ISS 2023
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Number ISS
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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Number ISS, November 5–8, 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

ISS 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Akbar, Ahsan Jamal ISS '23: "Cross-Domain Gesture Sequence ..."
Anthes, Christoph ISS '23: "Aircraft Cockpit Interaction ..."
Auer, Stefan ISS '23: "Aircraft Cockpit Interaction ..."
Bhatnagar, Tigmanshu ISS '23: "Analysis of Product Architectures ..."
Butz, Andreas Martin ISS '23: "SeatmateVR: Proxemic Cues ..."
Chen, Niu ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Cho, Hyunsung ISS '23: "BlendMR: A Computational Method ..."
Cordts, Maurice ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Duan, Yongjie ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."
Echtler, Florian ISS '23: "SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device ..."
Ens, Barrett ISS '23: "Embodied Provenance for Immersive ..."
Evangelista Belo, João Marcelo ISS '23: "CADTrack: Instructions and ..."
Feng, Jianjiang ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."
Feng, Li ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Feuchtner, Tiare ISS '23: "CADTrack: Instructions and ..."
Fujita, Kazuyuki ISS '23: "UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch ..."
Funazaki, Yukina ISS '23: "Evaluating the Applicability ..."
Gomi, Ryota ISS '23: "UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch ..."
Goodwin, Sarah ISS '23: "Embodied Provenance for Immersive ..."
Grant, Alana ISS '23: "Hum-ble Beginnings: Developing ..."
Grønbæk, Jens Emil Sloth ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Grønbæk, Kaj ISS '23: "CADTrack: Instructions and ..."
Grymer, Nicolai ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Gugenheimer, Jan ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Han, Violet Yinuo ISS '23: "BlendMR: A Computational Method ..."
Hansen, Nicolai Brodersen ISS '23: "SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device ..."
Harrison, Chris ISS '23: "WorldPoint: Finger Pointing ..."
He, Ke ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."
Herman, Laura Mariah ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Higgins, Albert ISS '23: "Analysis of Product Architectures ..."
Higuchi, Keita ISS '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Hirskyj-Douglas, Ilyena ISS '23: "Hum-ble Beginnings: Developing ..."
Hohn, Jessica ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Holloway, Catherine ISS '23: "Analysis of Product Architectures ..."
Houben, Steven ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Igarashi, Takeo ISS '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Ion, Alexandra ISS '23: "BlendMR: A Computational Method ..."
Jetter, Hans-Christian ISS '23: "Aircraft Cockpit Interaction ..."
Jiang, Peiling ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Kankaanpää, Vilma ISS '23: "Hum-ble Beginnings: Developing ..."
Kawabe, Wataru ISS '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Kim, Daehwa ISS '23: "WorldPoint: Finger Pointing ..."
Kitamura, Yoshifumi ISS '23: "UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch ..."
Lank, Edward ISS '23: "Interactions across Displays ..."
Li, Jingyi ISS '23: "SeatmateVR: Proxemic Cues ..."
Lindlbauer, David ISS '23: "BlendMR: A Computational Method ..."
Liu, Can ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Liu, Qing ISS '23: "Interactions across Displays ..."
Lu, Jiwen ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."
Lunding, Mille Skovhus ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Maeda, Kiyosu ISS '23: "BlendMR: A Computational Method ..."
Maierhöfer, Vitus ISS '23: "SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device ..."
Marquardt, Nicolai ISS '23: "Analysis of Product Architectures ..."
Matulic, Fabrice ISS '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Mayer, Sven ISS '23: "SeatmateVR: Proxemic Cues ..."
Min, Tian ISS '23: "Seeing the Wind: An Interactive ..."
Miodownik, Mark ISS '23: "Analysis of Product Architectures ..."
Mollyn, Vimal ISS '23: "WorldPoint: Finger Pointing ..."
Nakamura, Satoshi ISS '23: "Evaluating the Applicability ..."
Nguyen, Cuong ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Onishi, Yuki ISS '23: "UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch ..."
Oomori, Kotaro ISS '23: "Interactive 3D Annotation ..."
Park, Hyerim ISS '23: "SeatmateVR: Proxemic Cues ..."
Petersen, Marianne Graves ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Reiterer, Harald ISS '23: "Aircraft Cockpit Interaction ..."
Rukzio, Enrico ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Sarkar, Parakrant ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Sato, Junichi ISS '23: "Clarifying the Effect of Edge ..."
Satriadi, Kadek Ananta ISS '23: "Embodied Provenance for Immersive ..."
Schikorr, Anja ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Seto, Noboru ISS '23: "Evaluating the Applicability ..."
Sheng, Zhiyao ISS '23: "Cross-Domain Gesture Sequence ..."
Sin, Frances Jihae ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Song, Ivan ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Stemasov, Evgeny ISS '23: "BrickStARt: Enabling In-situ ..."
Sugiura, Yuta ISS '23: "Seeing the Wind: An Interactive ..."
Sun, Fuling ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Takaku, Takumi ISS '23: "Evaluating the Applicability ..."
Takashima, Kazuki ISS '23: "UbiSurface: A Robotic Touch ..."
Usuba, Hiroki ISS '23: "Clarifying the Effect of Edge ..."
Wang, Dong ISS '23: "Cross-Domain Gesture Sequence ..."
Wells, Thomas ISS '23: "Reality and Beyond: Proxemics ..."
Welsch, Robin ISS '23: "SeatmateVR: Proxemic Cues ..."
Wimmer, Raphael ISS '23: "SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device ..."
Wissing, Jon ISS '23: "CADTrack: Instructions and ..."
Wu, Liwei ISS '23: "Interactions across Displays ..."
Xia, Chengshuo ISS '23: "Seeing the Wind: An Interactive ..."
Xia, Haijun ISS '23: "1D-Touch: NLP-Assisted Coarse ..."
Yamamoto, Takumi ISS '23: "Seeing the Wind: An Interactive ..."
Yamanaka, Shota ISS '23: "Evaluating the Applicability ..." ISS '23: "Clarifying the Effect of Edge ..."
Yang, Ying ISS '23: "Embodied Provenance for Immersive ..."
Yoon, Dongwook ISS '23: "Using Online Videos as the ..."
Yu, Jinyang ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."
Zhang, Qian ISS '23: "Cross-Domain Gesture Sequence ..."
Zhang, Xinyong ISS '23: "Understanding the Effects ..."
Zhang, Yidan ISS '23: "Embodied Provenance for Immersive ..."
Zhao, Jian ISS '23: "Interactions across Displays ..."
Zhou, Jie ISS '23: "3D Finger Rotation Estimation ..."

99 authors

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