ICFP 2024
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number ICFP
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number ICFP, September 2–7, 2024, Milan, Italy

ICFP 2024 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aguirre, Alejandro ICFP '24: "Almost-Sure Termination by ..." ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Allain, Clément ICFP '24: "Snapshottable Stores ..."
Ayele, Bereket Shimels ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Bahr, Patrick ICFP '24: "Beyond Trees: Calculating ..."
Ballantyne, Michael ICFP '24: "Compiled, Extensible, Multi-language ..."
Barbone, Mark ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Barrière, Aurèle ICFP '24: "A Coq Mechanization of JavaScript ..."
Beck, Calvin ICFP '24: "A Two-Phase Infinite/Finite ..."
Bekele, Bereket Ngussie ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Binder, David ICFP '24: "Grokking the Sequent Calculus ..."
Birkedal, Lars ICFP '24: "Almost-Sure Termination by ..." ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Carette, Jacques ICFP '24: "How to Bake a Quantum Π ..."
Chen, Hanxi ICFP '24: "A Two-Phase Infinite/Finite ..."
Chen, Jiawei ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Chen, Yijia ICFP '24: "The Long Way to Deforestation: ..."
Chiang, Tsung-Ju ICFP '24: "Staged Compilation with Module ..."
Chin, Wei-Ngan ICFP '24: "Specification and Verification ..."
Claessen, Koen ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
Clément, Basile ICFP '24: "Snapshottable Stores ..."
Coltharp, Nicholas ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
De Medeiros, Markus ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
De Mendonça, José Luiz Vargas ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
De Roover, Coen ICFP '24: "Blame-Correct Support for ..."
De Santo, Noé ICFP '24: "A Coq Mechanization of JavaScript ..."
Dijkstra, Atze ICFP '24: "Functional Programming in ..."
Dolan, Stephen ICFP '24: "Oxidizing OCaml with Modal ..."
Downen, Paul ICFP '24: "Call-by-Unboxed-Value ..."
Eisenberg, Richard A. ICFP '24: "Oxidizing OCaml with Modal ..."
Elsman, Martin ICFP '24: "Double-Ended Bit-Stealing ..."
Findler, Robert Bruce ICFP '24: "The Functional, the Imperative, ..."
Foo, Darius ICFP '24: "Specification and Verification ..."
Fromherz, Aymeric ICFP '24: "Sound Borrow-Checking for ..."
Gamburg, Mitch ICFP '24: "Compiled, Extensible, Multi-language ..."
Giridharan, Aditya ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Gonnord, Laure ICFP '24: "Abstract Interpreters: A Monadic ..."
Gregersen, Simon Oddershede ICFP '24: "Almost-Sure Termination by ..." ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Haselwarter, Philipp G. ICFP '24: "Almost-Sure Termination by ..." ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Heeren, Bastiaan ICFP '24: "Example-Based Reasoning about ..."
Hemann, Jason ICFP '24: "Compiled, Extensible, Multi-language ..."
Heunen, Chris ICFP '24: "How to Bake a Quantum Π ..."
Ho, Son ICFP '24: "Sound Borrow-Checking for ..."
Hutton, Graham ICFP '24: "Beyond Trees: Calculating ..."
Igarashi, Atsushi ICFP '24: "Abstracting Effect Systems ..."
Israel, Laura ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
Itzhaky, Shachar ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Jalili, Shayan ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Jeannin, Jean-Baptiste ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Jeuring, Johan ICFP '24: "Example-Based Reasoning about ..."
Jhala, Ranjit ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Ji, Ruyi ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Johnson, Daniel D. ICFP '24: "Parallel Algebraic Effect ..."
Kaarsgaard, Robin ICFP '24: "How to Bake a Quantum Π ..."
Kovács, András ICFP '24: "Closure-Free Functional Programming ..."
Kramarz, Maite ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
Kura, Satoshi ICFP '24: "Automated Verification of ..."
Kurashige, Cole ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Lee, Dongjae ICFP '24: "Refinement Composition Logic ..."
Li, Kwing Hei ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Li, Yao ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
Lindley, Sam ICFP '24: "Oxidizing OCaml with Modal ..."
Lorenzen, Anton ICFP '24: "Oxidizing OCaml with Modal ..."
Maclaurin, Dougal ICFP '24: "Parallel Algebraic Effect ..."
Magalhães, José Pedro ICFP '24: "Functional Programming in ..."
Maillard, Kenji ICFP '24: "Gradual Indexed Inductive ..."
Malewski, Mara ICFP '24: "Gradual Indexed Inductive ..."
Melquiond, Guillaume ICFP '24: "A Safe Low-Level Language ..."
Michelland, Sébastien ICFP '24: "Abstract Interpreters: A Monadic ..."
Moine, Alexandre ICFP '24: "Snapshottable Stores ..."
Moreau, Josué ICFP '24: "A Safe Low-Level Language ..."
Mulleners, Niek ICFP '24: "Example-Based Reasoning about ..."
Müller, Marius ICFP '24: "Grokking the Sequent Calculus ..."
Néron, Pierre ICFP '24: "Functional Programming in ..."
Noor, Daniel ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. ICFP '24: "Contextual Typing ..."
Orchard, Dominic ICFP '24: "On the Operational Theory ..."
Ostermann, Klaus ICFP '24: "Grokking the Sequent Calculus ..."
Parreaux, Lionel ICFP '24: "The Long Way to Deforestation: ..."
Paszke, Adam ICFP '24: "Parallel Algebraic Effect ..."
Pit-Claudel, Clément ICFP '24: "A Coq Mechanization of JavaScript ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia ICFP '24: "CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma ..."
Protzenko, Jonathan ICFP '24: "Sound Borrow-Checking for ..."
Quiring, Benjamin ICFP '24: "Deriving with Derivatives: ..."
Sabry, Amr ICFP '24: "How to Bake a Quantum Π ..."
Scherer, Gabriel ICFP '24: "Snapshottable Stores ..."
Sekiyama, Taro ICFP '24: "Abstracting Effect Systems ..."
Serrano, Manuel ICFP '24: "The Functional, the Imperative, ..."
Sharma, Pranjal ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Song, Yahui ICFP '24: "Specification and Verification ..."
Song, Youngju ICFP '24: "Refinement Composition Logic ..."
Stiévenart, Quentin ICFP '24: "Blame-Correct Support for ..."
Tabareau, Nicolas ICFP '24: "Gradual Indexed Inductive ..."
Tanter, Éric ICFP '24: "Gradual Indexed Inductive ..."
Tassarotti, Joseph ICFP '24: "Almost-Sure Termination by ..." ICFP '24: "Error Credits: Resourceful ..."
Torrens, Paulo ICFP '24: "On the Operational Theory ..."
Tzschentke, Marco ICFP '24: "Grokking the Sequent Calculus ..."
Unno, Hiroshi ICFP '24: "Automated Verification of ..."
Vandenbogaerde, Bram ICFP '24: "Blame-Correct Support for ..."
Van Horn, David ICFP '24: "Deriving with Derivatives: ..."
Vasconcellos, Cristiano ICFP '24: "On the Operational Theory ..."
Weirich, Stephanie ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
White, Leo ICFP '24: "Oxidizing OCaml with Modal ..." ICFP '24: "Staged Compilation with Module ..."
Winterhalter, Théo ICFP '24: "Dependent Ghosts Have a Reflection ..."
Wohlfeil, Nicholas ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."
Xia, Li-yao ICFP '24: "Story of Your Lazy Function’s ..."
Xie, Ningning ICFP '24: "Staged Compilation with Module ..." ICFP '24: "Parallel Algebraic Effect ..."
Xue, Xu ICFP '24: "Contextual Typing ..."
Yallop, Jeremy ICFP '24: "Staged Compilation with Module ..."
Yoon, Irene ICFP '24: "A Two-Phase Infinite/Finite ..."
Yoshioka, Takuma ICFP '24: "Abstracting Effect Systems ..."
Zakowski, Yannick ICFP '24: "Abstract Interpreters: A Monadic ..." ICFP '24: "A Two-Phase Infinite/Finite ..."
Zdancewic, Steve ICFP '24: "A Two-Phase Infinite/Finite ..."
Zhang, Yicheng ICFP '24: "Synchronous Programming with ..."

120 authors

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