ICSE 2012 Workshops
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 6th International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC), June 4, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

Workshop IWSC 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alalfi, Manar H. IWSC '12: "Near-Miss Model Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Towards Qualitative Comparison ..."
Bauer, Veronika IWSC '12: "Using Edge Bundle Views for ..."
Baxter, Ira IWSC '12: "A Common Conceptual Model ..."
Buzluca, Feza IWSC '12: "Mining Object-Oriented Design ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. IWSC '12: "Claims and Beliefs about Code ..."
Charland, Philippe IWSC '12: "Shuffling and Randomization ..."
Chatterji, Debarshi IWSC '12: "Claims and Beliefs about Code ..."
Choi, Eunjong IWSC '12: "Industrial Application of ..." IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Cordy, James R. IWSC '12: "Near-Miss Model Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Towards Qualitative Comparison ..."
Cuomo, Antonio IWSC '12: "A Novel Approach Based on ..."
Dean, Thomas R. IWSC '12: "Near-Miss Model Clone Detection ..."
Elva, Rochelle IWSC '12: "Semantic Clone Detection Using ..."
Er, Emre IWSC '12: "A Case Study on Applying Clone ..."
Erdemir, Ural IWSC '12: "Mining Object-Oriented Design ..."
Göde, Nils IWSC '12: "What Clone Coverage Can Tell ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. IWSC '12: "We Have All of the Clones, ..."
Harder, Jan IWSC '12: "A Common Conceptual Model ..."
Hauptmann, Benedikt IWSC '12: "Using Edge Bundle Views for ..."
Henglein, Fritz IWSC '12: "Clone Detection Using Rolling ..."
Higo, Yoshiki IWSC '12: "Filtering Clones for Individual ..." IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Hotta, Keisuke IWSC '12: "Filtering Clones for Individual ..."
Hummel, Benjamin IWSC '12: "What Clone Coverage Can Tell ..."
Igaki, Hiroshi IWSC '12: "Filtering Clones for Individual ..."
Inoue, Katsuro IWSC '12: "Industrial Application of ..." IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Junker, Maximilian IWSC '12: "Using Edge Bundle Views for ..."
Jürgens, Elmar IWSC '12: "What Clone Coverage Can Tell ..."
Kamiya, Toshihiro IWSC '12: "Conte*t Clones or Re-thinking ..."
Kapser, Cory J. IWSC '12: "A Common Conceptual Model ..."
Keivanloo, Iman IWSC '12: "Java Bytecode Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Shuffling and Randomization ..."
Kim, Kyonghwan IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. IWSC '12: "Claims and Beliefs about Code ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji IWSC '12: "Filtering Clones for Individual ..." IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Lavoie, Thierry IWSC '12: "An Accurate Estimation of ..."
Leavens, Gary T. IWSC '12: "Semantic Clone Detection Using ..."
Lee, Eunha IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Merlo, Ettore IWSC '12: "An Accurate Estimation of ..."
Mibe, Ryota IWSC '12: "Visualizing Code Clone Outbreak: ..."
Mondal, Manishankar IWSC '12: "Dispersion of Changes in Cloned ..."
Park, Wonjin IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Ravikanth, K. IWSC '12: "A Method for Proactive Moderation ..."
Rilling, Juergen IWSC '12: "Java Bytecode Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Shuffling and Randomization ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. IWSC '12: "Dispersion of Changes in Cloned ..." IWSC '12: "Java Bytecode Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Shuffling and Randomization ..."
Sano, Tateki IWSC '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Santone, Antonella IWSC '12: "A Novel Approach Based on ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. IWSC '12: "Dispersion of Changes in Cloned ..."
Singh, Himanshu Kumar IWSC '12: "A Method for Proactive Moderation ..."
Stephan, Matthew IWSC '12: "Near-Miss Model Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Towards Qualitative Comparison ..."
Stevenson, Andrew IWSC '12: "Near-Miss Model Clone Detection ..." IWSC '12: "Towards Qualitative Comparison ..."
Tekin, Umut IWSC '12: "Mining Object-Oriented Design ..."
Thomsen, Mikkel Jønsson IWSC '12: "Clone Detection Using Rolling ..."
Toomey, Warren IWSC '12: "Ctcompare: Code Clone Detection ..."
Tüzün, Eray IWSC '12: "A Case Study on Applying Clone ..."
Venkatasubramanyam, Radhika D. IWSC '12: "A Method for Proactive Moderation ..."
Villano, Umberto IWSC '12: "A Novel Approach Based on ..."
Volanschi, Nic IWSC '12: "Safe Clone-Based Refactoring ..."
Wang, Wei IWSC '12: "We Have All of the Clones, ..."
Yamanaka, Yuki IWSC '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Yang, Jiachen IWSC '12: "Filtering Clones for Individual ..."
Yoshida, Norihiro IWSC '12: "Industrial Application of ..." IWSC '12: "Experience of Finding Inconsistently-Changed ..."
Yoshimura, Kentaro IWSC '12: "Visualizing Code Clone Outbreak: ..."

73 authors

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