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6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2014), November 17, 2014, Hong Kong, China

INTERNETWARE 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Chen, Haiyan INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Chen, Luxi INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Chen, Yuting INTERNETWARE '14: "AspectBreeze: Integrating ..."
Fu, Xiaoyu INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Hu, Xiaohui INTERNETWARE '14: "Extending Execution Plan with ..."
Huang, Gang INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..." INTERNETWARE '14: "SmartRelationship: A VM Relationship ..."
Huang, Linpeng INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Jiang, He INTERNETWARE '14: "What Makes a Good App Description? ..."
Jiang, Yong INTERNETWARE '14: "EasyCache: A Transparent In-Memory ..."
Jin, Zhi INTERNETWARE '14: "User Preference Based Autonomic ..."
Li, Chen INTERNETWARE '14: "AspectBreeze: Integrating ..." INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Li, Xiaochen INTERNETWARE '14: "What Makes a Good App Description? ..."
Li, Xin INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Li, Xuan INTERNETWARE '14: "Bug Localization via Searching ..."
Li, Zu-de INTERNETWARE '14: "Service Retrieval Based on ..."
Lin, Qiang INTERNETWARE '14: "SmartRelationship: A VM Relationship ..."
Lin, Zeqi INTERNETWARE '14: "A Graph Database Based Crowdsourcing ..."
Liu, Jingzhou INTERNETWARE '14: "AspectBreeze: Integrating ..."
Liu, Jiwei INTERNETWARE '14: "Towards Realisation of Evolvable ..."
Liu, Xuanzhe INTERNETWARE '14: "Characterizing Cache Usage ..."
Liu, Zhaohui INTERNETWARE '14: "EasyCache: A Transparent In-Memory ..."
Long, Jun INTERNETWARE '14: "Service Retrieval Based on ..."
Lu, Sanglu INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Lu, Xuan INTERNETWARE '14: "Characterizing Cache Usage ..."
Ma, Hongjing INTERNETWARE '14: "What Makes a Good App Description? ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing INTERNETWARE '14: "Automated Recommendation of ..."
Ma, Yun INTERNETWARE '14: "Characterizing Cache Usage ..."
Mao, Xinjun INTERNETWARE '14: "Towards Realisation of Evolvable ..."
Mengjun, Li INTERNETWARE '14: "Inferring Loop Invariants ..."
Peng, Qimin INTERNETWARE '14: "Extending Execution Plan with ..."
Qian, Zhuzhong INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Ren, Zhilei INTERNETWARE '14: "What Makes a Good App Description? ..."
Song, Hui INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..."
Song, Wei INTERNETWARE '14: "FuAET: A Tool for Developing ..."
Su, Guannan INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Sun, Yanchun INTERNETWARE '14: "A Smart Mobile Contact Recommender ..."
Tao, Xianping INTERNETWARE '14: "FuAET: A Tool for Developing ..."
Tu, Feifei INTERNETWARE '14: "Measuring the Quality of Issue ..."
Wang, Huaimin INTERNETWARE '14: "Linking Stack Overflow to ..."
Wang, Lu-da INTERNETWARE '14: "Service Retrieval Based on ..."
Wang, Qianxiang INTERNETWARE '14: "Bug Localization via Searching ..."
Wang, Tao INTERNETWARE '14: "Linking Stack Overflow to ..."
Wang, Wei INTERNETWARE '14: "EasyCache: A Transparent In-Memory ..."
Wei, Jun INTERNETWARE '14: "EasyCache: A Transparent In-Memory ..."
Wei, Kui INTERNETWARE '14: "A Smart Mobile Contact Recommender ..."
Wu, Linzhu INTERNETWARE '14: "Using Entropy Weight-Based ..."
Wu, Yihan INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..."
Xie, Bing INTERNETWARE '14: "A Graph Database Based Crowdsourcing ..."
Xie, Hongwei INTERNETWARE '14: "FuAET: A Tool for Developing ..."
Xing, Jianchun INTERNETWARE '14: "FuAET: A Tool for Developing ..."
Xiong, Yingfei INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..."
Xu, Chang INTERNETWARE '14: "Automated Recommendation of ..."
Yang, Cheng INTERNETWARE '14: "Linking Stack Overflow to ..."
Yang, Mingkun INTERNETWARE '14: "Extending Execution Plan with ..."
Yang, Qiliang INTERNETWARE '14: "FuAET: A Tool for Developing ..."
Yang, Wenhua INTERNETWARE '14: "Automated Recommendation of ..."
Yin, Gang INTERNETWARE '14: "Linking Stack Overflow to ..."
Yuan, Xinchen INTERNETWARE '14: "EasyCache: A Transparent In-Memory ..."
Zhang, Feixue INTERNETWARE '14: "Measuring the Quality of Issue ..."
Zhang, Jingxuan INTERNETWARE '14: "What Makes a Good App Description? ..."
Zhang, Sheng INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Zhang, Shuhui INTERNETWARE '14: "Characterizing Cache Usage ..."
Zhang, Wei INTERNETWARE '14: "User Preference Based Autonomic ..."
Zhang, Xiaoda INTERNETWARE '14: "Guarantee High Reliability ..."
Zhang, Xiaodong INTERNETWARE '14: "SmartRelationship: A VM Relationship ..."
Zhang, Ying INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..." INTERNETWARE '14: "SmartRelationship: A VM Relationship ..."
Zhang, Zu-ping INTERNETWARE '14: "Service Retrieval Based on ..."
Zhao, Haiyan INTERNETWARE '14: "User Preference Based Autonomic ..."
Zhao, Jianjun INTERNETWARE '14: "AspectBreeze: Integrating ..."
Zhao, Junfeng INTERNETWARE '14: "A Graph Database Based Crowdsourcing ..."
Zhao, Tianqi INTERNETWARE '14: "User Preference Based Autonomic ..."
Zhao, Xing INTERNETWARE '14: "SmartRelationship: A VM Relationship ..."
Zhao, Zelin INTERNETWARE '14: "Automated Recommendation of ..."
Zheng, Zibin INTERNETWARE '14: "Model Defined Fault Tolerance ..."
Zhuang, Xiwei INTERNETWARE '14: "A Smart Mobile Contact Recommender ..."
Zou, Peng INTERNETWARE '14: "Linking Stack Overflow to ..."

79 authors

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