ICSE 2011 Workshops
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
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First Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins (TOPI 2011), May 28, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

Workshop TOPI 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui TOPI '11: "An OpenGL-based Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Aktemur, Baris TOPI '11: "Towards Subtyped Program Generation ..."
Ameller, David TOPI '11: "Reconciling the 3-layer Architectural ..."
Baldwin, Jennifer TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Beecher, Karl TOPI '11: "Four Generic Issues for Tools-as-Plugins ..."
Bohra, Sunil TOPI '11: "AODVis: Leveraging Eclipse ..."
Braberman, Víctor TOPI '11: "Contractor.NET: Inferring ..."
Breitman, Karin K. TOPI '11: "A Cloud-aware API for Semi-structured ..." TOPI '11: "eCLAIM - An Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Bruno, Diego Salomone TOPI '11: "eCLAIM - An Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Cavada, Roberto TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Choudhary, Shauvik Roy TOPI '11: "Platform Support for Developing ..."
Cianchi, Tim TOPI '11: "Architecting a Plug-in Based ..."
Cimatti, Alessandro TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Coady, Yvonne TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Collell, Oriol TOPI '11: "Reconciling the 3-layer Architectural ..."
Cooper, Kendra M. L. TOPI '11: "AODVis: Leveraging Eclipse ..."
De Caso, Guido TOPI '11: "Contractor.NET: Inferring ..." TOPI '11: "Pest: From the Lab to the ..."
Donsez, Didier TOPI '11: "Application Management Plug-ins ..."
Duvall, Jeremy TOPI '11: "Platform Support for Developing ..."
Eberlein, Armin TOPI '11: "SRP-Plugin: A Strategic Release ..."
Franch, Xavier TOPI '11: "Reconciling the 3-layer Architectural ..."
Gama, Kiev TOPI '11: "Application Management Plug-ins ..."
Garbervetsky, Diego TOPI '11: "Contractor.NET: Inferring ..." TOPI '11: "Pest: From the Lab to the ..." TOPI '11: "Resource Usage Contracts for ..."
Gibbs, Celina TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Goel, Rohit TOPI '11: "AODVis: Leveraging Eclipse ..."
Gorin, Daniel TOPI '11: "Pest: From the Lab to the ..."
Jin, Wei TOPI '11: "Platform Support for Developing ..."
Koch, Jeffrey TOPI '11: "AODVis: Leveraging Eclipse ..."
Lévêque, Thomas TOPI '11: "Application Management Plug-ins ..."
Mariani, Leonardo TOPI '11: "Supporting Plug-in Mashes ..."
Marinho, Rafael Savignon TOPI '11: "Ginga-NCL Architecture for ..."
Marx, Edgard TOPI '11: "RDB2RDF Plugin: Relational ..."
Mera, Alexander TOPI '11: "RDB2RDF Plugin: Relational ..."
Micheli, Andrea TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Mohebzada, Jamshaid G. TOPI '11: "SRP-Plugin: A Strategic Release ..."
Morant, Anton TOPI '11: "IDE Support to Facilitate ..."
Moreno, Marcio Ferreira TOPI '11: "Ginga-NCL Architecture for ..."
Murphy, Gail C. TOPI '11: "Fishtail: From Task Context ..."
Orso, Alessandro TOPI '11: "Platform Support for Developing ..."
Ortin, Francisco TOPI '11: "IDE Support to Facilitate ..."
Pagade, Sonali TOPI '11: "AODVis: Leveraging Eclipse ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio TOPI '11: "Supporting Plug-in Mashes ..."
Pedraza, Gabriel TOPI '11: "Application Management Plug-ins ..."
Prechelt, Lutz TOPI '11: "Four Generic Issues for Tools-as-Plugins ..."
Pucsek, Dean TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Riboira, André TOPI '11: "An OpenGL-based Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Rodrigues, Rui TOPI '11: "An OpenGL-based Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Rouaux, Martin TOPI '11: "Resource Usage Contracts for ..."
Roveri, Marco TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Ruhe, Guenther TOPI '11: "SRP-Plugin: A Strategic Release ..."
Salas, Percy E. TOPI '11: "RDB2RDF Plugin: Relational ..."
Salois, Martin TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Sawadsky, Nicholas TOPI '11: "Fishtail: From Task Context ..."
Seghrouchni, Amal El Fallah TOPI '11: "eCLAIM - An Eclipse Plug-in ..."
Silveira, Jr., Jaumir V. da TOPI '11: "A Cloud-aware API for Semi-structured ..."
Soares, Luiz Fernando Gomes TOPI '11: "Ginga-NCL Architecture for ..."
Susi, Angelo TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Tapicer, Jonathan TOPI '11: "Resource Usage Contracts for ..."
Tonetta, Stefano TOPI '11: "OthelloPlay– A Plug-in Based ..."
Uchitel, Sebastián TOPI '11: "Contractor.NET: Inferring ..."
Viterbo, José TOPI '11: "RDB2RDF Plugin: Relational ..."
Wall, Jonah TOPI '11: "ICE: Circumventing Meltdown ..."
Zachariadis, Stefanos TOPI '11: "Architecting a Plug-in Based ..."
Zhao, Dan TOPI '11: "Platform Support for Developing ..."
Zoppi, Edgardo TOPI '11: "Contractor.NET: Inferring ..."

69 authors

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