ICSSP 2011
International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP 2011)
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International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP 2011), May 21–22, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

ICSSP 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alegría, Julio A. Hurtado ICSSP '11: "Analyzing Software Process ..." ICSSP '11: "An MDE Approach to Software ..."
Andelfinger, Urs ICSSP '11: "A Manifesto for Effective ..."
Annosi, Maria Carmela ICSSP '11: "Strategically Balanced Process ..."
Armbrust, Ove ICSSP '11: "The Right Process For Each ..." ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Ast, Stefan ICSSP '11: "Goal-Driven Evaluation of ..."
Baca, Dejan ICSSP '11: "Agile Development with Security ..."
Bai, Xu ICSSP '11: "GoPoMoSA: A Goal-Oriented ..."
Bannerman, Paul L. ICSSP '11: "Towards an Understanding of ..."
Bastarrica, María Cecilia ICSSP '11: "Analyzing Software Process ..." ICSSP '11: "An MDE Approach to Software ..."
Becker, Pablo ICSSP '11: "Strategy to Improve Quality ..."
Belategi, Lorea ICSSP '11: "Model based Analysis Process ..."
Bener, Ayşe Başar ICSSP '11: "Defect Prediction Using Social ..."
Bergel, Alexandre ICSSP '11: "Analyzing Software Process ..."
Bergner, Klaus ICSSP '11: "Formally Founded, Plan-based ..."
Biçer, Serdar ICSSP '11: "Defect Prediction Using Social ..."
Birkhölzer, Thomas ICSSP '11: "Goal-Driven Evaluation of ..."
Boehm, Barry W. ICSSP '11: "A Value-Based Review Process ..." ICSSP '11: "Software and Systems Engineering ..." ICSSP '11: "Towards Richer Process Principles ..."
Çağlayan, Bora ICSSP '11: "Defect Prediction Using Social ..."
Carlsson, Bengt ICSSP '11: "Agile Development with Security ..."
Crabtree, Carlton A. ICSSP '11: "An Empirical Characterization ..."
Dickmann, Christoph ICSSP '11: "Goal-Driven Evaluation of ..."
Egyed, Alexander ICSSP '11: "GoPoMoSA: A Goal-Oriented ..."
Elberzhager, Frank ICSSP '11: "Optimizing Cost and Quality ..."
Esfahani, Hesam Chiniforooshan ICSSP '11: "Strategically Balanced Process ..." ICSSP '11: "Goal-Driven Evaluation of ..."
Espinosa-Curiel, Ismael Edrein ICSSP '11: "A Competency Framework for ..."
Etxeberria, Leire ICSSP '11: "Model based Analysis Process ..."
Fernández-Zepeda, José Alberto ICSSP '11: "A Competency Framework for ..."
Freimut, Bernd ICSSP '11: "Optimizing Cost and Quality ..."
Friedrich, Jan ICSSP '11: "Formally Founded, Plan-based ..."
Fronza, Ilenia ICSSP '11: "Understanding how Novices ..."
Geraats, Hub ICSSP '11: "To Branch or Not to Branch? ..."
Giese, Holger ICSSP '11: "Toward a Comparable Characterization ..."
Hebig, Regina ICSSP '11: "Toward a Comparable Characterization ..."
Hossain, Emam ICSSP '11: "Towards an Understanding of ..."
Houston, Daniel X. ICSSP '11: "Defense Acquisition System ..."
Huang, Hui ICSSP '11: "Automatic Mining of Change ..."
Huang, LiGuo ICSSP '11: "GoPoMoSA: A Goal-Oriented ..."
Jeffery, Ross ICSSP '11: "Towards an Understanding of ..." ICSSP '11: "Ubiquitous Process: An Opportunity ..."
Kajko-Mattsson, Mira ICSSP '11: "Developer-Driven Big-Bang ..."
Kaneko, Tatsuya ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Katahira, Masafumi ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Kirwan, Patrick ICSSP '11: "A Manifesto for Effective ..."
Knutson, Charles D. ICSSP '11: "The Problem of Private Information ..."
Koishi, Yumi ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Kowalczyk, Martin ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Krein, Jonathan L. ICSSP '11: "The Problem of Private Information ..."
Kruchten, Philippe ICSSP '11: "A Plea for Lean Software Process ..."
Kuhrmann, Marco ICSSP '11: "Special Panel: Towards a Manifesto ..." ICSSP '11: "A Proposal for Principles ..."
Lassenius, Casper ICSSP '11: "How Does an Agile Coaching ..."
Lew, Philip ICSSP '11: "Strategy to Improve Quality ..."
Li, Qi ICSSP '11: "A Value-Based Review Process ..."
Linssen, Nico ICSSP '11: "To Branch or Not to Branch? ..."
Madachy, Raymond J. ICSSP '11: "Defense Acquisition System ..."
Miyamoto, Yuko ICSSP '11: "Requirements for Process Management ..."
Münch, Jürgen ICSSP '11: "Optimizing Cost and Quality ..."
Neumann, Robert ICSSP '11: "Reuse and Product-orientation ..."
Nichols, William R. ICSSP '11: "A Manifesto for Effective ..."
Nikitina, Natalja ICSSP '11: "Developer-Driven Big-Bang ..."
Norcio, Anthony F. ICSSP '11: "An Empirical Characterization ..."
Ochoa, Sergio F. ICSSP '11: "An MDE Approach to Software ..."
Oliveira, Toacy ICSSP '11: "Towards Detailed Software ..."
Olsina, Luis ICSSP '11: "Strategy to Improve Quality ..."
Paasivaara, Maria ICSSP '11: "How Does an Agile Coaching ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. ICSSP '11: "Experiences Mining Open Source ..."
Plösch, Reinhold ICSSP '11: "Reuse and Product-orientation ..."
Premraj, Rahul ICSSP '11: "To Branch or Not to Branch? ..."
Quispe, Alcides ICSSP '11: "An MDE Approach to Software ..."
Rausch, Andreas ICSSP '11: "Special Panel: Towards a Manifesto ..." ICSSP '11: "A Proposal for Principles ..."
Rodríguez-Jacobo, Josefina ICSSP '11: "A Competency Framework for ..."
Rombach, Dieter ICSSP '11: "Optimizing Cost and Quality ..." ICSSP '11: "The Right Process For Each ..."
Sagardui, Goiuria ICSSP '11: "Model based Analysis Process ..."
Seaman, Carolyn B. ICSSP '11: "An Empirical Characterization ..."
Seibel, Andreas ICSSP '11: "Toward a Comparable Characterization ..."
Sillitti, Alberto ICSSP '11: "Understanding how Novices ..."
Silva, Marcos ICSSP '11: "Towards Detailed Software ..."
Stallinger, Fritz ICSSP '11: "Reuse and Product-orientation ..."
Succi, Giancarlo ICSSP '11: "Understanding how Novices ..."
Sutton, Jr., Stanley M. ICSSP '11: "The Problem of Private Information ..." ICSSP '11: "Concepts in the Definition ..."
Tang, Antony ICSSP '11: "To Branch or Not to Branch? ..."
Tsay, Jason ICSSP '11: "Experiences Mining Open Source ..."
Vaupel, Jürgen ICSSP '11: "Goal-Driven Evaluation of ..."
Vlasenko, Jelena ICSSP '11: "Understanding how Novices ..."
Vliet, Hans van ICSSP '11: "To Branch or Not to Branch? ..."
Vollmar, Jan ICSSP '11: "Reuse and Product-orientation ..."
Wagstrom, Patrick ICSSP '11: "The Problem of Private Information ..."
Wang, Qing ICSSP '11: "A Value-Based Review Process ..."
Williams, Clay ICSSP '11: "The Problem of Private Information ..."
Wirthlin, Joseph R. ICSSP '11: "Defense Acquisition System ..."
Wright, Hyrum K. ICSSP '11: "Experiences Mining Open Source ..."
Xiao, Junchao ICSSP '11: "Automatic Mining of Change ..."
Yang, Qiusong ICSSP '11: "Automatic Mining of Change ..."
Yang, Ye ICSSP '11: "A Value-Based Review Process ..."
Yu, Eric ICSSP '11: "Strategically Balanced Process ..."
Zhai, Jian ICSSP '11: "Automatic Mining of Change ..."
Zhang, He ICSSP '11: "GoPoMoSA: A Goal-Oriented ..."

106 authors

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