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36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), May 31 – June 7, 2014, Hyderabad, India

ICSE 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Årzén, Karl-Erik ICSE '14: "Brownout: Building More Robust ..."
Aftandilian, Edward ICSE '14: "Programmers' Build Errors: ..."
Agrawal, Hira ICSE '14: "Reuse-Oriented Reverse Engineering ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ICSE '14: "Automated Goal Operationalisation ..."
Akiki, Pierre A. ICSE '14: "Integrating Adaptive User ..."
Alimadadi, Saba ICSE '14: "Understanding JavaScript Event-Based ..."
Alrajeh, Dalal ICSE '14: "Automated Goal Operationalisation ..."
Amano, Shunichi ICSE '14: "Controlled Modeling Environment ..."
Androutsopoulos, Kelly ICSE '14: "An Analysis of the Relationship ..."
Antkiewicz, Michał ICSE '14: "Effects of Using Examples ..."
Apel, Sven ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Arzt, Steven ICSE '14: "Reviser: Efficiently Updating ..."
Avgerinos, Thanassis ICSE '14: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ICSE '14: "TradeMaker: Automated Dynamic ..."
Bandara, Arosha K. ICSE '14: "Integrating Adaptive User ..." ICSE '14: "Distilling Privacy Requirements ..."
Barbosa, Eiji Adachi ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Barr, Earl T. ICSE '14: "Comparing Static Bug Finders ..." ICSE '14: "Uncertainty, Risk, and Information ..."
Batlajery, Belfrit V. ICSE '14: "How Do Professionals Perceive ..."
Begel, Andrew ICSE '14: "Analyze This! 145 Questions ..." ICSE '14: "Using Psycho-Physiological ..."
Bell, Jonathan ICSE '14: "Unit Test Virtualization with ..."
Berger, Thorsten ICSE '14: "Mining Configuration Constraints: ..."
Beschastnikh, Ivan ICSE '14: "Inferring Models of Concurrent ..."
Bethmann, Anja ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Bird, Christian ICSE '14: "Transition from Centralized ..." ICSE '14: "Understanding and Improving ..."
Bocić, Ivan ICSE '14: "Inductive Verification of ..."
Bodden, Eric ICSE '14: "Reviser: Efficiently Updating ..."
Bodik, Rastislav ICSE '14: "CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive ..."
Borba, Paulo ICSE '14: "Feature Maintenance with Emergent ..."
Bosch, Nigel ICSE '14: "Improving Automated Source ..."
Bowdidge, Robert ICSE '14: "Programmers' Build Errors: ..."
Braberman, Víctor ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Brechmann, André ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Brindescu, Caius ICSE '14: "How Do Centralized and Distributed ..."
Brumley, David ICSE '14: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Brun, Yuriy ICSE '14: "Inferring Models of Concurrent ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ICSE '14: "Inductive Verification of ..."
Cacho, Nélio ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Cai, Yan ICSE '14: "ConLock: A Constraint-Based ..."
Cai, Yuanfang ICSE '14: "Design Rule Spaces: A New ..."
Carzaniga, Antonio ICSE '14: "Cross-Checking Oracles from ..."
Cassio, Arthur ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
César, Thiago ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Cha, Sang Kil ICSE '14: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Chan, W. K. ICSE '14: "ConLock: A Constraint-Based ..."
Chandra, Satish ICSE '14: "Data-Guided Repair of Selection ..."
Chechik, Marsha ICSE '14: "Lifting Model Transformations ..."
Chen, Bihuan ICSE '14: "Self-Adaptation through Incremental ..."
Chen, Kai ICSE '14: "Achieving Accuracy and Scalability ..."
Chen, Ning ICSE '14: "AR-Miner: Mining Informative ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ICSE '14: "Characterizing and Detecting ..." ICSE '14: "Is Spreadsheet Ambiguity Harmful? ..."
Chipara, Octav ICSE '14: "APE: An Annotation Language ..."
Clark, David ICSE '14: "An Analysis of the Relationship ..."
Clause, James ICSE '14: "SEEDS: A Software Engineer's ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ICSE '14: "Mind the Gap: Assessing the ..."
Codoban, Mihai ICSE '14: "How Do Centralized and Distributed ..." ICSE '14: "Mining Fine-Grained Code Changes ..."
Coward, Forrest ICSE '14: "Case Studies and Tools for ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ICSE '14: "Mining Configuration Constraints: ..." ICSE '14: "Effects of Using Examples ..."
Czerwonka, Jacek ICSE '14: "Transition from Centralized ..."
Dabbish, Laura ICSE '14: "Influence of Social and Technical ..."
Dai, Ziying ICSE '14: "The Strength of Random Search ..."
Dan, Haitao ICSE '14: "An Analysis of the Relationship ..."
Datta, Subhajit ICSE '14: "Does Latitude Hurt while Longitude ..."
Degiovanni, Renzo ICSE '14: "Automated Goal Operationalisation ..."
Deursen, Arie van ICSE '14: "A Study and Toolkit for Asynchronous ..." ICSE '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ICSE '14: "Comparing Static Bug Finders ..."
Di Cosmo, Roberto ICSE '14: "Easing Software Component ..."
Dig, Danny ICSE '14: "A Study and Toolkit for Asynchronous ..." ICSE '14: "How Do Centralized and Distributed ..." ICSE '14: "Mining Fine-Grained Code Changes ..."
D'Ippolito, Nicolas ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Di Sandro, Alessio ICSE '14: "Lifting Model Transformations ..."
D'Mello, Sidney ICSE '14: "Improving Automated Source ..."
Dogguy, Mehdi ICSE '14: "Easing Software Component ..."
Donohue, Kellen ICSE '14: "Case Studies and Tools for ..."
Dou, Wensheng ICSE '14: "Is Spreadsheet Ambiguity Harmful? ..."
Dyer, Robert ICSE '14: "Mining Billions of AST Nodes ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ICSE '14: "Programmers' Build Errors: ..."
Endrikat, Stefan ICSE '14: "How Do API Documentation and ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ICSE '14: "Which Configuration Option ..." ICSE '14: "Inferring Models of Concurrent ..." ICSE '14: "Case Studies and Tools for ..."
Famelis, Michalis ICSE '14: "Lifting Model Transformations ..."
Figueira Filho, Fernando ICSE '14: "Software Engineering at the ..."
Filieri, Antonio ICSE '14: "Automated Design of Self-Adaptive ..."
Filipe, Thomas ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ICSE '14: "Building It Together: Synchronous ..."
Fitzgerald, Brian ICSE '14: "Two's Company, Three's ..."
Flora, Parminder ICSE '14: "Detecting Performance Anti-patterns ..."
Forrest, Stephanie ICSE '14: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Fritz, Thomas ICSE '14: "Using Psycho-Physiological ..."
Galenson, Joel ICSE '14: "CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive ..."
Garcia, Alessandro ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Garcia, Israel ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Ge, Xi ICSE '14: "Manual Refactoring Changes ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ICSE '14: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ICSE '14: "Micro Execution ..."
Goffi, Alberto ICSE '14: "Cross-Checking Oracles from ..."
Gopinath, Divya ICSE '14: "Data-Guided Repair of Selection ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ICSE '14: "Code Coverage for Suite Evaluation ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ICSE '14: "Checking App Behavior Against ..." ICSE '14: "Cross-Checking Oracles from ..."
Gousios, Georgios ICSE '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Griswold, William G. ICSE '14: "APE: An Annotation Language ..."
Groce, Alex ICSE '14: "Code Coverage for Suite Evaluation ..."
Gross, Florian ICSE '14: "Checking App Behavior Against ..."
Gu, Tianxiao ICSE '14: "CARE: Cache Guided Deterministic ..."
Hage, Jurriaan ICSE '14: "How Do Professionals Perceive ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ICSE '14: "Making Web Applications More ..."
Hanenberg, Stefan ICSE '14: "How Do API Documentation and ..."
Harman, Mark ICSE '14: "An Analysis of the Relationship ..." ICSE '14: "A Study of Equivalent and ..."
Hartmann, Björn ICSE '14: "CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive ..."
Hartveld, David L. ICSE '14: "A Study and Toolkit for Asynchronous ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ICSE '14: "Detecting Performance Anti-patterns ..."
He, Fei ICSE '14: "Symbolic Assume-Guarantee ..."
Herbsleb, James ICSE '14: "Influence of Social and Technical ..."
Hernández-Rodriguez, Francisco ICSE '14: "Brownout: Building More Robust ..."
Hierons, Robert M. ICSE '14: "An Analysis of the Relationship ..."
Hoffmann, Henry ICSE '14: "Automated Design of Self-Adaptive ..."
Hoi, Steven C. H. ICSE '14: "AR-Miner: Mining Informative ..."
Holmes, Reid ICSE '14: "Coverage Is Not Strongly Correlated ..." ICSE '14: "Live API Documentation ..."
Huang, Jianjun ICSE '14: "AsDroid: Detecting Stealthy ..."
Huang, Peng ICSE '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Ignatiev, Alexey ICSE '14: "Towards Efficient Optimization ..."
Inozemtseva, Laura ICSE '14: "Coverage Is Not Strongly Correlated ..." ICSE '14: "Live API Documentation ..."
Janota, Mikoláš ICSE '14: "Towards Efficient Optimization ..."
Jansen, Slinger ICSE '14: "How Do Professionals Perceive ..."
Jensen, Carlos ICSE '14: "Code Coverage for Suite Evaluation ..."
Jia, Yue ICSE '14: "A Study of Equivalent and ..."
Jiang, Yanyan ICSE '14: "CARE: Cache Guided Deterministic ..."
Jiang, Zhen Ming ICSE '14: "Detecting Performance Anti-patterns ..."
Jing, Xiao-Yuan ICSE '14: "Dictionary Learning Based ..."
Johnson, Ralph E. ICSE '14: "Alternate Refactoring Paths ..." ICSE '14: "Mining Fine-Grained Code Changes ..."
Jung, Changhee ICSE '14: "Detecting Memory Leaks through ..." ICSE '14: "Automated Memory Leak Detection ..."
Kaiser, Gail ICSE '14: "Unit Test Virtualization with ..." ICSE '14: "Us and Them: A Study of Privacy ..."
Kaleeswaran, Shalini ICSE '14: "MintHint: Automated Synthesis ..."
Kanade, Aditya ICSE '14: "MintHint: Automated Synthesis ..."
Kapur, Deepak ICSE '14: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Kästner, Christian ICSE '14: "Mining Configuration Constraints: ..." ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..." ICSE '14: "Exploring Variability-Aware ..." ICSE '14: "Feature Maintenance with Emergent ..."
Kazman, Rick ICSE '14: "Design Rule Spaces: A New ..."
Keivanloo, Iman ICSE '14: "Spotting Working Code Examples ..."
Kelly, Paul ICSE '14: "The Dimensions of Software ..."
Khadka, Ravi ICSE '14: "How Do Professionals Perceive ..."
Khatri, Sameer ICSE '14: "Comparing Static Bug Finders ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ICSE '14: "Property Differencing for ..." ICSE '14: "Data-Guided Repair of Selection ..."
Kim, Dohyeong ICSE '14: "Reuse-Oriented Reverse Engineering ..."
Klein, Cristian ICSE '14: "Brownout: Building More Robust ..."
Kramer, Jeff ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Krishnamurthy, Arvind ICSE '14: "Inferring Models of Concurrent ..."
Kuschke, Tobias ICSE '14: "Mind the Gap: Assessing the ..."
Lassenius, Casper ICSE '14: "Time Pressure: A Controlled ..."
Le, Wei ICSE '14: "Patch Verification via Multiversion ..."
Lee, Sangho ICSE '14: "Detecting Memory Leaks through ..." ICSE '14: "Automated Memory Leak Detection ..."
Lehtinen, Timo O. A. ICSE '14: "Time Pressure: A Controlled ..."
Lei, Yan ICSE '14: "The Strength of Random Search ..."
Leich, Thomas ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Letier, Emmanuel ICSE '14: "Uncertainty, Risk, and Information ..."
Li, Ding ICSE '14: "Making Web Applications More ..."
Liang, Bin ICSE '14: "AsDroid: Detecting Stealthy ..."
Lin, Jialiu ICSE '14: "AR-Miner: Mining Informative ..."
Lin, Yun ICSE '14: "Detecting Differences across ..."
Liu, Jin ICSE '14: "Dictionary Learning Based ..."
Liu, Peng ICSE '14: "Achieving Accuracy and Scalability ..." ICSE '14: "Unleashing Concurrency for ..."
Liu, Yang ICSE '14: "Detecting Differences across ..."
Liu, Yepang ICSE '14: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Lu, Jian ICSE '14: "CARE: Cache Guided Deterministic ..."
Ma, Xiao ICSE '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing ICSE '14: "CARE: Cache Guided Deterministic ..."
Maalej, Walid ICSE '14: "Us and Them: A Study of Privacy ..."
Mäder, Patrick ICSE '14: "Mind the Gap: Assessing the ..."
Magee, Jeff ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Maggio, Martina ICSE '14: "Automated Design of Self-Adaptive ..." ICSE '14: "Brownout: Building More Robust ..."
Manotas, Irene ICSE '14: "SEEDS: A Software Engineer's ..."
Mäntylä, Mika V. ICSE '14: "Time Pressure: A Controlled ..."
Mao, Xiaoguang ICSE '14: "The Strength of Random Search ..."
Maoz, Shahar ICSE '14: "Verifying Component and Connector ..."
Marques-Silva, Joao ICSE '14: "Towards Efficient Optimization ..."
Mattavelli, Andrea ICSE '14: "Cross-Checking Oracles from ..."
McBurney, Paul W. ICSE '14: "Improving Automated Source ..."
McMillan, Collin ICSE '14: "Improving Automated Source ..."
Mesbah, Ali ICSE '14: "Understanding JavaScript Event-Based ..." ICSE '14: "Vejovis: Suggesting Fixes ..."
Minku, Leandro L. ICSE '14: "How to Make Best Use of Cross-Company ..."
Miyashita, Hisashi ICSE '14: "Controlled Modeling Environment ..."
Mohanani, Rahul ICSE '14: "Requirements Fixation ..."
Monperrus, Martin ICSE '14: "A Critical Review of "Automatic ..."
Müller, Sebastian C. ICSE '14: "Using Psycho-Physiological ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson ICSE '14: "Manual Refactoring Changes ..." ICSE '14: "Cowboys, Ankle Sprains, and ..."
Muşlu, Kıvanç ICSE '14: "Transition from Centralized ..."
Nadi, Sarah ICSE '14: "Mining Configuration Constraints: ..."
Nagappan, Nachiappan ICSE '14: "Cowboys, Ankle Sprains, and ..." ICSE '14: "Transition from Centralized ..."
Negara, Stas ICSE '14: "Mining Fine-Grained Code Changes ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ICSE '14: "Mining Interprocedural, Data-Oriented ..."
Nguyen, Cu Duy ICSE '14: "Interpolated N-Grams for Model ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ICSE '14: "Mining Billions of AST Nodes ..." ICSE '14: "Mining Interprocedural, Data-Oriented ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ICSE '14: "Mining Interprocedural, Data-Oriented ..." ICSE '14: "Exploring Variability-Aware ..."
Nguyen, ThanhVu ICSE '14: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ICSE '14: "Mining Billions of AST Nodes ..." ICSE '14: "Mining Interprocedural, Data-Oriented ..." ICSE '14: "Exploring Variability-Aware ..."
Nikzad, Nima ICSE '14: "APE: An Annotation Language ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar ICSE '14: "Self-Adaptation through Incremental ..." ICSE '14: "Distilling Privacy Requirements ..."
Ocariza, Jr., Frolin S. ICSE '14: "Vejovis: Suggesting Fixes ..."
Okur, Semih ICSE '14: "A Study and Toolkit for Asynchronous ..."
Orso, Alessandro ICSE '14: "MintHint: Automated Synthesis ..."
Pande, Santosh ICSE '14: "Detecting Memory Leaks through ..." ICSE '14: "Automated Memory Leak Detection ..."
Parnin, Chris ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik ICSE '14: "Understanding JavaScript Event-Based ..." ICSE '14: "Vejovis: Suggesting Fixes ..."
Pattison, Shannon D. ICSE '14: "Patch Verification via Multiversion ..."
Peng, Xin ICSE '14: "Detecting Differences across ..." ICSE '14: "Self-Adaptation through Incremental ..."
Person, Suzette ICSE '14: "Property Differencing for ..."
Petersen, Kai ICSE '14: "Time Pressure: A Controlled ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ICSE '14: "Mining Behavior Models from ..." ICSE '14: "Cross-Checking Oracles from ..."
Phillips, Shaun ICSE '14: "Understanding and Improving ..."
Pinzger, Martin ICSE '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Pollock, Lori ICSE '14: "SEEDS: A Software Engineer's ..."
Price, Blaine A. ICSE '14: "Distilling Privacy Requirements ..."
Qi, Yuhua ICSE '14: "The Strength of Random Search ..."
Rahman, Foyzur ICSE '14: "Comparing Static Bug Finders ..."
Rajan, Hridesh ICSE '14: "Mining Billions of AST Nodes ..."
Ralph, Paul ICSE '14: "The Dimensions of Software ..." ICSE '14: "Requirements Fixation ..."
Raman, Easwaran ICSE '14: "Automated Memory Leak Detection ..."
Reames, Philip ICSE '14: "CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive ..."
Rebert, Alexandre ICSE '14: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Rempel, Patrick ICSE '14: "Mind the Gap: Assessing the ..."
Ribeiro, Márcio ICSE '14: "Feature Maintenance with Emergent ..."
Rilling, Juergen ICSE '14: "Spotting Working Code Examples ..."
Ringert, Jan Oliver ICSE '14: "Verifying Component and Connector ..."
Robbes, Romain ICSE '14: "How Do API Documentation and ..."
Rodeghero, Paige ICSE '14: "Improving Automated Source ..."
Rosenblum, David S. ICSE '14: "Perturbation Analysis of Stochastic ..."
Rothermel, Gregg ICSE '14: "SimRT: An Automated Framework ..."
Rubin, Julia ICSE '14: "Lifting Model Transformations ..."
Rumpe, Bernhard ICSE '14: "Verifying Component and Connector ..."
Rungta, Neha ICSE '14: "Property Differencing for ..."
Saake, Gunter ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Sadowski, Caitlin ICSE '14: "Programmers' Build Errors: ..."
Saeidi, Amir M. ICSE '14: "How Do Professionals Perceive ..."
Saha, Diptikalyan ICSE '14: "Data-Guided Repair of Selection ..."
Salay, Rick ICSE '14: "Lifting Model Transformations ..."
Sama, Michele ICSE '14: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Schiller, Todd W. ICSE '14: "Case Studies and Tools for ..."
Sen, Koushik ICSE '14: "CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive ..."
Seo, Hyunmin ICSE '14: "Programmers' Build Errors: ..."
Sequeira, Sheldon ICSE '14: "Understanding JavaScript Event-Based ..."
Shang, Weiyi ICSE '14: "Detecting Performance Anti-patterns ..."
Shen, Dongcai ICSE '14: "Performance Regression Testing ..."
Sheth, Swapneel ICSE '14: "Us and Them: A Study of Privacy ..."
Shmarkatiuk, Sergii ICSE '14: "How Do Centralized and Distributed ..."
Shreeve, Ben ICSE '14: "Requirements Fixation ..."
Siegmund, Janet ICSE '14: "Understanding Understanding ..."
Singer, Leif ICSE '14: "Software Engineering at the ..."
Soares, Eliezio ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Souza, Rafael ICSE '14: "Trading Robustness for Maintainability: ..."
Srisa-an, Witawas ICSE '14: "SimRT: An Automated Framework ..."
Stefan, David ICSE '14: "Uncertainty, Risk, and Information ..."
Stefik, Andreas ICSE '14: "How Do API Documentation and ..."
Stol, Klaas-Jan ICSE '14: "Two's Company, Three's ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne ICSE '14: "Software Engineering at the ..."
Su, Guoxin ICSE '14: "Perturbation Analysis of Stochastic ..."
Subramanian, Siddharth ICSE '14: "Live API Documentation ..."
Sullivan, Kevin ICSE '14: "TradeMaker: Automated Dynamic ..."
Sumner, William N. ICSE '14: "Reuse-Oriented Reverse Engineering ..."
Sun, Jun ICSE '14: "Detecting Differences across ..."
Sykes, Daniel ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Tai, Hideki ICSE '14: "Controlled Modeling Environment ..."
Tamburrelli, Giordano ICSE '14: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Tan, Lin ICSE '14: "AsDroid: Detecting Stealthy ..."
Tang, Chong ICSE '14: "TradeMaker: Automated Dynamic ..."
Tavecchia, Ilaria ICSE '14: "Checking App Behavior Against ..."
Thomas, Keerthi ICSE '14: "Distilling Privacy Requirements ..."
Tiella, Roberto ICSE '14: "Interpolated N-Grams for Model ..."
Tonella, Paolo ICSE '14: "Interpolated N-Grams for Model ..."
Tran, Angelica Huyen ICSE '14: "Making Web Applications More ..."
Tsay, Jason ICSE '14: "Influence of Social and Technical ..."
Tulsian, Varun ICSE '14: "MintHint: Automated Synthesis ..."
Uchitel, Sebastian ICSE '14: "Automated Goal Operationalisation ..." ICSE '14: "Hope for the Best, Prepare ..."
Vakilian, Mohsen ICSE '14: "Alternate Refactoring Paths ..."
Vouillon, Jérôme ICSE '14: "Easing Software Component ..."
Wagstrom, Patrick ICSE '14: "Does Latitude Hurt while Longitude ..."
Wang, Bow-Yaw ICSE '14: "Symbolic Assume-Guarantee ..."
Wang, Chengsong ICSE '14: "The Strength of Random Search ..."
Wang, Peng ICSE '14: "AsDroid: Detecting Stealthy ..."
Wei, Jun ICSE '14: "Is Spreadsheet Ambiguity Harmful? ..."
Weimer, Westley ICSE '14: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Wu, Shangru ICSE '14: "ConLock: A Constraint-Based ..."
Wu, Shan-Shan ICSE '14: "Dictionary Learning Based ..."
Xiao, Lu ICSE '14: "Design Rule Spaces: A New ..."
Xiao, Xiaokui ICSE '14: "AR-Miner: Mining Informative ..."
Xing, Zhenchang ICSE '14: "Detecting Differences across ..."
Xu, Chang ICSE '14: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."