30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)
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30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022), November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore

ESEC/FSE 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdalkareem, Rabe ESEC/FSE '22: "23 Shades of Self-Admitted ..."
Abdul Basit, Hamid ESEC/FSE '22: "Context-Aware Code Recommendation ..."
Abid, Shamsa ESEC/FSE '22: "Context-Aware Code Recommendation ..."
Abreu, Rui ESEC/FSE '22: "Leveraging Test Plan Quality ..."
Abualhaija, Sallam ESEC/FSE '22: "TAPHSIR: Towards AnaPHoric ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "COREQQA: A COmpliance REQuirements ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "WikiDoMiner: Wikipedia Domain-Specific ..."
Agrawal, Apoorva ESEC/FSE '22: "Nalanda: A Socio-technical ..."
Agrawal, Divyanshu ESEC/FSE '22: "Nalanda: A Socio-technical ..."
Ahmadi, Zahra ESEC/FSE '22: "MANDO-GURU: Vulnerability ..."
Ahmed, Bestoun S. ESEC/FSE '22: "Testing of Machine Learning ..."
Ahmed, Iftekhar ESEC/FSE '22: "A Case Study of Implicit Mentoring, ..."
Ahmed, Muhammad Ejaz ESEC/FSE '22: "Cross-Language Android Permission ..."
Ahmed, Toufique ESEC/FSE '22: "NatGen: Generative Pre-training ..."
Akomolede, Tobi ESEC/FSE '22: "Leveraging Test Plan Quality ..."
Aleti, Aldeida ESEC/FSE '22: "CommentFinder: A Simpler, ..."
Ali, Shaukat ESEC/FSE '22: "Uncertainty-Aware Transfer ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Are Elevator Software Robust ..."
Alon, Yoav ESEC/FSE '22: "Using Graph Neural Networks ..."
Alonso, Juan C. ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Generation of Test ..."
Alshangiti, Moayad ESEC/FSE '22: "Hierarchical Bayesian Multi-kernel ..."
Alshayban, Abdulaziz ESEC/FSE '22: "AccessiText: Automated Detection ..."
Amiri, Mohammad Javad ESEC/FSE '22: "Declarative Smart Contracts ..."
Amusuo, Paschal C. ESEC/FSE '22: "Reflections on Software Failure ..."
An, Seungmin ESEC/FSE '22: "Automatically Deriving JavaScript ..."
Andrews, Clayton ESEC/FSE '22: "Workgraph: Personal Focus ..."
Apel, Sven ESEC/FSE '22: "Sometimes You Have to Treat ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Correlates of Programmer Efficacy ..."
Arcaini, Paolo ESEC/FSE '22: "JSIMutate: Understanding Performance ..."
Arora, Chetan ESEC/FSE '22: "TAPHSIR: Towards AnaPHoric ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "COREQQA: A COmpliance REQuirements ..."
Arratibel, Maite ESEC/FSE '22: "Uncertainty-Aware Transfer ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Are Elevator Software Robust ..."
Arrieta, Aitor ESEC/FSE '22: "Are Elevator Software Robust ..."
Arya, Deeksha M. ESEC/FSE '22: "This Is Your Cue! Assisting ..."
Arzt, Steven ESEC/FSE '22: "Security Code Smells in Apps: ..."
Atakishiyev, Abdurahman ESEC/FSE '22: "Towards Developer-Centered ..."
AuBuchon, Jake ESEC/FSE '22: "Pair Programming Conversations ..."
Ayoup, Patrick ESEC/FSE '22: "Achievement Unlocked: A Case ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ESEC/FSE '22: "First Come First Served: The ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Software Security during Modern ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ESEC/FSE '22: "Parasol: Efficient Parallel ..."
Baltes, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '22: "Paving the Way for Mature ..."
Bansal, Chetan ESEC/FSE '22: "Nalanda: A Socio-technical ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "AutoTSG: Learning and Synthesis ..."
Bao, Lingfeng ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Unearthing of Dangerous ..."
Bao, Xuanlin ESEC/FSE '22: "CodeMatcher: A Tool for Large-Scale ..."
Baral, Kesina ESEC/FSE '22: "Avgust: Automating Usage-Based ..."
Barr, Earl T. ESEC/FSE '22: "Modus: A Datalog Dialect for ..."
Bartocci, Ezio ESEC/FSE '22: "FIM: Fault Injection and Mutation ..."
Beckmann, Jennifer ESEC/FSE '22: "Discovering Feature Flag Interdependencies ..."
Behroozi, Mahnaz ESEC/FSE '22: "Asynchronous Technical Interviews: ..."
Bell, Jonathan ESEC/FSE '22: "A Retrospective Study of One ..."
Bergum, Annabelle ESEC/FSE '22: "Correlates of Programmer Efficacy ..."
Beyer, Dirk ESEC/FSE '22: "A Retrospective Study of One ..."
Bezzubov, Alexander ESEC/FSE '22: "All You Need Is Logs: Improving ..."
Bibaev, Vitaliy ESEC/FSE '22: "All You Need Is Logs: Improving ..."
Biesdorf, Andreas ESEC/FSE '22: "Sometimes You Have to Treat ..."
Bird, Christian ESEC/FSE '22: "Program Merge Conflict Resolution ..."
Biswas, Sumon ESEC/FSE '22: "23 Shades of Self-Admitted ..."
Bittner, Paul Maximilian ESEC/FSE '22: "Classifying Edits to Variability ..."
Bo, Lili ESEC/FSE '22: "KVS: A Tool for Knowledge-Driven ..."
Bowes, David ESEC/FSE '22: "Towards Developer-Centered ..."
Boyalakuntla, Kowndinya ESEC/FSE '22: "eGEN: An Energy-Saving Modeling ..."
Braz, Larissa ESEC/FSE '22: "First Come First Served: The ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Software Security during Modern ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ESEC/FSE '22: "COREQQA: A COmpliance REQuirements ..."
Brown, Chris ESEC/FSE '22: "Asynchronous Technical Interviews: ..."
Brun, Yuriy ESEC/FSE '22: "Avgust: Automating Usage-Based ..."
Bryksin, Timofey ESEC/FSE '22: "All You Need Is Logs: Improving ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ESEC/FSE '22: "TSA: A Tool to Detect and ..."
Businge, John ESEC/FSE '22: "PaReco: Patched Clones and ..."
Cai, Haipeng ESEC/FSE '22: "PolyFax: A Toolkit for Characterizing ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Language-Agnostic Dynamic ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Generating Realistic Vulnerabilities ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "On the Vulnerability Proneness ..."
Cai, Shaowei ESEC/FSE '22: "SamplingCA: Effective and ..."
Cai, Yuandao ESEC/FSE '22: "Peahen: Fast and Precise Static ..."
Çalıklı, Gül ESEC/FSE '22: "First Come First Served: The ..."
Camtepe, Seyit ESEC/FSE '22: "Cross-Language Android Permission ..."
Canning, Mark ESEC/FSE '22: "What Improves Developer Productivity ..."
Cao, Junming ESEC/FSE '22: "Understanding Performance ..."
Cao, Li ESEC/FSE '22: "Actionable and Interpretable ..."
Cao, Liqing ESEC/FSE '22: "Generic Sensitivity: Customizing ..."
Cassee, Nathan ESEC/FSE '22: "Sentiment in Software Engineering: ..."
Chakraborty, Saikat ESEC/FSE '22: "NatGen: Generative Pre-training ..."
Chandra, Satish ESEC/FSE '22: "Leveraging Test Plan Quality ..."
Chang, Dongdong ESEC/FSE '22: "Actionable and Interpretable ..."
Chang, Zhiyuan ESEC/FSE '22: "Putting Them under Microscope: ..."
Chaparro, Oscar ESEC/FSE '22: "Toward Interactive Bug Reporting ..."
Chatterjee, Amreeta ESEC/FSE '22: "A Case Study of Implicit Mentoring, ..."
Chatterjee, Ayan ESEC/FSE '22: "Testing of Machine Learning ..."
Chauhan, Jigyasa ESEC/FSE '22: "An Exploratory Study on the ..."
Chechik, Marsha ESEC/FSE '22: "On Safety, Assurance, and ..."
Chen, Bihuan ESEC/FSE '22: "Understanding Performance ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Tracking Patches for Open ..."
Chen, Chunyang ESEC/FSE '22: "Psychologically-Inspired, ..."
Chen, Feng ESEC/FSE '22: "Generating Realistic Vulnerabilities ..."
Chen, Haoxian ESEC/FSE '22: "Declarative Smart Contracts ..."
Chen, Lawrence ESEC/FSE '22: "Understanding Why We Cannot ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Leveraging Test Plan Quality ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Using Nudges to Accelerate ..."
Chen, Qiuyuan ESEC/FSE '22: "What Motivates Software Practitioners ..."
Chen, Rong ESEC/FSE '22: "Detecting Simulink Compiler ..."
Chen, Sen ESEC/FSE '22: "Large-Scale Analysis of Non-Termination ..."
Chen, Simin ESEC/FSE '22: "NMTSloth: Understanding and ..."
Chen, Taolue ESEC/FSE '22: "DeJITLeak: Eliminating JIT-Induced ..."
Chen, Wei ESEC/FSE '22: "MOSAT: Finding Safety Violations ..."
Chen, Xiao ESEC/FSE '22: "Are We Building on the Rock? ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Cross-Language Android Permission ..."
Chen, Yifen ESEC/FSE '22: "Workgraph: Personal Focus ..."
Chen, Yimin ESEC/FSE '22: "Clang __usercall: Towards ..."
Chen, Yiru ESEC/FSE '22: "TraceCRL: Contrastive Representation ..."
Chen, Yulin ESEC/FSE '22: "Workgraph: Personal Focus ..."
Chen, Zhenpeng ESEC/FSE '22: "MAAT: A Novel Ensemble Approach ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ESEC/FSE '22: "SemCluster: A Semi-supervised ..."
Cheng, Lan ESEC/FSE '22: "What Improves Developer Productivity ..."
Cheng, Xingqi ESEC/FSE '22: "KVS: A Tool for Knowledge-Driven ..."
Chimalakonda, Sridhar ESEC/FSE '22: "eGEN: An Energy-Saving Modeling ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Exploring the Under-Explored ..."
Chinnakali, Marimuthu ESEC/FSE '22: "eGEN: An Energy-Saving Modeling ..."
Christakis, Maria ESEC/FSE '22: "Input Splitting for Cloud-Based ..."
Chung, Hyunhee ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Deep ..."
Cito, Jürgen ESEC/FSE '22: "A Retrospective Study of One ..."
Clement, Colin B. ESEC/FSE '22: "Exploring and Evaluating Personalized ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "DeepDev-PERF: A Deep Learning-Based ..."
Cogo, Filipe Roseiro ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Unearthing of Dangerous ..."
Costa, Diego Elias ESEC/FSE '22: "Achievement Unlocked: A Case ..."
Cottenier, Thomas ESEC/FSE '22: "Input Splitting for Cloud-Based ..."
Cottle, Peter ESEC/FSE '22: "Workgraph: Personal Focus ..."
Counsell, Steve ESEC/FSE '22: "Towards Developer-Centered ..."
Cui, Yunna ESEC/FSE '22: "Trace Analysis Based Microservice ..."
Cunha, Alcino ESEC/FSE '22: "Quantitative Relational Modelling ..."
D'Ambros, Marco ESEC/FSE '22: "First Come First Served: The ..."
Dang, Yingnong ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Log ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "SPINE: A Scalable Log Parser ..."
David, Cristina ESEC/FSE '22: "Using Graph Neural Networks ..."
David, Yaniv ESEC/FSE '22: "NeuDep: Neural Binary Memory ..."
Davis, James C. ESEC/FSE '22: "Discrepancies among Pre-trained ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Reflections on Software Failure ..."
Decan, Alexandre ESEC/FSE '22: "PaReco: Patched Clones and ..."
Dehghani, Nader ESEC/FSE '22: "Workgraph: Personal Focus ..."
Demeyer, Serge ESEC/FSE '22: "PaReco: Patched Clones and ..."
Deng, Yao ESEC/FSE '22: "Testing of Autonomous Driving ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Scenario-Based Test Reduction ..."
Deng, Yinlin ESEC/FSE '22: "Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries ..."
De Roover, Coen ESEC/FSE '22: "PaReco: Patched Clones and ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar T. ESEC/FSE '22: "NatGen: Generative Pre-training ..."
Di Grazia, Luca ESEC/FSE '22: "The Evolution of Type Annotations ..."
Dinella, Elizabeth ESEC/FSE '22: "Program Merge Conflict Resolution ..."
Ding, Xuhua ESEC/FSE '22: "FastKLEE: Faster Symbolic ..."
Ding, Yangruibo ESEC/FSE '22: "NatGen: Generative Pre-training ..."
Doan, Hong-Phuc ESEC/FSE '22: "MANDO-GURU: Vulnerability ..."
Doan, Thanh-Nam ESEC/FSE '22: "MANDO-GURU: Vulnerability ..."
Dolby, Julian ESEC/FSE '22: "Program Analysis using WALA ..."
Dong, Jin Song ESEC/FSE '22: "RegMiner: Mining Replicable ..."
Dong, Liming ESEC/FSE '22: "Semi-supervised Pre-processing ..."
Dong, Yihong ESEC/FSE '22: "Incorporating Domain Knowledge ..."
Dong, Zikan ESEC/FSE '22: "What Did You Pack in My App? ..."
Drain, Dawn ESEC/FSE '22: "Exploring and Evaluating Personalized ..."
D'Souza, Deepak ESEC/FSE '22: "Static Executes-Before Analysis ..."
Du, Mingzhe ESEC/FSE '22: "SemCluster: A Semi-supervised ..."
Du, Xu ESEC/FSE '22: "Actionable and Interpretable ..."
Duan, Guoqiang ESEC/FSE '22: "Actionable and Interpretable ..."
Duan, Nan ESEC/FSE '22: "Automating Code Review Activities ..."
Dyer, Robert ESEC/FSE '22: "An Exploratory Study on the ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Performing Large-Scale Mining ..."
Eberlein, Martin ESEC/FSE '22: "Explaining and Debugging Pathological ..."
Eghbali, Aryaz ESEC/FSE '22: "DynaPyt: A Dynamic Analysis ..."
Engman, Anton ESEC/FSE '22: "Testing of Machine Learning ..."
Ezzini, Saad ESEC/FSE '22: "TAPHSIR: Towards AnaPHoric ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "WikiDoMiner: Wikipedia Domain-Specific ..."
Fakhoury, Sarah ESEC/FSE '22: "Program Merge Conflict Resolution ..."
Fang, Chunrong ESEC/FSE '22: "SemCluster: A Semi-supervised ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "RULER: Discriminative and ..."
Fang, Yuzhou ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Blockchain ..."
Fedyukovich, Grigory ESEC/FSE '22: "Multi-Phase Invariant Synthesis ..."
Feng, Sidong ESEC/FSE '22: "Psychologically-Inspired, ..."
Feng, Zixuan ESEC/FSE '22: "A Case Study of Implicit Mentoring, ..."
Fiedor, Jan ESEC/FSE '22: "Unite: An Adapter for Transforming ..."
Filieri, Antonio ESEC/FSE '22: "Input Splitting for Cloud-Based ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ESEC/FSE '22: "Code, Quality, and Process ..."
Flint, Samuel W. ESEC/FSE '22: "Performing Large-Scale Mining ..."
Ford, Denae ESEC/FSE '22: "Understanding Skills for OSS ..."
Forsgren, Nicole ESEC/FSE '22: "Nalanda: A Socio-technical ..."
Fregnan, Enrico ESEC/FSE '22: "First Come First Served: The ..."
Fresno-Aranda, Rafael ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Capacity Analysis ..."
Fu, Michael ESEC/FSE '22: "VulRepair: A T5-Based Automated ..."
Fu, Shengyu ESEC/FSE '22: "Automating Code Review Activities ..."
Fu, Ying ESEC/FSE '22: "Industry Practice of Configuration ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Investigating and Improving ..."
Gall, Harald C. ESEC/FSE '22: "On-the-Fly Syntax Highlighting ..."
Gao, Cuiyun ESEC/FSE '22: "No More Fine-Tuning? An Experimental ..."
Gao, Lin ESEC/FSE '22: "Generic Sensitivity: Customizing ..."
Gao, Yuhao ESEC/FSE '22: "Demystifying the Underground ..."
Garg, Spandan ESEC/FSE '22: "DeepDev-PERF: A Deep Learning-Based ..."
Ge, Jidong ESEC/FSE '22: "Lighting Up Supervised Learning ..."
Geng, Scott ESEC/FSE '22: "NeuDep: Neural Binary Memory ..."
Ghorbani, Negar ESEC/FSE '22: "Program Merge Conflict Resolution ..."
Giacobbe, Mirco ESEC/FSE '22: "Neural Termination Analysis ..."
Gligoric, Milos ESEC/FSE '22: "Python-by-Contract Dataset ..."
Golubev, Yaroslav ESEC/FSE '22: "All You Need Is Logs: Improving ..."
Gong, Siyi ESEC/FSE '22: "A Study on Identifying Code ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ESEC/FSE '22: "CLIFuzzer: Mining Grammars ..."
Gopstein, Dan ESEC/FSE '22: "Discovering Feature Flag Interdependencies ..."
Green, Collin ESEC/FSE '22: "What Improves Developer Productivity ..."
Green, Jared ESEC/FSE '22: "Automating Code Review Activities ..."
Gu, Taotao ESEC/FSE '22: "Group-Based Corpus Scheduling ..."
Gu, Xiaodong ESEC/FSE '22: "Diet Code Is Healthy: Simplifying ..."
Gulwani, Sumit ESEC/FSE '22: "AI-Assisted Programming: Applications, ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "NL2Viz: Natural Language to ..."
Guo, Chengjun ESEC/FSE '22: "Discrepancies among Pre-trained ..."
Guo, Daya ESEC/FSE '22: "Automating Code Review Activities ..."
Guo, Lihua ESEC/FSE '22: "Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing ..."
Guo, Qizhi ESEC/FSE '22: "Incorporating Domain Knowledge ..."
Guo, Shikai ESEC/FSE '22: "Detecting Simulink Compiler ..."
Guo, Xiaofeng ESEC/FSE '22: "Trace Analysis Based Microservice ..."
Guo, Yao ESEC/FSE '22: "What Did You Pack in My App? ..."
Guo, Yu ESEC/FSE '22: "Lighting Up Supervised Learning ..."
Gupta, Abhilash ESEC/FSE '22: "CLIFuzzer: Mining Grammars ..."
Gupta, Anurag ESEC/FSE '22: "AutoTSG: Learning and Synthesis ..."
Hall, Tracy ESEC/FSE '22: "Towards Developer-Centered ..."
Hallin, Erik ESEC/FSE '22: "Testing of Machine Learning ..."
Han, DongGyun ESEC/FSE '22: "iTiger: An Automatic Issue ..."
Han, Liping ESEC/FSE '22: "Are Elevator Software Robust ..."
Han, Tingxu ESEC/FSE '22: "RULER: Discriminative and ..."
Haque, Mirazul ESEC/FSE '22: "NMTSloth: Understanding and ..."
Haraldsson, Sæmundur ESEC/FSE '22: "Towards Developer-Centered ..."
Harman, Mark ESEC/FSE '22: "MAAT: A Novel Ensemble Approach ..."
Hart, Jacob ESEC/FSE '22: "Pair Programming Conversations ..."
Haryono, Stefanus Agus ESEC/FSE '22: "AutoPruner: Transformer-Based ..."
Harzevili, Nima Shiri ESEC/FSE '22: "API Recommendation for Machine ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ESEC/FSE '22: "What Motivates Software Practitioners ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Unearthing of Dangerous ..."
He, Hao ESEC/FSE '22: "GFI-Bot: Automated Good First ..."
He, Pinjia ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Log ..."
He, Runzhi ESEC/FSE '22: "GFI-Bot: Automated Good First ..."
He, Shilin ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Log ..." ESEC/FSE '22: "SPINE: A Scalable Log Parser ..."
Heo, Jinseok ESEC/FSE '22: "An Empirical Study of Deep ..."
Hermann, Ben ESEC/FSE '22: "A Retrospective Study of One ..."
Herzig, Kim ESEC/FSE '22: "Nalanda: A Socio-technical ..."
Hilton, Michael ESEC/FSE '22: "A Retrospective Study of One ..."
Hoffmann, Henry ESEC/FSE '22: "AgileCtrl: A Self-Adaptive ..."
Hohenstein, Uwe ESEC/FSE '22: "Sometimes You Have to Treat ..."
Hong, Yang ESEC/FSE '22: "CommentFinder: A Simpler, ..."
Hu, Chunming ESEC/FSE '22: "SamplingCA: Effective and ..."
Hu, Longjie ESEC/FSE '22: "Understanding Performance ..."
Hu, Xing ESEC/FSE '22: "Automated Unearthing of Dangerous ..."
Hu, Xinwen ESEC/FSE '22: "Lighting Up Supervised Learning ..."
Hu, Yang ESEC/FSE '22: "SymMC: Approximate Model Enumeration ..."
Hu, Yuxi ESEC/FSE '22: "Industry Practice of Configuration ..."
Hua, Zihan ESEC/FSE '22: "AUGER: Automatically Generating ..."
Huang, Kaifeng ESEC/FSE '22: "Tracking Patches for Open ..."
Huang, Liguo ESEC/FSE '22: "Lighting Up Supervised Learning ..."