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Haptics Symposium 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abbott, Jake J. Paper: "Six Principal Modes of Vibrotactile ..."
Abdullah, Muhammad Paper: "HapticDrone: An Encountered-Type ..."
Abnousi, Freddy Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
Agarwal, Priyanshu Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Amberg, Michel Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..." Paper: "Differentiated Haptic Stimulation ..."
Anlauff, Jan Paper: "Feel-a-Bump: Haptic Feedback ..."
Atwood, Brian J. Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Ban, Yuki Paper: "Enhancing the Pseudo-Haptic ..."
Basdogan, Cagatay Paper: "An Investigation of Haptic ..."
Bastian, Amy J. Paper: "Comparing Proprioceptive Acuity ..."
Bianchi, Matteo Paper: "Separating Haptic Guidance ..."
Borowski, Andrew Paper: "Dynamic Model of Cable-Conduit ..."
Boyles, Andrew J. Paper: "Six Principal Modes of Vibrotactile ..."
Bradley, Joshua Paper: "Separating Haptic Guidance ..."
Byrne, Michael D. Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Caldiran, Ozan Paper: "An Investigation of Haptic ..."
Cao, Dekun Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..."
Cha, Seung Nam Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Chakraborty, Debraj Paper: "Rendering Mass using Model ..."
Cho, Seongwon Paper: "Data-Driven Thermal Rendering: ..."
Cho, Yuljae Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Choi, Hyejin Paper: "Data-Driven Thermal Rendering: ..."
Choi, Seungmoon Paper: "Geometry-Based Haptic Texture ..." Paper: "An Inverse Neural Network ..." Paper: "Data-Driven Thermal Rendering: ..."
Clark, Janelle P. Paper: "The Rice Haptic Rocker: Altering ..."
Cleveland, Daniel Paper: "The Effect of Discretization ..."
Colgate, J. Edward Paper: "On the Electrical Characterization ..." Paper: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..." Paper: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Cooperstock, Jeremy R. Paper: "Feel-a-Bump: Haptic Feedback ..."
Croft, Elizabeth A. Paper: "Exploration of Geometry and ..."
Culbertson, Heather Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
Dandu, Bharat Paper: "Where Are My Fingers? Assessing ..."
Desai, Indrajit Paper: "Rendering Mass using Model ..."
Dussor, Gregory Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Egloff, Deborah C. Paper: "Haptic Display of Melodic ..."
Enferad, Ehsan Paper: "Differentiated Haptic Stimulation ..."
Esfahani, Ehsan T. Paper: "EEG Correlates of Motor Control ..."
Fani, Simone Paper: "Separating Haptic Guidance ..."
Flückiger, Matthias Paper: "Evaluation of a Digital Grand ..."
Follmer, Sean Paper: "Electrostatic Adhesive Brakes ..."
Friesen, Rebecca Fenton Paper: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Frisoli, Antonio Paper: "Development of a Miniaturized ..."
Frissen, Ilja Paper: "Haptic Display of Melodic ..."
Gabardi, Massimiliano Paper: "Development of a Miniaturized ..."
Gerling, Gregory J. Paper: "Imaging the 3-D Deformation ..."
Gillespie, R. Brent Paper: "The Impact of High-Frequency ..."
Giraud, Frédéric Paper: "Determining the Haptic Feedback ..." Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..." Paper: "Differentiated Haptic Stimulation ..."
Giraud-Audine, Christophe Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..." Paper: "Differentiated Haptic Stimulation ..."
Golan, Yoav Paper: "Object Surface Exploration ..."
Grisoni, Laurent Paper: "Determining the Haptic Feedback ..."
Grosshauser, Tobias Paper: "Evaluation of a Digital Grand ..."
Guo, Xingwei Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..."
Gupta, Abhishek Paper: "Rendering Mass using Model ..."
Haliyo, Sinan Paper: "Cable Driven Haptic Interface ..."
Hara, Tomohiro Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..."
Hasegawa, Keisuke Paper: "Remotely Displaying Cooling ..."
Hashtrudi-Zaad, Keyvan Paper: "The Effect of Discretization ..." Paper: "Model-Reference Model-Mediated ..."
Hassan, Waseem Paper: "HapticDrone: An Encountered-Type ..."
Hauser, Steven C. Paper: "Imaging the 3-D Deformation ..."
Hu, Stephanie Paper: "The Effect of Dissociation ..."
Ilkhani, Gholamreza Paper: "Creating Multi-touch Haptic ..."
Israr, Ali Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
Jang, Jae Eun Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Janko, Marco Paper: "A Partial Contact Frictional ..."
Jantscher, William H. Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Jeon, Seokhee Paper: "HapticDrone: An Encountered-Type ..."
Jiang, Liang Paper: "Perceptual Dimensionality ..."
Jiao, Jian Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..."
Jones, Lynette A. Paper: "Perceptual Dimensions of Vibrotactile ..."
Kajimoto, Hiroyuki Paper: "A Study of Tactile Sensation ..." Paper: "Development of a Wearable ..." Paper: "Combination of Cathodic Electrical ..."
Kalantari, Farzan Paper: "Determining the Haptic Feedback ..."
Kam, Moshe Paper: "A Partial Contact Frictional ..."
Kawazoe, Anzu Paper: "Too Hot, too Fast! Using the ..."
Kayhan, Oguz Paper: "A Skin Stretch Tactor for ..."
Kerr, David Paper: "Too Hot, too Fast! Using the ..."
Kianzad, Soheil Paper: "Harold's Purple Crayon ..."
Kim, Jin Ryong Paper: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Kim, Minji Paper: "HapticDrone: An Encountered-Type ..."
Kim, Sung Y. Paper: "The Rice Haptic Rocker: Altering ..."
Kim, Taeyong Paper: "Feel-a-Bump: Haptic Feedback ..."
Klatzky, Roberta L. Paper: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Kuling, Irene A. Paper: "Where Are My Fingers? Assessing ..." Paper: "Tactile Distances Are Greatly ..."
Kuroda, Yoshihiro Paper: "HapticDrone: An Encountered-Type ..."
Lagemaat, Jasper M. van de Paper: "Tactile Distances Are Greatly ..."
Lank, Edward Paper: "Determining the Haptic Feedback ..."
Lau, Frances Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
Lee, Hojin Paper: "Data-Driven Thermal Rendering: ..."
Lee, Jin Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Leib, Raz Paper: "The Effect of Dissociation ..."
Lemaire-Semail, Betty Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..." Paper: "Differentiated Haptic Stimulation ..."
Leonardis, Daniele Paper: "Development of a Miniaturized ..."
Li, Ruya Paper: "EIS: A Wearable Device for ..."
Lin, Bowie R. Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Liu, Quan Paper: "Perceptual Dimensionality ..."
MacLean, Karon E. Paper: "Harold's Purple Crayon ..."
Majewicz Fey, Ann Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Makino, Yasutoshi Paper: "Remotely Displaying Cooling ..."
Megat, Salim Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Mehdi, Syed Zain Paper: "Ferro-Fluid Based Portable ..."
Memar, Amirhossein H. Paper: "EEG Correlates of Motor Control ..."
Metz, Alexander Paper: "Dynamic Model of Cable-Conduit ..."
Moriyama, Taha K. Paper: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Morrow, Kelly A. Paper: "Tactile Spatial Acuity of ..."
Nakajima, Mitsuru Paper: "Remotely Displaying Cooling ..."
Nakamura, Takuto Paper: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Nakatani, Masashi Paper: "Too Hot, too Fast! Using the ..."
Nennioglu, A. Kemal Paper: "A Skin Stretch Tactor for ..."
Niemeyer, Günter Paper: "Exploration of Geometry and ..."
Nishi, Ayaka Paper: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Nisky, Ilana Paper: "The Effect of Dissociation ..."
Nunez, Cara M. Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
Okamura, Allison M. Paper: "Comparing Proprioceptive Acuity ..." Paper: "A Social Haptic Device to ..."
O'Malley, Marcia K. Paper: "The Rice Haptic Rocker: Altering ..." Paper: "Separating Haptic Guidance ..." Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Osgouei, Reza Haghighi Paper: "An Inverse Neural Network ..."
Pan, Matthew K. X. J. Paper: "Exploration of Geometry and ..."
Pan, Tingrui Paper: "EIS: A Wearable Device for ..."
Pandey, Shivam Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Park, Hyunchul Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Parthiban, Chembian Paper: "Performance and Stability ..."
Patwardhan, Shriniwas Paper: "Too Hot, too Fast! Using the ..."
Pecly, Leonam S. D. Paper: "Model-Reference Model-Mediated ..."
Peshkin, Michael A. Paper: "On the Electrical Characterization ..." Paper: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..." Paper: "Single Pitch Perception of ..."
Pezent, Evan Paper: "Separating Haptic Guidance ..."
Price, Theodore J. Paper: "Haptic Stroke Testbed for ..."
Régnier, Stéphane Paper: "Cable Driven Haptic Interface ..."
Rekik, Yosra Paper: "Determining the Haptic Feedback ..."
Richardson, Sadie H. Paper: "Toward Improved Surgical Training: ..."
Rimon, Elon Paper: "Object Surface Exploration ..."
Ryu, Jee-Hwan Paper: "Ferro-Fluid Based Portable ..."
Saga, Satoshi Paper: "A Study of Tactile Sensation ..."
Saint-Aubert, Justine Paper: "Cable Driven Haptic Interface ..."
Sakuragi, Rei Paper: "Development of a Wearable ..."
Samur, Evren Paper: "Creating Multi-touch Haptic ..." Paper: "A Skin Stretch Tactor for ..."
Sergi, Fabrizio Paper: "Dynamic Model of Cable-Conduit ..."
Shapiro, Amir Paper: "Object Surface Exploration ..."
Shin, Kwonsik Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Shin, Sunghwan Paper: "Geometry-Based Haptic Texture ..." Paper: "An Inverse Neural Network ..." Paper: "Data-Driven Thermal Rendering: ..."
Shinoda, Hiroyuki Paper: "Remotely Displaying Cooling ..."
Shultz, Craig D. Paper: "On the Electrical Characterization ..."
Sim, Minkyung Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Singh, Harsimran Paper: "Ferro-Fluid Based Portable ..."
Singhal, Anshul Paper: "Perceptual Dimensions of Vibrotactile ..."
Sketch, Sean M. Paper: "Comparing Proprioceptive Acuity ..."
Sohn, Jung Inn Paper: "The Study of Sensor Structure ..."
Solazzi, Massimiliano Paper: "Development of a Miniaturized ..."
Song, Jian Paper: "Improvement in Stiffness Performance ..."
Souza, Marcelo L. O. Paper: "Model-Reference Model-Mediated ..."
Steinbach, Eckehard Paper: "Toward High-Fidelity Haptic ..."
Strese, Matti Paper: "Toward High-Fidelity Haptic ..."
Sun, Xiaoying Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..."
Suthar, Bhivraj Paper: "Ferro-Fluid Based Portable ..."
Takahashi, Shin Paper: "A Study of Tactile Sensation ..."
Takasaki, Masaya Paper: "Evaluation of a Friction Reduction ..."
Tan, Hong Z. Paper: "Perceptual Dimensionality ..." Paper: "An Investigation of Haptic ..."
Tomita, Hirobumi Paper: "A Study of Tactile Sensation ..."
Treadway, Emma Paper: "The Impact of High-Frequency ..."
Tröster, Gerhard Paper: "Evaluation of a Digital Grand ..."
Ujitoko, Yusuke Paper: "Enhancing the Pseudo-Haptic ..."
Vasilache, Simona Paper: "A Study of Tactile Sensation ..."
Visell, Yon Paper: "Where Are My Fingers? Assessing ..." Paper: "Too Hot, too Fast! Using the ..." Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..." Paper: "A Partial Contact Frictional ..." Paper: "Tactile Distances Are Greatly ..."
Wanderley, Marcelo M. Paper: "Haptic Display of Melodic ..."
Wang, Dangxiao Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..." Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..." Paper: "Improvement in Stiffness Performance ..."
Wang, Yueping Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..."
Wang, Ziqi Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..."
Wen, Li Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..."
Xu, Heng Paper: "UltraShiver: Lateral Force ..."
Xu, Weiliang Paper: "Improvement in Stiffness Performance ..."
Yem, Vibol Paper: "Combination of Cathodic Electrical ..."
Zhang, Hongdong Paper: "Improvement in Stiffness Performance ..."
Zhang, Kai Paper: "Electrostatic Adhesive Brakes ..."
Zhang, Ruisi Paper: "Six Principal Modes of Vibrotactile ..."
Zhang, Yu Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..."
Zhang, Yulei Paper: "Perceptual Dimensionality ..."
Zhang, Yuru Paper: "Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric ..." Paper: "A Two-Fingered Force Feedback ..." Paper: "Improvement in Stiffness Performance ..."
Zhao, Zhengqiao Paper: "A Partial Contact Frictional ..."
Zhu, Zijie Paper: "EIS: A Wearable Device for ..."
Ziat, Mounia Paper: "Tactile Spatial Acuity of ..."
Zinn, Michael Paper: "Performance and Stability ..."

206 authors

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