ESEC/FSE 2022 CoLos
30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)
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13th International Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (A-TEST 2022), November 17–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore

Workshop A-TEST 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Afzal, Wasif A-TEST '22: "Automation of the Creation ..."
Almasri, Ahmed A-TEST '22: "Automation of the Creation ..."
Ardito, Luca A-TEST '22: "Guidelines for GUI Testing ..."
Baldwin, Adrian A-TEST '22: "KUBO: A Framework for Automated ..."
Balogh, Gergő A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Bársony, Daniella A-TEST '22: "OpenGL API Call Trace Reduction ..."
Beszédes, Árpád A-TEST '22: "Interactive Fault Localization ..." A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Charbachi, Peter A-TEST '22: "Automation of the Creation ..."
Coppola, Riccardo A-TEST '22: "Guidelines for GUI Testing ..."
Dastani, Mehdi A-TEST '22: "An Online Agent-Based Search ..."
Davidson, Joseph A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Dignum, Frank A-TEST '22: "An Online Agent-Based Search ..."
Enoiu, Eduard Paul A-TEST '22: "Automation of the Creation ..."
Ferdous, Raihana A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Fulcini, Tommaso A-TEST '22: "Guidelines for GUI Testing ..."
Garaccione, Giacomo A-TEST '22: "Guidelines for GUI Testing ..."
Griffin, Jonathan A-TEST '22: "KUBO: A Framework for Automated ..."
Horváth, Ferenc A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Hovorka, Karel A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Karlsson, Viktor Aronsson A-TEST '22: "Automation of the Creation ..."
Kifetew, Fitsum Meshesha A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Li, Zheng A-TEST '22: "Academic Search Engines: Constraints, ..."
Liu, Yang A-TEST '22: "KUBO: A Framework for Automated ..."
Nguyen, Quynh Anh A-TEST '22: "KUBO: A Framework for Automated ..."
Paska, Premysl A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Pastor Ricós, Fernando A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Prandi, Davide A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Prasetya, I. S. W. B. A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..." A-TEST '22: "An Online Agent-Based Search ..."
Pružinec, Jakub A-TEST '22: "KUBO: A Framework for Automated ..."
Rainer, Austen A-TEST '22: "Academic Search Engines: Constraints, ..."
Sarhan, Qusay Idrees A-TEST '22: "Interactive Fault Localization ..." A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Shirzadehhajimahmood, Samira A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..." A-TEST '22: "An Online Agent-Based Search ..."
Susi, Angelo A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."
Szatmári, Attila A-TEST '22: "Interactive Fault Localization ..." A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Torchiano, Marco A-TEST '22: "Guidelines for GUI Testing ..."
Vancsics, Béla A-TEST '22: "Interacting with Interactive ..."
Vince, Dániel A-TEST '22: "Iterating the Minimizing Delta ..."
Vos, Tanja E. J. A-TEST '22: "An Agent-Based Approach to ..."

43 authors

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