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Haptics Symposium 2018 Companion – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdulali, Arsen Demo: "Authoring New Haptic Textures ..."
Abdul-Ghani, Hamza WIP: "Planar Force Feedback Display ..."
Agarwal, Priyanshu Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Altamirano, Miguel WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..."
Amemiya, Tomohiro WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Anandani, Vijay Demo: "From a Robot's Fingertip ..."
Angello, Genna WIP: "Training Behavior of Successful ..."
Arguelaguet, Ferran Demo: "Touchy: Tactile Sensations ..."
Asai, Yuki Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Attari, Sanya Demo: "Advancing Haptic Design: Focusing ..."
Aurilio, Mirko Demo: "A Haptic Ring to Provide Skin ..."
Balagani, Kiran WIP: "Continuous and Transparent ..."
Baldi, Tommaso Lisini Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..."
Berkelman, Peter Demo: "Magnetic Levitation Haptic ..." WIP: "Planar Force Feedback Display ..."
Bhardwaj, Akshay WIP: "The Effects of Transition ..."
Birnbaum, David Demo: "Advancing Haptic Design: Focusing ..."
Black, Michael J. WIP: "Towards a Statistical Model ..."
Bradley, Joshua Demo: "Improving Perception Accuracy ..."
Brown, Jeremy D. WIP: "Towards a Generalized Experimental ..." WIP: "Towards an Understanding of ..."
Burka, Alex WIP: "Can Humans Infer Haptic Surface ..."
Byrne, Michael D. Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Cao, Caroline G. L. WIP: "Hardness Perception of Viscoelasticity ..." WIP: "Investigating the After-Effects ..."
Carducci, Jacob WIP: "Towards a Generalized Experimental ..."
Chembrammel, Pramod Demo: "Haptics-Based Rehabilitation ..."
Chen, Genliang WIP: "Towards Haptic Transparency ..."
Cherpillod, Alexandre Demo: "FOLDAWAY Touch – A Force ..." WIP: "Stiffness Perception of Virtual ..."
Cho, Seongwon Demo: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Choi, Seungmoon Demo: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Chua, Zonghe WIP: "Evaluation of Non-collocated ..."
Cloyd, Tyler Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Colgate, J. Edward CCC: "Haptic Dimensions of Surfaces ..." Demo: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..." Demo: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Colonnese, Nick WIP: "Design and Analysis of a High ..."
Costes, Antoine Demo: "Touchy: Tactile Sensations ..."
Crawshaw, Alexis Story Demo: "A Vibrotactile “Musical ..."
Culbertson, Heather Demo: "Continuous Lateral Motion ..." WIP: "Continuous Linear Sensations ..."
Cunningham, Bryan Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Cutkosky, Mark WIP: "Towards Haptic Transparency ..."
Cutlip, Steven WIP: "The Effects of Transition ..."
Dandu, Bharat Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Danieau, Fabien Demo: "Touchy: Tactile Sensations ..."
Deo, Darrel R. WIP: "Evaluation of Non-collocated ..."
DeProw, Kyle Demo: "HUE: Hybrid Ultrasonic and ..."
Dills, Patrick WIP: "Design and Analysis of a High ..."
Ding, Steve Demo: "The Haply Development Platform: ..."
Dunkelberger, Nathan Demo: "Improving Perception Accuracy ..."
Elsayed, Fatimah WIP: "Continuous and Transparent ..."
Endo, Takahiro WIP: "Design of a Wearable Kinesthetic ..."
Enomoto, Ryuichi Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Farkhatdinov, Ildar WIP: "Interactive Generation of ..."
Farrens, Andria J. WIP: "Neural Correlates of Dynamic ..."
Fishel, Jeremy CCC: "Haptic Dimensions of Surfaces ..." Demo: "From a Robot's Fingertip ..."
Follmer, Sean Demo: "shapeShift: A Mobile Tabletop ..." Demo: "Electrostatic Adhesive Brakes ..."
Friesen, Rebecca Fenton Demo: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Frishman, Samuel WIP: "Towards Haptic Transparency ..."
Fufuengsin, It WIP: "Design and Analysis of a High ..."
Fyke, Steve Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Gallacher, Colin Demo: "The Haply Development Platform: ..."
Gasti, Paolo WIP: "Continuous and Transparent ..."
Gee, Kaitlyn Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Gerling, Gregory J. WIP: "A Multi-chamber Pneumatic ..."
Gilbertson, Matthew Demo: "Miniature Three Degree-of-Freedom ..."
Gillespie, R. Brent Demo: "A Tactile Display with Touch ..." WIP: "The Effects of Transition ..."
Ginsberg, Jason Bud Demo: "shapeShift: A Mobile Tabletop ..."
Gioioso, Guido Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..." Demo: "A Haptic Ring to Provide Skin ..."
Gonzalez, Eric J. Demo: "shapeShift: A Mobile Tabletop ..."
Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. WIP: "Hardness Perception of Viscoelasticity ..."
Gruebele, Alexander WIP: "Towards Haptic Transparency ..."
Gueorguiev, David WIP: "Towards a Statistical Model ..."
Guillotel, Philippe Demo: "Touchy: Tactile Sensations ..."
Gutierrez-Osuna, Ricardo WIP: "Training Behavior of Successful ..."
Haghighi Osgouei, Reza Demo: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Hamdan, Muhammed S. WIP: "Investigating the After-Effects ..."
Hassan, Waseem Demo: "Authoring New Haptic Textures ..."
Hauser, Steven C. WIP: "A Multi-chamber Pneumatic ..."
He, Fangshu WIP: "Hardness Perception of Viscoelasticity ..."
Hernandez, Maria Paula Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Hirota, Koichi WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Hojatmadani, Mehdi WIP: "Thermal Stimulation Effect ..."
Horiuchi, Yuuki Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Hsieh, Thomas Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Ichiyama, Tomohiro Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Ikei, Yasushi WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Immel, Bradley Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Inoue, Seki Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Ishizuka, Hiroki WIP: "Mathematical Models to Convert ..."
Iwai, Daisuke Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Iwata, Hiroo Demo: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..." WIP: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..."
Jantscher, William H. Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Jeon, Seokhee Demo: "Authoring New Haptic Textures ..."
Kajimoto, Hiroyuki Demo: "Combination of Cathodic Electrical ..." Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." Demo: "Development of a Wearable ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Kalinov, Ivan A. WIP: "Touch and Weight Sensitive ..."
Kaneko, Hirofumi WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Kawazoe, Anzu Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Kesavadas, Thenkurussi Demo: "Haptics-Based Rehabilitation ..."
Khurshid, Rebecca P. WIP: "Co-design of Forward-Control ..."
Kianzad, Soheil Demo: "Harold's Haptic Crayon: ..."
Kim, Jin Ryong Demo: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Kitaguchi, Shouki WIP: "Mathematical Models to Convert ..."
Kitazaki, Michiteru WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Klatzky, Roberta L. Demo: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Koide, Ren WIP: "Electrical and Kinesthetic ..."
Kuchenbecker, Katherine J. WIP: "Towards a Statistical Model ..." WIP: "Can Humans Infer Haptic Surface ..." WIP: "Haptipedia: An Expert-Sourced ..."
Kuroda, Yoshihiro Demo: "EmBIT: Electromechanical Boundary ..."
Lécuyer, Anatole Demo: "Touchy: Tactile Sensations ..."
Lin, Bowie R. Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Liviniuk, Alina WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..."
Lobo, Daniel Demo: "CLAP: Soft-Hand Simulation ..."
Lobo-Prat, Joan WIP: "Grip Amplifier: A Residual ..."
MacLean, Karon E. Demo: "Harold's Haptic Crayon: ..." Demo: "The Haply Development Platform: ..." WIP: "Haptipedia: An Expert-Sourced ..."
Macy, Alan J. Demo: "Biometric Campfire ..."
Makino, Yasutoshi Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Manam, Akhil Babu WIP: "Training Behavior of Successful ..."
Martinez, Melisa Orta Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Matsukura, Haruka Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Matsuno, Fumitoshi WIP: "Design of a Wearable Kinesthetic ..."
Mehdi, Syed Zain Demo: "FerroFluid Based Lightweight ..."
Meli, Leonardo CCC: "Expanding Sensory Interactions: ..." Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..." Demo: "A Haptic Ring to Provide Skin ..."
Mintchev, Stefano Demo: "FOLDAWAY Touch – A Force ..." WIP: "Stiffness Perception of Virtual ..."
Mironov, Dima WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..."
Moon, Stephanie Demo: "Miniature Three Degree-of-Freedom ..."
Moriyama, Taha K. Demo: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Murata, Karen Anastasia Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Nakamura, Takuto Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." Demo: "Development of a Wearable ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Naya, Masayuki Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Nisar, Sajid WIP: "Design of a Wearable Kinesthetic ..."
Nishi, Ayaka Demo: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Nunez, Cara M. Demo: "Continuous Lateral Motion ..." WIP: "Continuous Linear Sensations ..."
Oishi, Erika Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Okamura, Allison M. Demo: "Miniature Three Degree-of-Freedom ..." Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..." Demo: "Continuous Lateral Motion ..." WIP: "Continuous Linear Sensations ..." WIP: "Design of a Wearable Kinesthetic ..." WIP: "Evaluation of Non-collocated ..."
O'Malley, Marcia K. Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..." Demo: "Improving Perception Accuracy ..."
O'Modhrain, Sile Demo: "A Tactile Display with Touch ..."
Oshiro, Osamu Demo: "EmBIT: Electromechanical Boundary ..."
Otaduy, Miguel A. Demo: "CLAP: Soft-Hand Simulation ..."
Pacchierotti, Claudio CCC: "Expanding Sensory Interactions: ..." Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..." WIP: "Towards a Statistical Model ..."
Paik, Jamie Demo: "FOLDAWAY Touch – A Force ..." WIP: "Stiffness Perception of Virtual ..."
Pandey, Shivam Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Pareek, Shrey Demo: "Haptics-Based Rehabilitation ..."
Park, Chung Hyuk WIP: "Continuous and Transparent ..."
Park, Gunhyuk WIP: "Haptipedia: An Expert-Sourced ..."
Parthiban, Chembian WIP: "Design and Analysis of a High ..."
Peshkin, Michael A. Demo: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..." Demo: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Prattichizzo, Domenico CCC: "Expanding Sensory Interactions: ..." Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..." Demo: "A Haptic Ring to Provide Skin ..."
Pruks, Vitalii WIP: "Interactive Generation of ..."
Rao, Hrishikesh Demo: "A Tactile Display with Touch ..."
Reed, Kyle B. WIP: "Thermal Stimulation Effect ..."
Reinkensmeyer, David WIP: "Grip Amplifier: A Residual ..."
Richardson, Sadie H. Demo: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Rihn, William Demo: "Advancing Haptic Design: Focusing ..."
Rufus, Elizabeth WIP: "Exploring Laterotactile Reading ..."
Russomanno, Alexander Demo: "A Tactile Display with Touch ..."
Ryu, Jee-Hwan Demo: "FerroFluid Based Lightweight ..." WIP: "Interactive Generation of ..."
Sakuragi, Rei Demo: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Salerno, Marco Demo: "FOLDAWAY Touch – A Force ..." WIP: "Stiffness Perception of Virtual ..."
Sanders, Quentin WIP: "Grip Amplifier: A Residual ..."
Sano, Takahiro Demo: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..." WIP: "A Touch Panel for Presenting ..."
Santhanakrishnan, Anand WIP: "Continuous and Transparent ..."
Sato, Kosuke Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Scaduto, Simone Demo: "FOLDAWAY Touch – A Force ..." WIP: "Stiffness Perception of Virtual ..."
Seifi, Hasti WIP: "Haptipedia: An Expert-Sourced ..."
Sergi, Fabrizio WIP: "Neural Correlates of Dynamic ..."
Sharpe, Alton R. WIP: "A Multi-chamber Pneumatic ..."
Shin, Sunghwan Demo: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Shinoda, Hiroyuki Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Singh, Harsimran Demo: "FerroFluid Based Lightweight ..."
Singhala, Mohit WIP: "Towards an Understanding of ..."
Siu, Alexa Fay Demo: "shapeShift: A Mobile Tabletop ..."
Sosa, Jonathan A. Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Spagnoletti, Giovanni Demo: "Wearable Haptics to Render ..." Demo: "A Haptic Ring to Provide Skin ..."
Sparackin, Kayla Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Steimle, Meilan Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Stutzman, Ariel Demo: "From a Robot's Fingertip ..."
Sullivan, Jenny Demo: "Improving Perception Accuracy ..."
Sun, Tiger Demo: "Haplink Customizations ..."
Suthar, Bhivraj Demo: "FerroFluid Based Lightweight ..."
Tanabe, Naruki Demo: "Haptic Feedback to Non-manipulating ..."
Tanabe, Takeshi Demo: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..." WIP: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..."
Tantivirun, Thanasarn Demo: "A Tactile Display with Touch ..."
Thomas, Anupama WIP: "Exploring Laterotactile Reading ..."
Thomas, Neha WIP: "Towards a Generalized Experimental ..."
Tix, Bernadette WIP: "Planar Force Feedback Display ..."
Tsetserukou, Dzmitry WIP: "Touch and Weight Sensitive ..." WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..." WIP: "LinkGlide: A Wearable Haptic ..."
Tsykunov, Evgeny V. WIP: "Touch and Weight Sensitive ..."
Tzionas, Dimitrios WIP: "Towards a Statistical Model ..."
Ullrich, Chris Demo: "Advancing Haptic Design: Focusing ..."
Verschoor, Mickeal Demo: "CLAP: Soft-Hand Simulation ..."
Visell, Yon Demo: "Demonstrating a Touch Amplification ..."
Watts, Lars WIP: "The Effects of Transition ..."
Williams, Sophia R. WIP: "Continuous Linear Sensations ..."
Xu, Heng Demo: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..."
Yano, Hiroaki Demo: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..." WIP: "A Control Method of Asymmetric ..."
Yashin, Grigoriy A. WIP: "Touch and Weight Sensitive ..."
Yem, Vibol Demo: "Combination of Cathodic Electrical ..."
Yoshida, Kentaro Demo: "Estimation and Presentation ..." WIP: "Estimation of Racket Grip ..."
Yoshimoto, Shunsuke Demo: "EmBIT: Electromechanical Boundary ..."
Yoshimura, Hidenori WIP: "Mathematical Models to Convert ..."
Youcef-Toumi, Kamal WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..."
Yuan, Shenli Demo: "shapeShift: A Mobile Tabletop ..."
Zabihifar, Hasan WIP: "Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing ..."
Zhang, Dawei WIP: "Co-design of Forward-Control ..."
Zhang, Kai Demo: "Electrostatic Adhesive Brakes ..."
Zhao, Guanlong WIP: "Training Behavior of Successful ..."
Zinn, Michael WIP: "Design and Analysis of a High ..."
Zonnino, Andrea WIP: "Neural Correlates of Dynamic ..."
Zook, Zane Anthony Demo: "Miniature Three Degree-of-Freedom ..."

264 authors

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