ISS 2023
Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2023)
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Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2023), November 5–8, 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

ISS 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ball, Roger ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Bhargava, Prakhar ISS Companion '23: "Safar: Heuristics for Augmented ..."
Bryan-Kinns, Nick ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Byrne, Daragh ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Chan, Daniel ISS Companion '23: "Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ..."
Chen, Zhenfang ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Chow, Sabrina ISS Companion '23: "iOS Augmented Reality Application ..."
Cogburn, Courtney D. ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Perceptions of Structural ..."
Du, Le ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Ebihara, Tadashi ISS Companion '23: "Synchronized Expressions: ..."
Ebrahimi, Arghavan (Nova) ISS Companion '23: "Empowering Online Learning: ..."
Echtler, Florian ISS Companion '23: "Demonstrating SurfaceCast: ..."
El-Zanfaly, Dina ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..." ISS Companion '23: "MindfulBloom: Spatial Finger ..."
Erem, Richard Chinedu ISS Companion '23: "Effects of Varying Avatar ..."
Grisoni, Laurent ISS Companion '23: "The Effect of Attention Saturating ..."
Gütl, Christian ISS Companion '23: "Holographic Sports Training ..."
Hansen, Nicolai Brodersen ISS Companion '23: "Demonstrating SurfaceCast: ..."
Harden, Jesse ISS Companion '23: "Exploring and Evaluating the ..." ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Haye, Lisa ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Perceptions of Structural ..."
Higuchi, Keita ISS Companion '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Hirai, Shigeyuki ISS Companion '23: "MarbLED: Embedded and Transmissive ..."
Horlyck-Romanovsky, Margrethe ISS Companion '23: "Effects of Varying Avatar ..."
Huynh, Brandon ISS Companion '23: "Augmented Reality for Exploring ..."
Igarashi, Takeo ISS Companion '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Jamalzadeh, Milad ISS Companion '23: "The Effect of Attention Saturating ..."
Johnson, Tate ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Kano, Hiroshi ISS Companion '23: "MarbLED: Embedded and Transmissive ..."
Kawabe, Wataru ISS Companion '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Kirshenbaum, Nurit ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Knowles, Andrew ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Komoda, Takayuki ISS Companion '23: "Synchronized Expressions: ..."
Krueger, Kendra ISS Companion '23: "iOS Augmented Reality Application ..."
Lake, Becky ISS Companion '23: "Holographic Sports Training ..."
Lau, Tatiana ISS Companion '23: "Augmented Reality for Exploring ..."
Leigh, Jason ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Li, Ann ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Li, Mengxing ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Human Values in ..."
Lichtman, Daniel ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Virtual Reality ..."
Liu, Sunniva ISS Companion '23: "MindfulBloom: Spatial Finger ..."
Lyu, Yanjun ISS Companion '23: "Designing for Children's ..."
Maierhöfer, Vitus ISS Companion '23: "Demonstrating SurfaceCast: ..."
Matulic, Fabrice ISS Companion '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Min, Tian ISS Companion '23: "Assisting the Multi-directional ..."
Monteiro, Cyrus ISS Companion '23: "Safar: Heuristics for Augmented ..."
Nakaue, Yoshito ISS Companion '23: "MarbLED: Embedded and Transmissive ..."
North, Chris ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Ogunwobi, Olorunseun ISS Companion '23: "Visualization of Point Mutations ..."
Oomori, Kotaro ISS Companion '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Oyekoya, Oyewole ISS Companion '23: "Visualization of Point Mutations ..." ISS Companion '23: "Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ..." ISS Companion '23: "iOS Augmented Reality Application ..." ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Perceptions of Structural ..." ISS Companion '23: "Effects of Varying Avatar ..." ISS Companion '23: "In-Place Virtual Exploration ..." ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Virtual Reality ..."
Park, Habin ISS Companion '23: "Exploring Virtual Reality ..."
Pietroszek, Krzysztof ISS Companion '23: "Holographic Sports Training ..."
Qie, Nan ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Rajasekar, Ipsita ISS Companion '23: "Safar: Heuristics for Augmented ..."
Rebelo, Francisco ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Rebol, Manuel ISS Companion '23: "Holographic Sports Training ..."
Reinisch, Michael ISS Companion '23: "Holographic Sports Training ..."
Rekik, Yosra ISS Companion '23: "The Effect of Attention Saturating ..."
Renambot, Luc ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Renouf, Anthony Anton Julian Alexander ISS Companion '23: "MindfulBloom: Spatial Finger ..."
Salih, Hisham Elser Bilal ISS Companion '23: "Synchronized Expressions: ..."
Schwarz, Jessica ISS Companion '23: "A Concept of User State Analysis ..."
Sieck, Kate A. ISS Companion '23: "Augmented Reality for Exploring ..."
Song, Fangli ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Srivastava, Anmol ISS Companion '23: "Safar: Heuristics for Augmented ..."
Sugiura, Yuta ISS Companion '23: "Assisting the Multi-directional ..."
Tabalba Jr., Roderick S. ISS Companion '23: "SAGE3 for Interactive Collaborative ..."
Tang, Hao ISS Companion '23: "In-Place Virtual Exploration ..."
Trzcinka, Filip ISS Companion '23: "Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ..."
Ura, Chihiro ISS Companion '23: "MarbLED: Embedded and Transmissive ..."
Vos, Samantha ISS Companion '23: "Visualization of Point Mutations ..."
Wakatsuki, Naoto ISS Companion '23: "Synchronized Expressions: ..."
Wang, Wei ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Wieland, Jonathan ISS Companion '23: "Designing and Evaluating Interactions ..."
Wimmer, Raphael ISS Companion '23: "Demonstrating SurfaceCast: ..."
Witte, Thomas E. F. ISS Companion '23: "A Concept of User State Analysis ..."
Xia, Chengshuo ISS Companion '23: "Assisting the Multi-directional ..."
Yang, Yijing ISS Companion '23: "Framing Seamlessness-Enhancing ..."
Yeung, Richard ISS Companion '23: "In-Place Virtual Exploration ..."
Yi, Semina ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."
Zempo, Keiichi ISS Companion '23: "Synchronized Expressions: ..."
Zhao, Eric ISS Companion '23: "MindfulBloom: Spatial Finger ..."
Zhuang, Yumeng ISS Companion '23: "Augmenting Welding Training: ..."

90 authors

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