Workshop MHFI 2017 – Author Index |
Contents -
Abstracts -
Ablart, Damien |
![]() Chi Thanh Vi, Damien Ablart, Daniel Arthur, and Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex, UK) Gustatory interfaces have gained popularity in the field of human-computer interaction, especially in the context of augmenting gaming and virtual reality experiences, but also in the context of food interaction design enabling the creation of new eating experiences. In this paper, we first review prior works on gustatory interfaces and particularly discuss them based on the use of either a chemical, electrical and/or thermal stimulation approach. We then present two concepts for gustatory interfaces that represent a more traditional delivery approach (using a mouthpiece) versus a novel approach that is based on principles of acoustic levitation (contactless delivery). We discuss the design opportunities around those two concepts in particular to overcome challenges of "how" to stimulate the sense of taste. ![]() |
Amusátegui, Juan Cruz |
![]() Bruno Mesz, Kevin Herzog, Juan Cruz Amusátegui, Lucas Samaruga, and Sebastián Tedesco (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) We present three digital systems: the Augmented Glass, the Bone-Conduction Hookah, and the sound installation T2M, designed for displaying sound and taste stimuli, with applications in research on crossmodal taste-sound interactions, multisensory experiences and performances, entertainment and health. ![]() |
André, Elisabeth |
![]() Andreas Seiderer, Simon Flutura, and Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg, Germany) In this paper we present a mobile system for nutrition logging which integrates multiple devices and modalities to facilitate food and drink tracking. The user is free to decide in each situation to use the most appropriate device combination out of a smartphone, smartwatch and smartscale. We describe the design and implementation of our system which is based on a requirements analysis. Finally, first results of a preliminary in-situ study with the prototype are reported giving first hints about the benefits and challenges of this multi-device approach in daily life scenarios. ![]() |
Arthur, Daniel |
![]() Chi Thanh Vi, Damien Ablart, Daniel Arthur, and Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex, UK) Gustatory interfaces have gained popularity in the field of human-computer interaction, especially in the context of augmenting gaming and virtual reality experiences, but also in the context of food interaction design enabling the creation of new eating experiences. In this paper, we first review prior works on gustatory interfaces and particularly discuss them based on the use of either a chemical, electrical and/or thermal stimulation approach. We then present two concepts for gustatory interfaces that represent a more traditional delivery approach (using a mouthpiece) versus a novel approach that is based on principles of acoustic levitation (contactless delivery). We discuss the design opportunities around those two concepts in particular to overcome challenges of "how" to stimulate the sense of taste. ![]() |
Erp, Jan B. F. van |
![]() Alexander Toet, Martin G. van Schaik, Daisuke Kaneko, and Jan B. F. van Erp (TNO, Netherlands; Kikkoman Europe R&D Laboratory, Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands) Cinemagraphs are a new medium that is intermediate between photographs and videos: most of the frame is static, while some details are animated in a seamless loop. Given their vivid appearance we expected that food cinemagraphs evoke stronger affective and appetitive responses than their static counterparts (stills). In this study we measured the Liking (affective) and Wanting (appetitive) responses to both cinemagraphs and stills representing a wide range of different food products. Our results show that food cinemagraphs only slightly increase Wanting scores and do not affect Liking scores, compared to similar stills. Although we found no main effect of image dynamics on Liking, we did observe a significant effect for some individual food items. However, the effects of image dynamics on Liking and Wanting appeared to be product specific: for some products dynamic images were scored higher on Liking or Wanting, while static images were scored higher for other products. This suggests that image dynamics intensifies subjective Liking and Wanting judgements but does not alter their polarity. Further research is needed to resolve this issue. ![]() |
Flutura, Simon |
![]() Andreas Seiderer, Simon Flutura, and Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg, Germany) In this paper we present a mobile system for nutrition logging which integrates multiple devices and modalities to facilitate food and drink tracking. The user is free to decide in each situation to use the most appropriate device combination out of a smartphone, smartwatch and smartscale. We describe the design and implementation of our system which is based on a requirements analysis. Finally, first results of a preliminary in-situ study with the prototype are reported giving first hints about the benefits and challenges of this multi-device approach in daily life scenarios. ![]() |
Gayler, Tom |
![]() Tom Gayler and Corina Sas (Lancaster University, UK) This paper explores taste-emotion mappings and how they may inform the design of user experience in HCI. We report interviews with 7 food industry professionals and discuss the findings against laboratory-based psychology studies. While the sweet-positive affect and bitter-negative affect mappings were confirmed, those for sour, salty and umami tastes were challenged. Our outcomes highlight a more nuanced understanding of taste-emotion mappings, the influence of taste intensity and the importance of narrative and temporality when designing taste experience in naturalistic settings. ![]() |
Herzog, Kevin |
![]() Bruno Mesz, Kevin Herzog, Juan Cruz Amusátegui, Lucas Samaruga, and Sebastián Tedesco (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) We present three digital systems: the Augmented Glass, the Bone-Conduction Hookah, and the sound installation T2M, designed for displaying sound and taste stimuli, with applications in research on crossmodal taste-sound interactions, multisensory experiences and performances, entertainment and health. ![]() |
Kaneko, Daisuke |
![]() Alexander Toet, Martin G. van Schaik, Daisuke Kaneko, and Jan B. F. van Erp (TNO, Netherlands; Kikkoman Europe R&D Laboratory, Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands) Cinemagraphs are a new medium that is intermediate between photographs and videos: most of the frame is static, while some details are animated in a seamless loop. Given their vivid appearance we expected that food cinemagraphs evoke stronger affective and appetitive responses than their static counterparts (stills). In this study we measured the Liking (affective) and Wanting (appetitive) responses to both cinemagraphs and stills representing a wide range of different food products. Our results show that food cinemagraphs only slightly increase Wanting scores and do not affect Liking scores, compared to similar stills. Although we found no main effect of image dynamics on Liking, we did observe a significant effect for some individual food items. However, the effects of image dynamics on Liking and Wanting appeared to be product specific: for some products dynamic images were scored higher on Liking or Wanting, while static images were scored higher for other products. This suggests that image dynamics intensifies subjective Liking and Wanting judgements but does not alter their polarity. Further research is needed to resolve this issue. ![]() |
Mesz, Bruno |
![]() Bruno Mesz, Kevin Herzog, Juan Cruz Amusátegui, Lucas Samaruga, and Sebastián Tedesco (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) We present three digital systems: the Augmented Glass, the Bone-Conduction Hookah, and the sound installation T2M, designed for displaying sound and taste stimuli, with applications in research on crossmodal taste-sound interactions, multisensory experiences and performances, entertainment and health. ![]() ![]() Qian Janice Wang, Bruno Mesz, and Charles Spence (University of Oxford, UK; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina) Several recent studies have examined the impact of music on the evaluation of food and drink, but none have relied on time-based methods. Since music and food/drink are both time-varying in nature, it would seem only appropriate to take temporality into account when studying the impact of music on the eating/drinking experience. A common method of time-based sensory evaluation of food products is time-intensity (TI), where a specific sensory attribute is measured over time. In the present investigation, we used TI analysis to measure temporal changes in sweetness and sourness evaluations of an off-dry white wine when the music stimulus changed from a soundtrack commonly associated with sweetness to one associated with sourness instead, and vice versa. The results revealed that a change of soundtrack results in a change in taste intensity (for both sweetness and sourness) in the same direction as the change in the soundtrack. More specifically, a switch from the sweet to the sour soundtrack enhanced the intensity of sourness, whereas a switch from sour to sweet soundtrack enhanced the perceived intensity of sweetness. Potential implications for the mechanisms underlying the auditory modification of taste and opportunities for future studies are discussed. ![]() |
Obrist, Marianna |
![]() Chi Thanh Vi, Damien Ablart, Daniel Arthur, and Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex, UK) Gustatory interfaces have gained popularity in the field of human-computer interaction, especially in the context of augmenting gaming and virtual reality experiences, but also in the context of food interaction design enabling the creation of new eating experiences. In this paper, we first review prior works on gustatory interfaces and particularly discuss them based on the use of either a chemical, electrical and/or thermal stimulation approach. We then present two concepts for gustatory interfaces that represent a more traditional delivery approach (using a mouthpiece) versus a novel approach that is based on principles of acoustic levitation (contactless delivery). We discuss the design opportunities around those two concepts in particular to overcome challenges of "how" to stimulate the sense of taste. ![]() |
Samaruga, Lucas |
![]() Bruno Mesz, Kevin Herzog, Juan Cruz Amusátegui, Lucas Samaruga, and Sebastián Tedesco (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) We present three digital systems: the Augmented Glass, the Bone-Conduction Hookah, and the sound installation T2M, designed for displaying sound and taste stimuli, with applications in research on crossmodal taste-sound interactions, multisensory experiences and performances, entertainment and health. ![]() |
Sas, Corina |
![]() Tom Gayler and Corina Sas (Lancaster University, UK) This paper explores taste-emotion mappings and how they may inform the design of user experience in HCI. We report interviews with 7 food industry professionals and discuss the findings against laboratory-based psychology studies. While the sweet-positive affect and bitter-negative affect mappings were confirmed, those for sour, salty and umami tastes were challenged. Our outcomes highlight a more nuanced understanding of taste-emotion mappings, the influence of taste intensity and the importance of narrative and temporality when designing taste experience in naturalistic settings. ![]() |
Schaik, Martin G. van |
![]() Alexander Toet, Martin G. van Schaik, Daisuke Kaneko, and Jan B. F. van Erp (TNO, Netherlands; Kikkoman Europe R&D Laboratory, Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands) Cinemagraphs are a new medium that is intermediate between photographs and videos: most of the frame is static, while some details are animated in a seamless loop. Given their vivid appearance we expected that food cinemagraphs evoke stronger affective and appetitive responses than their static counterparts (stills). In this study we measured the Liking (affective) and Wanting (appetitive) responses to both cinemagraphs and stills representing a wide range of different food products. Our results show that food cinemagraphs only slightly increase Wanting scores and do not affect Liking scores, compared to similar stills. Although we found no main effect of image dynamics on Liking, we did observe a significant effect for some individual food items. However, the effects of image dynamics on Liking and Wanting appeared to be product specific: for some products dynamic images were scored higher on Liking or Wanting, while static images were scored higher for other products. This suggests that image dynamics intensifies subjective Liking and Wanting judgements but does not alter their polarity. Further research is needed to resolve this issue. ![]() |
Seiderer, Andreas |
![]() Andreas Seiderer, Simon Flutura, and Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg, Germany) In this paper we present a mobile system for nutrition logging which integrates multiple devices and modalities to facilitate food and drink tracking. The user is free to decide in each situation to use the most appropriate device combination out of a smartphone, smartwatch and smartscale. We describe the design and implementation of our system which is based on a requirements analysis. Finally, first results of a preliminary in-situ study with the prototype are reported giving first hints about the benefits and challenges of this multi-device approach in daily life scenarios. ![]() |
Spence, Charles |
![]() Qian Janice Wang, Bruno Mesz, and Charles Spence (University of Oxford, UK; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina) Several recent studies have examined the impact of music on the evaluation of food and drink, but none have relied on time-based methods. Since music and food/drink are both time-varying in nature, it would seem only appropriate to take temporality into account when studying the impact of music on the eating/drinking experience. A common method of time-based sensory evaluation of food products is time-intensity (TI), where a specific sensory attribute is measured over time. In the present investigation, we used TI analysis to measure temporal changes in sweetness and sourness evaluations of an off-dry white wine when the music stimulus changed from a soundtrack commonly associated with sweetness to one associated with sourness instead, and vice versa. The results revealed that a change of soundtrack results in a change in taste intensity (for both sweetness and sourness) in the same direction as the change in the soundtrack. More specifically, a switch from the sweet to the sour soundtrack enhanced the intensity of sourness, whereas a switch from sour to sweet soundtrack enhanced the perceived intensity of sweetness. Potential implications for the mechanisms underlying the auditory modification of taste and opportunities for future studies are discussed. ![]() |
Tedesco, Sebastián |
![]() Bruno Mesz, Kevin Herzog, Juan Cruz Amusátegui, Lucas Samaruga, and Sebastián Tedesco (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) We present three digital systems: the Augmented Glass, the Bone-Conduction Hookah, and the sound installation T2M, designed for displaying sound and taste stimuli, with applications in research on crossmodal taste-sound interactions, multisensory experiences and performances, entertainment and health. ![]() |
Toet, Alexander |
![]() Alexander Toet, Martin G. van Schaik, Daisuke Kaneko, and Jan B. F. van Erp (TNO, Netherlands; Kikkoman Europe R&D Laboratory, Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands) Cinemagraphs are a new medium that is intermediate between photographs and videos: most of the frame is static, while some details are animated in a seamless loop. Given their vivid appearance we expected that food cinemagraphs evoke stronger affective and appetitive responses than their static counterparts (stills). In this study we measured the Liking (affective) and Wanting (appetitive) responses to both cinemagraphs and stills representing a wide range of different food products. Our results show that food cinemagraphs only slightly increase Wanting scores and do not affect Liking scores, compared to similar stills. Although we found no main effect of image dynamics on Liking, we did observe a significant effect for some individual food items. However, the effects of image dynamics on Liking and Wanting appeared to be product specific: for some products dynamic images were scored higher on Liking or Wanting, while static images were scored higher for other products. This suggests that image dynamics intensifies subjective Liking and Wanting judgements but does not alter their polarity. Further research is needed to resolve this issue. ![]() |
Vi, Chi Thanh |
![]() Chi Thanh Vi, Damien Ablart, Daniel Arthur, and Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex, UK) Gustatory interfaces have gained popularity in the field of human-computer interaction, especially in the context of augmenting gaming and virtual reality experiences, but also in the context of food interaction design enabling the creation of new eating experiences. In this paper, we first review prior works on gustatory interfaces and particularly discuss them based on the use of either a chemical, electrical and/or thermal stimulation approach. We then present two concepts for gustatory interfaces that represent a more traditional delivery approach (using a mouthpiece) versus a novel approach that is based on principles of acoustic levitation (contactless delivery). We discuss the design opportunities around those two concepts in particular to overcome challenges of "how" to stimulate the sense of taste. ![]() |
Wang, Qian Janice |
![]() Qian Janice Wang, Bruno Mesz, and Charles Spence (University of Oxford, UK; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina) Several recent studies have examined the impact of music on the evaluation of food and drink, but none have relied on time-based methods. Since music and food/drink are both time-varying in nature, it would seem only appropriate to take temporality into account when studying the impact of music on the eating/drinking experience. A common method of time-based sensory evaluation of food products is time-intensity (TI), where a specific sensory attribute is measured over time. In the present investigation, we used TI analysis to measure temporal changes in sweetness and sourness evaluations of an off-dry white wine when the music stimulus changed from a soundtrack commonly associated with sweetness to one associated with sourness instead, and vice versa. The results revealed that a change of soundtrack results in a change in taste intensity (for both sweetness and sourness) in the same direction as the change in the soundtrack. More specifically, a switch from the sweet to the sour soundtrack enhanced the intensity of sourness, whereas a switch from sour to sweet soundtrack enhanced the perceived intensity of sweetness. Potential implications for the mechanisms underlying the auditory modification of taste and opportunities for future studies are discussed. ![]() |
21 authors
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