ICSE 2012 Workshops
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS), June 3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

Workshop GREENS 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aßmann, Uwe GREENS '12: "Approximating Quality Contracts ..."
Bourdon, Aurelien GREENS '12: "A Preliminary Study of the ..."
Cayci, Furkan GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Chen, FeiFei GREENS '12: "An Energy Consumption Model ..."
Chen, Hong-Mei GREENS '12: "Architecting Ultra-Large-Scale ..."
Clause, James GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Crnković, Ivica GREENS '12: "Energy Management in Embedded ..."
Dick, Markus GREENS '12: "How to Measure Energy-Efficiency ..."
Götz, Sebastian GREENS '12: "Approximating Quality Contracts ..."
Govindan, Ramesh GREENS '12: "Estimating Android Applications' ..."
Grundy, John GREENS '12: "An Energy Consumption Model ..."
Grüter, Cyrill GREENS '12: "EoD Designer: A Computation ..."
Gu, Qing GREENS '12: "Aligning Economic Impact with ..."
Gu, Yan GREENS '12: "GMoCA: Green Mobile Cloud ..."
Gutiérrez, Irene Lizeth Manotas GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Gysel, Peter GREENS '12: "EoD Designer: A Computation ..."
Halfond, William G. J. GREENS '12: "Estimating Android Applications' ..."
Hao, Shuai GREENS '12: "Estimating Android Applications' ..."
He, Qiang GREENS '12: "An Energy Consumption Model ..."
Johann, Timo GREENS '12: "How to Measure Energy-Efficiency ..."
Kazman, Rick GREENS '12: "Architecting Ultra-Large-Scale ..."
Kern, Eva GREENS '12: "How to Measure Energy-Efficiency ..."
Kiamilev, Fouad GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Krebs, Matthias GREENS '12: "EoD Designer: A Computation ..."
Lago, Patricia GREENS '12: "Aligning Economic Impact with ..."
Lee, Bu Sung GREENS '12: "GMoCA: Green Mobile Cloud ..."
Li, Ding GREENS '12: "Estimating Android Applications' ..."
Liu, Yu David GREENS '12: "Energy-Efficient Synchronization ..."
March, Verdi GREENS '12: "GMoCA: Green Mobile Cloud ..."
Meier, Christoph GREENS '12: "EoD Designer: A Computation ..."
Naumann, Stefan GREENS '12: "How to Measure Energy-Efficiency ..."
Noureddine, Adel GREENS '12: "A Preliminary Study of the ..."
Pollock, Lori GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Potenza, Simone GREENS '12: "Aligning Economic Impact with ..."
Ramesh, Umesh Balaji Kothandapani GREENS '12: "Energy Management in Embedded ..."
Richly, Sebastian GREENS '12: "Approximating Quality Contracts ..."
Rouvoy, Romain GREENS '12: "A Preliminary Study of the ..."
Sahin, Cagri GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Schneider, Jean-Guy GREENS '12: "An Energy Consumption Model ..."
Seinturier, Lionel GREENS '12: "A Preliminary Study of the ..."
Sentilles, Severine GREENS '12: "Energy Management in Embedded ..."
Wilke, Claas GREENS '12: "Approximating Quality Contracts ..."
Winbladh, Kristina GREENS '12: "Initial Explorations on Design ..."
Yang, Yun GREENS '12: "An Energy Consumption Model ..."

44 authors

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