ICSE 2012 Workshops
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 5th International Workshop on Co-operative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), June 2, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

Workshop CHASE 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abelein, Ulrike CHASE '12: "A Proposal for Enhancing User-Developer ..."
Al-Ani, Ban CHASE '12: "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration ..."
Aranda, Jorge CHASE '12: "A Redefinition of Roles and ..."
Barra, Claudio León de La CHASE '12: "Agile Software Engineering ..."
Berkovich, Marina CHASE '12: "Using the IDEAL Software Process ..."
Blincoe, Kelly CHASE '12: "ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time ..."
Borici, Arber CHASE '12: "ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time ..."
Calefato, Fabio CHASE '12: "Augmenting Social Awareness ..."
Conradi, Reidar CHASE '12: "Competition on Inter-organizational ..."
Crawford, Broderick CHASE '12: "Agile Software Engineering ..."
Cruzes, Daniela S. CHASE '12: "Competition on Inter-organizational ..."
Damian, Daniela CHASE '12: "A Redefinition of Roles and ..." CHASE '12: "ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time ..."
De Souza, Cleidson R. B. CHASE '12: "Wolf: Supporting Impact Analysis ..."
Dingsøyr, Torgeir CHASE '12: "Team Effectiveness in Software ..."
Dullemond, Kevin CHASE '12: "Supporting Distributed Software ..."
Dybå, Tore CHASE '12: "Team Effectiveness in Software ..."
Eisenhauer, Markus CHASE '12: "First Results from an Investigation ..."
Faulring, Andrew CHASE '12: "A Case Study of Using HCI ..."
Figueiredo, Mayara C. CHASE '12: "Wolf: Supporting Impact Analysis ..."
Freudenberg, Sallyann CHASE '12: "The Mystery of the Writing ..."
Fritz, Thomas CHASE '12: "An Approach for Collaborative ..."
Gall, Harald C. CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..." CHASE '12: "An Approach for Collaborative ..."
Gameren, Ben van CHASE '12: "Supporting Distributed Software ..."
Gärtner, Stefan CHASE '12: "A Method for Prioritizing ..."
Ghezzi, Giacomo CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..."
Giger, Emanuel CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..."
Grundy, John CHASE '12: "Performance Assessment Metrics ..."
Hadar, Irit CHASE '12: "Identifying the Need for a ..." CHASE '12: "Agile vs. Plan-Driven Perceptions ..."
Hoffmann, Anne CHASE '12: "REIM - An Improvisation Workshop ..."
Hoffmann, Axel CHASE '12: "Using the IDEAL Software Process ..."
Kanij, Tanjila CHASE '12: "Performance Assessment Metrics ..."
Klendauer, Ruth CHASE '12: "Using the IDEAL Software Process ..."
Ko, Andrew J. CHASE '12: "Representations of User Feedback ..."
Koehne, Benjamin CHASE '12: "Envisioning Distributed Usability ..."
Krcmar, Helmut CHASE '12: "Using the IDEAL Software Process ..."
Lanubile, Filippo CHASE '12: "Augmenting Social Awareness ..."
Lee, Michael J. CHASE '12: "Representations of User Feedback ..."
Leimeister, Jan Marco CHASE '12: "Using the IDEAL Software Process ..."
Licorish, Sherlock A. CHASE '12: "What Affects Team Behavior? ..."
Linden, Janet van der CHASE '12: "Why Developers Don’t Pair ..."
Lopez, Tamara CHASE '12: "Getting at Ephemeral Flaws ..."
MacDonell, Stephen G. CHASE '12: "What Affects Team Behavior? ..."
Marczak, Sabrina CHASE '12: "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration ..."
Merkel, Robert CHASE '12: "Performance Assessment Metrics ..."
Monfroy, Eric CHASE '12: "Agile Software Engineering ..."
Müller, Sebastian CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..." CHASE '12: "An Approach for Collaborative ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson CHASE '12: "How Can Research about Software ..."
Myers, Brad A. CHASE '12: "An Exploratory Study of Backtracking ..." CHASE '12: "A Case Study of Using HCI ..."
Nguyen Duc, Anh CHASE '12: "Competition on Inter-organizational ..."
Nori, Kesav V. CHASE '12: "What Makes It Hard To Design ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar CHASE '12: "Getting at Ephemeral Flaws ..."
Oren, Yaad CHASE '12: "A Case Study of Using HCI ..."
Paech, Barbara CHASE '12: "A Proposal for Enhancing User-Developer ..."
Pawlik, Aleksandra CHASE '12: "Documentation Practices in ..."
Petre, Marian CHASE '12: "Documentation Practices in ..." CHASE '12: "The Mystery of the Writing ..." CHASE '12: "Feedback: How Does It Impact ..." CHASE '12: "Getting at Ephemeral Flaws ..."
Plonka, Laura CHASE '12: "Why Developers Don’t Pair ..."
Prause, Christian R. CHASE '12: "First Results from an Investigation ..."
Redmiles, David F. CHASE '12: "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration ..." CHASE '12: "Envisioning Distributed Usability ..."
Rotenberg, Keren CHASE '12: "A Case Study of Using HCI ..."
Sach, Rien CHASE '12: "Feedback: How Does It Impact ..."
Schneider, Kurt CHASE '12: "A Method for Prioritizing ..."
Schöni, Pascal CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..."
Schröter, Adrian CHASE '12: "ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time ..."
Segal, Judith CHASE '12: "Documentation Practices in ..."
Sharp, Helen CHASE '12: "The Mystery of the Writing ..."
Sherman, Sofia CHASE '12: "Identifying the Need for a ..." CHASE '12: "Agile vs. Plan-Driven Perceptions ..."
Solingen, Rini van CHASE '12: "Supporting Distributed Software ..."
Soto, Ricardo CHASE '12: "Agile Software Engineering ..."
Trainer, Erik CHASE '12: "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration ..."
Valetto, Giuseppe CHASE '12: "ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time ..."
Wang, Yi CHASE '12: "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration ..."
Williams, Laurie CHASE '12: "How Can Research about Software ..."
Würsch, Michael CHASE '12: "Tangible Software Modeling ..." CHASE '12: "An Approach for Collaborative ..."
Yoon, YoungSeok CHASE '12: "An Exploratory Study of Backtracking ..."

85 authors

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