-González, Cindy ISSTA '11: "Defective Error/Pointer Interactions ..."
Rungta, Neha ISSTA '11: "Symbolic Execution with Mixed ..."
Saff, David ISSTA '11: "Combined Static and Dynamic ..."
Segall, Itai ISSTA '11: "Using Binary Decision Diagrams ..."
Sen, Koushik ISSTA '11: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Shahbaz, Muzammil ISSTA '11: "Iterative Refinement of Specification ..."
Shashidhar, K. C. ISSTA '11: "Iterative Refinement of Specification ..."
Soffa, Mary Lou ISSTA '11: "Generating Analyses for Detecting ..."
Song, Dawn ISSTA '11: "Statically-Directed Dynamic ..."
Stergiou, Christos ISSTA '11: "Testing Concurrent Programs ..."
Stirewalt, R. E. K. ISSTA '11: "Scalable Analysis of Conceptual ..."
Sumner, William N. ISSTA '11: "Selecting Peers for Execution ..."
Taneja, Kunal ISSTA '11: "eXpress: Guided Path Exploration ..."
Tateishi, Takaaki ISSTA '11: "Path- and Index-sensitive ..."
Teilhet, Stephen ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai ISSTA '11: "eXpress: Guided Path Exploration ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '11: "Path- and Index-sensitive ..." ISSTA '11: "Saving the World Wide Web ..."
Tzoref-Brill, Rachel ISSTA '11: "Using Binary Decision Diagrams ..."
Visser, Willem ISSTA '11: "Symbolic Execution with Mixed ..."
Whalen, Michael W. ISSTA '11: "Polyglot: Modeling and Analysis ..."
Xiao, Xiao ISSTA '11: "Geometric Encoding: Forging ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '11: "eXpress: Guided Path Exploration ..."
Xu, Guoqing ISSTA '11: "Demand-Driven Context-Sensitive ..."
Yan, Dacong ISSTA '11: "Demand-Driven Context-Sensitive ..."
Yasmeen, Ayesha ISSTA '11: "Automated Framework for Formal ..."
Yilmaz, Cemal ISSTA '11: "Feedback Driven Adaptive Combinatorial ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '11: "Minimizing Reproduction of ..." ISSTA '11: "Generating Parameterized Unit ..."
Zhang, Charles ISSTA '11: "Persuasive Prediction of Concurrency ..." ISSTA '11: "Geometric Encoding: Forging ..."
Zhang, Jian ISSTA '11: "Characterizing Failure-Causing ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '11: "Combined Static and Dynamic ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ISSTA '11: "Selecting Peers for Execution ..."
Zhang, Zhiqiang ISSTA '11: "Characterizing Failure-Causing ..."
Zhu, Xiaojin ISSTA '11: "Recovering the Toolchain Provenance ..."

98 authors

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