ICSE 2011 Workshops
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
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Fourth International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2011), May 21, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

Workshop CHASE 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdelnour-Nocera, José CHASE '11: "Of Code and Context: Collaboration ..."
Al-Ani, Ban CHASE '11: "Impact of Collaborative Traces ..."
Bird, Christian CHASE '11: "A Theory of Branches as Goals ..."
Boden, Alexander CHASE '11: "Workplace Warriors: Identifying ..."
Bortis, Gerald CHASE '11: "TeamBugs: A Collaborative ..."
Cardozo, Elisa S. F. CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Dekhtyar, Alex CHASE '11: "How Do We Trace Requirements? ..."
Draxler, Sebastian CHASE '11: "Workplace Warriors: Identifying ..."
Farias, Felipe CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Ferrari, Valentina CHASE '11: "A Case Study of Post-Deployment ..."
Filho, Miguel J. A. Pernambuco CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Frey, Tim CHASE '11: "Strawberries are Nuts ..."
Gelhausen, Marius CHASE '11: "Strawberries are Nuts ..."
Georgas, John C. CHASE '11: "STCML: An Extensible XML-based ..."
Goldman, Max CHASE '11: "Collabode: Collaborative Coding ..."
Hayes, Jane Huffman CHASE '11: "How Do We Trace Requirements? ..."
Hoek, André van der CHASE '11: "TeamBugs: A Collaborative ..."
Holden, Jeff CHASE '11: "How Do We Trace Requirements? ..."
Ip, Steven CHASE '11: "A Case Study of Post-Deployment ..."
Jermakovics, Andrejs CHASE '11: "Mining and Visualizing Developer ..."
Johnson, Peter CHASE '11: "Supporting Collaboration in ..."
Jung, Adrian CHASE '11: "Workplace Warriors: Identifying ..."
Kaulgud, Vikrant CHASE '11: "Studying Team Evolution during ..."
Kim, Miryung CHASE '11: "An Exploratory Study of Awareness ..."
Ko, Andrew J. CHASE '11: "A Case Study of Post-Deployment ..."
Kong, Wei-Keat CHASE '11: "How Do We Trace Requirements? ..."
Lee, Michael J. CHASE '11: "A Case Study of Post-Deployment ..."
Leitão, André R. G. do A. CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Little, Greg CHASE '11: "Collabode: Collaborative Coding ..."
Miller, Robert C. CHASE '11: "Collabode: Collaborative Coding ..."
Monteiro, Cleviton V. F. CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Nakatani, Takako CHASE '11: "Requirements Maturation Analysis ..."
Phillips, Shaun CHASE '11: "Branching and Merging: An ..."
Prechelt, Lutz CHASE '11: "Some Non-Usage Data for a ..."
Redmiles, David F. CHASE '11: "Impact of Collaborative Traces ..."
Ressin, Malte CHASE '11: "Of Code and Context: Collaboration ..."
Santos, Isabella R. M. dos CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Sarma, Anita CHASE '11: "Which Bug Should I Fix: Helping ..." CHASE '11: "STCML: An Extensible XML-based ..."
Sharma, Vibhu Saujanya CHASE '11: "Studying Team Evolution during ..."
Shipp, Victoria CHASE '11: "Supporting Collaboration in ..."
Sillito, Jonathan CHASE '11: "Branching and Merging: An ..."
Sillitti, Alberto CHASE '11: "Mining and Visualizing Developer ..."
Silva, Fabio Q. B. da CHASE '11: "A Qualitative Study of the ..."
Smith, Andy CHASE '11: "Of Code and Context: Collaboration ..."
Stevens, Gunnar CHASE '11: "Workplace Warriors: Identifying ..."
Succi, Giancarlo CHASE '11: "Mining and Visualizing Developer ..."
Teterev, Alex CHASE '11: "A Theory of Branches as Goals ..."
Trainer, Erik H. CHASE '11: "Impact of Collaborative Traces ..."
Tran, Charlie CHASE '11: "A Case Study of Post-Deployment ..."
Tsumaki, Toshihiko CHASE '11: "Requirements Maturation Analysis ..."
Walker, Rob CHASE '11: "Branching and Merging: An ..."
Wang, Jianguo CHASE '11: "Which Bug Should I Fix: Helping ..."
Zimmermann, Thomas CHASE '11: "A Theory of Branches as Goals ..."

54 authors

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