ICFP 2016
21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2016)
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21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2016), September 18–24, 2016, Nara, Japan

ICFP 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abadi, Martín ICFP '16: "TensorFlow: Learning Functions ..."
Acar, Umut A. ICFP '16: "Dag-Calculus: A Calculus for ..." ICFP '16: "Hierarchical Memory Management ..."
Adams, Michael D. ICFP '16: "Allocation Characterizes Polyvariance: ..."
Ahmed, Amal ICFP '16: "Fully Abstract Compilation ..."
Alpuim, João ICFP '16: "Disjoint Intersection Types ..."
Amani, Sidney ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Ariola, Zena M. ICFP '16: "Sequent Calculus as a Compiler ..."
Arntzenius, Michael ICFP '16: "Datafun: A Functional Datalog ..."
Birkedal, Lars ICFP '16: "Higher-Order Ghost State ..."
Blazy, Sandrine ICFP '16: "An Abstract Memory Functor ..."
Blelloch, Guy ICFP '16: "Hierarchical Memory Management ..."
Borgström, Johannes ICFP '16: "A Lambda-Calculus Foundation ..."
Bowman, William J. ICFP '16: "Fully Abstract Compilation ..."
Brady, Edwin ICFP '16: "Elaborator Reflection: Extending ..."
Breuvart, Flavien ICFP '16: "Combining Effects and Coeffects ..."
Castagna, Giuseppe ICFP '16: "Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic ..."
Castro, David ICFP '16: "Farms, Pipes, Streams and ..."
Cave, Andrew ICFP '16: "Indexed Codata Types ..."
Charguéraud, Arthur ICFP '16: "Dag-Calculus: A Calculus for ..."
Chen, Zilin ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Chiang, Yu-Hsi ICFP '16: "Queueing and Glueing for Optimal ..."
Christiansen, David ICFP '16: "Elaborator Reflection: Extending ..."
Christiansen, Jan ICFP '16: "All Sorts of Permutations ..."
Çiçek, Ezgi ICFP '16: "A Type Theory for Incremental ..."
Cimini, Matteo ICFP '16: "Ghostbuster: A Tool for Simplifying ..."
Cockx, Jesper ICFP '16: "Unifiers as Equivalences: ..."
Dagand, Pierre-Evariste ICFP '16: "Partial Type Equivalences ..."
Dal Lago, Ugo ICFP '16: "A Lambda-Calculus Foundation ..."
Danilenko, Nikita ICFP '16: "All Sorts of Permutations ..."
Darais, David ICFP '16: "Constructive Galois Connections: ..."
Devriese, Dominique ICFP '16: "Unifiers as Equivalences: ..."
Dimoulas, Christos ICFP '16: "Oh Lord, Please Don't ..."
Downen, Paul ICFP '16: "Sequent Calculus as a Compiler ..."
Dreyer, Derek ICFP '16: "Higher-Order Ghost State ..."
Dylus, Sandra ICFP '16: "All Sorts of Permutations ..."
Emoto, Kento ICFP '16: "Think Like a Vertex, Behave ..."
Felleisen, Matthias ICFP '16: "Oh Lord, Please Don't ..."
Findler, Robert Bruce ICFP '16: "Oh Lord, Please Don't ..."
Fox, Anthony ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
Gaboardi, Marco ICFP '16: "Combining Effects and Coeffects ..."
Garg, Deepak ICFP '16: "A Type Theory for Incremental ..."
Gilray, Thomas ICFP '16: "Allocation Characterizes Polyvariance: ..."
Gordon, Andrew D. ICFP '16: "A Lambda-Calculus Foundation ..."
Hammond, Kevin ICFP '16: "Farms, Pipes, Streams and ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang ICFP '16: "Think Like a Vertex, Behave ..."
Iwasaki, Hideya ICFP '16: "Think Like a Vertex, Behave ..."
Jhala, Ranjit ICFP '16: "Dynamic Witnesses for Static ..."
Jung, Ralf ICFP '16: "Higher-Order Ghost State ..."
Katsumata, Shin-ya ICFP '16: "Combining Effects and Coeffects ..."
Klein, Gerwin ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki ICFP '16: "Compact Bit Encoding Schemes ..." ICFP '16: "Automatically Disproving Fair ..."
Krebbers, Robbert ICFP '16: "Higher-Order Ghost State ..."
Krishnaswami, Neelakantan R. ICFP '16: "Datafun: A Functional Datalog ..."
Kumar, Ramana ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
Laporte, Vincent ICFP '16: "An Abstract Memory Functor ..."
Licata, Dan ICFP '16: "A Functional Programmer's ..."
Lim, Japheth ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Lindley, Sam ICFP '16: "Talking Bananas: Structural ..."
Lyu, Yu-Han ICFP '16: "Queueing and Glueing for Optimal ..."
Matsuzaki, Kiminori ICFP '16: "Think Like a Vertex, Behave ..."
Maurer, Luke ICFP '16: "Sequent Calculus as a Compiler ..."
McDonell, Trevor L. ICFP '16: "Ghostbuster: A Tool for Simplifying ..."
Might, Matthew ICFP '16: "Allocation Characterizes Polyvariance: ..."
Mohammed Ismail, Wazim ICFP '16: "Deriving a Probability Density ..."
Morihata, Akimasa ICFP '16: "Think Like a Vertex, Behave ..."
Morris, J. Garrett ICFP '16: "Talking Bananas: Structural ..." ICFP '16: "The Best of Both Worlds: Linear ..."
Mu, Shin-Cheng ICFP '16: "Queueing and Glueing for Optimal ..."
Muller, Stefan K. ICFP '16: "Hierarchical Memory Management ..."
Murray, Toby ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Myreen, Magnus O. ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
Nagashima, Yutaka ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
New, Max S. ICFP '16: "Fully Abstract Compilation ..." ICFP '16: "Oh Lord, Please Don't ..."
Newton, Ryan R. ICFP '16: "Ghostbuster: A Tool for Simplifying ..."
Nguyễn, Kim ICFP '16: "Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic ..."
Norrish, Michael ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
O'Connor, Liam ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Ohori, Atsushi ICFP '16: "A Fully Concurrent Garbage ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. ICFP '16: "Disjoint Intersection Types ..."
Orchard, Dominic ICFP '16: "Combining Effects and Coeffects ..."
Owens, Scott ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
Paraskevopoulou, Zoe ICFP '16: "A Type Theory for Incremental ..."
Petrucciani, Tommaso ICFP '16: "Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic ..."
Peyton Jones, Simon ICFP '16: "Sequent Calculus as a Compiler ..."
Pichardie, David ICFP '16: "An Abstract Memory Functor ..."
Pientka, Brigitte ICFP '16: "Indexed Codata Types ..."
Piessens, Frank ICFP '16: "Unifiers as Equivalences: ..."
Piróg, Maciej ICFP '16: "String Diagrams for Free Monads ..."
Prunet, Vincent ICFP '16: "A Glimpse of Hopjs ..."
Raghunathan, Ram ICFP '16: "Hierarchical Memory Management ..."
Rainey, Mike ICFP '16: "Dag-Calculus: A Calculus for ..."
Rizkallah, Christine ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Ryu, Sukyoung ICFP '16: "Journey to Find Bugs in JavaScript ..."
Sarkar, Susmit ICFP '16: "Farms, Pipes, Streams and ..."
Sato, Ryosuke ICFP '16: "Automatically Disproving Fair ..."
Seidel, Eric L. ICFP '16: "Dynamic Witnesses for Static ..."
Sergey, Ilya ICFP '16: "Experience Report: Growing ..."
Serrano, Manuel ICFP '16: "A Glimpse of Hopjs ..."
Sewell, Thomas ICFP '16: "Refinement through Restraint: ..."
Shan, Chung-chieh ICFP '16: "Deriving a Probability Density ..."
Shi, Zhiyuan ICFP '16: "Disjoint Intersection Types ..."
Shinohara, Ayumi ICFP '16: "Compact Bit Encoding Schemes ..."
Sieczkowski, Filip ICFP '16: "Dag-Calculus: A Calculus for ..."
Szymczak, Marcin ICFP '16: "A Lambda-Calculus Foundation ..."
Tabareau, Nicolas ICFP '16: "Partial Type Equivalences ..."
Takeda, Kotaro ICFP '16: "Compact Bit Encoding Schemes ..."
Tan, Yong Kiam ICFP '16: "A New Verified Compiler Backend ..."
Tanter, Éric ICFP '16: "Partial Type Equivalences ..."
Thibodeau, David ICFP '16: "Indexed Codata Types ..."
Thiemann, Peter ICFP '16: "Context-Free Session Types ..."
Tsukada, Takeshi ICFP '16: "Automatically Disproving Fair ..."
Ueno, Katsuhiro ICFP '16: "A Fully Concurrent Garbage ..."
Uustalu, Tarmo ICFP '16: "Combining Effects and Coeffects ..."
Van Horn, David ICFP '16: "Constructive Galois Connections: ..."
Vasconcelos, Vasco T. ICFP '16: "Context-Free Session Types ..."
Watanabe, Keiichi ICFP '16: "Automatically Disproving Fair ..."
Weimer, Westley ICFP '16: "Dynamic Witnesses for Static ..."
Wu, Nicolas ICFP '16: "String Diagrams for Free Monads ..."
Yaguchi, Kazuya ICFP '16: "Compact Bit Encoding Schemes ..."
Zakian, Timothy A. K. ICFP '16: "Ghostbuster: A Tool for Simplifying ..."

123 authors

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