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22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2014), November 16–21, 2014, Hong Kong, China

FSE 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Agha, Gul FSE '14: "Solving Complex Path Conditions ..."
Aiken, Alex FSE '14: "Apposcopy: Semantics-Based ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis FSE '14: "Learning Natural Coding Conventions ..." FSE '14: "Mining Idioms from Source ..."
Alves, Everton L. G. FSE '14: "RefDistiller: A Refactoring ..."
Amann, Sven FSE '14: "An Empirical Study on Program ..."
Anand, Saswat FSE '14: "Apposcopy: Semantics-Based ..."
Andreasen, Esben FSE '14: "SymJS: Automatic Symbolic ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. FSE '14: "Variable-Specific Resolutions ..."
Autili, Marco FSE '14: "CHOReOSynt: Enforcing Choreography ..."
Bae, SungGyeong FSE '14: "SAFEWAPI: Web API Misuse Detector ..."
Baltes, Sebastian FSE '14: "Linking Sketches and Diagrams ..." FSE '14: "Sketches and Diagrams in Practice ..."
Banerjee, Abhijeet FSE '14: "Static Analysis Driven Performance ..." FSE '14: "Detecting Energy Bugs and ..."
Barr, Earl T. FSE '14: "Learning Natural Coding Conventions ..." FSE '14: "The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis ..."
Bavota, Gabriele FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Baysal, Olga FSE '14: "No Issue Left Behind: Reducing ..."
Becker, Steffen FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Behrang, Farnaz FSE '14: "A Foundation for Refactoring ..."
Behringer, Benjamin FSE '14: "Integrating Approaches for ..."
Bell, Jonathan FSE '14: "Detecting, Isolating, and ..."
Binkley, David FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..."
Bird, Christian FSE '14: "Learning Natural Coding Conventions ..."
Blanc, Xavier FSE '14: "Speculative Reprogramming ..."
Bocovich, Cecylia FSE '14: "Variable-Specific Resolutions ..."
Bodden, Eric FSE '14: "FlowTwist: Efficient Context-Sensitive ..."
Böhme, Marcel FSE '14: "On the Efficiency of Automated ..."
Bosu, Amiangshu FSE '14: "Identifying the Characteristics ..."
Bräunlich, Christoph FSE '14: "Developers’ Code Context ..."
Brun, Yuriy FSE '14: "Automatic Mining of Specifications ..." FSE '14: "The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis ..."
Brünink, Marc FSE '14: "Autonomous Compliance Monitoring ..."
Bunescu, Razvan FSE '14: "Learning to Rank Relevant ..."
Cai, Yuanfang FSE '14: "Titan: A Toolset That Connects ..."
Canfora, Gerardo FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. FSE '14: "Identifying the Characteristics ..."
Chandra, Satish FSE '14: "Are You Getting Traction? ..."
Chattopadhyay, Sudipta FSE '14: "Detecting Energy Bugs and ..."
Cho, Hyunghun FSE '14: "SAFEWAPI: Web API Misuse Detector ..."
Chong, Lee Kee FSE '14: "Detecting Energy Bugs and ..."
Clause, James FSE '14: "Improving Oracle Quality by ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane FSE '14: "Archie: A Tool for Detecting, ..." FSE '14: "Achieving Lightweight Trustworthy ..."
Cohen, Myra B. FSE '14: "Beyond the Rainbow: Self-Adaptive ..."
Cordy, Maxime FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..." FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Dabbish, Laura FSE '14: "Let's Talk About It: Evaluating ..."
Damian, Daniela FSE '14: "Methodology and Culture: Drivers ..."
Dawagne, Bruno FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..."
Day, Nancy A. FSE '14: "Verifying CTL-Live Properties ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar FSE '14: "A Large Scale Study of Programming ..." FSE '14: "On the Localness of Software ..." FSE '14: "The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis ..." FSE '14: "Focus-Shifting Patterns of ..." FSE '14: "Panning Requirement Nuggets ..."
Devroey, Xavier FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Dewey, Kyle FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Dhawan, Mohan FSE '14: "Efficient Runtime-Enforcement ..."
Diehl, Stephan FSE '14: "Linking Sketches and Diagrams ..." FSE '14: "Sketches and Diagrams in Practice ..."
Dig, Danny FSE '14: "BumbleBee: A Refactoring Environment ..." FSE '14: "Retrofitting Concurrency for ..."
Dillig, Isil FSE '14: "Apposcopy: Semantics-Based ..."
Dinges, Peter FSE '14: "Solving Complex Path Conditions ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide FSE '14: "CHOReOSynt: Enforcing Choreography ..."
Di Salle, Amleto FSE '14: "CHOReOSynt: Enforcing Choreography ..."
Dong, Jin Song FSE '14: "RaPiD: A Toolkit for Reliability ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. FSE '14: "Beyond the Rainbow: Self-Adaptive ..."
Dyer, Robert FSE '14: "Mining Preconditions of APIs ..."
Dziwok, Stefan FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian FSE '14: "Techniques for Improving Regression ..." FSE '14: "Known Unknowns: Testing in ..."
Eloussi, Lamyaa FSE '14: "An Empirical Analysis of Flaky ..."
Elsner, Christoph FSE '14: "Architecture Challenges for ..."
Ernst, Michael D. FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..."
Eslamimehr, Mahdi FSE '14: "Sherlock: Scalable Deadlock ..."
Fakhry, Ahmed FSE '14: "Archie: A Tool for Detecting, ..."
Feng, Yu FSE '14: "Apposcopy: Semantics-Based ..."
Filieri, Antonio FSE '14: "Statistical Symbolic Execution ..."
Filkov, Vladimir FSE '14: "A Large Scale Study of Programming ..." FSE '14: "Focus-Shifting Patterns of ..."
Firestone, Justin FSE '14: "Beyond the Rainbow: Self-Adaptive ..."
Fischer, Bernd FSE '14: "ConceptCloud: A Tagcloud Browser ..."
Fraser, Gordon FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..."
Fritz, Thomas FSE '14: "Software Developers’ Perceptions ..." FSE '14: "Developers’ Code Context ..."
Galeotti, Juan Pablo FSE '14: "XMLMate: Evolutionary XML ..."
Ganapathy, Vinod FSE '14: "Efficient Runtime-Enforcement ..."
Gao, Zheng FSE '14: "Numerical Program Analysis ..."
Garvin, Brady J. FSE '14: "Beyond the Rainbow: Self-Adaptive ..."
Geldenhuys, Jaco FSE '14: "Statistical Symbolic Execution ..."
Gerking, Christopher FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Ghosh, Indradeep FSE '14: "SymJS: Automatic Symbolic ..."
Gibbons, Kevin FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Gligoric, Milos FSE '14: "Balancing Trade-Offs in Test-Suite ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. FSE '14: "No Issue Left Behind: Reducing ..."
Goffi, Alberto FSE '14: "Search-Based Synthesis of ..."
Gold, Nicolas FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..."
Gorla, Alessandra FSE '14: "Search-Based Synthesis of ..."
Grechko, Artem FSE '14: "Archie: A Tool for Detecting, ..."
Greene, Gillian J. FSE '14: "ConceptCloud: A Tagcloud Browser ..."
Gu, Ming FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Gui, Lin FSE '14: "RaPiD: A Toolkit for Reliability ..."
Gulwani, Sumit FSE '14: "Feedback Generation for Performance ..."
Gyori, Alex FSE '14: "Balancing Trade-Offs in Test-Suite ..."
Hafiz, Munawar FSE '14: "Identifying the Characteristics ..." FSE '14: "A Foundation for Refactoring ..."
Hardekopf, Ben FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Hariri, Farah FSE '14: "An Empirical Analysis of Flaky ..."
Harman, Mark FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..." FSE '14: "The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. FSE '14: "Prioritizing the Devices to ..."
Havrikov, Nikolas FSE '14: "XMLMate: Evolutionary XML ..."
He, Jifeng FSE '14: "Aalta: An LTL Satisfiability ..."
Heinzemann, Christian FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Herbsleb, James FSE '14: "Let's Talk About It: Evaluating ..."
Hermann, Ben FSE '14: "FlowTwist: Efficient Context-Sensitive ..."
Hermans, Felienne FSE '14: "BumbleBee: A Refactoring Environment ..."
Heymans, Patrick FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..."
Higo, Yoshiki FSE '14: "How Should We Measure Functional ..."
Hilley, Patrick FSE '14: "Identifying the Characteristics ..."
Holmes, Reid FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..." FSE '14: "No Issue Left Behind: Reducing ..."
Höschele, Matthias FSE '14: "XMLMate: Evolutionary XML ..."
Huo, Chen FSE '14: "Improving Oracle Quality by ..."
Inozemtseva, Laura FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..."
Islam, Syed FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..."
Jaffar, Joxan FSE '14: "A Path-Sensitively Sliced ..."
Jalali, Darioush FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..."
Janni, Derek FSE '14: "Identifying the Characteristics ..."
Jha, Somesh FSE '14: "Efficient Runtime-Enforcement ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao FSE '14: "Vector Abstraction and Concretization ..."
Jiang, Yu FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Jørgensen, Magne FSE '14: "Ten Years with Evidence-Based ..."
Joiner, Richard FSE '14: "Efficient Runtime-Enforcement ..."
Joseph, Harry Raymond FSE '14: "Software Programmer Management: ..."
Just, René FSE '14: "Are Mutants a Valid Substitute ..."
Kan, Shuanglong FSE '14: "Traceability and Model Checking ..."
Kashyap, Vineeth FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Kasi, Bakhtiar Khan FSE '14: "Minimizing Software Conflicts ..."
Kästner, Christian FSE '14: "Building Call Graphs for Embedded ..."
Kazman, Rick FSE '14: "Titan: A Toolset That Connects ..."
Kevic, Katja FSE '14: "Developers’ Code Context ..."
Khalid, Hammad FSE '14: "Prioritizing the Devices to ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..." FSE '14: "Vector Abstraction and Concretization ..."
Kiesling, Stephan FSE '14: "Enablers, Inhibitors, and ..."
Kim, Jindae FSE '14: "Automatically Generated Patches ..."
Kim, Miryung FSE '14: "RefDistiller: A Refactoring ..." FSE '14: "Critics: An Interactive Code ..."
Kim, Sunghun FSE '14: "How We Get There: A Context-Guided ..." FSE '14: "Automatically Generated Patches ..."
Kochhar, Pavneet Singh FSE '14: "BugLocalizer: Integrated Tool ..."
Krinke, Jens FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..."
Krka, Ivo FSE '14: "Automatic Mining of Specifications ..."
Kuefner, Ethan A. FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji FSE '14: "How Should We Measure Functional ..."
Lal, Akash FSE '14: "Powering the Static Driver ..."
Lam, Monica S. FSE '14: "Omlet: A Revolution against ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. FSE '14: "BugLocalizer: Integrated Tool ..."
Legay, Axel FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..." FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Lerch, Johannes FSE '14: "FlowTwist: Efficient Context-Sensitive ..."
Leucker, Martin FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..."
Li, Guodong FSE '14: "SymJS: Automatic Symbolic ..."
Li, Jianwen FSE '14: "Aalta: An LTL Satisfiability ..."
Lim, Inho FSE '14: "SAFEWAPI: Web API Misuse Detector ..."
Lin, Yu FSE '14: "Retrofitting Concurrency for ..."
Liskin, Olga FSE '14: "Enablers, Inhibitors, and ..."
Liu, Chang FSE '14: "Learning to Rank Relevant ..."
Liu, Han FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Liu, Peng FSE '14: "Grail: Context-Aware Fixing ..." FSE '14: "Semantics-Based Obfuscation-Resilient ..."
Liu, Yang FSE '14: "RaPiD: A Toolkit for Reliability ..."
Llerena, Yamilet R. Serrano FSE '14: "Dealing with Uncertainty in ..."
Lo, David FSE '14: "BugLocalizer: Integrated Tool ..."
Lohmann, Daniel FSE '14: "Architecture Challenges for ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Lu, Shan FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Luo, Lannan FSE '14: "Semantics-Based Obfuscation-Resilient ..."
Luo, Qingzhou FSE '14: "An Empirical Analysis of Flaky ..."
Mäder, Patrick FSE '14: "Achieving Lightweight Trustworthy ..."
Mahmood, Riyadh FSE '14: "EvoDroid: Segmented Evolutionary ..."
Malek, Sam FSE '14: "EvoDroid: Segmented Evolutionary ..."
Mani, Senthil FSE '14: "Panning Requirement Nuggets ..."
Marcus, Andrian FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Marinov, Darko FSE '14: "Balancing Trade-Offs in Test-Suite ..." FSE '14: "An Empirical Analysis of Flaky ..."
Marmsoler, Diego FSE '14: "Towards a Theory of Architectural ..."
Mattavelli, Andrea FSE '14: "Search-Based Synthesis of ..."
Mazinanian, Davood FSE '14: "Discovering Refactoring Opportunities ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad FSE '14: "Automatic Mining of Specifications ..."
Mesbah, Ali FSE '14: "Discovering Refactoring Opportunities ..."
Meyer, André N. FSE '14: "Software Developers’ Perceptions ..."
Mezini, Mira FSE '14: "An Empirical Study on Program ..." FSE '14: "FlowTwist: Efficient Context-Sensitive ..."
Milea, Narcisa Andreea FSE '14: "Vector Abstraction and Concretization ..."
Ming, Jiang FSE '14: "Semantics-Based Obfuscation-Resilient ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi FSE '14: "Archie: A Tool for Detecting, ..."
Mirzaei, Nariman FSE '14: "EvoDroid: Segmented Evolutionary ..."
Mockus, Audris FSE '14: "Mining Micro-practices from ..."
Monperrus, Martin FSE '14: "Test Case Purification for ..."
Moreno, Laura FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Murali, Vijayaraghavan FSE '14: "A Path-Sensitively Sliced ..."
Murphy, Gail C. FSE '14: "Software Developers’ Perceptions ..." FSE '14: "Speculative Reprogramming ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson FSE '14: "Speculative Reprogramming ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan FSE '14: "Prioritizing the Devices to ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh FSE '14: "Mining Preconditions of APIs ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet FSE '14: "Building Call Graphs for Embedded ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. FSE '14: "Mining Preconditions of APIs ..." FSE '14: "Building Call Graphs for Embedded ..."
Nguyen, Truong Khanh FSE '14: "RaPiD: A Toolkit for Reliability ..."
Okano, Aaron FSE '14: "Focus-Shifting Patterns of ..."
Oliveto, Rocco FSE '14: "Automatic Generation of Release ..."
Overbey, Jeffrey L. FSE '14: "A Foundation for Refactoring ..."
Palsberg, Jens FSE '14: "Sherlock: Scalable Deadlock ..."
Palyart, Marc FSE '14: "Speculative Reprogramming ..."
Papadakis, Mike FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. FSE '14: "Statistical Symbolic Execution ..."
Paul, Soumya FSE '14: "On the Efficiency of Automated ..."
Penix, John FSE '14: "Experiences Developing Tools ..." FSE '14: "Techniques for Improving Regression ..."
Perrouin, Gilles FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Perucci, Alexander FSE '14: "CHOReOSynt: Enforcing Choreography ..."
Petre, Marian FSE '14: "Methodology and Culture: Drivers ..."
Pezzè, Mauro FSE '14: "Search-Based Synthesis of ..."
Pham, Raphael FSE '14: "Improving the Software Testing ..." FSE '14: "Enablers, Inhibitors, and ..."
Pohlmann, Uwe FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Posnett, Daryl FSE '14: "A Large Scale Study of Programming ..."
Proksch, Sebastian FSE '14: "An Empirical Study on Program ..."
Pu, Geguang FSE '14: "Aalta: An LTL Satisfiability ..."
Qadeer, Shaz FSE '14: "Powering the Static Driver ..."
Qi, Shanxiang FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Radiček, Ivan FSE '14: "Feedback Generation for Performance ..."
Radoi, Cosmin FSE '14: "Retrofitting Concurrency for ..."
Rahimi, Mona FSE '14: "Achieving Lightweight Trustworthy ..."
Rajan, Hridesh FSE '14: "Mining Preconditions of APIs ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna FSE '14: "Omen+: A Precise Dynamic Deadlock ..."
Ray, Baishakhi FSE '14: "A Large Scale Study of Programming ..."
Ren, Jinglei FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Reps, Thomas FSE '14: "Efficient Runtime-Enforcement ..."
Robillard, Martin P. FSE '14: "Selection and Presentation ..."
Rosenblum, David S. FSE '14: "Known Unknowns: Testing in ..."
Rothermel, Gregg FSE '14: "Techniques for Improving Regression ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik FSE '14: "Detecting Energy Bugs and ..."
Ryu, Sukyoung FSE '14: "SAFEWAPI: Web API Misuse Detector ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido FSE '14: "An Empirical Study on Program ..."
Samak, Malavika FSE '14: "Omen+: A Precise Dynamic Deadlock ..."
Sankaranarayanan, Karthik FSE '14: "Panning Requirement Nuggets ..."
Sarracino, John FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Sarro, Federica FSE '14: "The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis ..."
Schmitz, Peter FSE '14: "Linking Sketches and Diagrams ..."
Schneider, Kurt FSE '14: "Enablers, Inhibitors, and ..."
Schobbens, Pierre-Yves FSE '14: "Counterexample Guided Abstraction ..." FSE '14: "A Variability Perspective ..."
Schultis, Klaus-Benedikt FSE '14: "Architecture Challenges for ..."
Seo, Hyunmin FSE '14: "How We Get There: A Context-Guided ..."
Shepherd, David C. FSE '14: "Developers’ Code Context ..."
Shi, August FSE '14: "Balancing Trade-Offs in Test-Suite ..."
Shihab, Emad FSE '14: "Prioritizing the Devices to ..."
Singer, Leif FSE '14: "Enablers, Inhibitors, and ..."
Sinha, Vibha Singhal FSE '14: "Panning Requirement Nuggets ..."
Snipes, Will FSE '14: "Developers’ Code Context ..."
Song, Myoungkyu FSE '14: "RefDistiller: A Refactoring ..." FSE '14: "Critics: An Interactive Code ..."
Song, Shuo FSE '14: "Estimating the Effectiveness ..."
Song, Xiaoyu FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Su, Zhendong FSE '14: "On the Localness of Software ..."
Sun, Chengnian FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..." FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Sun, Jiaguang FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Sun, Jun FSE '14: "RaPiD: A Toolkit for Reliability ..."
Sutton, Charles FSE '14: "Learning Natural Coding Conventions ..." FSE '14: "Mining Idioms from Source ..."
Swanson, Jacob FSE '14: "Beyond the Rainbow: Self-Adaptive ..."
Tao, Yida FSE '14: "Automatically Generated Patches ..."
Thiele, Sebastian FSE '14: "A Tool Suite for the Model-Driven ..."
Thung, Ferdian FSE '14: "BugLocalizer: Integrated Tool ..."
Tonella, Paolo FSE '14: "Search-Based Synthesis of ..."
Tripp, Omer FSE '14: "Grail: Context-Aware Fixing ..."
Tsantalis, Nikolaos FSE '14: "Discovering Refactoring Opportunities ..."
Tsay, Jason FSE '14: "Let's Talk About It: Evaluating ..."
Tu, Zhaopeng FSE '14: "On the Localness of Software ..."
Vakili, Amirhossein FSE '14: "Verifying CTL-Live Properties ..."
Villavicencio, Gustavo FSE '14: "Software Maintenance like ..."
Visser, Willem FSE '14: "Statistical Symbolic Execution ..."
Wagner, John FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Wang, Qiang FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Wiedermann, Ben FSE '14: "JSAI: A Static Analysis Platform ..."
Wieloch, Matteusz FSE '14: "Archie: A Tool for Detecting, ..."
Wille, David FSE '14: "Managing Lots of Models: The ..."
Wolf, Alexander L. FSE '14: "From Software Engineering ..."
Wu, Dinghao FSE '14: "Semantics-Based Obfuscation-Resilient ..."
Wu, Rongxin FSE '14: "Diagnose Crashing Faults on ..."
Wu, Yongwei FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Xiao, Lu FSE '14: "Titan: A Toolset That Connects ..." FSE '14: "Detecting and Preventing the ..."
Xu, Chang FSE '14: "Automatically Generated Patches ..."
Xuan, Jifeng FSE '14: "Test Case Purification for ..."
Xuan, Qi FSE '14: "Focus-Shifting Patterns of ..."
Yang, Xin FSE '14: "Social Network Analysis in ..."
Yao, Yinbo FSE '14: "Aalta: An LTL Satisfiability ..."
Ye, Xin FSE '14: "Learning to Rank Relevant ..."
Ying, Annie T. T. FSE '14: "Selection and Presentation ..."
Yoo, Shin FSE '14: "ORBS: Language-Independent ..."
Zaytsev, Andrey FSE '14: "Balancing Trade-Offs in Test-Suite ..."
Zeller, Andreas FSE '14: "XMLMate: Evolutionary XML ..."
Zhang, Charles FSE '14: "Grail: Context-Aware Fixing ..."
Zhang, Dongmei FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Zhang, Haidong FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Zhang, Hehua FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Zhang, Hongyu FSE '14: "Querying Sequential Software ..."
Zhang, Huafeng FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Zhang, Lijun FSE '14: "Aalta: An LTL Satisfiability ..."
Zhang, Mingxing FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Zhang, Tianyi FSE '14: "Critics: An Interactive Code ..."
Zhao, Xinyan FSE '14: "Tsmart-GalsBlock: A Toolkit ..."
Zheng, Weimin FSE '14: "AI: A Lightweight System for ..."
Zhou, Minghui FSE '14: "Mining Micro-practices from ..."
Zhu, Sencun FSE '14: "Semantics-Based Obfuscation-Resilient ..."
Zimmermann, Thomas FSE '14: "Data Hard with a Vengeance ..." FSE '14: "Software Developers’ Perceptions ..."