ESEC/FSE 2023 CoLos
31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)
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2nd International Workshop on Quantum Programming for Software Engineering (QP4SE 2023), December 4, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA

Workshop QP4SE 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ali, Shaukat QP4SE '23: "On the Need of Quantum-Oriented ..."
Angelelli, Mario QP4SE '23: "Quantum Computing for Learning ..."
Caivano, Danilo QP4SE '23: "Securing Smart Cities: Unraveling ..." QP4SE '23: "Extending Developer Support: ..."
Calvano, Miriana QP4SE '23: "Quantum Computing for Learning ..."
Curci, Antonio QP4SE '23: "Quantum Computing for Learning ..."
De Vincentiis, Mirko QP4SE '23: "Securing Smart Cities: Unraveling ..." QP4SE '23: "Extending Developer Support: ..."
Pagano, Alessandro QP4SE '23: "Quantum Computing for Learning ..."
Pal, Anibrata QP4SE '23: "Securing Smart Cities: Unraveling ..." QP4SE '23: "Extending Developer Support: ..."
Piccinno, Antonio QP4SE '23: "Quantum Computing for Learning ..."
Ragone, Azzurra QP4SE '23: "Securing Smart Cities: Unraveling ..."
Scalera, Michele QP4SE '23: "Extending Developer Support: ..."
Yue, Tao QP4SE '23: "On the Need of Quantum-Oriented ..."

15 authors

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