ICSE 2011
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
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33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, May 21–28, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

ICSE 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Acevedo, Gabriel ICSE '11: "Transformation for Class Immutability ..."
Acharya, Mithun ICSE '11: "Practical Change Impact Analysis ..."
Adams, Bram ICSE '11: "An Empirical Study of Build ..."
Adler, Yoram ICSE '11: "Code Coverage Analysis in ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan ICSE '11: "Permission-Based Programming ..."
Alkhalaf, Muath ICSE '11: "Patching Vulnerabilities with ..."
Al-Kofahi, Jafar ICSE '11: "Fuzzy Set-based Automatic ..."
Amsel, Nadine ICSE '11: "Toward Sustainable Software ..."
Anderson, Kenneth M. ICSE '11: "Design and Implementation ..."
Androutsopoulos, Kelly ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Apel, Sven ICSE '11: "View Infinity: A Zoomable ..." ICSE '11: "Feature Cohesion in Software ..."
Araujo, Wladimir ICSE '11: "Enabling the Runtime Assertion ..."
Araya, Vanessa Peña ICSE '11: "Test Blueprint: An Effective ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ICSE '11: "A Practical Guide for Using ..."
Artzi, Shay ICSE '11: "A Framework for Automated ..."
Athanasopoulos, Dionysis ICSE '11: "Mining Service Abstractions ..."
Atkinson, Colin ICSE '11: "Search-Enhanced Testing (NIER ..."
Avgeriou, Paris ICSE '11: "Capturing Tacit Architectural ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on SHAring and Reusing ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ICSE '11: "Miler: A Toolset for Exploring ..." ICSE '11: "Exploring, Exposing, and Exploiting ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ICSE '11: "A Formal Approach to Software ..."
Bajracharya, Sushil ICSE '11: "Third International Workshop ..."
Balan, Rajesh Krishna ICSE '11: "Configuring Global Software ..."
Balland, Emilie ICSE '11: "Leveraging Software Architectures ..."
Bao, Tao ICSE '11: "Coalescing Executions for ..."
Barman, Shaon ICSE '11: "Angelic Debugging ..."
Barna, Cornel ICSE '11: "Model-based Performance Testing ..."
Barr, Earl T. ICSE '11: "BQL: Capturing and Reusing ..."
Bartlett, Roscoe ICSE '11: "Fourth International Workshop ..."
Barzilay, Ohad ICSE '11: "How Do Programmers Ask and ..."
Basili, Victor R. ICSE '11: "A Case Study of Measuring ..."
Bass, Len ICSE '11: "Architecture Evaluation without ..."
Batory, Don ICSE '11: "Fourth Workshop on Refactoring ..."
Baudry, Benoit ICSE '11: "Estimating Footprints of Model ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ICSE '11: "Identifying Method Friendships ..."
Bayne, Michael ICSE '11: "Always-Available Static and ..."
Becker, Steffen ICSE '11: "An Industrial Case Study on ..."
Begel, Andrew ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..."
Behar, Noam ICSE '11: "Code Coverage Analysis in ..."
Bellamy, Rachel ICSE '11: "Sketching Tools for Ideation ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on Flexible Modeling ..." ICSE '11: "Deploying CogTool: Integrating ..."
Benestad, Hans Christian ICSE '11: "A Comparison of Model-based ..."
Berger, Thorsten ICSE '11: "Reverse Engineering Feature ..."
Bertolino, Antonia ICSE '11: "Sixth International Workshop ..."
Bertran, Isela Macia ICSE '11: "Detecting Architecturally-Relevant ..."
Beyer, Dirk ICSE '11: "Feature Cohesion in Software ..."
Bhandar, Manisha ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Bhattacharya, Pamela ICSE '11: "Assessing Programming Language ..." ICSE '11: "Using Software Evolution History ..."
Bianculli, Domenico ICSE '11: "Interface Decomposition for ..."
Bigrigg, Michael W. ICSE '11: "SORASCS: A Case Study in SOA-based ..."
Bilich, Carlos ICSE '11: "An Industrial Case Study on ..."
Binkley, David ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Bishop, Judith ICSE '11: "First Workshop on Developing ..."
Black, Sue ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..."
Bodden, Eric ICSE '11: "Taming Reflection: Aiding ..."
Bodik, Rastislav ICSE '11: "Angelic Debugging ..."
Boehm, Barry W. ICSE '11: "Impact of Software Resource ..."
Borges, Rafael V. ICSE '11: "Learning to Adapt Requirements ..."
Bos, Jeroen van den ICSE '11: "Bringing Domain-Specific Languages ..."
Bott, Felix ICSE '11: "CREWW - Collaborative Requirements ..."
Botterweck, Goetz ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..."
Braberman, Víctor ICSE '11: "Synthesis of Live Behaviour ..." ICSE '11: "Program Abstractions for Behaviour ..."
Bradshaw, Gary ICSE '11: "Information Foraging as a ..."
Breitman, Karin K. ICSE '11: "First Workshop on Developing ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ICSE '11: "A Practical Guide for Using ..." ICSE '11: "Enabling the Runtime Assertion ..."
Brown, Nanette ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..."
Bull, Christopher ICSE '11: "Digitally Annexing Desk Space ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ICSE '11: "Patching Vulnerabilities with ..."
Cadar, Cristian ICSE '11: "Symbolic Execution for Software ..."
Cai, Dongxiang ICSE '11: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Cai, Yuanfang ICSE '11: "Detecting Software Modularity ..."
Callery, Matthew ICSE '11: "Blending Freeform and Managed ..."
Carley, Kathleen M. ICSE '11: "SORASCS: A Case Study in SOA-based ..."
Carro, Manuel ICSE '11: "Third International Workshop ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. ICSE '11: "Fourth International Workshop ..."
Cassou, Damien ICSE '11: "Leveraging Software Architectures ..."
Castro-Herrera, Carlos ICSE '11: "On-demand Feature Recommendations ..."
Cataldo, Marcelo ICSE '11: "Factors Leading to Integration ..." ICSE '11: "Configuring Global Software ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on Cooperative and ..."
Cazzola, Walter ICSE '11: "JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic ..."
Chandra, Satish ICSE '11: "Angelic Debugging ..."
Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander ICSE '11: "JDeodorant: Identification ..."
Chen, Baiqiang ICSE '11: "Tuple Density: A New Metric ..."
Chen, Feng ICSE '11: "Mining Parametric Specifications ..."
Chen, Ning ICSE '11: "GATE: Game-based Testing Environment ..."
Chen, Shyh-Kwei ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Chen, Wenguang ICSE '11: "RACEZ: A Lightweight and Non-Invasive ..."
Chen, Xiaofan ICSE '11: "A Combination Approach for ..."
Choudhary, Shauvik Roy ICSE '11: "Detecting Cross-browser Issues ..."
Christensen, Henrik Bærbak ICSE '11: "Towards Architectural Information ..."
Clark, David ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Classen, Andreas ICSE '11: "Symbolic Model Checking of ..."
Clause, James ICSE '11: "Camouflage: Automated Anonymization ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ICSE '11: "On-demand Feature Recommendations ..." ICSE '11: "Tracing Architectural Concerns ..."
Concas, Giulio ICSE '11: "Workshop on Emerging Trends ..."
Consel, Charles ICSE '11: "Leveraging Software Architectures ..."
Cook, Richard ICSE '11: "Always-Available Static and ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas ICSE '11: "Verifying Multi-threaded Software ..."
Cordy, James R. ICSE '11: "Fifth International Workshop ..."
Cuddeback, David ICSE '11: "Towards Overcoming Human Analyst ..."
Curtis, Bill ICSE '11: "An Evaluation of the Internal ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ICSE '11: "Reverse Engineering Feature ..."
Dachselt, Raimund ICSE '11: "View Infinity: A Zoomable ..."
Dagnat, Fabien ICSE '11: "The Lazy Initialization Multilayered ..."
Dalton, Michael ICSE '11: "Detecting Software Modularity ..."
D'Ambros, Marco ICSE '11: "Miler: A Toolset for Exploring ..."
Damian, Daniela ICSE '11: "StakeSource2.0: Using Social ..." ICSE '11: "The Hidden Experts in Software-Engineering ..."
Daniel, Brett ICSE '11: "ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing ..."
Dantas, Francisco ICSE '11: "Reuse vs. Maintainability: ..."
Davies, Julius ICSE '11: "Measuring Subversions: Security ..."
D'Avila Garcez, Artur ICSE '11: "Learning to Adapt Requirements ..."
De Caso, Guido ICSE '11: "Program Abstractions for Behaviour ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ICSE '11: "Covana: Precise Identification ..." ICSE '11: "Precise Identification of ..."
Deissenboeck, Florian ICSE '11: "The Quamoco Tool Chain for ..."
Dekhtyar, Alex ICSE '11: "Towards Overcoming Human Analyst ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ICSE '11: "CodeTopics: Which Topic am ..." ICSE '11: "Identifying Method Friendships ..."
Dempsey, Mitch ICSE '11: "A Demonstration of a Distributed ..."
Desmond, Michael ICSE '11: "Sketching Tools for Ideation ..." ICSE '11: "Blending Freeform and Managed ..."
De Souza, Cleidson ICSE '11: "Workshop on Cooperative and ..."
Deursen, Arie van ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..." ICSE '11: "Supporting Professional Spreadsheet ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ICSE '11: "Ownership, Experience and ..."
Dhoolia, Pankaj ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Diehl, Stephan ICSE '11: "CREWW - Collaborative Requirements ..."
Dietl, Werner ICSE '11: "Building and Using Pluggable ..."
Dietzel, Stephanie ICSE '11: "Building and Using Pluggable ..."
Dig, Danny ICSE '11: "ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing ..." ICSE '11: "Fourth Workshop on Refactoring ..." ICSE '11: "Transformation for Class Immutability ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ICSE '11: "CodeTopics: Which Topic am ..." ICSE '11: "Sixth International Workshop ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on Emerging Trends ..."
D'Ippolito, Nicolás ICSE '11: "Synthesis of Live Behaviour ..."
Dittrich, Yvonne ICSE '11: "Workshop on Cooperative and ..."
Dohi, Tadashi ICSE '11: "Towards Quantitative Software ..."
Dolby, Julian ICSE '11: "A Framework for Automated ..." ICSE '11: "Refactoring Java Programs ..."
Dresselhaus, Bill ICSE '11: "Exciting New Trends in Design ..."
Dumitru, Horatiu ICSE '11: "On-demand Feature Recommendations ..."
Dwivedi, Vishal ICSE '11: "SORASCS: A Case Study in SOA-based ..."
Egyed, Alexander ICSE '11: "Positive Effects of Utilizing ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ICSE '11: "Refactoring Pipe-like Mashups ..."
Eranian, Stephane ICSE '11: "RACEZ: A Lightweight and Non-Invasive ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ICSE '11: "Inference of Field Initialization ..." ICSE '11: "Always-Available Static and ..." ICSE '11: "Building and Using Pluggable ..."
Fant, Julie Street ICSE '11: "Building Domain Specific Software ..."
Faulk, Stuart ICSE '11: "Collaborative Teaching of ..."
Feigenspan, Janet ICSE '11: "View Infinity: A Zoomable ..."
Fein, Elad ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Filieri, Antonio ICSE '11: "Run-Time Efficient Probabilistic ..."
Finkelstein, Anthony ICSE '11: "StakeSource2.0: Using Social ..."
Fischer, Bernd ICSE '11: "Verifying Multi-threaded Software ..."
Fisher, Karen L. ICSE '11: "A Case Study of Measuring ..."
Fokaefs, Marios ICSE '11: "JDeodorant: Identification ..."
Foster, Howard ICSE '11: "Sixth International Workshop ..."
Frisch, Mathias ICSE '11: "View Infinity: A Zoomable ..."
Fu, Chen ICSE '11: "Portfolio: Finding Relevant ..." ICSE '11: "Portfolio: A Search Engine ..."
Fujiwara, Takaji ICSE '11: "Towards Quantitative Software ..."
Furia, Carlo A. ICSE '11: "Inferring Better Contracts ..."
Galster, Matthias ICSE '11: "Capturing Tacit Architectural ..."
Gamble, Rose F. ICSE '11: "SEREBRO: Facilitating Student ..."
Gandhi, Robin ICSE '11: "Empirical Results on the Study ..."
Garbervetsky, Diego ICSE '11: "Program Abstractions for Behaviour ..."
Garcia, Ronald ICSE '11: "Permission-Based Programming ..."
Garlan, David ICSE '11: "SORASCS: A Case Study in SOA-based ..."
Ge, Xi ICSE '11: "DyTa: Dynamic Symbolic Execution ..."
Geihs, Kurt ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..."
Genevès, Pierre ICSE '11: "Inconsistent Path Detection ..."
Gethers, Malcom ICSE '11: "CodeTopics: Which Topic am ..." ICSE '11: "Identifying Method Friendships ..."
Ghanbari, Hamoun ICSE '11: "Model-based Performance Testing ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ICSE '11: "Run-Time Efficient Probabilistic ..."
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra ICSE '11: "Interface Decomposition for ..."
Gibiec, Marek ICSE '11: "On-demand Feature Recommendations ..."
Gibson, James ICSE '11: "A Method for Selecting SOA ..."
Gittens, Mechelle ICSE '11: "Diagnosing New Faults Using ..."
Glinz, Martin ICSE '11: "Estimating Footprints of Model ..."
Göde, Nils ICSE '11: "Frequency and Risks of Changes ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ICSE '11: "Symbolic Execution for Software ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. ICSE '11: "Multifractal Aspects of Software ..."
Goeritzer, Robert ICSE '11: "Using Impact Analysis in Industry ..."
Goh, Sweefen ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Gold, Nicolas ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Golra, Fahad R. ICSE '11: "The Lazy Initialization Multilayered ..."
Gong, Liang ICSE '11: "Dealing with Noise in Defect ..."
Goodwin, Richard ICSE '11: "Using MATCON to Generate CASE ..."
Gorton, Ian ICSE '11: "Fourth International Workshop ..."
Götz, Sebastian ICSE '11: "JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic ..."
Gray, Jeff ICSE '11: "MT-Scribe: An End-User Approach ..."
Gray, Jon ICSE '11: "A Method for Selecting SOA ..."
Grebhahn, Alexander ICSE '11: "JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic ..."
Grechanik, Mark ICSE '11: "Portfolio: Finding Relevant ..." ICSE '11: "Portfolio: A Search Engine ..."
Grundy, John ICSE '11: "A Combination Approach for ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on Flexible Modeling ..." ICSE '11: "Improving Requirements Quality ..."
Gu, Zhongxian ICSE '11: "BQL: Capturing and Reusing ..."
Gupta, Aarti ICSE '11: "Coverage Guided Systematic ..."
Gvero, Tihomir ICSE '11: "ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing ..."
Hahnenberg, Mark ICSE '11: "Permission-Based Programming ..."
Hale, Matthew L. ICSE '11: "SEREBRO: Facilitating Student ..."
Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab ICSE '11: "A Software Behaviour Analysis ..."
Hannay, Jo E. ICSE '11: "A Comparison of Model-based ..."
Hansen, Klaus Marius ICSE '11: "Towards Architectural Information ..."
Hardy, John ICSE '11: "Digitally Annexing Desk Space ..."
Hariri, Negar ICSE '11: "On-demand Feature Recommendations ..."
Harman, Mark ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ICSE '11: "An Empirical Study of Build ..."
Hayes, Jane Huffman ICSE '11: "Towards Overcoming Human Analyst ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ICSE '11: "Better Testing Through Oracle ..." ICSE '11: "Programs, Tests, and Oracles: ..."
Heinemann, Lars ICSE '11: "The Quamoco Tool Chain for ..."
Helming, Jonas ICSE '11: "A Domain Specific Requirements ..."
Herbsleb, James D. ICSE '11: "Factors Leading to Integration ..." ICSE '11: "Configuring Global Software ..."
Hermans, Felienne ICSE '11: "Supporting Professional Spreadsheet ..."
Herrmannsdoerfer, Markus ICSE '11: "The Quamoco Tool Chain for ..."
Heymans, Patrick ICSE '11: "Symbolic Model Checking of ..."
Hihn, Jairus ICSE '11: "Experiences with Text Mining ..."
Hindle, Abram ICSE '11: "Multifractal Aspects of Software ..."
Hochstein, Lorin ICSE '11: "Fourth International Workshop ..."
Hoda, Rashina ICSE '11: "Workshop on Cooperative and ..."
Hoek, André van der ICSE '11: "A Demonstration of a Distributed ..." ICSE '11: "The Code Orb -- Supporting ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on Flexible Modeling ..."
Holden, Jeff ICSE '11: "Towards Overcoming Human Analyst ..."
Holmes, Reid ICSE '11: "Identifying Opaque Behavioural ..." ICSE '11: "Identifying Program, Test, ..."
Holt, Richard C. ICSE '11: "Multifractal Aspects of Software ..."
Hopson, John ICSE '11: "Data Analytics for Game Development ..."
Hosking, John ICSE '11: "A Combination Approach for ..." ICSE '11: "Improving Requirements Quality ..."
Houston, Dan ICSE '11: "Impact of Process Simulation ..."
Huang, LiGuo ICSE '11: "Impact of Process Simulation ..." ICSE '11: "Experiences with Text Mining ..."
Hughes, Christopher J. ICSE '11: "LIME: A Framework for Debugging ..."
Hullett, Kenneth ICSE '11: "Data Analytics for Game Development ..."
Hummel, Oliver ICSE '11: "Search-Enhanced Testing (NIER ..."
Hundt, Robert ICSE '11: "RACEZ: A Lightweight and Non-Invasive ..."
Hutchinson, John ICSE '11: "Empirical Assessment of MDE ..." ICSE '11: "Model-Driven Engineering Practices ..."
Ibrahim, Zaid ICSE '11: "Toward Sustainable Software ..."
Inoue, Katsuro ICSE '11: "Fifth International Workshop ..."
Issarny, Valerie ICSE '11: "Mining Service Abstractions ..."
Ivers, James ICSE '11: "Architecture Evaluation without ..."
Jackson, Daniel ICSE '11: "A Lightweight Code Analysis ..." ICSE '11: "Unifying Execution of Imperative ..."
Jagannath, Vilas ICSE '11: "ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing ..."
Janjic, Werner ICSE '11: "Search-Enhanced Testing (NIER ..."
Jarzabek, Stanislaw ICSE '11: "Flexible Generators for Software ..." ICSE '11: "Fifth International Workshop ..."
Jeanneret, Cédric ICSE '11: "Estimating Footprints of Model ..."
Jeffery, Ross ICSE '11: "Impact of Process Simulation ..."
Jensen, Simon Holm ICSE '11: "A Framework for Automated ..."
Jeon, Sung-eok ICSE '11: "Characterizing the Differences ..."
Jhi, Yoon-Chan ICSE '11: "Value-Based Program Characterization ..."
Jia, Xiaoqi ICSE '11: "Value-Based Program Characterization ..."
Jiaa, Johnston ICSE '11: "ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing ..."
John, Bonnie E. ICSE '11: "Deploying CogTool: Integrating ..."
Jorgenson, Noah M. ICSE '11: "SEREBRO: Facilitating Student ..."
Jung, Yungbum ICSE '11: "MeCC: Memory Comparison-based ..."
Jürjens, Jan ICSE '11: "Automated Security Hardening ..." ICSE '11: "Seventh International Workshop ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa ICSE '11: "Sixth International Workshop ..."
Kamalrudin, Massila ICSE '11: "Improving Requirements Quality ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka ICSE '11: "An Empirical Study of Build ..."
Kang, Eunsuk ICSE '11: "A Lightweight Code Analysis ..."
Karastoyanova, Dimka ICSE '11: "Third International Workshop ..."
Kästner, Christian ICSE '11: "View Infinity: A Zoomable ..." ICSE '11: "JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic ..."
Katz, Randy ICSE '11: "Static Extraction of Program ..."
Kawrykow, David ICSE '11: "Non-Essential Changes in Version ..."
Kazman, Rick ICSE '11: "Architecture Evaluation without ..."
Kazmin, Nikolay ICSE '11: "Inferring Better Contracts ..."
Kelly, Diane ICSE '11: "Fourth International Workshop ..."
Khoo, Siau Cheng ICSE '11: "Mining Message Sequence Graphs ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ICSE '11: "Symbolic Execution for Software ..."
Kidwell, Billy ICSE '11: "A Decision Support System ..."
Kim, Heejung ICSE '11: "MeCC: Memory Comparison-based ..."
Kim, Miryung ICSE '11: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ICSE '11: "Detecting Software Modularity ..."
Kim, Sunghun ICSE '11: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ICSE '11: "MeCC: Memory Comparison-based ..." ICSE '11: "Dealing with Noise in Defect ..."
Kivett, Ryan ICSE '11: "Characterizing the Differences ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik ICSE '11: "Transformation for Class Immutability ..."
Ko, Andrew J. ICSE '11: "Characterizing the Differences ..."
Koegel, Maximilian ICSE '11: "A Domain Specific Requirements ..."
Kogan, Sandra ICSE '11: "Deploying CogTool: Integrating ..."
Kong, Wei-Keat ICSE '11: "Towards Overcoming Human Analyst ..."
Koschke, Rainer ICSE '11: "Fifth International Workshop ..." ICSE '11: "Frequency and Risks of Changes ..."
Kotonya, Gerald ICSE '11: "Digitally Annexing Desk Space ..."
Koziolek, Anne ICSE '11: "An Industrial Case Study on ..."
Koziolek, Heiko ICSE '11: "An Industrial Case Study on ..."
Kramer, Jeff ICSE '11: "Evolve: Tool Support for Architecture ..."
Krasikov, Sophia ICSE '11: "Blending Freeform and Managed ..."
Kristoffersen, Steinar ICSE '11: "Empirical Assessment of MDE ..."
Krogmann, Klaus ICSE '11: "An Industrial Case Study on ..."
Kruchten, Philippe ICSE '11: "Second International Workshop ..." ICSE '11: "Workshop on SHAring and Reusing ..."
Kuhn, Adrian ICSE '11: "Third International Workshop ..."
Kumar, Sandeep ICSE '11: "Specification Mining in Concurrent ..." ICSE '11: "Specification Mining in Concurrent ..." ICSE '11: "Mining Message Sequence Graphs ..."
Kwan, Irwin ICSE '11: "The Hidden Experts in Software-Engineering ..."
Labiche, Yvan ICSE '11: "Enabling the Runtime Assertion ..."
Lago, Patricia ICSE '11: "Workshop on SHAring and Reusing ..."
Lamb, Luis C. ICSE '11: "Learning to Adapt Requirements ..."
Lano, Kevin ICSE '11: "Model Projection: Simplifying ..."
Lanza, Michele ICSE '11: "Miler: A Toolset for Exploring ..." ICSE '11: "Software Systems as Cities: ..."
Lawall, Julia ICSE '11: "Leveraging Software Architectures ..."
Layaïda, Nabil ICSE '11: "Inconsistent Path Detection ..."
Layman, Lucas ICSE '11: "A Case Study of Measuring ..."
Lee, Choonghwan ICSE '11: "Mining Parametric Specifications ..."
Lee, Da Young ICSE '11: "A Case Study on Refactoring ..."