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2013 21st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), May 20–21, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

ICPC 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Aly, Mohamed ICPC '13: "Building Extensions for Applications: ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano ICPC '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Aponte, Jairo ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ICPC '13: "Manhattan: Supporting Real-Time ..."
Basile, Cataldo ICPC '13: "Towards a Unified Software ..."
Bassett, Blake ICPC '13: "Structural Information Based ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..."
Beck, Fabian ICPC '13: "In Situ Understanding of Performance ..."
Bernhart, Mario ICPC '13: "On the Understanding of Programs ..."
Brinkkemper, Sjaak ICPC '13: "On the Accuracy of Architecture ..."
Bruegge, Bernd ICPC '13: "Monitoring User Interactions ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. ICPC '13: "Evaluating Source Code Summarization ..."
Ceccato, Mariano ICPC '13: "Towards a Unified Software ..."
Charfi, Anis ICPC '13: "Building Extensions for Applications: ..."
Choi, Eunjong ICPC '13: "Applying Clone Change Notification ..."
D'Ambros, Marco ICPC '13: "Manhattan: Supporting Real-Time ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..."
De Roover, Coen ICPC '13: "Multi-dimensional Exploration ..."
Diaz, Diana ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..."
Diehl, Stephan ICPC '13: "In Situ Understanding of Performance ..."
Döllner, Jürgen ICPC '13: "Multiscale Visual Comparison ..."
Eddy, Brian P. ICPC '13: "Evaluating Source Code Summarization ..."
Falcone, Michael ICPC '13: "OnionUML: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Grechenig, Thomas ICPC '13: "On the Understanding of Programs ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël ICPC '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Gupta, Samir ICPC '13: "Part-of-Speech Tagging of ..."
Gurbanova, Nigar ICPC '13: "Monitoring User Interactions ..."
Hattori, Lile ICPC '13: "Manhattan: Supporting Real-Time ..."
Higo, Yoshiki ICPC '13: "Gapped Code Clone Detection ..."
Hotta, Keisuke ICPC '13: "Gapped Code Clone Detection ..."
Hou, Daqing ICPC '13: "Extracting Problematic API ..."
Hummel, Benjamin ICPC '13: "Quality Analysis of Source ..."
Igaki, Hiroshi ICPC '13: "Gapped Code Clone Detection ..."
Inoue, Katsuro ICPC '13: "Applying Clone Change Notification ..."
Joubert, Christophe ICPC '13: "Monitoring User Interactions ..."
Juergens, Elmar ICPC '13: "Quality Analysis of Source ..."
Kamimura, Manabu ICPC '13: "Towards Generating Human-Oriented ..." ICPC '13: "SArF Map: Visualizing Software ..."
Kamiya, Toshihiro ICPC '13: "Agec: An Execution-Semantic ..."
Kato, Koki ICPC '13: "SArF Map: Visualizing Software ..."
Kobayashi, Kenichi ICPC '13: "SArF Map: Visualizing Software ..."
Köppe, Christian ICPC '13: "On the Accuracy of Architecture ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. ICPC '13: "Structural Information Based ..." ICPC '13: "Evaluating Source Code Summarization ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji ICPC '13: "Gapped Code Clone Detection ..."
Lämmel, Ralf ICPC '13: "Multi-dimensional Exploration ..."
Lanza, Michele ICPC '13: "Manhattan: Supporting Real-Time ..."
Maalej, Walid ICPC '13: "Monitoring User Interactions ..."
Mahmoud, Anas ICPC '13: "Evaluating Software Clustering ..."
Malik, Sana ICPC '13: "Part-of-Speech Tagging of ..."
Marchetto, Alessandro ICPC '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Marcus, Andrian ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..." ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..." ICPC '13: "JSummarizer: An Automatic ..."
Matsuo, Akihiko ICPC '13: "SArF Map: Visualizing Software ..."
Mayer, Philip ICPC '13: "Patterns of Cross-Language ..."
Mezini, Mira ICPC '13: "Building Extensions for Applications: ..."
Mondal, Manishankar ICPC '13: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." ICPC '13: "Insight into a Method Co-change ..."
Moreno, Laura ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..." ICPC '13: "JSummarizer: An Automatic ..."
Moseler, Oliver ICPC '13: "In Situ Understanding of Performance ..."
Murakami, Hiroaki ICPC '13: "Gapped Code Clone Detection ..."
Murphy, Gail C. ICPC '13: "Towards Generating Human-Oriented ..."
Myers, Brad A. ICPC '13: "Improving Program Comprehension ..."
Niu, Nan ICPC '13: "Evaluating Software Clustering ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..."
Parnin, Chris ICPC '13: "Blogging Developer Knowledge: ..."
Pek, Ekaterina ICPC '13: "Multi-dimensional Exploration ..."
Pollock, Lori ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..." ICPC '13: "Part-of-Speech Tagging of ..." ICPC '13: "JSummarizer: An Automatic ..."
Pruijt, Leo ICPC '13: "On the Accuracy of Architecture ..."
Rey, Günter Daniel ICPC '13: "In Situ Understanding of Performance ..."
Rigotti, Francesco ICPC '13: "Manhattan: Supporting Real-Time ..."
Robinson, Jeffrey A. ICPC '13: "Evaluating Source Code Summarization ..."
Roehm, Tobias ICPC '13: "Monitoring User Interactions ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. ICPC '13: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." ICPC '13: "Insight into a Method Co-change ..." ICPC '13: "SimCad: An Extensible and ..."
Sano, Tateki ICPC '13: "Applying Clone Change Notification ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. ICPC '13: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." ICPC '13: "Insight into a Method Co-change ..." ICPC '13: "SimCad: An Extensible and ..."
Schroeder, Andreas ICPC '13: "Patterns of Cross-Language ..."
Sharafi, Zohreh ICPC '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Sharif, Bonita ICPC '13: "OnionUML: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Sridhara, Giriprasad ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..."
Steidl, Daniela ICPC '13: "Quality Analysis of Source ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne ICPC '13: "Blogging Developer Knowledge: ..."
Susi, Angelo ICPC '13: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Takahashi, Silvia ICPC '13: "Using Code Ownership to Improve ..."
Telea, Alexandru ICPC '13: "Multiscale Visual Comparison ..."
Treude, Christoph ICPC '13: "Blogging Developer Knowledge: ..."
Trümper, Jonas ICPC '13: "Multiscale Visual Comparison ..."
Uddin, Md. Sharif ICPC '13: "SimCad: An Extensible and ..."
Vijay-Shanker, K. ICPC '13: "Automatic Generation of Natural ..." ICPC '13: "Part-of-Speech Tagging of ..." ICPC '13: "JSummarizer: An Automatic ..."
Yamanaka, Yuki ICPC '13: "Applying Clone Change Notification ..."
Yano, Keisuke ICPC '13: "SArF Map: Visualizing Software ..."
Yoshida, Norihiro ICPC '13: "Applying Clone Change Notification ..."
Zhang, Yingying ICPC '13: "Extracting Problematic API ..."

103 authors

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