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2015 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015), August 30 – September 4, 2015, Bergamo, Italy

ESEC/FSE 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Acher, Mathieu ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Product Lines Can Jeopardize ..."
Afraz, Mohammed ESEC/FSE '15: "P3: Partitioned Path Profiling ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis ESEC/FSE '15: "Suggesting Accurate Method ..."
Almorsy, Mohamed ESEC/FSE '15: "Rule-Based Extraction of Goal-Use ..."
Apel, Sven ESEC/FSE '15: "Performance-Influence Models ..."
Arcaini, Paolo ESEC/FSE '15: "Improving Model-Based Test ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ESEC/FSE '15: "Generating TCP/UDP Network ..."
Arora, Chetan ESEC/FSE '15: "NARCIA: An Automated Tool ..."
Aydin, Abdulbaki ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Computing Path ..."
Bae, Gigon ESEC/FSE '15: "On the Use of Delta Debugging ..."
Balasubramaniam, Balaji ESEC/FSE '15: "Towards Automating the Security ..."
Bang, Lucas ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Computing Path ..."
Barik, Titus ESEC/FSE '15: "I Heart Hacker News: Expanding ..."
Barr, Earl T. ESEC/FSE '15: "Suggesting Accurate Method ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Is the Cure Worse Than the ..."
Baudry, Benoit ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Product Lines Can Jeopardize ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Bécan, Guillaume ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Product Lines Can Jeopardize ..."
Behrang, Farnaz ESEC/FSE '15: "Users Beware: Preference Inconsistencies ..."
Bell, Jonathan ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient Dependency Detection ..."
Beller, Moritz ESEC/FSE '15: "When, How, and Why Developers ..."
Bellmer, Rene ESEC/FSE '15: "Evaluating a Formal Scenario-Based ..."
Bellomo, Stephany ESEC/FSE '15: "Measure It? Manage It? Ignore ..."
Ben Nasr, Sana ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..."
Bernal-Cárdenas, Carlos ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-completing Bug Reports ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Improving Energy Consumption ..."
Beyer, Dirk ESEC/FSE '15: "Witness Validation and Stepwise ..."
Bianchi, Antonio ESEC/FSE '15: "CLAPP: Characterizing Loops ..."
Bird, Christian ESEC/FSE '15: "Products, Developers, and ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Suggesting Accurate Method ..."
Blanc, Xavier ESEC/FSE '15: "Impact of Developer Turnover ..."
Bolan, Shane ESEC/FSE '15: "GitSonifier: Using Sound to ..."
Börding, Paul ESEC/FSE '15: "Comprehensive Service Matching ..."
Borges, Mateus ESEC/FSE '15: "Iterative Distribution-Aware ..."
Bosch, Jan ESEC/FSE '15: "Barriers and Enablers for ..."
Braione, Pietro ESEC/FSE '15: "Symbolic Execution of Programs ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ESEC/FSE '15: "UMTG: A Toolset to Automatically ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "NARCIA: An Automated Tool ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective Test Suites for ..."
Bruckmann, Thomas ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective Test Suites for ..."
Bruegge, Bernd ESEC/FSE '15: "Using Software Theater for ..."
Brumley, David ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Deriving Pointer ..."
Brun, Yuriy ESEC/FSE '15: "Is the Cure Worse Than the ..."
Bruns, Melanie ESEC/FSE '15: "Comprehensive Service Matching ..."
Budianto, Enrico ESEC/FSE '15: "DexterJS: Robust Testing Platform ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-patching DOM-Based XSS ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Computing Path ..."
Burg, Brian ESEC/FSE '15: "On the Use of Delta Debugging ..."
Busany, Nimrod ESEC/FSE '15: "Behavioral Log Analysis with ..."
Cadar, Cristian ESEC/FSE '15: "Targeted Program Transformations ..."
Cai, Yan ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective and Precise Dynamic ..."
Cámara, Javier ESEC/FSE '15: "Proactive Self-Adaptation ..."
Campos, José ESEC/FSE '15: "Modeling Readability to Improve ..."
Cao, Lingwei ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective and Precise Dynamic ..."
Cárdenas, Carlos Eduardo Bernal ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..."
Casalnuovo, Casey ESEC/FSE '15: "Developer Onboarding in GitHub: ..."
Chandra, Satish ESEC/FSE '15: "MemInsight: Platform-Independent ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Mimic: Computing Models for ..."
Chen, Fuxiang ESEC/FSE '15: "Crowd Debugging ..."
Chen, Yuting ESEC/FSE '15: "Guided Differential Testing ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ESEC/FSE '15: "Test Report Prioritization ..."
Cheng, Chih-Hong ESEC/FSE '15: "Semantic Degrees for Industrie ..."
Choi, Soonhwang ESEC/FSE '15: "REMI: Defect Prediction for ..."
Choi, Wontae ESEC/FSE '15: "MultiSE: Multi-path Symbolic ..."
Chu, Bill ESEC/FSE '15: "Questions Developers Ask While ..."
Chulani, Sunita ESEC/FSE '15: "Predicting Field Reliability ..."
Cito, Jürgen ESEC/FSE '15: "The Making of Cloud Applications: ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ESEC/FSE '15: "Users Beware: Preference Inconsistencies ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "GitSonifier: Using Sound to ..."
Combemale, Benoit ESEC/FSE '15: "Product Lines Can Jeopardize ..."
Daka, Ermira ESEC/FSE '15: "Modeling Readability to Improve ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo ESEC/FSE '15: "Iterative Distribution-Aware ..."
Dang, Hung ESEC/FSE '15: "DexterJS: Robust Testing Platform ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-patching DOM-Based XSS ..."
Dang, Son Cuu ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Semantic Merge Conflicts ..."
Dangl, Matthias ESEC/FSE '15: "Witness Validation and Stepwise ..."
Dattatreya, Mohan ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient Dependency Detection ..."
Davril, Jean-Marc ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..."
Denaro, Giovanni ESEC/FSE '15: "Symbolic Execution of Programs ..."
Desai, Ankush ESEC/FSE '15: "Systematic Testing of Asynchronous ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ESEC/FSE '15: "Quality and Productivity Outcomes ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Developer Onboarding in GitHub: ..."
Dhar, Aritra ESEC/FSE '15: "CLOTHO: Saving Programs from ..."
Dhawan, Mohan ESEC/FSE '15: "CLOTHO: Saving Programs from ..."
Dietsch, Daniel ESEC/FSE '15: "Witness Validation and Stepwise ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide ESEC/FSE '15: "OSSMETER: A Software Measurement ..."
Dmitriev, Denis ESEC/FSE '15: "Don't Panic: Reverse Debugging ..."
Dong, Xiwei ESEC/FSE '15: "Heterogeneous Cross-Company ..."
Dorn, Jonathan ESEC/FSE '15: "Modeling Readability to Improve ..."
Dovgalyuk, Pavel ESEC/FSE '15: "Don't Panic: Reverse Debugging ..."
Eichberg, Michael ESEC/FSE '15: "Hidden Truths in Dead Software ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Getting to Know You: Towards ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '15: "How Developers Search for ..."
Ernst, Neil A. ESEC/FSE '15: "Measure It? Manage It? Ignore ..."
Esmaeilzadeh, Hadi ESEC/FSE '15: "FlexJava: Language Support ..."
Falcone, Michael ESEC/FSE '15: "iTrace: Enabling Eye Tracking ..."
Falleri, Jean-Rémy ESEC/FSE '15: "Impact of Developer Turnover ..."
Fan, Xuepeng ESEC/FSE '15: "Hey, You Have Given Me Too ..."
Fang, Chunrong ESEC/FSE '15: "Test Report Prioritization ..."
Feng, Yang ESEC/FSE '15: "Test Report Prioritization ..."
Ferreira Filho, João Bosco ESEC/FSE '15: "MatrixMiner: A Red Pill to ..."
Feth, Denis ESEC/FSE '15: "User-Centric Security: Optimization ..."
Figueira Filho, Fernando ESEC/FSE '15: "UEDashboard: Awareness of ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Summarizing and Measuring ..."
Filieri, Antonio ESEC/FSE '15: "Automated Multi-objective ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Iterative Distribution-Aware ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ESEC/FSE '15: "Quality and Productivity Outcomes ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Developer Onboarding in GitHub: ..."
Florio, Luca ESEC/FSE '15: "Decentralized Self-Adaptation ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. ESEC/FSE '15: "JSketch: Sketching for Java ..."
Foucault, Matthieu ESEC/FSE '15: "Impact of Developer Turnover ..."
Fraser, Gordon ESEC/FSE '15: "Modeling Readability to Improve ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Generating TCP/UDP Network ..."
Fratantonio, Yanick ESEC/FSE '15: "CLAPP: Characterizing Loops ..."
Fritz, Thomas ESEC/FSE '15: "Tracing Software Developers' ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "The Making of Cloud Applications: ..."
Fu, Yangchun ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Deriving Pointer ..."
Gajendragadkar, Anjali ESEC/FSE '15: "Towards Automating the Security ..."
Galeotti, Juan Pablo ESEC/FSE '15: "Generating TCP/UDP Network ..."
Gall, Harald C. ESEC/FSE '15: "The Making of Cloud Applications: ..."
Gargantini, Angelo ESEC/FSE '15: "Improving Model-Based Test ..."
Garlan, David ESEC/FSE '15: "Proactive Self-Adaptation ..."
Ghaisas, Smita ESEC/FSE '15: "Towards Automating the Security ..."
Glanz, Leonid ESEC/FSE '15: "Hidden Truths in Dead Software ..."
Goknil, Arda ESEC/FSE '15: "UMTG: A Toolset to Automatically ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "NARCIA: An Automated Tool ..."
Gong, Liang ESEC/FSE '15: "JITProf: Pinpointing JIT-Unfriendly ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "MultiSE: Multi-path Symbolic ..."
Gorton, Ian ESEC/FSE '15: "Measure It? Manage It? Ignore ..."
Gousios, Georgios ESEC/FSE '15: "When, How, and Why Developers ..."
Goyal, Devesh ESEC/FSE '15: "Predicting Field Reliability ..."
Grawi, Ben ESEC/FSE '15: "Commit Guru: Analytics and ..."
Grebhahn, Alexander ESEC/FSE '15: "Performance-Influence Models ..."
Greenyer, Joel ESEC/FSE '15: "Evaluating a Formal Scenario-Based ..."
Grundy, John ESEC/FSE '15: "Rule-Based Extraction of Goal-Use ..."
Gu, Rui ESEC/FSE '15: "What Change History Tells ..."
Guelfirat, Tuncay ESEC/FSE '15: "Semantic Degrees for Industrie ..."
Guo, Shengjian ESEC/FSE '15: "Assertion Guided Symbolic ..."
Gupta, Aarti ESEC/FSE '15: "Assertion Guided Symbolic ..."
Gyori, Alex ESEC/FSE '15: "Comparing and Combining Test-Suite ..."
Haase, Max ESEC/FSE '15: "Evaluating a Formal Scenario-Based ..."
Haiduc, Sonia ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ESEC/FSE '15: "Nyx: A Display Energy Optimizer ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Event Anomalies ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "String Analysis for Java and ..."
Hammoudi, Mouna ESEC/FSE '15: "On the Use of Delta Debugging ..."
Hao, Dan ESEC/FSE '15: "Inner Oracles: Input-Specific ..."
Harris, William ESEC/FSE '15: "FlexJava: Language Support ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ESEC/FSE '15: "An Empirical Study of Goto ..."
Heckman, Sarah ESEC/FSE '15: "Bespoke Tools: Adapted to ..."
Heizmann, Matthias ESEC/FSE '15: "Witness Validation and Stepwise ..."
Hermann, Ben ESEC/FSE '15: "Hidden Truths in Dead Software ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Getting to Know You: Towards ..."
Heule, Stefan ESEC/FSE '15: "Mimic: Computing Models for ..."
Hoffmann, Henry ESEC/FSE '15: "Automated Multi-objective ..."
Huang, Jeff ESEC/FSE '15: "Finding Schedule-Sensitive ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "RDIT: Race Detection from ..."
Iqbal, Zohaib ESEC/FSE '15: "UMTG: A Toolset to Automatically ..."
Jain, Shuktika ESEC/FSE '15: "Automated Generation of Programming ..."
Janjua, Muhammad Umar ESEC/FSE '15: "OnSpot System: Test Impact ..."
Jarke, Matthias ESEC/FSE '15: "Gamification for Enforcing ..."
Jensen, Simon Holm ESEC/FSE '15: "MemInsight: Platform-Independent ..."
Jeon, Jinseong ESEC/FSE '15: "JSketch: Sketching for Java ..."
Jézéquel, Jean-Marc ESEC/FSE '15: "Product Lines Can Jeopardize ..."
Jin, Guoliang ESEC/FSE '15: "What Change History Tells ..."
Jin, Long ESEC/FSE '15: "Hey, You Have Given Me Too ..."
Jing, Xiaoyuan ESEC/FSE '15: "Heterogeneous Cross-Company ..."
Johnson, Brittany ESEC/FSE '15: "Questions Developers Ask While ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Bespoke Tools: Adapted to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "I Heart Hacker News: Expanding ..."
Jones, James A. ESEC/FSE '15: "Test Report Prioritization ..."
Kaiser, Gail ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient Dependency Detection ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka ESEC/FSE '15: "An Empirical Study of Goto ..."
Kanade, Aditya ESEC/FSE '15: "P3: Partitioned Path Profiling ..."
Kargén, Ulf ESEC/FSE '15: "Turning Programs against Each ..."
Karim, Rezwana ESEC/FSE '15: "Responsive Designs in a Snap ..."
Kästner, Christian ESEC/FSE '15: "Performance-Influence Models ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Cross-Language Program Slicing ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Semantic Merge Conflicts ..."
Kelkar, Rahul ESEC/FSE '15: "Towards Automating the Security ..."
Kevic, Katja ESEC/FSE '15: "Tracing Software Developers' ..."
Kim, Mijung ESEC/FSE '15: "REMI: Defect Prediction for ..."
Kim, Sunghun ESEC/FSE '15: "REMI: Defect Prediction for ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Crowd Debugging ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Heterogeneous Defect Prediction ..."
Kolovos, Dimitris S. ESEC/FSE '15: "OSSMETER: A Software Measurement ..."
Konopka, Martin ESEC/FSE '15: "Combining Eye Tracking with ..."
Korkontzelos, Ioannis ESEC/FSE '15: "OSSMETER: A Software Measurement ..."
Koski, Aapo ESEC/FSE '15: "Requirements, Architecture, ..."
Kruegel, Christopher ESEC/FSE '15: "CLAPP: Characterizing Loops ..."
Krusche, Stephan ESEC/FSE '15: "Using Software Theater for ..."
Kulesza, Uirá ESEC/FSE '15: "Summarizing and Measuring ..."
Kusano, Markus ESEC/FSE '15: "Assertion Guided Symbolic ..."
Lan, Tian ESEC/FSE '15: "Inner Oracles: Input-Specific ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. ESEC/FSE '15: "Information Retrieval and ..."
Le Goues, Claire ESEC/FSE '15: "Is the Cure Worse Than the ..."
Leite, Larissa ESEC/FSE '15: "UEDashboard: Awareness of ..."
Leitner, Philipp ESEC/FSE '15: "The Making of Cloud Applications: ..."
Li, Ding ESEC/FSE '15: "Nyx: A Display Energy Optimizer ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "String Analysis for Java and ..."
Lin, Shang-Wei ESEC/FSE '15: "TLV: Abstraction through Testing, ..."
Lin, Yun ESEC/FSE '15: "Clone-Based and Interactive ..."
Lin, Zhiqiang ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Deriving Pointer ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-completing Bug Reports ..."
Lipford, Heather Richter ESEC/FSE '15: "Questions Developers Ask While ..."
Liu, Yang ESEC/FSE '15: "TLV: Abstraction through Testing, ..."
Livshits, Benjamin ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting JavaScript Races ..."
Lo, David ESEC/FSE '15: "How Practitioners Perceive ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Information Retrieval and ..."
Long, Fan ESEC/FSE '15: "Staged Program Repair with ..."
Lu, Shan ESEC/FSE '15: "What Change History Tells ..."
Lyu, Yingjun ESEC/FSE '15: "String Analysis for Java and ..."
Machiry, Aravind ESEC/FSE '15: "CLAPP: Characterizing Loops ..."
Maggio, Martina ESEC/FSE '15: "Automated Multi-objective ..."
Makarov, Vladimir ESEC/FSE '15: "Don't Panic: Reverse Debugging ..."
Makihara, Erina ESEC/FSE '15: "Pockets: A Tool to Support ..."
Mangal, Ravi ESEC/FSE '15: "A User-Guided Approach to ..."
Maoz, Shahar ESEC/FSE '15: "GR(1) Synthesis for LTL Specification ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Behavioral Log Analysis with ..."
Marcus, Andrian ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Marhenke, Jörg ESEC/FSE '15: "Evaluating a Formal Scenario-Based ..."
Marinov, Darko ESEC/FSE '15: "Comparing and Combining Test-Suite ..."
Matinnejad, Reza ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective Test Suites for ..."
Matragkas, Nicholas ESEC/FSE '15: "OSSMETER: A Software Measurement ..."
Mayhorn, Chris ESEC/FSE '15: "Quantifying Developers' ..."
McIntosh, Shane ESEC/FSE '15: "An Empirical Study of Goto ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Event Anomalies ..."
Melski, Eric ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient Dependency Detection ..."
Mesbah, Ali ESEC/FSE '15: "Assertions Are Strongly Correlated ..."
Messinger, Christian ESEC/FSE '15: "Semantic Degrees for Industrie ..."
Meyer, Bertrand ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented ..."
Mezini, Mira ESEC/FSE '15: "Hidden Truths in Dead Software ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Getting to Know You: Towards ..."
Mikkonen, Tommi ESEC/FSE '15: "Requirements, Architecture, ..."
M.Mahally, Mahshad ESEC/FSE '15: "Barriers and Enablers for ..."
Mockus, Audris ESEC/FSE '15: "An Empirical Study of Goto ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "A Method to Identify and Correct ..."
Monperrus, Martin ESEC/FSE '15: "Crash Reproduction via Test ..."
Moran, Kevin ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-completing Bug Reports ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Enhancing Android Application ..."
Moreno, Gabriel A. ESEC/FSE '15: "Proactive Self-Adaptation ..."
Moreno, Laura ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Motwani, Manish ESEC/FSE '15: "Towards Automating the Security ..."
Müller, Sebastian C. ESEC/FSE '15: "iTrace: Enabling Eye Tracking ..."
Murphy, Gail C. ESEC/FSE '15: "Impact of Developer Turnover ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson ESEC/FSE '15: "Questions Developers Ask While ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Quantifying Developers' ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Bespoke Tools: Adapted to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "I Heart Hacker News: Expanding ..."
Mutlu, Erdal ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting JavaScript Races ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan ESEC/FSE '15: "An Empirical Study of Goto ..."
Nagappan, Nachiappan ESEC/FSE '15: "How Practitioners Perceive ..."
Naik, Mayur ESEC/FSE '15: "A User-Guided Approach to ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "FlexJava: Language Support ..."
Nam, Jaechang ESEC/FSE '15: "REMI: Defect Prediction for ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Heterogeneous Defect Prediction ..."
Nanz, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '15: "Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented ..."
Necula, George ESEC/FSE '15: "MultiSE: Multi-path Symbolic ..."
Nejati, Shiva ESEC/FSE '15: "Effective Test Suites for ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ESEC/FSE '15: "Cross-Language Program Slicing ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Semantic Merge Conflicts ..."
Nguyen, My Huu ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Semantic Merge Conflicts ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ESEC/FSE '15: "Cross-Language Program Slicing ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Detecting Semantic Merge Conflicts ..."
Nguyen, Tuong Huan ESEC/FSE '15: "Rule-Based Extraction of Goal-Use ..."
Nord, Robert L. ESEC/FSE '15: "Measure It? Manage It? Ignore ..."
Nori, Aditya V. ESEC/FSE '15: "A User-Guided Approach to ..."
North, Kevin J. ESEC/FSE '15: "GitSonifier: Using Sound to ..."
Oentaryo, Richard J. ESEC/FSE '15: "Information Retrieval and ..."
Olajubu, Oyindamola ESEC/FSE '15: "A Textual Domain Specific ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Query-Based Configuration ..."
Orso, Alessandro ESEC/FSE '15: "Users Beware: Preference Inconsistencies ..."
Ozkaya, Ipek ESEC/FSE '15: "Measure It? Manage It? Ignore ..."
Palyart, Marc ESEC/FSE '15: "Impact of Developer Turnover ..."
Pandita, Rahul ESEC/FSE '15: "Bespoke Tools: Adapted to ..."
Panichella, Annibale ESEC/FSE '15: "When, How, and Why Developers ..."
Parameshwaran, Inian ESEC/FSE '15: "DexterJS: Robust Testing Platform ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-patching DOM-Based XSS ..."
Park, Jongse ESEC/FSE '15: "FlexJava: Language Support ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. ESEC/FSE '15: "Iterative Distribution-Aware ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio ESEC/FSE '15: "UMTG: A Toolset to Automatically ..."
Pasupathy, Shankar ESEC/FSE '15: "Hey, You Have Given Me Too ..."
Peng, Xin ESEC/FSE '15: "Clone-Based and Interactive ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ESEC/FSE '15: "Symbolic Execution of Programs ..."
Pham, Raphael ESEC/FSE '15: "Automatically Recommending ..."
Platenius, Marie Christin ESEC/FSE '15: "Comprehensive Service Matching ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ESEC/FSE '15: "Optimizing Energy Consumption ..." ESEC/FSE '15: "Auto-completing Bug Reports ..."
Pradel, Michael ESEC/FSE '15: "JITProf: Pinpointing JIT-Unfriendly ..."
Prasetya, I. S. Wishnu B. ESEC/FSE '15: "T3i: A Tool for Generating ..."
Prause, Christian R. ESEC/FSE '15: "Gamification for Enforcing ..."