ICSE 2013 Workshops
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering (SE-CSE), May 18, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

Workshop SE-CSE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ahalt, Stan SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Antypas, Katie SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Band, Larry SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Bastian, Peter SE-CSE '13: "Design and Rationale of a ..."
Batory, Don SE-CSE '13: "DSLs, DLA, DxT, and MDE in ..."
Berzins, Martin SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Betz, Robin M. SE-CSE '13: "Implementing Continuous Integration ..."
Bieman, James M. SE-CSE '13: "Techniques for Testing Scientific ..."
Braganholo, Vanessa SE-CSE '13: "Implicit Provenance Gathering ..."
Calder, Alan SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Chow, Peter SE-CSE '13: "Software Design for Decoupled ..."
Cook, Jeanine SE-CSE '13: "Binary Instrumentation Support ..."
Cook, Jonathan SE-CSE '13: "Binary Instrumentation Support ..."
De Oliveira, Diego Caminha B. SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Dubey, Anshu SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Elfituri, Mustafa SE-CSE '13: "Binary Instrumentation Support ..."
Engwer, Christian SE-CSE '13: "Design and Rationale of a ..."
Falessi, Davide SE-CSE '13: "Towards Flexible Automated ..."
Fryxell, Bruce SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Georgescu, Serban SE-CSE '13: "Software Design for Decoupled ..."
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Hawker, J. Scott SE-CSE '13: "Scientific Software Process ..."
Henderson, Jette SE-CSE '13: "Exploring Issues in Software ..."
Humphrey, Alan SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Idaszak, Ray SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Kanewala, Upulee SE-CSE '13: "Techniques for Testing Scientific ..."
Lamb, Don SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Lenhardt, Chris SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Marker, Bryan SE-CSE '13: "DSLs, DLA, DxT, and MDE in ..."
Meng, Qingyu SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Mesh, Erika S. SE-CSE '13: "Scientific Software Process ..."
Michelsen, Hope A. SE-CSE '13: "A Case Study: Agile Development ..."
Minsker, Barbara SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Morris, Karla SE-CSE '13: "A Case Study: Agile Development ..."
Murta, Leonardo SE-CSE '13: "Implicit Provenance Gathering ..."
Nanthaamornphong, Aziz SE-CSE '13: "A Case Study: Agile Development ..."
Neves, Vitor C. SE-CSE '13: "Implicit Provenance Gathering ..."
Paech, Barbara SE-CSE '13: "Design and Rationale of a ..."
Palmer, Margaret SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. SE-CSE '13: "Exploring Issues in Software ..."
Rakamarić, Zvonimir SE-CSE '13: "Practical Formal Correctness ..."
Reid, Lynn SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Remmel, Hanna SE-CSE '13: "Design and Rationale of a ..."
Ricker, Paul SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Riley, Katherine SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Rosner, Robert SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Rouson, Damian W. I. SE-CSE '13: "A Case Study: Agile Development ..."
Shull, Forrest SE-CSE '13: "Towards Flexible Automated ..."
Siegel, Andrew SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Tiemann, Michael SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."
Timmes, Francis SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Van de Geijn, Robert SE-CSE '13: "DSLs, DLA, DxT, and MDE in ..."
Vladimirova, Natalia SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Walker, Ross C. SE-CSE '13: "Implementing Continuous Integration ..."
Weide, Klaus SE-CSE '13: "The Software Development Process ..."
Whitton, Mary SE-CSE '13: "Water Science Software Institute: ..."

56 authors

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