ICSE 2012 Workshops
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 First International Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges (S-Cube), June 5, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

Workshop S-Cube 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Barais, Olivier S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Bratanis, Konstantinos S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Brogi, Antonio S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Bucchiarone, Antonio S-Cube '12: "Adaptivity in Dynamic Service-Based ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Cámara, Javier S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Carro, Manuel S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..." S-Cube '12: "Analyzing Service-Oriented ..."
Cassales Marquezan, Clarissa S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Chi, Chi-Hung S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Online ..."
Daubert, Erwan S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
De Lemos, Rogério S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Di Napoli, Claudia S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..." S-Cube '12: "Chemical Programming for Adaptation ..."
Di Nitto, Elisabetta S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..."
Dranidis, Dimitris S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Dustdar, Schahram S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..." S-Cube '12: "Cost-Based Prevention of Violations ..."
Engel, Yagil S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Online ..."
Fouquet, François S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Franch, Xavier S-Cube '12: "A Holistic Service Provisioning ..."
Giese, Holger S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Giordano, Maurizio S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..." S-Cube '12: "Chemical Programming for Adaptation ..."
Gorlatch, Sergei S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..."
Gu, Qing S-Cube '12: "Modeling to Support Communication ..."
Hacid, Mohand-Said S-Cube '12: "Causes-Based Problems in Business ..."
Hamann, Kristof S-Cube '12: "Process Instance Migration: ..."
Hantry, Francois S-Cube '12: "Causes-Based Problems in Business ..."
Haque, Rafiqul S-Cube '12: "SOLÚBTHA: A Flexible Business ..."
Hermenegildo, Manuel S-Cube '12: "Analyzing Service-Oriented ..."
Ivanović, Dragan S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..." S-Cube '12: "Analyzing Service-Oriented ..."
Jézéquel, Jean-Marc S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Karastoyanova, Dimka S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..."
Kazhamiakin, Raman S-Cube '12: "Adaptivity in Dynamic Service-Based ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..."
Kecskemeti, Gabor S-Cube '12: "A Holistic Service Provisioning ..."
Kertesz, Attila S-Cube '12: "A Holistic Service Provisioning ..."
Lago, Patricia S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..." S-Cube '12: "Modeling to Support Communication ..."
Lamersdorf, Winfried S-Cube '12: "Process Instance Migration: ..."
Leitner, Philipp S-Cube '12: "Cost-Based Prevention of Violations ..."
Leymann, Frank S-Cube '12: "Cost-Based Prevention of Violations ..."
Marconi, Annapaola S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..." S-Cube '12: "Adaptivity in Dynamic Service-Based ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Online ..."
Meiländer, Dominik S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..."
Metzger, Andreas S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Multi-layer ..." S-Cube '12: "Verification and Testing at ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Online ..."
Morin, Brice S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Nain, Gregory S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Neméth, Zsolt S-Cube '12: "A Holistic Service Provisioning ..." S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..."
Oriol, Marc S-Cube '12: "A Holistic Service Provisioning ..."
Papazoglou, Mike S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..."
Pautasso, Cesare S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Service ..."
Pazat, Jean-Louis S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Pistore, Marco S-Cube '12: "Adaptivity in Dynamic Service-Based ..."
Pohl, Klaus S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Adaptive ..." S-Cube '12: "Verification and Testing at ..."
Psaier, Harald S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..."
Razavian, Maryam S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..." S-Cube '12: "Modeling to Support Communication ..."
Richardson, Ita S-Cube '12: "SOLÚBTHA: A Flexible Business ..."
Sammodi, Osama S-Cube '12: "Verification and Testing at ..."
Schmieders, Eric S-Cube '12: "Verification and Testing at ..."
Sunye, Gerson S-Cube '12: "A models@runtime Framework ..."
Tamburri, Damian A. S-Cube '12: "Research Challenges on Engineering ..." S-Cube '12: "Modeling to Support Communication ..."
Wetzstein, Branimir S-Cube '12: "Cost-Based Prevention of Violations ..."
Zaplata, Sonja S-Cube '12: "Process Instance Migration: ..."

78 authors

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