FSE 2016
24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2016)
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24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2016), November 13–18, 2016, Seattle, WA, USA

FSE 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aguirre, Nazareno FSE '16: "Field-Exhaustive Testing ..."
Ahmed, Iftekhar FSE '16: "Can Testedness be Effectively ..."
Aiken, Alex FSE '16: "Minimizing GUI Event Traces ..."
Alexandru, Carol V. FSE '16: "Guided Code Synthesis using ..." FSE '16: "What Would Users Change in ..."
Alimadadi, Saba FSE '16: "Understanding Behavioural ..."
Ammann, Paul FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Anand, Saswat FSE '16: "Minimizing GUI Event Traces ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas FSE '16: "When Should Internal Interfaces ..."
Apel, Sven FSE '16: "On-the-Fly Decomposition of ..."
Arora, Chetan FSE '16: "Automated Change Impact Analysis ..."
Aydin, Abdulbaki FSE '16: "String Analysis for Side Channels ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto FSE '16: "Visualizing Code and Coverage ..."
Bagheri, Hamid FSE '16: "Titanium: Efficient Analysis ..."
Bang, Lucas FSE '16: "String Analysis for Side Channels ..."
Baresi, Luciano FSE '16: "A Discrete-Time Feedback Controller ..."
Barik, Titus FSE '16: "How Should Static Analysis ..." FSE '16: "Designing for Dystopia: Software ..."
Barr, Earl T. FSE '16: "Time-Travel Debugging for ..."
Bastani, Osbert FSE '16: "Minimizing GUI Event Traces ..."
Baum, Tobias FSE '16: "Factors Influencing Code Review ..."
Beck, Kent FSE '16: "Continuous Deployment of Mobile ..."
Bell, Jonathan FSE '16: "Code Relatives: Detecting ..."
Berger, Thorsten FSE '16: "Efficiency of Projectional ..."
Bergstrom, Lars FSE '16: "A Portable Interface for Runtime ..."
Beyer, Dirk FSE '16: "Correctness Witnesses: Exchanging ..." FSE '16: "On-the-Fly Decomposition of ..."
Bogart, Christopher FSE '16: "How to Break an API: Cost ..."
Brady, Conor FSE '16: "End-to-End Memory Behavior ..."
Braione, Pietro FSE '16: "JBSE: A Symbolic Executor ..."
Briand, Lionel C. FSE '16: "PUMConf: A Tool to Configure ..." FSE '16: "Automated Change Impact Analysis ..."
Brindescu, Caius FSE '16: "Can Testedness be Effectively ..."
Brito, Fernando S. de M. FSE '16: "Discovering Bug Patterns in ..."
Brunel, Julien FSE '16: "Lightweight Specification ..."
Brünink, Marc FSE '16: "Mining Performance Specifications ..."
Bultan, Tevfik FSE '16: "String Analysis for Side Channels ..."
Burnett, Margaret FSE '16: ""Womenomics" and Gender-Inclusive ..." FSE '16: "Foraging and Navigations, ..."
Busjaeger, Benjamin FSE '16: "Learning for Test Prioritization: ..."
Cai, Yan FSE '16: "A Deployable Sampling Strategy ..."
Cai, Yuanfang FSE '16: "Interactive and Guided Architectural ..."
Canfora, Gerardo FSE '16: "ARdoc: App Reviews Development ..." FSE '16: "What Would Users Change in ..."
Cao, Lingwei FSE '16: "A Deployable Sampling Strategy ..."
Celik, Ahmet FSE '16: "Build System with Lazy Retrieval ..."
Chandramohan, Mahinthan FSE '16: "BinGo: Cross-Architecture ..."
Chemouil, David FSE '16: "Lightweight Specification ..."
Chen, Bihuan FSE '16: "Proteus: Computing Disjunctive ..."
Chen, Haicheng FSE '16: "Crash Consistency Validation ..."
Chen, Lin FSE '16: "Python Probabilistic Type ..."
Chen, Tse-Hsun FSE '16: "CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers ..."
Chen, Yuxi FSE '16: "Understanding and Generating ..."
Cheng, Javran FSE '16: "iGen: Dynamic Interaction ..."
Cheng, Xi FSE '16: "RABIEF: Range Analysis Based ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi FSE '16: "Understanding and Detecting ..." FSE '16: "Detecting Table Clones and ..."
Cho, Chia Yuan FSE '16: "BinGo: Cross-Architecture ..."
Clapp, Lazaro FSE '16: "Minimizing GUI Event Traces ..."
Clark, Benjamin FSE '16: "Studying Developer Gaze to ..."
Codoban, Mihai FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Coelho, Roberta FSE '16: "Visualizing Code and Coverage ..."
Cohen, Myra B. FSE '16: "Budgeted Testing through an ..."
Condie, Tyson FSE '16: "BigDebug: Interactive Debugger ..."
Costa, Catarina FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Developers ..." FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Experts ..." FSE '16: "Identifying Participants for ..."
Cunha, Alcino FSE '16: "Lightweight Specification ..."
Dam, Hoa Khanh FSE '16: "DeepSoft: A Vision for a Deep ..."
Dangl, Matthias FSE '16: "Correctness Witnesses: Exchanging ..."
Dangprasert, Taweesap FSE '16: "Efficiency of Projectional ..."
Delamaro, Márcio E. FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Denaro, Giovanni FSE '16: "JBSE: A Symbolic Executor ..."
Deng, Yuetang FSE '16: "Automated Test Input Generation ..."
Deursen, Arie van FSE '16: "Visualizing Code and Coverage ..."
Dhawan, Mohan FSE '16: "POLLUX: Safely Upgrading Dependent ..."
Dhok, Monika FSE '16: "Directed Test Generation to ..."
Dietsch, Daniel FSE '16: "Correctness Witnesses: Exchanging ..."
Dig, Danny FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..." FSE '16: "Interactive and Guided Architectural ..."
Dillig, Isil FSE '16: "Hunter: Next-Generation Code ..."
Di Sorbo, Andrea FSE '16: "ARdoc: App Reviews Development ..." FSE '16: "What Would Users Change in ..."
Dolby, Julian FSE '16: "Revamping JavaScript Static ..."
Dou, Wensheng FSE '16: "Detecting Table Clones and ..."
Eichberg, Michael FSE '16: "Call Graph Construction for ..."
Elder, Sarah FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..."
Eugster, Patrick FSE '16: "WebRanz: Web Page Randomization ..."
Fedorova, Alexandra FSE '16: "End-to-End Memory Behavior ..."
Feng, Yu FSE '16: "Hunter: Next-Generation Code ..."
Figueiredo, Jair FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Developers ..." FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Experts ..."
Fleming, Scott D. FSE '16: "Foraging and Navigations, ..."
Flora, Parminder FSE '16: "CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers ..."
Ford, Denae FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..." FSE '16: "Paradise Unplugged: Identifying ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. FSE '16: "iGen: Dynamic Interaction ..."
Fowkes, Jaroslav FSE '16: "Parameter-Free Probabilistic ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. FSE '16: "Field-Exhaustive Testing ..."
Gacek, Andrew FSE '16: "Efficient Generation of Inductive ..."
Gall, Harald C. FSE '16: "ARdoc: App Reviews Development ..." FSE '16: "What Would Users Change in ..."
Gao, Chushu FSE '16: "Detecting Table Clones and ..."
Ge, Scott FSE '16: "Bing Developer Assistant: ..."
Gerosa, Marco Aurélio FSE '16: "Training the Future Workforce ..."
Ghassabani, Elaheh FSE '16: "Efficient Generation of Inductive ..."
Ghose, Aditya FSE '16: "DeepSoft: A Vision for a Deep ..."
Ghosh, Indradeep FSE '16: "FSX: A Tool for Fine-Grained ..."
Gligoric, Milos FSE '16: "Build System with Lazy Retrieval ..."
Goel, Ayush FSE '16: "POLLUX: Safely Upgrading Dependent ..."
Gökçe, Nida FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Goknil, Arda FSE '16: "PUMConf: A Tool to Configure ..."
Gopinath, Rahul FSE '16: "Can Testedness be Effectively ..."
Groce, Alex FSE '16: "Can Testedness be Effectively ..."
Grundy, John FSE '16: "DeepSoft: A Vision for a Deep ..."
Gu, Xiaodong FSE '16: "Deep API Learning ..."
Guinea, Sam FSE '16: "A Discrete-Time Feedback Controller ..."
Gullapalli, Sachith FSE '16: "Atlas: An Intelligent, Performant ..."
Gulwani, Sumit FSE '16: "Semi-supervised Verified Feedback ..."
Gulzar, Muhammad Ali FSE '16: "BigDebug: Interactive Debugger ..."
Guo, Philip J. FSE '16: "Paradise Unplugged: Identifying ..."
Guo, Xinrui FSE '16: "SmartDebug: An Interactive ..."
Gupta, Aarti FSE '16: "Parallel Data Race Detection ..."
Gupta, Arushi FSE '16: "Gray Links in the Use of Requirements ..."
Gurfinkel, Arie FSE '16: "SMT-Based Verification of ..."
Guzman, Emitza FSE '16: "ARdoc: App Reviews Development ..."
Gyori, Alex FSE '16: "NonDex: A Tool for Detecting ..."
Hajri, Ines FSE '16: "PUMConf: A Tool to Configure ..." FSE '16: "Supporting Change in Product ..."
Hammoudi, Mouna FSE '16: "Regression Testing of Web ..." FSE '16: "WATERFALL: An Incremental ..."
Hanam, Quinn FSE '16: "Discovering Bug Patterns in ..."
Hao, Dan FSE '16: "Isomorphic Regression Testing: ..."
Hao, Jianye FSE '16: "Designing Minimal Effective ..."
Hariri, Farah FSE '16: "An Extensive Study of Static ..."
Harman, Mark FSE '16: "Causal Impact Analysis for ..."
Harvey, Kenneth FSE '16: "Code Relatives: Detecting ..."
Hasabnis, Niranjan FSE '16: "Extracting Instruction Semantics ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. FSE '16: "CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers ..."
He, Xinrui FSE '16: "Detecting and Fixing Precision-Specific ..."
Head, Andrew FSE '16: "Social Health Cues Developers ..."
Heckman, Sarah FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..."
Heizmann, Matthias FSE '16: "Correctness Witnesses: Exchanging ..."
Henley, Austin Z. FSE '16: "Foraging and Navigations, ..."
Herbsleb, James FSE '16: "Building a Socio-Technical ..." FSE '16: "How to Break an API: Cost ..."
Hermann, Ben FSE '16: "Call Graph Construction for ..."
Hilton, Michael FSE '16: "Understanding and Improving ..." FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Hoffmann, Henry FSE '16: "A Portable Interface for Runtime ..."
Hora, André FSE '16: "When Should Internal Interfaces ..."
Hu, Wenxiang FSE '16: "Bing Developer Assistant: ..."
Huang, Gang FSE '16: "Detecting and Fixing Precision-Specific ..."
Huang, Jeff FSE '16: "ECHO: Instantaneous In Situ ..."
Huang, Jianjun FSE '16: "Detecting Sensitive Data Disclosure ..."
Huang, Shan Shan FSE '16: "Model, Execute, and Deploy: ..."
Huang, Waylon FSE '16: "Discovering Additional Violations ..."
Imes, Connor FSE '16: "A Portable Interface for Runtime ..."
Interlandi, Matteo FSE '16: "BigDebug: Interactive Debugger ..."
Jackson, Daniel FSE '16: "Correct or Usable? The Limits ..." FSE '16: "Multi-representational Security ..." FSE '16: "Designing Minimal Effective ..."
Jain, Anuj FSE '16: "Bing Developer Assistant: ..."
Jebara, Tony FSE '16: "Code Relatives: Detecting ..."
Jensen, Carlos FSE '16: "Can Testedness be Effectively ..."
Jensen, Hans Peter FSE '16: "Efficiency of Projectional ..."
Jiang, Yanyan FSE '16: "Crash Consistency Validation ..." FSE '16: "Online Shared Memory Dependence ..."
Johnson, Brittany FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..."
Kaiser, Gail FSE '16: "Code Relatives: Detecting ..."
Kaleeswaran, Shalini FSE '16: "Semi-supervised Verified Feedback ..."
Kalra, Sukrit FSE '16: "POLLUX: Safely Upgrading Dependent ..."
Kanade, Aditya FSE '16: "Semi-supervised Verified Feedback ..."
Kang, Eunsuk FSE '16: "Multi-representational Security ..." FSE '16: "Designing Minimal Effective ..."
Kang, Yu FSE '16: "DiagDroid: Android Performance ..."
Kapitsaki, Georgia M. FSE '16: "Validate Your SPDX Files for ..."
Kappler, Sebastian FSE '16: "Finding and Breaking Test ..."
Karanfil, Mark FSE '16: "T2API: Synthesizing API Code ..."
Kästner, Christian FSE '16: "How to Break an API: Cost ..."
Kaushik, Arati FSE '16: "Hunter: Next-Generation Code ..."
Kaushik, Chandrashekhar FSE '16: "Bing Developer Assistant: ..."
Kellogg, Martin FSE '16: "Combining Bug Detection and ..."
Khandelwal, Gaurav FSE '16: "Bing Developer Assistant: ..."
Khanna, Dhriti FSE '16: "POLLUX: Safely Upgrading Dependent ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz FSE '16: "Combinatorial Generation of ..."
Kim, Chung Hwan FSE '16: "PerfGuard: Binary-Centric ..."
Kim, Miryung FSE '16: "BigDebug: Interactive Debugger ..."
Kim, Sunghun FSE '16: "Deep API Learning ..."
Knaust, Alex FSE '16: "Build System with Lazy Retrieval ..."
Koc, Ugur FSE '16: "iGen: Dynamic Interaction ..."
Kuperberg, Denis FSE '16: "Lightweight Specification ..."
Kurtz, Bob FSE '16: "On the Utility of Dominator ..." FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Kurtz, Mariet FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Kusano, Markus FSE '16: "Static DOM Event Dependency ..." FSE '16: "Flow-Sensitive Composition ..."
Kwon, Yonghwi FSE '16: "WebRanz: Web Page Randomization ..."
Lam, Wing FSE '16: "Automated Test Input Generation ..." FSE '16: "Repairing Test Dependence ..."
Lambeth, Ben FSE '16: "NonDex: A Tool for Detecting ..."
Le, Wei FSE '16: "Proteus: Computing Disjunctive ..."
Leano, Rafael FSE '16: "Training the Future Workforce ..."
Lee, Kyu Hyung FSE '16: "PerfGuard: Binary-Centric ..."
Legunsen, Owolabi FSE '16: "NonDex: A Tool for Detecting ..." FSE '16: "An Extensive Study of Static ..."
Lerch, Johannes FSE '16: "Call Graph Construction for ..."
Leung, Hareton FSE '16: "Effort-Aware Just-in-Time ..."
Leva, Alberto FSE '16: "A Discrete-Time Feedback Controller ..."
Li, Dengfeng FSE '16: "Automated Test Input Generation ..."
Li, Du FSE '16: "Online Shared Memory Dependence ..."
Li, Xiaohong FSE '16: "Proteus: Computing Disjunctive ..."
Li, Xuan FSE '16: "Relationship-Aware Code Search ..."
Lin, Yun FSE '16: "Interactive and Guided Architectural ..."
Liskin, Olga FSE '16: "Factors Influencing Code Review ..."
Liu, Haopeng FSE '16: "Understanding and Generating ..."
Liu, Jian FSE '16: "A Deployable Sampling Strategy ..."
Liu, Jinping FSE '16: "Effort-Aware Just-in-Time ..."
Liu, Peng FSE '16: "Python Predictive Analysis ..."
Liu, Yang FSE '16: "Proteus: Computing Disjunctive ..." FSE '16: "BinGo: Cross-Architecture ..."
Liu, Yepang FSE '16: "Understanding and Detecting ..."
Loncaric, Calvin FSE '16: "Data Structure Synthesis ..." FSE '16: "Cozy: Synthesizing Collection ..."
Lou, Yiling FSE '16: "Isomorphic Regression Testing: ..."
Lu, Hongmin FSE '16: "Effort-Aware Just-in-Time ..."
Lu, Jian FSE '16: "Crash Consistency Validation ..." FSE '16: "Online Shared Memory Dependence ..."
Lu, Shan FSE '16: "Understanding and Generating ..."
Lu, Yafeng FSE '16: "An Extensive Study of Static ..."
Luo, Qi FSE '16: "Input-Sensitive Performance ..." FSE '16: "A Large-Scale Empirical Comparison ..." FSE '16: "Automatic Performance Testing ..."
Lyu, Michael R. FSE '16: "DiagDroid: Android Performance ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing FSE '16: "Crash Consistency Validation ..." FSE '16: "Online Shared Memory Dependence ..."
Macedo, Nuno FSE '16: "Lightweight Specification ..."
Mackie, Christopher A. FSE '16: "Preventing Signedness Errors ..."
Mahmud, Gazi FSE '16: "Making Invisible Things Visible: ..."
Malek, Sam FSE '16: "Titanium: Efficient Analysis ..."
Maletic, Jonathan I. FSE '16: "Studying Developer Gaze to ..."
Mandoux, Felix FSE '16: "Automated Change Impact Analysis ..."
Maoz, Shahar FSE '16: "On Well-Separation of GR(1) ..."
Marinov, Darko FSE '16: "NonDex: A Tool for Detecting ..." FSE '16: "An Extensive Study of Static ..."
Marron, Mark FSE '16: "Time-Travel Debugging for ..."
Martin, William FSE '16: "Causal Impact Analysis for ..."
Martins, Ruben FSE '16: "Hunter: Next-Generation Code ..."
Mast, Lily FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Maurer, Ed FSE '16: "Time-Travel Debugging for ..."
Mazinanian, Davood FSE '16: "Refactoring and Migration ..."
Mei, Hong FSE '16: "Relationship-Aware Code Search ..." FSE '16: "Isomorphic Regression Testing: ..."
Meng, Xiaozhu FSE '16: "Fine-Grained Binary Code Authorship ..."
Mesbah, Ali FSE '16: "Discovering Bug Patterns in ..."
Meshman, Yuri FSE '16: "SMT-Based Verification of ..."
Mezini, Mira FSE '16: "Call Graph Construction for ..."
Middleton, Justin FSE '16: "Designing for Dystopia: Software ..."
Milicevic, Aleksandar FSE '16: "Multi-representational Security ..." FSE '16: "Build System with Lazy Retrieval ..."
Miucin, Svetozar FSE '16: "End-to-End Memory Behavior ..."
Mockus, Audris FSE '16: "Effectiveness of Code Contribution: ..."
Monteiro, Felipe R. FSE '16: "Bounded Model Checking of ..."
Moran, Kevin FSE '16: "A Large-Scale Empirical Comparison ..."
Mordan, Vitaly FSE '16: "On-the-Fly Decomposition of ..."
Moseley, Dan FSE '16: "Time-Travel Debugging for ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..." FSE '16: "Designing for Dystopia: Software ..."
Murta, Leonardo FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Developers ..." FSE '16: "TIPMerge: Recommending Experts ..."
Mutilin, Vadim FSE '16: "On-the-Fly Decomposition of ..."
Nabi, Tahmid FSE '16: "Foraging and Navigations, ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh FSE '16: "Parallel Data Race Detection ..."
Nandi, Chandrakana FSE '16: "Automatic Trigger Generation ..."
Nasser, Mohamed FSE '16: "CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers ..."
Nejati, Shiva FSE '16: "Automated Change Impact Analysis ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan FSE '16: "T2API: Synthesizing API Code ..." FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Nguyen, Thanh FSE '16: "T2API: Synthesizing API Code ..."
Nguyen, ThanhVu FSE '16: "iGen: Dynamic Interaction ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. FSE '16: "T2API: Synthesizing API Code ..." FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Niklas, Kai FSE '16: "Factors Influencing Code Review ..."
Niu, Nan FSE '16: "Gray Links in the Use of Requirements ..."
Noble, James FSE '16: "Reaching the Masses: A New ..."
Offutt, Jeff FSE '16: "Analyzing the Validity of ..."
Omoronyia, Inah FSE '16: "Reasoning with Imprecise Privacy ..."
Oosterwaal, Sebastiaan FSE '16: "Visualizing Code and Coverage ..."
Panchekha, Pavel FSE '16: "Generating Interactive Web ..."
Pandita, Rahul FSE '16: "A Cross-Tool Communication ..." FSE '16: "Designing for Dystopia: Software ..."
Panichella, Sebastiano FSE '16: "ARdoc: App Reviews Development ..." FSE '16: "What Would Users Change in ..."
Parnin, Chris FSE '16: "Paradise Unplugged: Identifying ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. FSE '16: "String Analysis for Side Channels ..."
Paschalides, Demetris FSE '16: "Validate Your SPDX Files for ..."
Pavan, A. FSE '16: "Budgeted Testing through an ..."
Pearson, Spencer FSE '16: "Evaluation of Fault Localization ..."
Pei, Kexin FSE '16: "Python Probabilistic Type ..."
Peng, Xin FSE '16: "Interactive and Guided Architectural ..."
Pezzè, Mauro FSE '16: "JBSE: A Symbolic Executor ..."
Phan, Quoc-Sang FSE '16: "String Analysis for Side Channels ..."
Piorkowski, David FSE '16: "Foraging and Navigations, ..."
Ponzio, Pablo FSE '16: "Field-Exhaustive Testing ..."
Porter, Adam A. FSE '16: "iGen: Dynamic Interaction ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys FSE '16: "A Large-Scale Empirical Comparison ..."
Prasad, Mukul R. FSE '16: "FSX: A Tool for Fine-Grained ..." FSE '16: "Anti-patterns in Search-Based ..."
Purandare, Rahul FSE '16: "POLLUX: Safely Upgrading Dependent ..."
Qin, Feng FSE '16: "Crash Consistency Validation ..."
Quan, Minghui FSE '16: "Hotspot Symbolic Execution ..."
Quattrocchi, Giovanni FSE '16: "A Discrete-Time Feedback Controller ..."
Rademacher, Eli FSE '16: "API Code Recommendation using ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna FSE '16: "Directed Test Generation to ..."
Rashid, Awais FSE '16: "Reaching the Masses: A New ..."
Raz, Orna FSE '16: "Cluster-Based Test Suite Functional ..."
Reif, Michael FSE '16: "Call Graph Construction for ..."
Reiss, Steven P. FSE '16: "Hunter: Next-Generation Code ..."
Rhee, Junghwan FSE '16: "PerfGuard: Binary-Centric ..."
Rigby, Peter C. FSE '16: "T2API: Synthesizing API Code ..."
Ringert, Jan Oliver FSE '16: "On Well-Separation of GR(1) ..."
Robbes, Romain FSE '16: "When Should Internal Interfaces ..."
Robillard, Martin P. FSE '16: "Sustainable Software Design ..."
Rolim, Reudismam FSE '16: "Automating Repetitive Code ..."
Rosenblum, David S. FSE '16: "Mining Performance Specifications ..."