ICSE 2013 Workshops
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), May 25, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

Workshop CHASE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abelein, Ulrike CHASE '13: "A Descriptive Classification ..."
Alali, Amani CHASE '13: "Motivations for Collaboration ..."
Babar, Muhammad Ali CHASE '13: "Exploring Social Structures ..."
Bang, Jae Young CHASE '13: "How Software Architects Collaborate: ..."
Barroso, Ellen CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Begel, Andrew CHASE '13: "App-Directed Learning: An ..."
Bener, Ayşe Başar CHASE '13: "Emergence of Developer Teams ..."
Bird, Christian CHASE '13: "Improving Developer Participation ..."
Braunschweig, Brandt CHASE '13: "An Examination of Shared Understanding ..."
Caglayan, Bora CHASE '13: "Emergence of Developer Teams ..."
Chaves, Ana Paula CHASE '13: "Why Do Newcomers Abandon Open ..."
Cleary, Brendan CHASE '13: "Analyzing the Friendliness ..."
Conte, Tayana CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Dabbish, Laura CHASE '13: "Social Media in Transparent ..."
Damian, Daniela CHASE '13: "Aduno: Real-Time Collaborative ..."
De Araújo, Ana C. M. L. CHASE '13: "Motivation of Software Engineers: ..."
Dib, Mário CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Dorn, Christoph CHASE '13: "Towards Collaboration-Centric ..."
Egyed, Alexander CHASE '13: "Towards Collaboration-Centric ..."
Fagerholm, Fabian CHASE '13: "How Does Kanban Impact Communication ..."
França, A. César C. CHASE '13: "Motivation of Software Engineers: ..."
Fritz, Thomas CHASE '13: "Collaborative Bug Triaging ..."
Fronza, Ilenia CHASE '13: "Cooperation Wordle using Pre-attentive ..."
Gall, Harald C. CHASE '13: "Collaborative Bug Triaging ..."
Gerosa, Marco Aurélio CHASE '13: "Why Do Newcomers Abandon Open ..."
Gomes, Vanessa CHASE '13: "On the Development of a Theoretical ..."
Gómez, Carlos CHASE '13: "Analyzing the Friendliness ..."
Gray, Edwin CHASE '13: "The Need of a Person Oriented ..."
Hadar, Ethan CHASE '13: "Less is More: Architecture ..."
Hadar, Irit CHASE '13: "Less is More: Architecture ..."
Hall, Tracy CHASE '13: "Using Experimental Games to ..."
Harrison, Jr., John J. CHASE '13: "Less is More: Architecture ..."
Hasnain, Eisha CHASE '13: "Using Experimental Games to ..."
Herbsleb, James D. CHASE '13: "Social Media in Transparent ..." CHASE '13: "Crowd Development ..."
Hoek, André van der CHASE '13: "Toward Social-Technical Code ..." CHASE '13: "A Study of Architectural Decision ..." CHASE '13: "Crowd Development ..."
Janes, Andrea CHASE '13: "Cooperation Wordle using Pre-attentive ..."
Kalliamvakou, Eirini CHASE '13: "Aduno: Real-Time Collaborative ..."
Kauffeld, Simone CHASE '13: "Meeting Intensity as an Indicator ..."
Kevic, Katja CHASE '13: "Collaborative Bug Triaging ..."
Kiesling, Stephan CHASE '13: "Meeting Intensity as an Indicator ..."
Krka, Ivo CHASE '13: "How Software Architects Collaborate: ..."
Kruchten, Philippe CHASE '13: "What Is Social Debt in Software ..."
Kulkarni, Naveen CHASE '13: "How Software Architects Collaborate: ..."
Lago, Patricia CHASE '13: "What Is Social Debt in Software ..."
Lambert, Nathan CHASE '13: "Aduno: Real-Time Collaborative ..."
LaToza, Thomas D. CHASE '13: "A Study of Architectural Decision ..." CHASE '13: "Crowd Development ..."
Licorish, Sherlock A. CHASE '13: "Differences in Jazz Project ..."
Liskin, Olga CHASE '13: "Meeting Intensity as an Indicator ..."
Loftin, Robert CHASE '13: "Improving Developer Participation ..."
MacDonell, Stephen G. CHASE '13: "Differences in Jazz Project ..."
Marczak, Sabrina CHASE '13: "On the Development of a Theoretical ..."
Martie, Lee CHASE '13: "Toward Social-Technical Code ..."
Matturro, Gerardo CHASE '13: "Soft Skills in Software Engineering: ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad CHASE '13: "How Software Architects Collaborate: ..."
Miranskyy, Andriy CHASE '13: "Emergence of Developer Teams ..."
Müller, Sebastian C. CHASE '13: "Collaborative Bug Triaging ..."
Münch, Jürgen CHASE '13: "How Does Kanban Impact Communication ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson CHASE '13: "Improving Developer Participation ..."
Oza, Nilay CHASE '13: "How Does Kanban Impact Communication ..."
Padmanabhuni, Srinivas CHASE '13: "How Software Architects Collaborate: ..."
Paech, Barbara CHASE '13: "A Descriptive Classification ..."
Prechelt, Lutz CHASE '13: "Agile Offsharing: Using Pair ..."
Rabelo, Jacilane CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Redmiles, David CHASE '13: "Understanding Cheap Talk and ..."
Sampaio, Alberto CHASE '13: "The Need of a Person Oriented ..."
Sampaio, Isabel B. CHASE '13: "The Need of a Person Oriented ..."
Schneider, Kurt CHASE '13: "Meeting Intensity as an Indicator ..."
Scholtes, Ingo CHASE '13: "The Rise and Fall of a Central ..."
Schweitzer, Frank CHASE '13: "The Rise and Fall of a Central ..."
Seaman, Carolyn CHASE '13: "An Examination of Shared Understanding ..."
Shabani, Evelina CHASE '13: "A Study of Architectural Decision ..."
Shepperd, Martin CHASE '13: "Using Experimental Games to ..."
Sherman, Sofia CHASE '13: "Less is More: Architecture ..."
Sillito, Jonathan CHASE '13: "Motivations for Collaboration ..." CHASE '13: "App-Directed Learning: An ..."
Sillitti, Alberto CHASE '13: "Cooperation Wordle using Pre-attentive ..."
Silva, Fabio Q. B. da CHASE '13: "Motivation of Software Engineers: ..."
Simpson, Braden CHASE '13: "Aduno: Real-Time Collaborative ..."
Singer, Leif CHASE '13: "Analyzing the Friendliness ..."
Smith, Edward CHASE '13: "Improving Developer Participation ..."
Steinmacher, Igor CHASE '13: "Why Do Newcomers Abandon Open ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne CHASE '13: "Analyzing the Friendliness ..."
Succi, Giancarlo CHASE '13: "Cooperation Wordle using Pre-attentive ..."
Tamburri, Damian A. CHASE '13: "What Is Social Debt in Software ..."
Tessone, Claudio Juan CHASE '13: "The Rise and Fall of a Central ..."
Towne, W. Ben CHASE '13: "Crowd Development ..."
Trebeschi, Stefano CHASE '13: "Cooperation Wordle using Pre-attentive ..."
Treude, Christoph CHASE '13: "Analyzing the Friendliness ..."
Tsay, Jason CHASE '13: "Social Media in Transparent ..."
Viana, Davi CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Vieira, Andréia CHASE '13: "A Qualitative Study about ..."
Vliet, Hans van CHASE '13: "What Is Social Debt in Software ..."
Wang, Yi CHASE '13: "Understanding Cheap Talk and ..."
Wiese, Igor CHASE '13: "Why Do Newcomers Abandon Open ..."
Zahedi, Mansooreh CHASE '13: "Exploring Social Structures ..."
Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano CHASE '13: "The Rise and Fall of a Central ..."
Zimmermann, Thomas CHASE '13: "Improving Developer Participation ..."

101 authors

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