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22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2014), June 2–3, 2014, Hyderabad, India

ICPC 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Abreu, Rui ICPC '14: "A Diagnosis-Based Approach ..."
Andrews, Anneliese ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano ICPC '14: "Identifying and Locating Interference ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ICPC '14: "How Do API Changes Trigger ..."
Beyer, Dirk ICPC '14: "A Formal Evaluation of DepDegree ..."
Binkley, David ICPC '14: "Understanding LDA in Source ..."
Campos, Eduardo C. ICPC '14: "Ranking Crowd Knowledge to ..."
Canfora, Gerardo ICPC '14: "CODES: mining sourCe cOde ..." ICPC '14: "How the Evolution of Emerging ..."
Chaudron, Michel R. V. ICPC '14: "Condensing Class Diagrams ..."
Cleve, Anthony ICPC '14: "Understanding the Database ..."
Cordy, James R. ICPC '14: "Identifying and Locating Interference ..."
Cutrell, Edward ICPC '14: "Innovating in India: Designing ..."
Dasgupta, Tathagata ICPC '14: "Redacting Sensitive Information ..."
Delimarschi, Denis ICPC '14: "Enabling Integrated Development ..."
De Souza, Lucas B. L. ICPC '14: "Ranking Crowd Knowledge to ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ICPC '14: "CODES: mining sourCe cOde ..." ICPC '14: "Identifying and Locating Interference ..." ICPC '14: "How the Evolution of Emerging ..." ICPC '14: "How Do API Changes Trigger ..."
Eder, Sebastian ICPC '14: "Prioritizing Maintainability ..."
Eshkevari, Laleh ICPC '14: "Identifying and Locating Interference ..."
Fan, Ming ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Feitelson, Dror G. ICPC '14: "On the Effect of Code Regularity ..." ICPC '14: "JCSD: Visual Support for Understanding ..."
Gethers, Malcom ICPC '14: "Redacting Sensitive Information ..."
Ghafari, Mohammad ICPC '14: "Mining Unit Tests for Code ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ICPC '14: "Mining Unit Tests for Code ..."
Grechanik, Mark ICPC '14: "Redacting Sensitive Information ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..."
Gupta, Shrinath ICPC '14: "SCQAM: A Scalable Structured ..." ICPC '14: "A Semiautomated Method for ..."
Hanenberg, Stefan ICPC '14: "An Empirical Comparison of ..." ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
Häring, Peter ICPC '14: "A Formal Evaluation of DepDegree ..."
Hayashi, Shinpei ICPC '14: "A Visualization Tool Recording ..."
Heinz, Daniel ICPC '14: "Understanding LDA in Source ..."
Higo, Yoshiki ICPC '14: "Hey! Are You Committing Tangled ..."
Honiden, Shinichi ICPC '14: "An Approach for Evaluating ..."
Hossen, Md Kamal ICPC '14: "Amalgamating Source Code Authors, ..."
Hotta, Keisuke ICPC '14: "Hey! Are You Committing Tangled ..."
Inoue, Katsuro ICPC '14: "Repeatedly-Executed-Method ..."
Ishikawa, Fuyuki ICPC '14: "An Approach for Evaluating ..."
Ishio, Takashi ICPC '14: "Repeatedly-Executed-Method ..."
Jbara, Ahmad ICPC '14: "On the Effect of Code Regularity ..." ICPC '14: "JCSD: Visual Support for Understanding ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa ICPC '14: "Enabling Integrated Development ..." ICPC '14: "Amalgamating Source Code Authors, ..." ICPC '14: "Capturing Software Traceability ..." ICPC '14: "On Mapping Releases to Commits ..."
Karim, Md Yasser ICPC '14: "On Mapping Releases to Commits ..."
Kashima, Yu ICPC '14: "Repeatedly-Executed-Method ..."
Kaulgud, Vikrant ICPC '14: "Comprehension Support during ..."
Kirinuki, Hiroyuki ICPC '14: "Hey! Are You Committing Tangled ..."
Klock, Sam ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..."
Kulkarni, Aniket ICPC '14: "A Code Obfuscation Framework ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji ICPC '14: "Hey! Are You Committing Tangled ..."
Lawrie, Dawn ICPC '14: "Understanding LDA in Source ..."
Li, Zengyang ICPC '14: "Do Architectural Design Decisions ..."
Liang, Peng ICPC '14: "Do Architectural Design Decisions ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..." ICPC '14: "How Do API Changes Trigger ..."
Liu, Cheng ICPC '14: "Improving Topic Model Source ..."
Liu, Ting ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Lo, David ICPC '14: "Condensing Class Diagrams ..." ICPC '14: "Cross-Language Bug Localization ..." ICPC '14: "Version History, Similar Report, ..." ICPC '14: "Towards More Accurate Content ..."
M., Annervaz K. ICPC '14: "Comprehension Support during ..."
Maia, Marcelo de A. ICPC '14: "Ranking Crowd Knowledge to ..."
Maruyama, Katsuhisa ICPC '14: "A Visualization Tool Recording ..."
Matsumura, Toshinori ICPC '14: "Repeatedly-Executed-Method ..."
McBurney, Paul W. ICPC '14: "Automatic Documentation Generation ..." ICPC '14: "Improving Topic Model Source ..."
McKenney, Mark ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
McMillan, Collin ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..." ICPC '14: "Automatic Documentation Generation ..." ICPC '14: "Improving Topic Model Source ..." ICPC '14: "Redacting Sensitive Information ..."
Metta, Ravindra ICPC '14: "A Code Obfuscation Framework ..."
Meurice, Loup ICPC '14: "Understanding the Database ..."
Misra, Janardan ICPC '14: "Comprehension Support during ..."
Mocci, Andrea ICPC '14: "Mining Unit Tests for Code ..."
Mori, Marco ICPC '14: "Understanding the Database ..."
Noughi, Nesrine ICPC '14: "Understanding the Database ..."
Nunes, Daltro José ICPC '14: "Revealing the Relationship ..."
Nunes, Ingrid ICPC '14: "Revealing the Relationship ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ICPC '14: "How the Evolution of Emerging ..." ICPC '14: "How Do API Changes Trigger ..."
Omori, Takayuki ICPC '14: "A Visualization Tool Recording ..."
Osman, Mohd Hafeez ICPC '14: "Condensing Class Diagrams ..."
Overfelt, Justin ICPC '14: "Understanding LDA in Source ..."
Panichella, Sebastiano ICPC '14: "CODES: mining sourCe cOde ..." ICPC '14: "How the Evolution of Emerging ..."
Perez, Alexandre ICPC '14: "A Diagnosis-Based Approach ..."
Petersen, Pujan ICPC '14: "An Empirical Comparison of ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ICPC '14: "Amalgamating Source Code Authors, ..." ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..." ICPC '14: "Redacting Sensitive Information ..." ICPC '14: "How Do API Changes Trigger ..."
Robbes, Romain ICPC '14: "An Empirical Comparison of ..."
Sabané, Aminata ICPC '14: "Domain Matters: Bringing Further ..."
Sakamoto, Kazunori ICPC '14: "An Approach for Evaluating ..."
Schots, Marcelo ICPC '14: "An Information Visualization ..."
Shaffer, Timothy ICPC '14: "Capturing Software Traceability ..."
Shahin, Mojtaba ICPC '14: "Do Architectural Design Decisions ..."
Sharif, Bonita ICPC '14: "Capturing Software Traceability ..."
Shobe, Joe F. ICPC '14: "On Mapping Releases to Commits ..."
Siebert, Susanna ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
Silva, Danilo ICPC '14: "Recommending Automated Extract ..."
Singh, Himanshu Kumar ICPC '14: "SCQAM: A Scalable Structured ..." ICPC '14: "A Semiautomated Method for ..."
Stefik, Andreas ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
Steidl, Daniela ICPC '14: "Prioritizing Maintainability ..."
Suzuki, Takayuki ICPC '14: "An Approach for Evaluating ..."
Swartzendruber, George ICPC '14: "Enabling Integrated Development ..."
Tamburrelli, Giordano ICPC '14: "Mining Unit Tests for Code ..."
Terra, Ricardo ICPC '14: "Recommending Automated Extract ..."
Thung, Ferdian ICPC '14: "Condensing Class Diagrams ..."
Tian, Cong ICPC '14: "Towards More Accurate Content ..."
Tian, Zhenzhou ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Titus, Gary ICPC '14: "Comprehension Support during ..."
Tzerpos, Vassilios ICPC '14: "The MoJo Family: A Story about ..."
Uppili, Umesh ICPC '14: "SCQAM: A Scalable Structured ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio ICPC '14: "Recommending Automated Extract ..."
Vasconcelos, Renan ICPC '14: "An Information Visualization ..."
Vassallo, Carmine ICPC '14: "CODES: mining sourCe cOde ..."
Venkatasubramanyam, Radhika D. ICPC '14: "SCQAM: A Scalable Structured ..."
Walters, Braden ICPC '14: "Capturing Software Traceability ..."
Wang, Shaowei ICPC '14: "Version History, Similar Report, ..."
Wang, Xingen ICPC '14: "Cross-Language Bug Localization ..."
Wang, Xinyu ICPC '14: "Cross-Language Bug Localization ..." ICPC '14: "Towards More Accurate Content ..."
Wen, Zhihua ICPC '14: "The MoJo Family: A Story about ..."
Weninger, Tim ICPC '14: "Improving Topic Model Source ..."
Werner, Cláudia ICPC '14: "An Information Visualization ..."
White, David H. ICPC '14: "dsOli: Data Structure Operation ..."
Xia, Xin ICPC '14: "Cross-Language Bug Localization ..." ICPC '14: "Towards More Accurate Content ..."
Yang, Zijiang ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Yellanki, Srinivas Kalyan ICPC '14: "What Is the Foundation of ..."
Zanjani, Motahareh Bahrami ICPC '14: "On Mapping Releases to Commits ..."
Zapalowski, Vanius ICPC '14: "Revealing the Relationship ..."
Zhang, Chenyi ICPC '14: "Cross-Language Bug Localization ..."
Zhang, Xiaodong ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Zheng, Qinghua ICPC '14: "Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded ..."
Zhou, Bo ICPC '14: "Towards More Accurate Content ..."

147 authors

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