Workshop MiSE 2014 – Author Index |
Contents -
Abstracts -
Amrit, Chintan |
![]() Chintan Amrit and Niek Tax (University of Twente, Netherlands) Metrics for conceptual diagram understandability are generally based on a particular modelling notation and do not consider multiple perspectives in arriving at measurable metrics. This paper aims to be a step towards integration of multiple perspectives of conceptual model understandability. We demonstrate how one can arrive at a suite of metrics for conceptual diagram understandability. We use a questionnaire based on a few selected metrics to gain insights on the relative impact of different perspectives (namely, the notation and aesthetic perspectives) on conceptual diagram understandability. The main result of this study is that given a particular modelling notation (UML) and novice modellers, certain aesthetic aspects seem to have a greater impact on perceived diagram understandability than the notation aspects. We conclude with a call for further research in order to draw valid conclusions about the overall impact of the aesthetic and notation perspectives on diagram understandability. ![]() |
Amyot, Daniel |
![]() Sepideh Ghanavati, Daniel Amyot, and André Rifaut (CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg; University of Ottawa, Canada) Every year, governments introduce new or revised regulations that are imposing new types of requirements on software development. Analyzing and modeling these legal requirements is time consuming, challenging and cumbersome for software and requirements engineers. Having regulation models can help understand regulations and converge toward better compliance levels for software and systems. This paper introduces a systematic method to extract legal requirements from regulations by mapping the latter to the Legal Profile for Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL) (Legal GRL). This profile provides a conceptual meta-model for the anatomy of regulations and maps its elements to standard GRL with specialized annotations and links, with analysis techniques that exploit this additional information. The paper also illustrates examples of Legal GRL models for The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. Existing tool support (jUCMNav) is also extended to support Legal GRL modeling. ![]() |
Aysolmaz, Banu |
![]() Banu Aysolmaz and Onur Demirors (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) When business processes are to be automated by an information system, business process knowledge is required in many ways throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). Frequently, analysis is repeated to recapture this knowledge resulting in duplicate effort and inconsistent artifacts. We present our unified business process modeling methodology, UPROM that is used to generate various artifacts from business process models developed in conformance with its notation and approach. Together with business process models, the artifacts are user requirements document, software size estimation, process metrics list, process definition document and business glossary. These artifacts are easily maintainable as they originate from a single source and generated automatically by a tool. The methodology is applied in three case studies and summary of results is provided. ![]() |
Bastarrica, María Cecilia |
![]() María Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds, and Luis Silvestre (University of Chile, Chile; Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile) Companies formalize their software processes as a way of organizing their development projects. As each project has its own requirements and objectives, a family of processes is required in practice, in order to ensure that each project is handled appropriately. This family may be a collection of predefined processes, but can also be automatically generated by tailoring a general process to a project’s context which requires formalization and tool support to be successful. Model-driven engineering provides a formal framework for defining the models and transformations required for automated process tailoring, but various types of models must be specified and evolved, limiting the industrial adoption of this approach. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a megamodel for automated process tailoring. Megamodeling provides an integrating framework for modeling in the large, including the definition and evolution of all models and transformations required for tailoring while hiding complexity. We report the application of our approach to the software development process of Rhiscom, a small Chilean company. ![]() |
Bliudze, Simon |
![]() Simon Bliudze, Anastasia Mavridou, Radoslaw Szymanek, and Alina Zolotukhina (EPFL, Switzerland; Crossing-Tech, Switzerland) Coordinating component behaviour and access to resources is among the key difficulties of building large concurrent systems. To address this, developers must be able to manipulate high-level concepts, such as Finite State Machines and separate functional and coordination aspects of the system behaviour. OSGi associates to each bundle a state machine representing the bundle's lifecycle. However, once the bundle has been started, it remains in the state Active - the functional states are not represented. Therefore, this mechanism is not sufficient for coordination of active components. In this paper, we present a methodology for functional component coordination in OSGi by using BIP coordination mechanisms. BIP allows us to clearly separate the system-wide coordination policies from the component behaviour and the interface that components expose for interaction. By using BIP, we show how the allowed global states and state transitions of the modular system can be taken into account in a non-invasive manner and without any impact on the technology stack within an OSGi container. ![]() |
Delatour, Jérôme |
![]() Frédéric Jouault, Massimo Tisi, and Jérôme Delatour (Eseo, France; École des Mines de Nantes, France; INRIA, France; LINA, France) Within a given modeling platform, modeling tools interoperate efficiently. They are generally written in the same general purpose language, and use a single modeling framework (i.e., an API to access models). However, interoperability between tools from different modeling platforms is much more problematic. In this paper, we argue that fUML may be leveraged to address this issue by providing a common execution language, and by abstracting modeling frameworks into generic actions that perform elementary operations on models. Not only can user models benefit from a unified execution semantics, but modeling tools can too. ![]() |
Demirors, Onur |
![]() Banu Aysolmaz and Onur Demirors (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) When business processes are to be automated by an information system, business process knowledge is required in many ways throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). Frequently, analysis is repeated to recapture this knowledge resulting in duplicate effort and inconsistent artifacts. We present our unified business process modeling methodology, UPROM that is used to generate various artifacts from business process models developed in conformance with its notation and approach. Together with business process models, the artifacts are user requirements document, software size estimation, process metrics list, process definition document and business glossary. These artifacts are easily maintainable as they originate from a single source and generated automatically by a tool. The methodology is applied in three case studies and summary of results is provided. ![]() |
Dillon, Laura K. |
![]() Matthew Nizol, Laura K. Dillon, and R. E. K. Stirewalt (Michigan State University, USA; LogicBlox, USA) As a bridge from informal business requirements to precise specifications, conceptual models serve a critical role in the development of enterprise systems. Instantiating conceptual models with test data can help stakeholders validate the model and provide developers with a test database to validate their code. ORM is a popular conceptual modeling language due in part to its expressive constraint language. Due to that expressiveness, instantiating an arbitrary ORM model is NP-hard. Smaragdakis et al. identified a subset of ORM called ORM− that can be instantiated in polynomial time. However, ORM− excludes several constraints commonly used in commercial models. Recent research has extended ORM− through semantics-preserving transformations. We extend the set of ORM models that can be transformed to ORM− models by using a class of non-semantics-preserving transformations called constraint strengthening. We formalize our approach as a special case of Stevens’ model transformation framework. We discuss an example transformation and its limitations, and we conclude with a proposal for future research. ![]() |
Di Rocco, Juri |
![]() Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, and Alfonso Pierantonio (University of L'Aquila, Italy) Metamodels are a key concept in Model-Driven Engineering. Any artifact in a modeling ecosystem has to be defined in accordance to a metamodel prescribing its main qualities. Hence, understanding common characteristics of metamodels, how they evolve over time, and what is the impact of metamodel changes throughout the modeling ecosystem is of great relevance. Similarly to software, metrics can be used to obtain objective, transparent, and reproducible measurements on metamodels too. In this paper, we present an approach to understand structural characteristics of metamodels. A number of metrics are used to quantify and measure metamodels and cross-link different aspects in order to provide additional information about how metamodel characteristics are related. The approach is applied on repositories consisting of more than 450 metamodels. ![]() |
Di Ruscio, Davide |
![]() Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, and Alfonso Pierantonio (University of L'Aquila, Italy) Metamodels are a key concept in Model-Driven Engineering. Any artifact in a modeling ecosystem has to be defined in accordance to a metamodel prescribing its main qualities. Hence, understanding common characteristics of metamodels, how they evolve over time, and what is the impact of metamodel changes throughout the modeling ecosystem is of great relevance. Similarly to software, metrics can be used to obtain objective, transparent, and reproducible measurements on metamodels too. In this paper, we present an approach to understand structural characteristics of metamodels. A number of metrics are used to quantify and measure metamodels and cross-link different aspects in order to provide additional information about how metamodel characteristics are related. The approach is applied on repositories consisting of more than 450 metamodels. ![]() |
Eramo, Romina |
![]() Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio, and Gianni Rosa (University of L'Aquila, Italy) In Model-Driven Engineering, models are primary artifact manipulated by means of automated transformations. Recently, a notion of uncertainty has been introduced in models permitting modelers to postpone design decisions in case of lack of information. Interestingly, other forms of model uncertainty are induced by bidirectional transformations. In fact, in certain situations more than one admissible solution is in principle possible, despite most of the current languages generate only one model at time, possibly not the desired one. In this paper, the uncertainty due to the solution multiplicity in bidirectional transformations is discussed. In particular, we propose to represent the models in the solution space as concretizations of an uncertain model because there are cases where the responsibility of identifying the solution must be left to the modeler. The problem is illustrated by a round-tripping scenario realized with the JTL transformation language. ![]() |
Ghanavati, Sepideh |
![]() Sepideh Ghanavati, Daniel Amyot, and André Rifaut (CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg; University of Ottawa, Canada) Every year, governments introduce new or revised regulations that are imposing new types of requirements on software development. Analyzing and modeling these legal requirements is time consuming, challenging and cumbersome for software and requirements engineers. Having regulation models can help understand regulations and converge toward better compliance levels for software and systems. This paper introduces a systematic method to extract legal requirements from regulations by mapping the latter to the Legal Profile for Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL) (Legal GRL). This profile provides a conceptual meta-model for the anatomy of regulations and maps its elements to standard GRL with specialized annotations and links, with analysis techniques that exploit this additional information. The paper also illustrates examples of Legal GRL models for The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. Existing tool support (jUCMNav) is also extended to support Legal GRL modeling. ![]() |
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. |
![]() Michael W. Whalen, Anitha Murugesan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, and Mats P. E. Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Model-based development (MBD) tool suites such as Simulink and Stateflow offer powerful tools for design, development, and analysis of models. These models can be used for several purposes: for code generation, for prototyping, as descriptions of an environment (plant) that will be controlled by software, as oracles for a testing process, and many other aspects of software development. In addition, a goal of model-based development is to develop reusable models that can be easily managed in a version-controlled continuous integration process. Although significant guidance exists for proper structuring of source code for these purposes, considerably less guidance exists for MBD approaches. In this paper, we discuss structuring issues in constructing models to support use (and reuse) of models for design and verification in critical software development projects. We illustrate our approach using a generic patient-controlled analgesia infusion pump (GPCA), a medical cyber-physical system. ![]() |
Iovino, Ludovico |
![]() Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, and Alfonso Pierantonio (University of L'Aquila, Italy) Metamodels are a key concept in Model-Driven Engineering. Any artifact in a modeling ecosystem has to be defined in accordance to a metamodel prescribing its main qualities. Hence, understanding common characteristics of metamodels, how they evolve over time, and what is the impact of metamodel changes throughout the modeling ecosystem is of great relevance. Similarly to software, metrics can be used to obtain objective, transparent, and reproducible measurements on metamodels too. In this paper, we present an approach to understand structural characteristics of metamodels. A number of metrics are used to quantify and measure metamodels and cross-link different aspects in order to provide additional information about how metamodel characteristics are related. The approach is applied on repositories consisting of more than 450 metamodels. ![]() |
Jouault, Frédéric |
![]() Frédéric Jouault, Massimo Tisi, and Jérôme Delatour (Eseo, France; École des Mines de Nantes, France; INRIA, France; LINA, France) Within a given modeling platform, modeling tools interoperate efficiently. They are generally written in the same general purpose language, and use a single modeling framework (i.e., an API to access models). However, interoperability between tools from different modeling platforms is much more problematic. In this paper, we argue that fUML may be leveraged to address this issue by providing a common execution language, and by abstracting modeling frameworks into generic actions that perform elementary operations on models. Not only can user models benefit from a unified execution semantics, but modeling tools can too. ![]() |
Mavridou, Anastasia |
![]() Simon Bliudze, Anastasia Mavridou, Radoslaw Szymanek, and Alina Zolotukhina (EPFL, Switzerland; Crossing-Tech, Switzerland) Coordinating component behaviour and access to resources is among the key difficulties of building large concurrent systems. To address this, developers must be able to manipulate high-level concepts, such as Finite State Machines and separate functional and coordination aspects of the system behaviour. OSGi associates to each bundle a state machine representing the bundle's lifecycle. However, once the bundle has been started, it remains in the state Active - the functional states are not represented. Therefore, this mechanism is not sufficient for coordination of active components. In this paper, we present a methodology for functional component coordination in OSGi by using BIP coordination mechanisms. BIP allows us to clearly separate the system-wide coordination policies from the component behaviour and the interface that components expose for interaction. By using BIP, we show how the allowed global states and state transitions of the modular system can be taken into account in a non-invasive manner and without any impact on the technology stack within an OSGi container. ![]() |
Monsuez, Bruno |
![]() Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, and Adriana Tapus (ENSTA ParisTech, France; VeDeCom Institute, France) Recently, there is an encouraging trend in adopting model-driven engineering approaches for software development in robotics research. In this paper, currently available model-driven techniques in robotics are analyzed with respect to the domain-specific requirements. A conceptual overview of our software development approach called 'Self Adaptive Framework for Robotic Systems (SafeRobots)' is explained and we also try to position our approach within this model ecosystem. ![]() |
Murugesan, Anitha |
![]() Michael W. Whalen, Anitha Murugesan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, and Mats P. E. Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Model-based development (MBD) tool suites such as Simulink and Stateflow offer powerful tools for design, development, and analysis of models. These models can be used for several purposes: for code generation, for prototyping, as descriptions of an environment (plant) that will be controlled by software, as oracles for a testing process, and many other aspects of software development. In addition, a goal of model-based development is to develop reusable models that can be easily managed in a version-controlled continuous integration process. Although significant guidance exists for proper structuring of source code for these purposes, considerably less guidance exists for MBD approaches. In this paper, we discuss structuring issues in constructing models to support use (and reuse) of models for design and verification in critical software development projects. We illustrate our approach using a generic patient-controlled analgesia infusion pump (GPCA), a medical cyber-physical system. ![]() |
Nizol, Matthew |
![]() Matthew Nizol, Laura K. Dillon, and R. E. K. Stirewalt (Michigan State University, USA; LogicBlox, USA) As a bridge from informal business requirements to precise specifications, conceptual models serve a critical role in the development of enterprise systems. Instantiating conceptual models with test data can help stakeholders validate the model and provide developers with a test database to validate their code. ORM is a popular conceptual modeling language due in part to its expressive constraint language. Due to that expressiveness, instantiating an arbitrary ORM model is NP-hard. Smaragdakis et al. identified a subset of ORM called ORM− that can be instantiated in polynomial time. However, ORM− excludes several constraints commonly used in commercial models. Recent research has extended ORM− through semantics-preserving transformations. We extend the set of ORM models that can be transformed to ORM− models by using a class of non-semantics-preserving transformations called constraint strengthening. We formalize our approach as a special case of Stevens’ model transformation framework. We discuss an example transformation and its limitations, and we conclude with a proposal for future research. ![]() |
Pierantonio, Alfonso |
![]() Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio, and Gianni Rosa (University of L'Aquila, Italy) In Model-Driven Engineering, models are primary artifact manipulated by means of automated transformations. Recently, a notion of uncertainty has been introduced in models permitting modelers to postpone design decisions in case of lack of information. Interestingly, other forms of model uncertainty are induced by bidirectional transformations. In fact, in certain situations more than one admissible solution is in principle possible, despite most of the current languages generate only one model at time, possibly not the desired one. In this paper, the uncertainty due to the solution multiplicity in bidirectional transformations is discussed. In particular, we propose to represent the models in the solution space as concretizations of an uncertain model because there are cases where the responsibility of identifying the solution must be left to the modeler. The problem is illustrated by a round-tripping scenario realized with the JTL transformation language. ![]() ![]() Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, and Alfonso Pierantonio (University of L'Aquila, Italy) Metamodels are a key concept in Model-Driven Engineering. Any artifact in a modeling ecosystem has to be defined in accordance to a metamodel prescribing its main qualities. Hence, understanding common characteristics of metamodels, how they evolve over time, and what is the impact of metamodel changes throughout the modeling ecosystem is of great relevance. Similarly to software, metrics can be used to obtain objective, transparent, and reproducible measurements on metamodels too. In this paper, we present an approach to understand structural characteristics of metamodels. A number of metrics are used to quantify and measure metamodels and cross-link different aspects in order to provide additional information about how metamodel characteristics are related. The approach is applied on repositories consisting of more than 450 metamodels. ![]() |
Ramaswamy, Arunkumar |
![]() Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, and Adriana Tapus (ENSTA ParisTech, France; VeDeCom Institute, France) Recently, there is an encouraging trend in adopting model-driven engineering approaches for software development in robotics research. In this paper, currently available model-driven techniques in robotics are analyzed with respect to the domain-specific requirements. A conceptual overview of our software development approach called 'Self Adaptive Framework for Robotic Systems (SafeRobots)' is explained and we also try to position our approach within this model ecosystem. ![]() |
Rayadurgam, Sanjai |
![]() Michael W. Whalen, Anitha Murugesan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, and Mats P. E. Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Model-based development (MBD) tool suites such as Simulink and Stateflow offer powerful tools for design, development, and analysis of models. These models can be used for several purposes: for code generation, for prototyping, as descriptions of an environment (plant) that will be controlled by software, as oracles for a testing process, and many other aspects of software development. In addition, a goal of model-based development is to develop reusable models that can be easily managed in a version-controlled continuous integration process. Although significant guidance exists for proper structuring of source code for these purposes, considerably less guidance exists for MBD approaches. In this paper, we discuss structuring issues in constructing models to support use (and reuse) of models for design and verification in critical software development projects. We illustrate our approach using a generic patient-controlled analgesia infusion pump (GPCA), a medical cyber-physical system. ![]() |
Rifaut, André |
![]() Sepideh Ghanavati, Daniel Amyot, and André Rifaut (CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg; University of Ottawa, Canada) Every year, governments introduce new or revised regulations that are imposing new types of requirements on software development. Analyzing and modeling these legal requirements is time consuming, challenging and cumbersome for software and requirements engineers. Having regulation models can help understand regulations and converge toward better compliance levels for software and systems. This paper introduces a systematic method to extract legal requirements from regulations by mapping the latter to the Legal Profile for Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL) (Legal GRL). This profile provides a conceptual meta-model for the anatomy of regulations and maps its elements to standard GRL with specialized annotations and links, with analysis techniques that exploit this additional information. The paper also illustrates examples of Legal GRL models for The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. Existing tool support (jUCMNav) is also extended to support Legal GRL modeling. ![]() |
Rosa, Gianni |
![]() Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio, and Gianni Rosa (University of L'Aquila, Italy) In Model-Driven Engineering, models are primary artifact manipulated by means of automated transformations. Recently, a notion of uncertainty has been introduced in models permitting modelers to postpone design decisions in case of lack of information. Interestingly, other forms of model uncertainty are induced by bidirectional transformations. In fact, in certain situations more than one admissible solution is in principle possible, despite most of the current languages generate only one model at time, possibly not the desired one. In this paper, the uncertainty due to the solution multiplicity in bidirectional transformations is discussed. In particular, we propose to represent the models in the solution space as concretizations of an uncertain model because there are cases where the responsibility of identifying the solution must be left to the modeler. The problem is illustrated by a round-tripping scenario realized with the JTL transformation language. ![]() |
Silvestre, Luis |
![]() María Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds, and Luis Silvestre (University of Chile, Chile; Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile) Companies formalize their software processes as a way of organizing their development projects. As each project has its own requirements and objectives, a family of processes is required in practice, in order to ensure that each project is handled appropriately. This family may be a collection of predefined processes, but can also be automatically generated by tailoring a general process to a project’s context which requires formalization and tool support to be successful. Model-driven engineering provides a formal framework for defining the models and transformations required for automated process tailoring, but various types of models must be specified and evolved, limiting the industrial adoption of this approach. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a megamodel for automated process tailoring. Megamodeling provides an integrating framework for modeling in the large, including the definition and evolution of all models and transformations required for tailoring while hiding complexity. We report the application of our approach to the software development process of Rhiscom, a small Chilean company. ![]() |
Simmonds, Jocelyn |
![]() María Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds, and Luis Silvestre (University of Chile, Chile; Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile) Companies formalize their software processes as a way of organizing their development projects. As each project has its own requirements and objectives, a family of processes is required in practice, in order to ensure that each project is handled appropriately. This family may be a collection of predefined processes, but can also be automatically generated by tailoring a general process to a project’s context which requires formalization and tool support to be successful. Model-driven engineering provides a formal framework for defining the models and transformations required for automated process tailoring, but various types of models must be specified and evolved, limiting the industrial adoption of this approach. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a megamodel for automated process tailoring. Megamodeling provides an integrating framework for modeling in the large, including the definition and evolution of all models and transformations required for tailoring while hiding complexity. We report the application of our approach to the software development process of Rhiscom, a small Chilean company. ![]() |
Stirewalt, R. E. K. |
![]() Matthew Nizol, Laura K. Dillon, and R. E. K. Stirewalt (Michigan State University, USA; LogicBlox, USA) As a bridge from informal business requirements to precise specifications, conceptual models serve a critical role in the development of enterprise systems. Instantiating conceptual models with test data can help stakeholders validate the model and provide developers with a test database to validate their code. ORM is a popular conceptual modeling language due in part to its expressive constraint language. Due to that expressiveness, instantiating an arbitrary ORM model is NP-hard. Smaragdakis et al. identified a subset of ORM called ORM− that can be instantiated in polynomial time. However, ORM− excludes several constraints commonly used in commercial models. Recent research has extended ORM− through semantics-preserving transformations. We extend the set of ORM models that can be transformed to ORM− models by using a class of non-semantics-preserving transformations called constraint strengthening. We formalize our approach as a special case of Stevens’ model transformation framework. We discuss an example transformation and its limitations, and we conclude with a proposal for future research. ![]() |
Szymanek, Radoslaw |
![]() Simon Bliudze, Anastasia Mavridou, Radoslaw Szymanek, and Alina Zolotukhina (EPFL, Switzerland; Crossing-Tech, Switzerland) Coordinating component behaviour and access to resources is among the key difficulties of building large concurrent systems. To address this, developers must be able to manipulate high-level concepts, such as Finite State Machines and separate functional and coordination aspects of the system behaviour. OSGi associates to each bundle a state machine representing the bundle's lifecycle. However, once the bundle has been started, it remains in the state Active - the functional states are not represented. Therefore, this mechanism is not sufficient for coordination of active components. In this paper, we present a methodology for functional component coordination in OSGi by using BIP coordination mechanisms. BIP allows us to clearly separate the system-wide coordination policies from the component behaviour and the interface that components expose for interaction. By using BIP, we show how the allowed global states and state transitions of the modular system can be taken into account in a non-invasive manner and without any impact on the technology stack within an OSGi container. ![]() |
Tapus, Adriana |
![]() Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, and Adriana Tapus (ENSTA ParisTech, France; VeDeCom Institute, France) Recently, there is an encouraging trend in adopting model-driven engineering approaches for software development in robotics research. In this paper, currently available model-driven techniques in robotics are analyzed with respect to the domain-specific requirements. A conceptual overview of our software development approach called 'Self Adaptive Framework for Robotic Systems (SafeRobots)' is explained and we also try to position our approach within this model ecosystem. ![]() |
Tax, Niek |
![]() Chintan Amrit and Niek Tax (University of Twente, Netherlands) Metrics for conceptual diagram understandability are generally based on a particular modelling notation and do not consider multiple perspectives in arriving at measurable metrics. This paper aims to be a step towards integration of multiple perspectives of conceptual model understandability. We demonstrate how one can arrive at a suite of metrics for conceptual diagram understandability. We use a questionnaire based on a few selected metrics to gain insights on the relative impact of different perspectives (namely, the notation and aesthetic perspectives) on conceptual diagram understandability. The main result of this study is that given a particular modelling notation (UML) and novice modellers, certain aesthetic aspects seem to have a greater impact on perceived diagram understandability than the notation aspects. We conclude with a call for further research in order to draw valid conclusions about the overall impact of the aesthetic and notation perspectives on diagram understandability. ![]() |
Tisi, Massimo |
![]() Frédéric Jouault, Massimo Tisi, and Jérôme Delatour (Eseo, France; École des Mines de Nantes, France; INRIA, France; LINA, France) Within a given modeling platform, modeling tools interoperate efficiently. They are generally written in the same general purpose language, and use a single modeling framework (i.e., an API to access models). However, interoperability between tools from different modeling platforms is much more problematic. In this paper, we argue that fUML may be leveraged to address this issue by providing a common execution language, and by abstracting modeling frameworks into generic actions that perform elementary operations on models. Not only can user models benefit from a unified execution semantics, but modeling tools can too. ![]() |
Whalen, Michael W. |
![]() Michael W. Whalen, Anitha Murugesan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, and Mats P. E. Heimdahl (University of Minnesota, USA) Model-based development (MBD) tool suites such as Simulink and Stateflow offer powerful tools for design, development, and analysis of models. These models can be used for several purposes: for code generation, for prototyping, as descriptions of an environment (plant) that will be controlled by software, as oracles for a testing process, and many other aspects of software development. In addition, a goal of model-based development is to develop reusable models that can be easily managed in a version-controlled continuous integration process. Although significant guidance exists for proper structuring of source code for these purposes, considerably less guidance exists for MBD approaches. In this paper, we discuss structuring issues in constructing models to support use (and reuse) of models for design and verification in critical software development projects. We illustrate our approach using a generic patient-controlled analgesia infusion pump (GPCA), a medical cyber-physical system. ![]() |
Zolotukhina, Alina |
![]() Simon Bliudze, Anastasia Mavridou, Radoslaw Szymanek, and Alina Zolotukhina (EPFL, Switzerland; Crossing-Tech, Switzerland) Coordinating component behaviour and access to resources is among the key difficulties of building large concurrent systems. To address this, developers must be able to manipulate high-level concepts, such as Finite State Machines and separate functional and coordination aspects of the system behaviour. OSGi associates to each bundle a state machine representing the bundle's lifecycle. However, once the bundle has been started, it remains in the state Active - the functional states are not represented. Therefore, this mechanism is not sufficient for coordination of active components. In this paper, we present a methodology for functional component coordination in OSGi by using BIP coordination mechanisms. BIP allows us to clearly separate the system-wide coordination policies from the component behaviour and the interface that components expose for interaction. By using BIP, we show how the allowed global states and state transitions of the modular system can be taken into account in a non-invasive manner and without any impact on the technology stack within an OSGi container. ![]() |
34 authors
proc time: 0.72