Workshop CTGDSD 2013 – Author Index |
Contents -
Abstracts -
Baldwin, Jennifer |
![]() Jennifer Baldwin and Daniela Damian (University of Victoria, Canada) There have been many case studies looking at the work processes and use of tools within globally distributed software engineering teams. These studies usually use interviews, or other qualitative methods to ascertain their results. Additionally they may use data mining on particular modes of communication. In this paper, we report from observations in a Global Software Development class where students were free to choose the tools that best suited their needs, with minimal constraints. We discuss tool usage in three student teams and show how communication can be visually compared and correlated with implementation effort. We provide GSD teaching implications for tool selection and for monitoring progress of student teams. Finally, we suggest as a point of discussion that lightweight tools are not only preferred by students, but provide the same learning effect as more feature-complex collaboration infrastructures. ![]() |
Bosnić, Ivana |
![]() Ivana Bosnić, Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Čavrak, Raffaela Mirandola, and Marin Orlić (University of Zagreb, Croatia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) The organizational shift from local to global settings in many software development initiatives has triggered the need for entailing it when educating the future software engineers. Several educational institutions have embraced this need and started collaborating for the provision of global software engineering courses. The rather complex nature of such courses results in a wider range of risks, in comparison to standard software engineering courses, that arise in different dimensions, ranging from course- to result-related, and for different reasons. In this work we provide an assessment of such a variety of risks as well as their causes, and we give a hint on how they may affect each other based on our 10-year-long experience with a tightly integrated GSD course. ![]() |
Case, Steven |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
Čavrak, Igor |
![]() Ivana Bosnić, Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Čavrak, Raffaela Mirandola, and Marin Orlić (University of Zagreb, Croatia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) The organizational shift from local to global settings in many software development initiatives has triggered the need for entailing it when educating the future software engineers. Several educational institutions have embraced this need and started collaborating for the provision of global software engineering courses. The rather complex nature of such courses results in a wider range of risks, in comparison to standard software engineering courses, that arise in different dimensions, ranging from course- to result-related, and for different reasons. In this work we provide an assessment of such a variety of risks as well as their causes, and we give a hint on how they may affect each other based on our 10-year-long experience with a tightly integrated GSD course. ![]() |
Chatterjee, Swapnanjan |
![]() Sourajit Ghosh Dastidar and Swapnanjan Chatterjee (Iowa State University, USA) This paper is based on a Distributed Software Development course project conducted over a period of four months (fall, 2012). The aim of the project was to develop a Classroom Face Recognition System(CFRS) to enable instructors automatically to record student attendance. This project was a collaborative effort between students and faculties from Iowa State University, United States of America; Jilin University, Republic of China and King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand. We make observations from a Project Management point of view of Distributed Software Development on the benefits and disadvantages of a variety of issues associated with distributed software development, such as of 24 hour work-cycle and expanded pool of workforce. We highlight the main constraints, assumptions, challenges and their corresponding mitigation strategies, and recommend improvements for future educational distributed projects. ![]() |
Ciccozzi, Federico |
![]() Ivana Bosnić, Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Čavrak, Raffaela Mirandola, and Marin Orlić (University of Zagreb, Croatia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) The organizational shift from local to global settings in many software development initiatives has triggered the need for entailing it when educating the future software engineers. Several educational institutions have embraced this need and started collaborating for the provision of global software engineering courses. The rather complex nature of such courses results in a wider range of risks, in comparison to standard software engineering courses, that arise in different dimensions, ranging from course- to result-related, and for different reasons. In this work we provide an assessment of such a variety of risks as well as their causes, and we give a hint on how they may affect each other based on our 10-year-long experience with a tightly integrated GSD course. ![]() |
Crnković, Ivica |
![]() Predrag Filipovikj, Juraj Feljan, and Ivica Crnković (Mälardalen University, Sweden) When a project had followed advices from the best practices, we can raise a question whether the success (or failure) of the project came from following (or not following) the best practices, or whether there were additional reasons that led to the positive (or negative) outcome. In this paper we analyze a case of a student project performed as a part of our Distributed Software Development course. The project followed the advices from the “Ten Tips to Succeed in Global Software Engineering Education” publication. This paper analyzes the project work with respect to the advices. Focusing on the perspective of a student participating in the project, the paper tries to answer whether following the advices is sufficient for a positive project outcome. ![]() |
Damian, Daniela |
![]() Jennifer Baldwin and Daniela Damian (University of Victoria, Canada) There have been many case studies looking at the work processes and use of tools within globally distributed software engineering teams. These studies usually use interviews, or other qualitative methods to ascertain their results. Additionally they may use data mining on particular modes of communication. In this paper, we report from observations in a Global Software Development class where students were free to choose the tools that best suited their needs, with minimal constraints. We discuss tool usage in three student teams and show how communication can be visually compared and correlated with implementation effort. We provide GSD teaching implications for tool selection and for monitoring progress of student teams. Finally, we suggest as a point of discussion that lightweight tools are not only preferred by students, but provide the same learning effect as more feature-complex collaboration infrastructures. ![]() |
Dastidar, Sourajit Ghosh |
![]() Sourajit Ghosh Dastidar and Swapnanjan Chatterjee (Iowa State University, USA) This paper is based on a Distributed Software Development course project conducted over a period of four months (fall, 2012). The aim of the project was to develop a Classroom Face Recognition System(CFRS) to enable instructors automatically to record student attendance. This project was a collaborative effort between students and faculties from Iowa State University, United States of America; Jilin University, Republic of China and King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand. We make observations from a Project Management point of view of Distributed Software Development on the benefits and disadvantages of a variety of issues associated with distributed software development, such as of 24 hour work-cycle and expanded pool of workforce. We highlight the main constraints, assumptions, challenges and their corresponding mitigation strategies, and recommend improvements for future educational distributed projects. ![]() |
Ding, Junhua |
![]() Junhua Ding (East Carolina University, USA) This paper proposes a framework for global collaboration in teaching software engineering courses. The framework is developed based on experiences and lessons we learned from our global collaborations in teaching software engineering during last several years. The participant students of our pilot projects were undergraduate computer science or software engineering students from United States and other countries. Students studied the fundamental software engineering principles and practices and collaborated remotely to produce software systems following good software engineering practices. The framework proposed in this paper includes guidelines for building an effective collaboration infrastructure, ideas for designing a high quality collaboration course and assessment procedures for continuously improving teaching quality. The framework is useful for others who plan to be involved in similar global collaboration projects in the future. ![]() |
Fagerholm, Fabian |
![]() Fabian Fagerholm, Nilay Oza, and Jürgen Münch (University of Helsinki, Finland) Teaching distributed software development (DSD) in project courses where student teams are geographically distributed promises several benefits. One main benefit is that in contrast to traditional classroom courses, students can experience the effects of distribution and the mechanisms for coping with distribution by themselves, therefore understanding their relevance for software development. They can thus learn to take more care of distribution challenges and risks when starting to develop software in industry. However, providing a sustainable environment for such project courses is difficult. A development environment is needed that can connect to different distributed teams and an ongoing routine to conduct such courses needs to be established. This article sketches a picture of the Software Factory, a platform that supports teaching distributed student projects and that has now been operational for more than three years. We describe the basic steps of conducting Software Factory projects, and portray experiences from past factory projects. In addition, we provide a short overview of related approaches and future activities. ![]() |
Feljan, Juraj |
![]() Predrag Filipovikj, Juraj Feljan, and Ivica Crnković (Mälardalen University, Sweden) When a project had followed advices from the best practices, we can raise a question whether the success (or failure) of the project came from following (or not following) the best practices, or whether there were additional reasons that led to the positive (or negative) outcome. In this paper we analyze a case of a student project performed as a part of our Distributed Software Development course. The project followed the advices from the “Ten Tips to Succeed in Global Software Engineering Education” publication. This paper analyzes the project work with respect to the advices. Focusing on the perspective of a student participating in the project, the paper tries to answer whether following the advices is sufficient for a positive project outcome. ![]() |
Filipovikj, Predrag |
![]() Predrag Filipovikj, Juraj Feljan, and Ivica Crnković (Mälardalen University, Sweden) When a project had followed advices from the best practices, we can raise a question whether the success (or failure) of the project came from following (or not following) the best practices, or whether there were additional reasons that led to the positive (or negative) outcome. In this paper we analyze a case of a student project performed as a part of our Distributed Software Development course. The project followed the advices from the “Ten Tips to Succeed in Global Software Engineering Education” publication. This paper analyzes the project work with respect to the advices. Focusing on the perspective of a student participating in the project, the paper tries to answer whether following the advices is sufficient for a positive project outcome. ![]() |
Kass, Steven J. |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
Manning, Kelly |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
Mirandola, Raffaela |
![]() Ivana Bosnić, Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Čavrak, Raffaela Mirandola, and Marin Orlić (University of Zagreb, Croatia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) The organizational shift from local to global settings in many software development initiatives has triggered the need for entailing it when educating the future software engineers. Several educational institutions have embraced this need and started collaborating for the provision of global software engineering courses. The rather complex nature of such courses results in a wider range of risks, in comparison to standard software engineering courses, that arise in different dimensions, ranging from course- to result-related, and for different reasons. In this work we provide an assessment of such a variety of risks as well as their causes, and we give a hint on how they may affect each other based on our 10-year-long experience with a tightly integrated GSD course. ![]() |
Münch, Jürgen |
![]() Fabian Fagerholm, Nilay Oza, and Jürgen Münch (University of Helsinki, Finland) Teaching distributed software development (DSD) in project courses where student teams are geographically distributed promises several benefits. One main benefit is that in contrast to traditional classroom courses, students can experience the effects of distribution and the mechanisms for coping with distribution by themselves, therefore understanding their relevance for software development. They can thus learn to take more care of distribution challenges and risks when starting to develop software in industry. However, providing a sustainable environment for such project courses is difficult. A development environment is needed that can connect to different distributed teams and an ongoing routine to conduct such courses needs to be established. This article sketches a picture of the Software Factory, a platform that supports teaching distributed student projects and that has now been operational for more than three years. We describe the basic steps of conducting Software Factory projects, and portray experiences from past factory projects. In addition, we provide a short overview of related approaches and future activities. ![]() |
Orlić, Marin |
![]() Ivana Bosnić, Federico Ciccozzi, Igor Čavrak, Raffaela Mirandola, and Marin Orlić (University of Zagreb, Croatia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) The organizational shift from local to global settings in many software development initiatives has triggered the need for entailing it when educating the future software engineers. Several educational institutions have embraced this need and started collaborating for the provision of global software engineering courses. The rather complex nature of such courses results in a wider range of risks, in comparison to standard software engineering courses, that arise in different dimensions, ranging from course- to result-related, and for different reasons. In this work we provide an assessment of such a variety of risks as well as their causes, and we give a hint on how they may affect each other based on our 10-year-long experience with a tightly integrated GSD course. ![]() |
Oza, Nilay |
![]() Fabian Fagerholm, Nilay Oza, and Jürgen Münch (University of Helsinki, Finland) Teaching distributed software development (DSD) in project courses where student teams are geographically distributed promises several benefits. One main benefit is that in contrast to traditional classroom courses, students can experience the effects of distribution and the mechanisms for coping with distribution by themselves, therefore understanding their relevance for software development. They can thus learn to take more care of distribution challenges and risks when starting to develop software in industry. However, providing a sustainable environment for such project courses is difficult. A development environment is needed that can connect to different distributed teams and an ongoing routine to conduct such courses needs to be established. This article sketches a picture of the Software Factory, a platform that supports teaching distributed student projects and that has now been operational for more than three years. We describe the basic steps of conducting Software Factory projects, and portray experiences from past factory projects. In addition, we provide a short overview of related approaches and future activities. ![]() |
Schneider, Sherry K. |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
White, Laura J. |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
Wilde, Norman |
![]() Steven Case, Sherry K. Schneider, Laura J. White, Steven J. Kass, Kelly Manning, and Norman Wilde (University of West Florida, USA) This paper describes a research program on the introduction of globally distributed teams into undergraduate software engineering courses. A pilot study, now completed, involved students at a single institution using two different virtual environments while cooperatively developing requirements artifacts in 3-person virtual teams. We describe the results of this pilot study and the plans for its extension to a three-year multi-institution, multi-culture, and multi-language setting. ![]() |
22 authors
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