ICSSP 2017
2017 International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP)
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2017 International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), July 5–7, 2017, Paris, France

ICSSP 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaramaa, Sanja ICSSP '17: "Requirements Volatility in ..."
Amalfitano, Domenico ICSSP '17: "Improving Traceability Management ..."
Amaro, Luis ICSSP '17: "WebProcessPAIR: Recommendation ..."
Baarir, Souheib ICSSP '17: "First International Workshop ..."
Bastarrica, María Cecilia ICSSP '17: "Process-Based Project Management ..."
Boehm, Barry ICSSP '17: "Impact of Task Switching and ..." ICSSP '17: "Rapid, Evolutionary, Reliable, ..."
Carroll, Noel ICSSP '17: "Software Engineering for Connected ..."
Chen, Mingrui ICSSP '17: "Data Driven Credit Risk Management ..." ICSSP '17: "Tracing Requirements in Software ..."
Dasanayake, Sandun ICSSP '17: "Requirements Volatility in ..."
Dautais, Yann ICSSP '17: "Data Driven Credit Risk Management ..."
De Silva, Ian J. ICSSP '17: "Domain Modeling for Development ..."
De Simone, Vincenzo ICSSP '17: "Improving Traceability Management ..."
Diebold, Philipp ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..." ICSSP '17: "How Do Agile Practices Support ..." ICSSP '17: "First International Workshop ..."
Dumas, Marlon ICSSP '17: "White-Box Prediction of Process ..."
Faria, João Pascoal ICSSP '17: "WebProcessPAIR: Recommendation ..."
Fasolino, Anna Rita ICSSP '17: "Improving Traceability Management ..."
Felderer, Michael ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Garousi, Vahid ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Ge, Jidong ICSSP '17: "Data Driven Credit Risk Management ..."
Geng, Ruili ICSSP '17: "Tracing Requirements in Software ..."
Ghofrani, Javad ICSSP '17: "Searching for Common Ground: ..."
Gong, Haojie ICSSP '17: "A Systematic Map on Verifying ..."
Hanser, Eckhart ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ICSSP '17: "Domain Modeling for Development ..."
Henriques, Pedro Castro ICSSP '17: "WebProcessPAIR: Recommendation ..."
Hohl, Philipp ICSSP '17: "Searching for Common Ground: ..."
Houston, Dan ICSSP '17: "Using TRIZ to Balance Software ..."
Huang, LiGuo ICSSP '17: "Data Driven Credit Risk Management ..." ICSSP '17: "Tracing Requirements in Software ..."
Iren, Deniz ICSSP '17: "Leveraging Business Process ..."
Jalali, Amin ICSSP '17: "Towards Capability-Oriented ..."
Klai, Kais ICSSP '17: "First International Workshop ..."
Kuhrmann, Marco ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..." ICSSP '17: "First International Workshop ..."
Kuziemsky, Craig ICSSP '17: "Software Engineering for Connected ..."
Lane, Jo Ann ICSSP '17: "Impact of Task Switching and ..."
La Rosa, Marcello ICSSP '17: "White-Box Prediction of Process ..."
Li, Zeheng ICSSP '17: "Tracing Requirements in Software ..."
Linssen, Oliver ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Liu, Bohan ICSSP '17: "A Systematic Map on Verifying ..."
Marín, Jacqueline ICSSP '17: "Process-Based Project Management ..."
Markkula, Jouni ICSSP '17: "Requirements Volatility in ..."
McCaffery, Fergal ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Münch, Jürgen ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..." ICSSP '17: "Searching for Common Ground: ..." ICSSP '17: "First International Workshop ..."
Ng, Vincent ICSSP '17: "Tracing Requirements in Software ..."
Nguyen, Hoang ICSSP '17: "White-Box Prediction of Process ..."
Oivo, Markku ICSSP '17: "Requirements Volatility in ..."
Perovich, Daniel ICSSP '17: "Process-Based Project Management ..."
Prause, Christian R. ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Qi, Kan ICSSP '17: "Rapid, Evolutionary, Reliable, ..."
Rayadurgam, Sanjai ICSSP '17: "Domain Modeling for Development ..."
Raza, Mushtaq ICSSP '17: "WebProcessPAIR: Recommendation ..."
Reijers, Hajo A. ICSSP '17: "Leveraging Business Process ..."
Richardson, Ita ICSSP '17: "Software Engineering for Connected ..."
Richter, Dominik ICSSP '17: "How Do Agile Practices Support ..."
Rioseco, Luis ICSSP '17: "Process-Based Project Management ..."
Rodchenko, Natalia ICSSP '17: "Impact of Task Switching and ..."
Rosenberg, Doug ICSSP '17: "Rapid, Evolutionary, Reliable, ..."
Saukkonen, Samuli ICSSP '17: "Requirements Volatility in ..."
Scala, Stefano ICSSP '17: "Improving Traceability Management ..."
Schneider, Kurt ICSSP '17: "Searching for Common Ground: ..."
Stupperich, Michael ICSSP '17: "Searching for Common Ground: ..."
Tell, Paolo ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Tregubov, Alexey ICSSP '17: "Impact of Task Switching and ..."
Trektere, Kitija ICSSP '17: "Hybrid Software and System ..."
Verenich, Ilya ICSSP '17: "White-Box Prediction of Process ..."
Wang, Bo ICSSP '17: "Rapid, Evolutionary, Reliable, ..."
Wang, Jiaojiao ICSSP '17: "Mining Collaboration Patterns ..."
Yu, Dexian ICSSP '17: "A Systematic Map on Verifying ..."
Yu, Dongjin ICSSP '17: "Mining Collaboration Patterns ..."
Zehler, Thomas ICSSP '17: "How Do Agile Practices Support ..."
Zhang, He ICSSP '17: "A Systematic Map on Verifying ..."
Zimmermann, Thomas ICSSP '17: "Software Productivity Decoded: ..."

79 authors

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