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2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2016), October 31 – November 1, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

GPCE 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adam, Sorin GPCE '16: "Automatic Code Generation ..."
Alam, Omar GPCE '16: "Delaying Decisions in Variable ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan GPCE '16: "Programmable Semantic Fragments: ..."
Al-Hajjaji, Mustafa GPCE '16: "IncLing: Efficient Product-Line ..." GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Ananieva, Sofia GPCE '16: "Explaining Anomalies in Feature ..."
Barais, Olivier GPCE '16: "Automatic Non-functional Testing ..."
Baudry, Benoit GPCE '16: "Automatic Non-functional Testing ..."
Biboudis, Aggelos GPCE '16: "Recaf: Java Dialects as Libraries ..."
Binder, Walter GPCE '16: "Actor Profiling in Virtual ..."
Boussaa, Mohamed GPCE '16: "Automatic Non-functional Testing ..."
Braz, Larissa GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan GPCE '16: "A Vision for Online Verification-Validation ..."
Chen, Lydia Y. GPCE '16: "Actor Profiling in Virtual ..."
Collet, Philippe GPCE '16: "Delaying Decisions in Variable ..."
De Koster, Joeri GPCE '16: "Dependence-Driven Delimited ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang GPCE '16: "Dependence-Driven Delimited ..."
De Roover, Coen GPCE '16: "Dependence-Driven Delimited ..."
Dietrich, Christian GPCE '16: "Towards Scalable Configuration ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian GPCE '16: "Bootstrapping Domain-Specific ..."
Gheyi, Rohit GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Hammer, Matthew A. GPCE '16: "A Vision for Online Verification-Validation ..."
Inostroza, Pablo GPCE '16: "Recaf: Java Dialects as Libraries ..." GPCE '16: "Extensible Modeling with Managed ..."
Joosen, Wouter GPCE '16: "Automated Regression Testing ..."
Kienzle, Jörg GPCE '16: "Delaying Decisions in Variable ..."
Konat, Gabriël GPCE '16: "Bootstrapping Domain-Specific ..."
Kowal, Matthias GPCE '16: "Explaining Anomalies in Feature ..."
Krieter, Sebastian GPCE '16: "A Feature-Based Personalized ..." GPCE '16: "IncLing: Efficient Product-Line ..." GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Kuhrmann, Marco GPCE '16: "Automatic Code Generation ..."
Lee, Mina GPCE '16: "Synthesizing Regular Expressions ..."
Leich, Thomas GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Lochau, Malte GPCE '16: "IncLing: Efficient Product-Line ..."
Lohmann, Daniel GPCE '16: "Towards Scalable Configuration ..."
Makki, Majid GPCE '16: "Automated Regression Testing ..."
Matuszyk, Pawel GPCE '16: "A Feature-Based Personalized ..."
Medeiros, Flávio GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Meinicke, Jens GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Mongiovi, Melina GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter GPCE '16: "Delaying Decisions in Variable ..."
Oh, Hakjoo GPCE '16: "Synthesizing Regular Expressions ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. GPCE '16: "Classless Java ..."
Omar, Cyrus GPCE '16: "Programmable Semantic Fragments: ..."
Pereira, Juliana Alves GPCE '16: "A Feature-Based Personalized ..."
Philips, Laure GPCE '16: "Dependence-Driven Delimited ..."
Ribeiro, Márcio GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Rompf, Tiark GPCE '16: "Lightweight Modular Staging ..."
Rosà, Andrea GPCE '16: "Actor Profiling in Virtual ..."
Rothberg, Valentin GPCE '16: "Towards Scalable Configuration ..."
Saake, Gunter GPCE '16: "A Feature-Based Personalized ..." GPCE '16: "IncLing: Efficient Product-Line ..." GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Schröter, Reimar GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Schultz, Ulrik Pagh GPCE '16: "Automatic Code Generation ..."
Servetto, Marco GPCE '16: "Classless Java ..."
So, Sunbeom GPCE '16: "Synthesizing Regular Expressions ..."
Spiliopoulou, Myra GPCE '16: "A Feature-Based Personalized ..."
Steindorfer, Michael J. GPCE '16: "Towards a Software Product ..."
Storm, Tijs van der GPCE '16: "Recaf: Java Dialects as Libraries ..." GPCE '16: "Extensible Modeling with Managed ..."
Sunyé, Gerson GPCE '16: "Automatic Non-functional Testing ..."
Teixeira, Leopoldo GPCE '16: "A Change-Centric Approach ..."
Thüm, Thomas GPCE '16: "Explaining Anomalies in Feature ..." GPCE '16: "IncLing: Efficient Product-Line ..." GPCE '16: "Tool Demo: Testing Configurable ..."
Van Horn, David GPCE '16: "A Vision for Online Verification-Validation ..."
Van Landuyt, Dimitri GPCE '16: "Automated Regression Testing ..."
Vinju, Jurgen J. GPCE '16: "Towards a Software Product ..."
Visser, Eelco GPCE '16: "Bootstrapping Domain-Specific ..."
Wang, Yanlin GPCE '16: "Classless Java ..."
Zacharopoulos, Theologos GPCE '16: "Extensible Modeling with Managed ..."
Zhang, Haoyuan GPCE '16: "Classless Java ..."
Ziegler, Andreas GPCE '16: "Towards Scalable Configuration ..."

75 authors

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