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1st International Workshop on Crowd-based Software Development Methods and Technologies (CrowdSoft), November 17, 2014, Hong Kong, China

Workshop CrowdSoft 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Carmel, Erran CrowdSoft '14: "Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian ..."
Chen, Hongjie CrowdSoft '14: "How the Crowd Impacts Commercial ..."
De Souza, Cleidson R. B. CrowdSoft '14: "Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian ..."
Guo, Lisha CrowdSoft '14: "Using Clustering and Transitivity ..."
He, Huihong CrowdSoft '14: "How the Crowd Impacts Commercial ..."
Hu, Xiaohui CrowdSoft '14: "A Novel Multilayered Context ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Estimating the Dynamic Performance ..."
Hu, Yan CrowdSoft '14: "A Novel Multilayered Context ..."
Ke, Yeqing CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Liu, Jie CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Liu, Xudong CrowdSoft '14: "Using Clustering and Transitivity ..." CrowdSoft '14: "iTest: Testing Software with ..."
Ma, Zhirou CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Ma, ZhiYi CrowdSoft '14: "How the Crowd Impacts Commercial ..."
Machado, Leticia CrowdSoft '14: "Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian ..."
Peng, Qimin CrowdSoft '14: "A Novel Multilayered Context ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Estimating the Dynamic Performance ..."
Pereira, Graziela CrowdSoft '14: "Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian ..."
Prikladnicki, Rafael CrowdSoft '14: "Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian ..."
Shao, Weizhong CrowdSoft '14: "How the Crowd Impacts Commercial ..."
Sun, Hailong CrowdSoft '14: "Using Clustering and Transitivity ..." CrowdSoft '14: "iTest: Testing Software with ..."
Wang, Huaimin CrowdSoft '14: "Exploring the Patterns of ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Investigating Social Media ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Wang, Tao CrowdSoft '14: "Exploring the Patterns of ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Wei, Jun CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Wu, Haijiang CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Wu, Ming CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Xiao, Ming CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Xie, Bing CrowdSoft '14: "Recommending Relevant Projects ..."
Yan, Minzhi CrowdSoft '14: "iTest: Testing Software with ..."
Yang, Cheng CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Yang, Mingkun CrowdSoft '14: "Estimating the Dynamic Performance ..."
Yin, Gang CrowdSoft '14: "Exploring the Patterns of ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Investigating Social Media ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Personalized Mobile Application ..."
Yu, Yue CrowdSoft '14: "Exploring the Patterns of ..." CrowdSoft '14: "Investigating Social Media ..."
Zhang, Lingxiao CrowdSoft '14: "Recommending Relevant Projects ..."
Zhang, Yang CrowdSoft '14: "Investigating Social Media ..."
Zhong, Hua CrowdSoft '14: "SmartHR: A Resume Query and ..."
Zhu, Zixiao CrowdSoft '14: "Recommending Relevant Projects ..."
Zou, Yanzhen CrowdSoft '14: "Recommending Relevant Projects ..."

45 authors

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