ICSE 2013
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 18–26, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

ICSE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Abrahamson, Jenny ICSE '13: "Unifying FSM-Inference Algorithms ..."
Adams, Bram ICSE '13: "Assisting Developers of Big ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Alalfi, Manar H. ICSE '13: "Using Mutation Analysis for ..."
Ali, Nour ICSE '13: "JITTAC: A Just-in-Time Tool ..."
Almorsy, Mohamed ICSE '13: "Automated Software Architecture ..."
Alrajeh, Dalal ICSE '13: "Computational Alignment of ..."
Ambler, Scott ICSE '13: "Agility at Scale: Economic ..."
Amma, Till ICSE '13: "Dynamic Injection of Sketching ..."
Ammar, Hany ICSE '13: "On the Value of User Preferences ..."
André, Étienne ICSE '13: "Dynamic Synthesis of Local ..."
Andrews, James H. ICSE '13: "Comparing Multi-point Stride ..."
Andronick, June ICSE '13: "Formal Specifications Better ..."
Antkiewicz, Michał ICSE '13: "Example-Driven Modeling: Model ..."
Apel, Sven ICSE '13: "Strategies for Product-Line ..."
Ardis, Mark ICSE '13: "Town Hall Discussion of SE ..."
Ardito, Luca ICSE '13: "Energy Aware Self-Adaptation ..."
Aryani, Amir ICSE '13: "On the Relationships between ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Augustine, Vinay ICSE '13: "Towards Recognizing and Rewarding ..."
Aversano, Lerina ICSE '13: "An Approach for Restructuring ..."
Avgeriou, Paris ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Azim, Tanzirul ICSE '13: "RERAN: Timing- and Touch-Sensitive ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ICSE '13: "Expectations, Outcomes, and ..." ICSE '13: "Seahawk: Stack Overflow in ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ICSE '13: "Bottom-Up Model-Driven Development ..."
Baillargeon, Robert ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Bąk, Kacper ICSE '13: "Example-Driven Modeling: Model ..."
Balachandran, Vipin ICSE '13: "Reducing Human Effort and ..."
Balakrishnan, Gogul ICSE '13: "Feedback-Directed Unit Test ..."
Balland, Emilie ICSE '13: "A Case for Human-Driven Software ..."
Barnett, Michael ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Bartenstein, Thomas W. ICSE '13: "Green Streams for Data-Intensive ..."
Bass, Len ICSE '13: "Formal Specifications Better ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ICSE '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..." ICSE '13: "Automatic Query Reformulations ..." ICSE '13: "Query Quality Prediction and ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Baysal, Olga ICSE '13: "Informing Development Decisions: ..." ICSE '13: "Situational Awareness: Personalizing ..."
Begel, Andrew ICSE '13: "Deciphering the Story of Software ..." ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Bell, Jonathan ICSE '13: "Chronicler: Lightweight Recording ..."
Bellamy, Rachel K. E. ICSE '13: "Human Performance Regression ..."
Bellomo, Stephany ICSE '13: "A Study of Enabling Factors ..."
Belt, Jason ICSE '13: "Explicating Symbolic Execution ..."
Beschastnikh, Ivan ICSE '13: "Unifying FSM-Inference Algorithms ..." ICSE '13: "Understanding Regression Failures ..."
Bettenburg, Nicolas ICSE '13: "Deciphering the Story of Software ..."
Beyer, Dirk ICSE '13: "Strategies for Product-Line ..."
Bianculli, Domenico ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Binkley, David ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Bird, Christian ICSE '13: "The Design of Bug Fixes ..." ICSE '13: "Expectations, Outcomes, and ..." ICSE '13: "Distributed Development Considered ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Bishop, Judith ICSE '13: "Teaching and Learning Programming ..." ICSE '13: "Technical Debt: Past, Present, ..." ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Blue, Dale ICSE '13: "Interaction-Based Test-Suite ..."
Boehm, Barry ICSE '13: "Technical Debt: Past, Present, ..."
Böhme, Marcel ICSE '13: "Partition-Based Regression ..."
Bortis, Gerald ICSE '13: "PorchLight: A Tag-Based Approach ..."
Botterweck, Goetz ICSE '13: "4th International Workshop ..."
Bounimova, Ella ICSE '13: "Billions and Billions of Constraints: ..."
Bouwers, Eric ICSE '13: "Evaluating Usefulness of Software ..." ICSE '13: "Software Metrics: Pitfalls ..."
Bowdidge, Robert ICSE '13: "Why Don't Software Developers ..."
Boyer, Fabienne ICSE '13: "Robust Reconfigurations of ..."
Braberman, Víctor ICSE '13: "Automated Reliability Estimation ..." ICSE '13: "Controller Synthesis: From ..."
Bradshaw, Gary ICSE '13: "Departures from Optimality: ..."
Brandtner, Martin ICSE '13: "Fostering Software Quality ..."
Braun, Peter ICSE '13: "Hunting for Smells in Natural ..."
Breitman, Karin K. ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ICSE '13: "Mining SQL Injection and Cross ..."
Brown, Alan W. ICSE '13: "Agility at Scale: Economic ..."
Brügge, Bernd ICSE '13: "User Involvement in Software ..."
Brun, Yuriy ICSE '13: "Unifying FSM-Inference Algorithms ..." ICSE '13: "Understanding Regression Failures ..."
Buckley, Jim ICSE '13: "JITTAC: A Just-in-Time Tool ..."
Budgen, David ICSE '13: "Town Hall Discussion of SE ..."
Bull, Christopher N. ICSE '13: "Studios in Software Engineering ..."
Burg, Brian ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Burge, Janet E. ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Cadar, Cristian ICSE '13: "Safe Software Updates via ..."
Cai, Haipeng ICSE '13: "Quantitative Program Slicing: ..."
Cai, Yuanfang ICSE '13: "Measuring Architecture Quality ..."
Callaú, Oscar ICSE '13: "Supporting Incremental Programming ..."
Canfora, Gerardo ICSE '13: "An Approach for Restructuring ..." ICSE '13: "YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer ..."
Cao, Dahai ICSE '13: "Selecting Checkpoints along ..."
Carmel, Erran ICSE '13: "Is Time-Zone Proximity an ..."
Carvalho, Nuno Ramos ICSE '13: "An Ontology Toolkit for Problem ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Carzaniga, Antonio ICSE '13: "Automatic Recovery from Runtime ..."
Cataldo, Marcelo ICSE '13: "6th International Workshop ..."
Cavallaro, Luca ICSE '13: "Engineering Adaptive Privacy: ..."
Chakarov, Aleksandar ICSE '13: "Exploring the Internal State ..."
Chalin, Patrice ICSE '13: "Explicating Symbolic Execution ..."
Chandra, Satish ICSE '13: "Guided Test Generation for ..." ICSE '13: "SemFix: Program Repair via ..." ICSE '13: "Efficient and Change-Resilient ..."
Che, Meiru ICSE '13: "An Approach to Documenting ..."
Chechik, Marsha ICSE '13: "A Framework for Managing Cloned ..." ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Chen, Manman ICSE '13: "Dynamic Synthesis of Local ..."
Chen, Nicholas ICSE '13: "Drag-and-Drop Refactoring: ..."
Chen, Zhangji ICSE '13: "Departures from Optimality: ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ICSE '13: "8th International Workshop ..."
Chiang, Wei-Fan ICSE '13: "JST: An Automatic Test Generation ..."
Ciccozzi, Federico ICSE '13: "From Models to Code and Back: ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Clements, John ICSE '13: "An Evaluation of Interactive ..."
Coelho, Roberta ICSE '13: "POPT: A Problem-Oriented Programming ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ICSE '13: "Human Performance Regression ..." ICSE '13: "Automated Testing of GUI Applications: ..."
Coker, Zack ICSE '13: "Program Transformations to ..."
Consel, Charles ICSE '13: "A Case for Human-Driven Software ..."
Cooper, Kendra M. L. ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Corapi, Domenico ICSE '13: "Learning Revised Models for ..."
Cordy, James R. ICSE '13: "Using Mutation Analysis for ..."
Cordy, Maxime ICSE '13: "Beyond Boolean Product-Line ..." ICSE '13: "Efficient Quality Assurance ..."
Cotroneo, Domenico ICSE '13: "A Learning-Based Method for ..."
Counsell, Steve ICSE '13: "4th International Workshop ..."
Cruickshank, Leon ICSE '13: "Studios in Software Engineering ..."
Cruz, Daniela da ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Csallner, Christoph ICSE '13: "GROPG: A Graphical On-Phone ..."
Curtis, Bill ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ICSE '13: "Example-Driven Modeling: Model ..."
Dagnino, Aldo ICSE '13: "Estimating Software-Intensive ..."
Damian, Daniela ICSE '13: "The Role of Domain Knowledge ..." ICSE '13: "Teaching Students Global Software ..." ICSE '13: "V:ISSUE:LIZER: Exploring Requirements ..."
Damitio, Monique ICSE '13: "Are Your Incoming Aliases ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ICSE '13: "Teaching and Learning Programming ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ICSE '13: "How to Effectively Use Topic ..." ICSE '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..." ICSE '13: "Automatic Query Reformulations ..." ICSE '13: "Query Quality Prediction and ..."
Denney, Ewen ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
De Rosa, Giuseppe ICSE '13: "Query Quality Prediction and ..."
DeRose, Tony ICSE '13: "The Connection between Movie ..."
De Ruvo, Giuseppe ICSE '13: "An Approach for Restructuring ..."
De Souza, Adler Diniz ICSE '13: "A Proposal for the Improvement ..."
De Souza, Cleidson R. B. ICSE '13: "6th International Workshop ..."
Deursen, Arie van ICSE '13: "Data Clone Detection and Visualization ..." ICSE '13: "Evaluating Usefulness of Software ..." ICSE '13: "Software Metrics: Pitfalls ..."
Devaki, Pranavadatta ICSE '13: "Efficient and Change-Resilient ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ICSE '13: "How, and Why, Process Metrics ..." ICSE '13: "Dual Ecological Measures of ..."
Di Cosmo, Roberto ICSE '13: "Broken Sets in Software Repository ..."
Dig, Danny ICSE '13: "LAMBDAFICATOR: From Imperative ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ICSE '13: "How to Effectively Use Topic ..." ICSE '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..." ICSE '13: "YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer ..."
D'Ippolito, Nicolas ICSE '13: "Controller Synthesis: From ..."
Diskin, Zinovy ICSE '13: "Example-Driven Modeling: Model ..."
Dit, Bogdan ICSE '13: "How to Effectively Use Topic ..." ICSE '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Dittrich, Yvonne ICSE '13: "6th International Workshop ..."
Dolby, Julian ICSE '13: "Detecting Deadlock in Programs ..." ICSE '13: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Dong, Jin Song ICSE '13: "Dynamic Synthesis of Local ..." ICSE '13: "Build Your Own Model Checker ..."
Dorn, Christoph ICSE '13: "Coupling Software Architecture ..."
Dougherty, Daniel J. ICSE '13: "Aluminum: Principled Scenario ..."
D'Souza, Raissa ICSE '13: "Dual Ecological Measures of ..."
Duan, Zhenhua ICSE '13: "Detecting Spurious Counterexamples ..."
Dyer, Robert ICSE '13: "Boa: A Language and Infrastructure ..."
Eder, Sebastian ICSE '13: "Hunting for Smells in Natural ..."
Ell, Jordan ICSE '13: "Identifying Failure Inducing ..."
Epperly, Tom ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ICSE '13: "Unifying FSM-Inference Algorithms ..." ICSE '13: "Automated Diagnosis of Software ..."
Esfahani, Naeem ICSE '13: "GuideArch: Guiding the Exploration ..."
Faulk, Stuart ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Feldthaus, Asger ICSE '13: "Efficient Construction of ..."
Femmer, Henning ICSE '13: "Detecting Inconsistencies ..."
Fernández, Daniel Méndez ICSE '13: "Teaching Software Process ..."
Ferrucci, Filomena ICSE '13: "Not Going to Take This Anymore: ..."
Figueira Filho, Fernando ICSE '13: "Creating a Shared Understanding ..."
Filieri, Antonio ICSE '13: "Reliability Analysis in Symbolic ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ICSE '13: "Dual Ecological Measures of ..."
Fisler, Kathi ICSE '13: "Aluminum: Principled Scenario ..."
Fittkau, Florian ICSE '13: "Search-Based Genetic Optimization ..."
Fitzgerald, Brian ICSE '13: "Scaling Agile Methods to Regulated ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. ICSE '13: "Expositor: Scriptable Time-Travel ..."
France, Robert B. ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Franch, Xavier ICSE '13: "Software Requirement Patterns ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..." ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Franklin, Lyle ICSE '13: "LAMBDAFICATOR: From Imperative ..."
Fraser, Steven ICSE '13: "Technical Debt: Past, Present, ..."
Frey, Sören ICSE '13: "Search-Based Genetic Optimization ..."
Furia, Carlo A. ICSE '13: "What Good Are Strong Specifications? ..."
Galster, Matthias ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Galvis Carreño, Laura V. ICSE '13: "Analysis of User Comments: ..."
Ganapathy, Vinod ICSE '13: "Inferring Likely Mappings ..."
Ganesan, Dharmalingam ICSE '13: "Detecting Inconsistencies ..."
Garbervetsky, Diego ICSE '13: "3rd International Workshop ..."
Garcia, Joshua ICSE '13: "Obtaining Ground-Truth Software ..."
Garg, Pranav ICSE '13: "Feedback-Directed Unit Test ..."
Gauthier, François ICSE '13: "Semantic Smells and Errors ..."
Gay, Gregory ICSE '13: "Observable Modified Condition/Decision ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ICSE '13: "Managing Non-functional Uncertainty ..."
Ghosh, Indradeep ICSE '13: "JST: An Automatic Test Generation ..."
Giannantonio, Stefano ICSE '13: "YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer ..."
Givens, Paul ICSE '13: "Exploring the Internal State ..."
Gnanasundaram, Sivagami ICSE '13: "Efficient and Change-Resilient ..."
Gnesi, Stefania ICSE '13: "1st FME Workshop on Formal ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ICSE '13: "Billions and Billions of Constraints: ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. ICSE '13: "Situational Awareness: Personalizing ..."
Goedicke, Michael ICSE '13: "2nd SEMAT Workshop on a General ..."
Goffi, Alberto ICSE '13: "RADAR: A Tool for Debugging ..."
Gokhale, Amruta ICSE '13: "Inferring Likely Mappings ..."
Gomez, Lorenzo ICSE '13: "RERAN: Timing- and Touch-Sensitive ..."
Gong, Liang ICSE '13: "Predicting Bug-Fixing Time: ..."
Gonzalez-Sanchez, Javier ICSE '13: "Toward a Software Product ..."
Goodenough, John B. ICSE '13: "Eliminative Induction: A Basis ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ICSE '13: "Automatic Recovery from Runtime ..."
Gorton, Ian ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Govindan, Ramesh ICSE '13: "Estimating Mobile Application ..."
Gray, Jeff ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Greenspan, Sol ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Größlinger, Armin ICSE '13: "Strategies for Product-Line ..."
Gross, Thomas R. ICSE '13: "Automatic Testing of Sequential ..."
Gruber, Olivier ICSE '13: "Robust Reconfigurations of ..."
Grundy, John ICSE '13: "Automated Software Architecture ..."
Guana, Victor ICSE '13: "Supporting Maintenance Tasks ..."
Guerrero, Dalton S. ICSE '13: "POPT: A Problem-Oriented Programming ..."
Guerrouj, Latifa ICSE '13: "Normalizing Source Code Vocabulary ..."
Gulwani, Sumit ICSE '13: "Teaching and Learning Programming ..."
Gupta, Aarti ICSE '13: "Feedback-Directed Unit Test ..."
Gupta, Shrinath ICSE '13: "MIDAS: A Design Quality Assessment ..."
Gyori, Alex ICSE '13: "LAMBDAFICATOR: From Imperative ..."
Habli, Ibrahim ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Hafiz, Munawar ICSE '13: "Program Transformations to ..."
Haiduc, Sonia ICSE '13: "Automatic Query Reformulations ..." ICSE '13: "Query Quality Prediction and ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ICSE '13: "Estimating Mobile Application ..."
Hammer, Christian ICSE '13: "Detecting Deadlock in Programs ..."
Hao, Dan ICSE '13: "Bridging the Gap between the ..."
Hao, Shuai ICSE '13: "Estimating Mobile Application ..."
Hao, Yiyang ICSE '13: "MCT: A Tool for Commenting ..."
Happe, Jens ICSE '13: "Supporting Swift Reaction: ..."
Happe, Lucia ICSE '13: "Supporting Swift Reaction: ..."
Harman, Mark ICSE '13: "Not Going to Take This Anymore: ..." ICSE '13: "Pricing Crowdsourcing-Based ..." ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Harrison, Rachel ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Harwell, Sam ICSE '13: "Temporal Code Completion and ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ICSE '13: "Assisting Developers of Big ..." ICSE '13: "Automatic Detection of Performance ..."
Hassan, Mohammad Mahdi ICSE '13: "Comparing Multi-point Stride ..."
Hasselbring, Wilhelm ICSE '13: "Search-Based Genetic Optimization ..."
Hatcliff, John ICSE '13: "Explicating Symbolic Execution ..."
Hauptmann, Benedikt ICSE '13: "Hunting for Smells in Natural ..."
Heaven, William ICSE '13: "Requirements Modelling by ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ICSE '13: "Observable Modified Condition/Decision ..."
Heinemann, Lars ICSE '13: "Hunting for Smells in Natural ..."
Helms, Remko ICSE '13: "The Role of Domain Knowledge ..."
Hemmati, Hadi ICSE '13: "Assisting Developers of Big ..." ICSE '13: "Automatic Detection of Performance ..."
Henard, Christopher ICSE '13: "Towards Automated Testing ..."
Henriques, Pedro ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Hermans, Felienne ICSE '13: "Data Clone Detection and Visualization ..."
Herzig, Kim ICSE '13: "It's Not a Bug, It's ..."
Heymans, Patrick ICSE '13: "Beyond Boolean Product-Line ..." ICSE '13: "Efficient Quality Assurance ..."
Hicks, Michael ICSE '13: "Expositor: Scriptable Time-Travel ..."
Hill, Emily ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Hilton, Michael ICSE '13: "An Evaluation of Interactive ..."
Hislop, Gregory W. ICSE '13: "Town Hall Discussion of SE ..."
Hochstein, Lorin ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Hoda, Rashina ICSE '13: "6th International Workshop ..."
Hoek, André van der ICSE '13: "PorchLight: A Tag-Based Approach ..." ICSE '13: "Enabling a Classroom Design ..."
Holmes, Reid ICSE '13: "Situational Awareness: Personalizing ..."
Hosek, Petr ICSE '13: "Safe Software Updates via ..."
Ibrahim, Amani S. ICSE '13: "Automated Software Architecture ..."
Inoue, Katsumi ICSE '13: "Learning Revised Models for ..."
Inverardi, Paola ICSE '13: "Automatic Synthesis of Modular ..."
Ivancic, Franjo ICSE '13: "Feedback-Directed Unit Test ..."
Jacobellis, John ICSE '13: "LASE: An Example-Based Program ..."
Jacobson, Ivar ICSE '13: "2nd SEMAT Workshop on a General ..."
Janzen, David S. ICSE '13: "An Evaluation of Interactive ..."
Jarzabek, Stan ICSE '13: "A Large Scale Linux-Kernel ..."
Jeffery, Ross ICSE '13: "Formal Specifications Better ..."
Jiang, Siyuan ICSE '13: "Quantitative Program Slicing: ..."
Jiang, Zhen Ming ICSE '13: "Assisting Developers of Big ..."
Jin, Wei ICSE '13: "Reproducing and Debugging ..."
Jin, Zhi ICSE '13: "MCT: A Tool for Commenting ..."
Jiresal, Rahul ICSE '13: "Reverb: Recommending Code-Related ..."
John, Bonnie E. ICSE '13: "Human Performance Regression ..."
Johnson, Brittany ICSE '13: "Why Don't Software Developers ..." ICSE '13: "Novice Understanding of Program ..."
Johnson, Pontus ICSE '13: "2nd SEMAT Workshop on a General ..."
Johnson, Ralph E. ICSE '13: "Drag-and-Drop Refactoring: ..."
Jonsson, Leif ICSE '13: "Increasing Anomaly Handling ..."
Juergens, Elmar ICSE '13: "7th International Workshop ..."
Julien, Christine ICSE '13: "4th International Workshop ..."
Junker, Maximilian ICSE '13: "Hunting for Smells in Natural ..."
Just, Sascha ICSE '13: "It's Not a Bug, It's ..."
Kaiser, Gail ICSE '13: "Chronicler: Lightweight Recording ..."
Kajko-Mattsson, Mira ICSE '13: "2nd SEMAT Workshop on a General ..."
Kang, Sungwon ICSE '13: "NavClus: A Graphical Recommender ..."
Kasi, Bakhtiar Khan ICSE '13: "Cassandra: Proactive Conflict ..."
Kathail, Pradeep ICSE '13: "Technical Debt: Past, Present, ..."
Kelly, Tim ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Khalid, Hammad ICSE '13: "On Identifying User Complaints ..."
Khomh, Foutse ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..."
Khoo, Yit Phang ICSE '13: "Expositor: Scriptable Time-Travel ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ICSE '13: "Temporal Code Completion and ..." ICSE '13: "Memoise: A Tool for Memoized ..."
Kim, Dongsun ICSE '13: "Automatic Patch Generation ..."
Kim, Miryung ICSE '13: "LASE: Locating and Applying ..." ICSE '13: "LASE: An Example-Based Program ..."
Kim, Sunghun ICSE '13: "Transfer Defect Learning ..." ICSE '13: "Automatic Patch Generation ..."
King, Jason ICSE '13: "Measuring the Forensic-Ability ..."
Klein, Ari Z. ICSE '13: "Eliminative Induction: A Basis ..."
Klein, Gerwin ICSE '13: "Formal Specifications Better ..."
Klein, Jacques ICSE '13: "Towards Automated Testing ..."
Knauss, Eric ICSE '13: "V:ISSUE:LIZER: Exploring Requirements ..."
Knight, John ICSE '13: "1st International Workshop ..." ICSE '13: "5th International Workshop ..."
Kocaguneli, Ekrem ICSE '13: "Distributed Development Considered ..." ICSE '13: "Data Science for Software ..."
Koelewijn, Benjamin ICSE '13: "The Role of Domain Knowledge ..."
Kolanski, Rafal ICSE '13: "Formal Specifications Better ..."
Koschke, Rainer ICSE '13: "7th International Workshop ..."
Kouroshfar, Ehsan ICSE '13: "Studying the Effect of Co-change ..."
Koziolek, Anne ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."
Koziolek, Heiko ICSE '13: "2nd International Workshop ..."