ISS 2022
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 6, Number ISS
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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 6, Number ISS, November 20–23, 2022, Wellington, New Zealand

ISS 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abu Hantash, Nour ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Alexander, Jason ISS '22: "Investigating Pointing Performance ..."
Aliar, Kazeera ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Alkayyali, Amani ISS '22: "UbiChromics: Enabling Ubiquitously ..."
Anderson, Fraser ISS '22: "VideoPoseVR: Authoring Virtual ..."
Andric, Veronica ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Appert, Caroline ISS '22: "Investigating the Use of AR ..."
Arif, Ahmed Sabbir ISS '22: "Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: ..." ISS '22: "Design and Evaluation of a ..." ISS '22: "TiltWalker: Operating a Telepresence ..."
Augstein, Mirjam ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Bakogeorge, Alexander ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Billinghurst, Mark ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Brasier, Eugenie ISS '22: "Investigating the Use of AR ..."
Campos, Cuauhtli ISS '22: "Dynamic Pinhole Paper: Interacting ..." ISS '22: "LightMeUp: Back-print Illumination ..."
Cassinelli, Alvaro ISS '22: "AngleCAD: Surface-Based 3D ..."
Cheng, Yi Fei ISS '22: "XSpace: An Augmented Reality ..."
Choe, Eun Kyoung ISS '22: "NoteWordy: Investigating Touch ..."
Čopič Pucihar, Klen ISS '22: "A Survey of Augmented Piano ..." ISS '22: "Dynamic Pinhole Paper: Interacting ..." ISS '22: "LightMeUp: Back-print Illumination ..."
Cordeil, Maxime ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Dai, Chenyue ISS '22: "AngleCAD: Surface-Based 3D ..."
Deja, Jordan Aiko ISS '22: "A Survey of Augmented Piano ..."
Di Gioia, Francesco Riccardo ISS '22: "Investigating the Use of AR ..."
Dube, Tafadzwa Joseph ISS '22: "Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: ..."
Dubois, Emmanuel ISS '22: "Visual Transitions around ..."
Dwyer, Tim ISS '22: "Effects of Display Layout ..." ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Ens, Barrett ISS '22: "Effects of Display Layout ..."
Everitt, Aluna ISS '22: "Investigating Pointing Performance ..."
Fan, Neil Xu ISS '22: "Reducing the Latency of Touch ..."
Feger, Sebastian S. ISS '22: "SaferHome: Interactive Physical ..." ISS '22: "ElectronicsAR: Design and ..."
Fink, Daniel Immanuel ISS '22: "Re-locations: Augmenting Personal ..."
Fitzmaurice, George ISS '22: "VideoPoseVR: Authoring Virtual ..."
Fraser, Mike ISS '22: "Investigating Pointing Performance ..."
Fujita, Kazuyuki ISS '22: "HandyGaze: A Gaze Tracking ..." ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Guo, Anhong ISS '22: "XSpace: An Augmented Reality ..."
Hartcher-O'Brien, Jess ISS '22: "Extended Mid-air Ultrasound ..."
Herskovitz, Jaylin ISS '22: "UbiChromics: Enabling Ubiquitously ..." ISS '22: "XSpace: An Augmented Reality ..."
Hiesinger, Alexander ISS '22: "SaferHome: Interactive Physical ..."
Hornbæk, Kasper ISS '22: "Investigating Pointing Performance ..."
Ikematsu, Kaori ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Imtiaz, Syeda Aniqa ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Iravantchi, Yasha ISS '22: "UbiChromics: Enabling Ubiquitously ..."
Jetter, Hans-Christian ISS '22: "Re-locations: Augmenting Personal ..."
Jouffrais, Christophe ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..."
Katsuragawa, Keiko ISS '22: "Conductor: Intersection-Based ..."
Kim, Young-Ho ISS '22: "NoteWordy: Investigating Touch ..."
Kitamura, Yoshifumi ISS '22: "HandyGaze: A Gaze Tracking ..." ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Kljun, Matjaž ISS '22: "A Survey of Augmented Piano ..." ISS '22: "Dynamic Pinhole Paper: Interacting ..." ISS '22: "LightMeUp: Back-print Illumination ..."
Kosch, Thomas ISS '22: "ElectronicsAR: Design and ..."
Lank, Edward ISS '22: "Leveraging Smartwatch and ..." ISS '22: "Conductor: Intersection-Based ..."
Lee, Benjamin ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Lee, Bongshin ISS '22: "NoteWordy: Investigating Touch ..."
Leeb, Helmut ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Limerick, Hannah ISS '22: "Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: ..."
Liu, Can ISS '22: "AngleCAD: Surface-Based 3D ..."
Liu, Jiazhou ISS '22: "Effects of Display Layout ..."
Liu, Yuantong ISS '22: "Players and Performance: Opportunities ..."
Liu, Zhe ISS '22: "Leveraging Smartwatch and ..."
Lottridge, Danielle ISS '22: "Players and Performance: Opportunities ..."
Luo, Yuhan ISS '22: "NoteWordy: Investigating Touch ..."
Ma, Qingzhou ISS '22: "AngleCAD: Surface-Based 3D ..."
Machulla, Tonja-Katrin ISS '22: "Extended Mid-air Ultrasound ..."
MacKenzie, I. Scott ISS '22: "Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: ..."
Manshaei, Roozbeh ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Marquardt, Nicolai ISS '22: "Eliciting User-Defined Touch ..."
Masood, Kashaf ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Mayat, Uzair ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Mayer, Sven ISS '22: "A Survey of Augmented Piano ..." ISS '22: "Extended Mid-air Ultrasound ..."
Mazalek, Ali ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Mbaki Luzayisu, Efrem ISS '22: "Theoretically-Defined vs. ..."
Mehra, Brinda ISS '22: "AngleCAD: Surface-Based 3D ..."
Miyashita, Homei ISS '22: "Predicting Touch Accuracy ..." ISS '22: "The Effectiveness of Path-Segmentation ..."
Mulet, Julie ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..."
Nagai, Takahiro ISS '22: "HandyGaze: A Gaze Tracking ..."
Nanayakkara, Suranga ISS '22: "Players and Performance: Opportunities ..."
Nebeling, Michael ISS '22: "XSpace: An Augmented Reality ..."
Neumayr, Thomas ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Ng, Chloe ISS '22: "Eliciting User-Defined Touch ..."
Oriola, Bernard ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..."
Pandey, Laxmi ISS '22: "Design and Evaluation of a ..."
Perelman, Gary ISS '22: "Visual Transitions around ..."
Pietriga, Emmanuel ISS '22: "Investigating the Use of AR ..."
Probst, Alice ISS '22: "Visual Transitions around ..."
Prouzeau, Arnaud ISS '22: "Effects of Display Layout ..."
Rateau, Hanae ISS '22: "Leveraging Smartwatch and ..."
Reiterer, Harald ISS '22: "Re-locations: Augmenting Personal ..."
Ren, Yuan ISS '22: "Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: ..." ISS '22: "TiltWalker: Operating a Telepresence ..."
Resch, Gabby ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Rintel, Sean ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Roudaut, Anne ISS '22: "Investigating Pointing Performance ..."
Sabatinos, Sarah ISS '22: "Tangible Chromatin: Tangible ..."
Sample, Alanson P. ISS '22: "UbiChromics: Enabling Ubiquitously ..." ISS '22: "XSpace: An Augmented Reality ..."
Sandak, Jakub ISS '22: "LightMeUp: Back-print Illumination ..."
Sarcar, Sayan ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Sato, Junichi ISS '22: "Predicting Touch Accuracy ..."
Schmidt, Albrecht ISS '22: "Extended Mid-air Ultrasound ..." ISS '22: "SaferHome: Interactive Physical ..." ISS '22: "ElectronicsAR: Design and ..."
Schönböck, Johannes ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Semmler, Lars ISS '22: "ElectronicsAR: Design and ..."
Serrano, Marcos ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..." ISS '22: "Visual Transitions around ..."
Sluÿters, Arthur ISS '22: "Theoretically-Defined vs. ..."
Sorita, Clara ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..."
Stuerzlinger, Wolfgang ISS '22: "The Effectiveness of Path-Segmentation ..."
Takashima, Kazuki ISS '22: "HandyGaze: A Gaze Tracking ..." ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Teichmeister, Thomas ISS '22: "Semi-automated Analysis of ..."
Thomas, Bruce H. ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Tsuchida, Taichi ISS '22: "TetraForce: A Magnetic-Based ..."
Usuba, Hiroki ISS '22: "Predicting Touch Accuracy ..." ISS '22: "The Effectiveness of Path-Segmentation ..."
Vanderdonckt, Jean ISS '22: "Theoretically-Defined vs. ..."
Villa, Steeven ISS '22: "Extended Mid-air Ultrasound ..."
Villarreal-Narvaez, Santiago ISS '22: "Theoretically-Defined vs. ..."
Wang, Cheng Yao ISS '22: "VideoPoseVR: Authoring Virtual ..."
Welsch, Robin ISS '22: "SaferHome: Interactive Physical ..."
Windl, Maximiliane ISS '22: "SaferHome: Interactive Physical ..."
Wu, Qin ISS '22: "Players and Performance: Opportunities ..."
Wybrow, Michael ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Xiao, Robert ISS '22: "Reducing the Latency of Touch ..."
Xu, Rao ISS '22: "Players and Performance: Opportunities ..."
Yamanaka, Shota ISS '22: "Predicting Touch Accuracy ..." ISS '22: "The Effectiveness of Path-Segmentation ..."
Yang, Ying ISS '22: "Towards Immersive Collaborative ..."
Zagermann, Johannes ISS '22: "Re-locations: Augmenting Personal ..."
Zand, Ghazal ISS '22: "TiltWalker: Operating a Telepresence ..."
Zhang, Futian ISS '22: "Conductor: Intersection-Based ..."
Zhao, Kaixing ISS '22: "Remote Graphic-Based Teaching ..."
Zhou, Qian ISS '22: "VideoPoseVR: Authoring Virtual ..."

145 authors

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