ISS 2024
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Number ISS
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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Number ISS, October 27–30, 2024, Vancouver, BC, Canada

ISS 2024 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Albrecht, Matthias ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Aurisano, Jillian ISS '24: "The Elephant in the Room: ..."
Bain, Chris ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Balachandran, Aarav ISS '24: "A Virtual Reality Approach ..."
Batmaz, Anil Ufuk ISS '24: "Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: ..."
Benhamida, Leyla ISS '24: "Hapstick-Figure: Investigating ..."
Bihani, Dhruv ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..."
Blagojevic, Rachel ISS '24: "Passive Stylus Tracking: A ..."
Brehmer, Matthew ISS '24: "VisConductor: Affect-Varying ..."
Burnah, Tavish M. ISS '24: "Passive Stylus Tracking: A ..."
Chan, Peter ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Chen, Dazhi ISS '24: "Towards Adapting CLIP for ..."
Chen, Yiqiang ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Chiossi, Francesco ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Cunningham, Andrew ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Delamare, William ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..."
Drogemuller, Adam ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Dufresne-Camaro, Charles-Olivier ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..."
El Khaoudi, Yassmine ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Enriquez, Daniel ISS '24: "Evaluating Layout Dimensionalities ..."
Ens, Barrett ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Faleel, Shariff AM ISS '24: "Comparison of Unencumbered ..."
Femi-Gege, Temiloluwa Paul ISS '24: "VisConductor: Affect-Varying ..."
Feuchtner, Tiare ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..." ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Fink, Daniel Immanuel ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Gao, Jingyi ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..."
Gellersen, Hans ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Gou, Gang ISS '24: "Towards Adapting CLIP for ..."
Gruenefeld, Uwe ISS '24: "Magic Mirror: Designing a ..."
Gu, Ning ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Guesgen, Hans Werner ISS '24: "Passive Stylus Tracking: A ..."
Gugenheimer, Jan ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Hasan, Khalad ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..."
He, Fengming ISS '24: "AdapTUI: Adaptation of Geometric-Feature-Based ..."
He, Wei ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Heo, Seongkook ISS '24: "MoiréTag: A Low-Cost Tag ..."
Hu, Xiyun ISS '24: "AdapTUI: Adaptation of Geometric-Feature-Based ..."
Hu, Xuning ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Hui, Pan ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Igarashi, Yuki ISS '24: "Designing Privacy-Protecting ..."
Ikematsu, Kaori ISS '24: "Designing Privacy-Protecting ..."
Imtiaz, Md. Athar ISS '24: "Passive Stylus Tracking: A ..."
Irani, Pourang ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..." ISS '24: "Comparison of Unencumbered ..."
Ishida, Mizuki ISS '24: "Designing Privacy-Protecting ..."
Israel, Johann Habakuk ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Iwamoto, Takuya ISS '24: "Popping-Up Poster: A Pin-Based ..."
Jacobsen, Andreas Asferg ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Jin, Shan ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Jouffrais, Christophe ISS '24: "Audio-Vibratory You-Are-Here ..."
Keppel, Jonas ISS '24: "Magic Mirror: Designing a ..."
Khan, Talha ISS '24: "Don’t Block My Stuff: Fostering ..."
Klich, Matthew ISS '24: "The Elephant in the Room: ..."
Kosch, Thomas ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Kristensson, Per Ola ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Kwan, Pak ISS '24: "The Elephant in the Room: ..."
Larabi, Slimane ISS '24: "Hapstick-Figure: Investigating ..."
Lee, Benjamin ISS '24: "Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: ..."
Leung, Justin ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..."
Li, April ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..."
Li, Xiang ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Liang, Hai-Ning ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..." ISS '24: "Investigating Creation Perspectives ..."
Lindlbauer, David ISS '24: "Don’t Block My Stuff: Fostering ..."
Liu, Yu ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Matthews, Brandon J. ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Mayer, Sven ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Metatla, Oussama ISS '24: "Hapstick-Figure: Investigating ..."
North, Chris ISS '24: "Evaluating Layout Dimensionalities ..."
Nyakatura, John ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Okafuji, Yuki ISS '24: "Popping-Up Poster: A Pin-Based ..."
Oriola, Bernard ISS '24: "Audio-Vibratory You-Are-Here ..."
Ortega, Francisco R. ISS '24: "Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: ..."
Ou, Changkun ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Pfeuffer, Ken ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Purchase, Helen ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Qian, Xun ISS '24: "AdapTUI: Adaptation of Geometric-Feature-Based ..."
Qu, Huamin ISS '24: "Evaluating Layout Dimensionalities ..."
Rajabiyazdi, Fateme ISS '24: "The Elephant in the Room: ..."
Ramani, Karthik ISS '24: "AdapTUI: Adaptation of Geometric-Feature-Based ..."
Reinschluessel, Anke Verena ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Reiterer, Harald ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Reuter, Patrick ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Riggs, Sara L ISS '24: "MoiréTag: A Low-Cost Tag ..."
Rudolph, George L. ISS '24: "Passive Stylus Tracking: A ..."
Rufai, Kabir Ahmed ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Sargsyan, Elen ISS '24: "Audio-Vibratory You-Are-Here ..."
Schmidt, Timo Torsten ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Schneegass, Stefan ISS '24: "Magic Mirror: Designing a ..."
Serrano, Marcos ISS '24: "Audio-Vibratory You-Are-Here ..."
Shi, Rongkai ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Sidenmark, Ludwig ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Sinaei Hamed, Mahsa ISS '24: "The Elephant in the Room: ..."
Siqueira Rodrigues, Lucas ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Skowronski, Moritz ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Smiley, Jim ISS '24: "3D Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis ..."
Sodhi, Rajveer ISS '24: "Comparison of Unencumbered ..."
Srivastava, Anmol ISS '24: "A Virtual Reality Approach ..."
Strauss, Marvin ISS '24: "Magic Mirror: Designing a ..."
Strömel, Konstantin R. ISS '24: "Zooming In: A Review of Designing ..."
Tanaka, Kojiro ISS '24: "Popping-Up Poster: A Pin-Based ..."
Thomas, Bruce H. ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Tong, Wai ISS '24: "Evaluating Layout Dimensionalities ..."
Ullah, A. K. M. Amanat ISS '24: "Exploring Pointer Enhancement ..."
Usuba, Hiroki ISS '24: "0.2-mm-Step Verification of ..."
Vohra, Prajna ISS '24: "A Virtual Reality Approach ..."
Wagner, Uta ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Wang, Haopeng ISS '24: "Gaze, Wall, and Racket: Combining ..."
Wang, Xiaoyu ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Wei, Yushi ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Woźniak, Paweł W. ISS '24: "Zooming In: A Review of Designing ..."
Wu, Liwei ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..."
Wysokińska, Aleksandra ISS '24: "Zooming In: A Review of Designing ..."
Yamanaka, Shota ISS '24: "0.2-mm-Step Verification of ..."
Yang, Yalong ISS '24: "Evaluating Layout Dimensionalities ..." ISS '24: "Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: ..."
Ying, Wen ISS '24: "MoiréTag: A Low-Cost Tag ..."
Yu, Chun ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Yu, Lingyun ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Yu, Rongrong ISS '24: "Hey Building! Novel Interfaces ..."
Yue, Yong ISS '24: "Experimental Analysis of Freehand ..."
Zachow, Stefan ISS '24: "Assessing the Effects of Sensory ..."
Zagermann, Johannes ISS '24: "There Is More to Avatars Than ..."
Zaky, Abdelrahman ISS '24: "Evaluating Typing Performance ..."
Zeng, Xin ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Zhang, Peiyu ISS '24: "MoiréTag: A Low-Cost Tag ..."
Zhang, Tengxiang ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Zhang, Yilin ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..."
Zhao, Jian ISS '24: "Planar or Spatial: Exploring ..." ISS '24: "VisConductor: Affect-Varying ..."
Zhao, Shengdong ISS '24: "GestureGPT: Toward Zero-Shot ..."
Zhou, Xiaoyan ISS '24: "Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: ..."
Zhu, Zhengzhe ISS '24: "AdapTUI: Adaptation of Geometric-Feature-Based ..."

134 authors

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