ICMI Workshops 2017
19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017)
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1st ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents (ISIAA 2017), November 13, 2017, Glasgow, UK

Workshop ISIAA 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Bechade, Lucile ISIAA '17: "A Corpus for Experimental ..."
Biancardi, Beatrice ISIAA '17: "Could a Virtual Agent Be Warm ..."
Blache, Philippe ISIAA '17: "Dialogue Management in Task-Oriented ..."
Bouallegue, Ammar ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Bourquin, Juliette ISIAA '17: "A Corpus for Experimental ..."
Cafaro, Angelo ISIAA '17: "Could a Virtual Agent Be Warm ..."
Campbell, Nick ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..."
Chaminade, Thierry ISIAA '17: "How Do Artificial Agents Think? ..." ISIAA '17: "Integration and Evaluation ..."
Collery, Marine ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..."
Cowan, Benjamin R. ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Curry, Amanda Cercas ISIAA '17: "A Review of Evaluation Techniques ..."
Devillers, Laurence ISIAA '17: "A Corpus for Experimental ..."
Dondrup, Christian ISIAA '17: "Introducing a ROS Based Planning ..."
Dupont, Stéphane ISIAA '17: "A Corpus for Experimental ..."
El Haddad, Kevin ISIAA '17: "A Corpus for Experimental ..." ISIAA '17: "Using Crowd-Sourcing for the ..."
Elias, Christy ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..."
Gilmartin, Emer ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Gross, Stephanie ISIAA '17: "Who Has to Do It? The Use ..."
Gustafson, Joakim ISIAA '17: "Using Crowd-Sourcing for the ..."
Hastie, Helen ISIAA '17: "A Review of Evaluation Techniques ..."
Huang, Yuyun ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..."
Huet, Stéphane ISIAA '17: "Integration and Evaluation ..."
Jabaian, Bassam ISIAA '17: "Integration and Evaluation ..."
Jabri, Issam ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Jonell, Patrik ISIAA '17: "Using Crowd-Sourcing for the ..."
Koda, Tomoko ISIAA '17: "Analyses of the Effects of ..."
Krenn, Brigitte ISIAA '17: "Who Has to Do It? The Use ..."
Lai, Catherine ISIAA '17: "Recognizing Emotions in Spoken ..."
Lawless, Séamus ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Lefèvre, Fabrice ISIAA '17: "En Route to a Better Integration ..." ISIAA '17: "Integration and Evaluation ..."
Lemon, Oliver ISIAA '17: "Introducing a ROS Based Planning ..."
Miehle, Juliana ISIAA '17: "Challenges for Adaptive Dialogue ..."
Minker, Wolfgang ISIAA '17: "Challenges for Adaptive Dialogue ..."
Moore, Johanna D. ISIAA '17: "Recognizing Emotions in Spoken ..."
Moulin, Pierre ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Novikova, Jekaterina ISIAA '17: "Introducing a ROS Based Planning ..."
Nussbaumer, Lisa ISIAA '17: "Who Has to Do It? The Use ..."
Oertel, Catharine ISIAA '17: "Using Crowd-Sourcing for the ..."
O’Reilly, Maria ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..."
Papaioannou, Ioannis ISIAA '17: "Introducing a ROS Based Planning ..."
Pei, Yong ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Pelachaud, Catherine ISIAA '17: "Could a Virtual Agent Be Warm ..." ISIAA '17: "Greta: A Conversing Socio-emotional ..."
Pragst, Louisa ISIAA '17: "Challenges for Adaptive Dialogue ..."
Richards, Deborah ISIAA '17: "Intimately Intelligent Virtual ..."
Rieser, Verena ISIAA '17: "A Review of Evaluation Techniques ..."
Riou, Matthieu ISIAA '17: "Integration and Evaluation ..."
Saam, Christian ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Spillane, Brendan ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Su, Ketong ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Social Talk: Making Conversation ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Szekely, Eva ISIAA '17: "Using Crowd-Sourcing for the ..."
Tian, Leimin ISIAA '17: "Recognizing Emotions in Spoken ..."
Trabelsi, Rim ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Ultes, Stefan ISIAA '17: "Challenges for Adaptive Dialogue ..."
Varadarajan, Jagannadan ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."
Vinciarelli, Alessandro ISIAA '17: "Body Language without a Body: ..."
Wade, Vincent ISIAA '17: "Dialog Acts in Greeting and ..." ISIAA '17: "Introducing ADELE: A Personalized ..."
Zhang, Le ISIAA '17: "Multi-Modal Social Interaction ..."

71 authors

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