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2013 9th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), August 18–26, 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia

ESEC/FSE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Acher, Mathieu ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..."
Albert, Elvira ESEC/FSE '13: "aPET: A Test Case Generation ..."
Amornborvornwong, Sorawit ESEC/FSE '13: "Improving Trace Accuracy through ..."
Apel, Sven ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Arenas, Puri ESEC/FSE '13: "aPET: A Test Case Generation ..."
Arora, Chetan ESEC/FSE '13: "RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for ..."
Autili, Marco ESEC/FSE '13: "Producing Software by Integration: ..."
Bando, Yosuke ESEC/FSE '13: "ShAir: Extensible Middleware ..."
Baresi, Luciano ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Barros, Paulo ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Batory, Don ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Bergel, Alexandre ESEC/FSE '13: "Artifact Evaluation (Summary) ..."
Berkovich, Shay ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Bernal-Cárdenas, Carlos ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Bertolino, Antonia ESEC/FSE '13: "Adequate Monitoring of Service ..."
Bettini, Lorenzo ESEC/FSE '13: "Artifact Evaluation (Summary) ..."
Beyer, Dirk ESEC/FSE '13: "Precision Reuse for Efficient ..."
Bird, Christian ESEC/FSE '13: "Convergent Contemporary Software ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Diversity in Software Engineering ..."
Blincoe, Kelly ESEC/FSE '13: "Do All Task Dependencies Require ..."
Böhme, Marcel ESEC/FSE '13: "Regression Tests to Expose ..."
Bonakdarpour, Borzoo ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Borgström, Johannes ESEC/FSE '13: "Bayesian Inference using Data ..."
Braione, Pietro ESEC/FSE '13: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Brenner, Christian ESEC/FSE '13: "Incrementally Synthesizing ..."
Briand, Lionel ESEC/FSE '13: "RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for ..."
Bruegge, Bernd ESEC/FSE '13: "Towards Emotional Awareness ..."
Brun, Yuriy ESEC/FSE '13: "Making Offline Analyses Continuous ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Data Debugging with Continuous ..."
Brutch, Tasneem ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Selective Record-Replay ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Tool Framework ..."
Buy, Ugo ESEC/FSE '13: "Preventing Database Deadlocks ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "REDACT: Preventing Database ..."
Cadar, Cristian ESEC/FSE '13: "KATCH: High-Coverage Testing ..."
Calefato, Fabio ESEC/FSE '13: "SocialCDE: A Social Awareness ..."
Carvalho, Gustavo ESEC/FSE '13: "RSA-MBT: A Test Tool for Generating ..."
Chechik, Marsha ESEC/FSE '13: "N-Way Model Merging ..."
Chen, Yuting ESEC/FSE '13: "Extracting URLs from JavaScript ..."
Cheung, S. C. ESEC/FSE '13: "A Cost-Effectiveness Criterion ..."
Chimdyalwar, Bharti ESEC/FSE '13: "Precise Range Analysis on ..."
Claret, Guillaume ESEC/FSE '13: "Bayesian Inference using Data ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Improving Trace Accuracy through ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ESEC/FSE '13: "Efficiency and Early Fault ..."
Cordy, Maxime ESEC/FSE '13: "Incrementally Synthesizing ..."
Costa, Andrew Diniz da ESEC/FSE '13: "RSA-MBT: A Test Tool for Generating ..."
Dajsuren, Yanja ESEC/FSE '13: "Automotive Architecture Description ..."
Damian, Daniela ESEC/FSE '13: "Do All Task Dependencies Require ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Davril, Jean-Marc ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..."
De Gooijer, Thijmen ESEC/FSE '13: "Agreements for Software Reuse ..."
Delac, Goran ESEC/FSE '13: "Prediction of Atomic Web Services ..."
Delfosse, Edouard ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..."
De Lucena, Carlos José Pereira ESEC/FSE '13: "RSA-MBT: A Test Tool for Generating ..."
Denaro, Giovanni ESEC/FSE '13: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Deng, Yangdong ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Detlefs, Dave ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ESEC/FSE '13: "Sample Size vs. Bias in Defect ..."
Dhoolia, Pankaj ESEC/FSE '13: "Distributed Program Tracing ..."
Dig, Danny ESEC/FSE '13: "Crossing the Gap from Imperative ..."
DiGiuseppe, Nicholas ESEC/FSE '13: "Automatically Describing Software ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide ESEC/FSE '13: "Producing Software by Integration: ..."
Dolby, Julian ESEC/FSE '13: "Finding Incorrect Compositions ..."
Dong, Jin Song ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Dörre, Jens ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Dubinsky, Yael ESEC/FSE '13: "Where Is the Business Logic? ..."
Dubois, Daniel J. ESEC/FSE '13: "ShAir: Extensible Middleware ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Understanding Gamification ..."
Dustdar, Schahram ESEC/FSE '13: "Iterative Test Suites Refinement ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '13: "Cascading Verification: An ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ESEC/FSE '13: "Making Offline Analyses Continuous ..."
Escoffier, Clement ESEC/FSE '13: "h-ubu: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Fanning, Michael ESEC/FSE '13: "Practical Static Analysis ..."
Farzan, Azadeh ESEC/FSE '13: "Con2colic Testing ..."
Feldman, Yishai ESEC/FSE '13: "Where Is the Business Logic? ..."
Fernando, Lakshan ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Filieri, Antonio ESEC/FSE '13: "Iterative Test Suites Refinement ..."
Finkelstein, Anthony ESEC/FSE '13: "Cascading Verification: An ..."
Fischmeister, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Franklin, Lyle ESEC/FSE '13: "Crossing the Gap from Imperative ..."
Fraser, Steven ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Furia, Carlo A. ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Gall, Harald ESEC/FSE '13: "Empirical Answers to Fundamental ..."
Gambi, Alessio ESEC/FSE '13: "Iterative Test Suites Refinement ..."
Ganesh, Vijay ESEC/FSE '13: "Z3-str: A Z3-Based String ..."
Garcia, Joshua ESEC/FSE '13: "Identifying Message Flow in ..."
Gibbs, Simon ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Selective Record-Replay ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Tool Framework ..."
Gnaga, Raul ESEC/FSE '13: "RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for ..."
Gokbulut, Sedar ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Goldstein, Maayan ESEC/FSE '13: "Where Is the Business Logic? ..."
Gómez-Zamalloa, Miguel ESEC/FSE '13: "aPET: A Test Case Generation ..."
Gong, Jiangtao ESEC/FSE '13: "BugMap: A Topographic Map ..."
Gonthier, Georges ESEC/FSE '13: "Software Engineering for Mathematics ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Gordon, Andrew D. ESEC/FSE '13: "Bayesian Inference using Data ..."
Grechanik, Mark ESEC/FSE '13: "Preventing Database Deadlocks ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "REDACT: Preventing Database ..."
Greenyer, Joel ESEC/FSE '13: "Incrementally Synthesizing ..."
Gressi, Erika ESEC/FSE '13: "Incrementally Synthesizing ..."
Gros, Charles-Henri ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable and Incremental Software ..."
Gu, Ming ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Guzman, Emitza ESEC/FSE '13: "Towards Emotional Awareness ..."
Gyori, Alex ESEC/FSE '13: "Crossing the Gap from Imperative ..."
Hackbarth, Randy ESEC/FSE '13: "Risky Files: An Approach to ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ESEC/FSE '13: "Identifying Message Flow in ..."
Hariri, Negar ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..."
Harman, Mark ESEC/FSE '13: "Efficiency and Early Fault ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Searching for Better Configurations: ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Empirical Answers to Fundamental ..."
Hashmi, Hammad ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Hawblitzel, Chris ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Differential Assertion Checking ..."
Hemmati, Hadi ESEC/FSE '13: "Using Fault History to Improve ..."
Herraiz, Israel ESEC/FSE '13: "Sample Size vs. Bias in Defect ..."
Heymans, Patrick ESEC/FSE '13: "Feature Model Extraction from ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Incrementally Synthesizing ..."
Holmes, Reid ESEC/FSE '13: "Using Fault History to Improve ..."
Holtzman, Henry ESEC/FSE '13: "ShAir: Extensible Middleware ..."
Holzer, Andreas ESEC/FSE '13: "Con2colic Testing ..."
Hossain, B. M. Mainul ESEC/FSE '13: "Preventing Database Deadlocks ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "REDACT: Preventing Database ..."
Hu, Gang ESEC/FSE '13: "Effective Dynamic Detection ..."
Hung, William N. N. ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..."
Inozemtseva, Laura ESEC/FSE '13: "Using Fault History to Improve ..."
Inverardi, Paola ESEC/FSE '13: "Producing Software by Integration: ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Jaffar, Joxan ESEC/FSE '13: "Boosting Concolic Testing ..."
Jensen, Casper S. ESEC/FSE '13: "Server Interface Descriptions ..."
Jia, Yue ESEC/FSE '13: "Searching for Better Configurations: ..."
Jiang, Yu ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Joshi, Yogi ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Kalasapur, Swaroop ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Selective Record-Replay ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Tool Framework ..."
Karim, Rezwana ESEC/FSE '13: "Compiling Mockups to Flexible ..."
Kästner, Christian ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng ESEC/FSE '13: "Mining Succinct Predicated ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Kim, Chang Hwan Peter ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Koziolek, Heiko ESEC/FSE '13: "Agreements for Software Reuse ..."
Krinke, Jens ESEC/FSE '13: "Searching for Better Configurations: ..."
Kumar, Rahul ESEC/FSE '13: "The Economics of Static Analysis ..."
Kumar, Shrawan ESEC/FSE '13: "Precise Range Analysis on ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Differential Assertion Checking ..."
Lahoda, Jan ESEC/FSE '13: "Crossing the Gap from Imperative ..."
Lalanda, Philippe ESEC/FSE '13: "h-ubu: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Lanubile, Filippo ESEC/FSE '13: "SocialCDE: A Social Awareness ..."
Lengauer, Christian ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Li, Bixin ESEC/FSE '13: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Li, Kaituo ESEC/FSE '13: "Second-Order Constraints in ..."
Li, Zonghui ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Liang, Guangtai ESEC/FSE '13: "Inferring Project-Specific ..."
Liebig, Jörg ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Liu, Han ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..."
Liu, Peng ESEC/FSE '13: "Finding Incorrect Compositions ..."
Liu, Shuang ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Liu, Yang ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Livshits, Benjamin ESEC/FSE '13: "Practical Static Analysis ..."
Lohar, Sugandha ESEC/FSE '13: "Improving Trace Accuracy through ..."
Lopez, Nicolas ESEC/FSE '13: "Using Topic Models to Understand ..."
Löwe, Stefan ESEC/FSE '13: "Precision Reuse for Efficient ..."
Machiry, Aravind ESEC/FSE '13: "Dynodroid: An Input Generation ..."
Madsen, Magnus ESEC/FSE '13: "Practical Static Analysis ..."
Maoz, Shahar ESEC/FSE '13: "Synthesis of Component and ..."
Marchetti, Eda ESEC/FSE '13: "Adequate Monitoring of Service ..."
Marchetto, Alessandro ESEC/FSE '13: "Automated Oracles: An Empirical ..."
Marinescu, Paul Dan ESEC/FSE '13: "KATCH: High-Coverage Testing ..."
Marinov, Darko ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
McMillan, Kenneth L. ESEC/FSE '13: "Differential Assertion Checking ..."
McPeak, Scott ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable and Incremental Software ..."
Medhat, Ramy ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ESEC/FSE '13: "Identifying Message Flow in ..."
Mei, Hong ESEC/FSE '13: "Inferring Project-Specific ..."
Meliou, Alexandra ESEC/FSE '13: "Data Debugging with Continuous ..."
Meyer, Bertrand ESEC/FSE '13: "Empirical Answers to Fundamental ..."
Mockus, Audris ESEC/FSE '13: "Risky Files: An Approach to ..."
Møller, Anders ESEC/FSE '13: "Server Interface Descriptions ..."
Morichetta, Andrea ESEC/FSE '13: "Adequate Monitoring of Service ..."
Murali, Vijayaraghavan ESEC/FSE '13: "Boosting Concolic Testing ..."
Muşlu, Kıvanç ESEC/FSE '13: "Making Offline Analyses Continuous ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Data Debugging with Continuous ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan ESEC/FSE '13: "Diversity in Software Engineering ..."
Naik, Mayur ESEC/FSE '13: "Dynodroid: An Input Generation ..."
Navabpour, Samaneh ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Navas, Jorge A. ESEC/FSE '13: "Boosting Concolic Testing ..."
Nenashev, Oleg ESEC/FSE '13: "PHRT: A Model and Programmable ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ESEC/FSE '13: "A Statistical Semantic Language ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Lexical Statistical Machine ..."
Nguyen, Cu D. ESEC/FSE '13: "Automated Oracles: An Empirical ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ESEC/FSE '13: "A Statistical Semantic Language ..."
Nguyen, Khanh ESEC/FSE '13: "Cachetor: Detecting Cacheable ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ESEC/FSE '13: "A Statistical Semantic Language ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Lexical Statistical Machine ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ESEC/FSE '13: "A Statistical Semantic Language ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Lexical Statistical Machine ..."
Nori, Aditya V. ESEC/FSE '13: "The Economics of Static Analysis ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Termination Proofs from Tests ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Bayesian Inference using Data ..."
Notkin, David ESEC/FSE '13: "Making Offline Analyses Continuous ..."
Novikov, Evgeny ESEC/FSE '13: "Precision Reuse for Efficient ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. ESEC/FSE '13: "Regression Tests to Expose ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Palframan, John ESEC/FSE '13: "Risky Files: An Approach to ..."
Paul, Gaurab ESEC/FSE '13: "Distributed Program Tracing ..."
Pawar, Kshama ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Pelliccione, Patrizio ESEC/FSE '13: "Producing Software by Integration: ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. ESEC/FSE '13: "Toward Understanding the Causes ..."
Petke, Justyna ESEC/FSE '13: "Efficiency and Early Fault ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ESEC/FSE '13: "Enhancing Symbolic Execution ..."
Pham, Tuan-Hung ESEC/FSE '13: "RADA: A Tool for Reasoning ..."
Platenius, Marie Christin ESEC/FSE '13: "Fuzzy Service Matching in ..."
Popescu, Daniel ESEC/FSE '13: "Identifying Message Flow in ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ESEC/FSE '13: "API Change and Fault Proneness: ..."
Posnett, Daryl ESEC/FSE '13: "Sample Size vs. Bias in Defect ..."
Qiu, Dong ESEC/FSE '13: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Rahman, Foyzur ESEC/FSE '13: "Sample Size vs. Bias in Defect ..."
Rajamani, Sriram K. ESEC/FSE '13: "Bayesian Inference using Data ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable and Incremental Software ..."
Razavi, Niloofar ESEC/FSE '13: "Con2colic Testing ..."
Reichenbach, Christoph ESEC/FSE '13: "Second-Order Constraints in ..."
Rempulsky, Nicolas ESEC/FSE '13: "h-ubu: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Rigby, Peter C. ESEC/FSE '13: "Convergent Contemporary Software ..."
Rinetzky, Noam ESEC/FSE '13: "Tightfit: Adaptive Parallelization ..."
Ringert, Jan Oliver ESEC/FSE '13: "Synthesis of Component and ..."
Robillard, Martin P. ESEC/FSE '13: "Code Fragment Summarization ..."
Rosenblum, David S. ESEC/FSE '13: "Cascading Verification: An ..."
Roth, Andreas ESEC/FSE '13: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ESEC/FSE '13: "Regression Tests to Expose ..."
Rubin, Julia ESEC/FSE '13: "N-Way Model Merging ..."
Rumpe, Bernhard ESEC/FSE '13: "Synthesis of Component and ..."
Sabetzadeh, Mehrdad ESEC/FSE '13: "RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for ..."
Safi, Gholamreza ESEC/FSE '13: "Identifying Message Flow in ..."
Saha, Avigit K. ESEC/FSE '13: "Toward Understanding the Causes ..."
Saha, Diptikalyan ESEC/FSE '13: "Distributed Program Tracing ..."
Saha, Ripon K. ESEC/FSE '13: "Toward Understanding the Causes ..."
Schäf, Martin ESEC/FSE '13: "Explaining Inconsistent Code ..."
Schur, Matthias ESEC/FSE '13: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Schwartz-Narbonne, Daniel ESEC/FSE '13: "Explaining Inconsistent Code ..."
Sen, Koushik ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Selective Record-Replay ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Jalangi: A Tool Framework ..."
Sharma, Rahul ESEC/FSE '13: "Termination Proofs from Tests ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Differential Assertion Checking ..."
Shrotri, Ulka ESEC/FSE '13: "Precise Range Analysis on ..."
Silic, Marin ESEC/FSE '13: "Prediction of Atomic Web Services ..."
Sinha, Nishant ESEC/FSE '13: "Compiling Mockups to Flexible ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis ESEC/FSE '13: "Second-Order Constraints in ..."
Song, Fu ESEC/FSE '13: "PoMMaDe: Pushdown Model-Checking ..."
Song, Xiaoyu ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Souto, Sabrina ESEC/FSE '13: "SPLat: Lightweight Dynamic ..."
Srbljic, Sinisa ESEC/FSE '13: "Prediction of Atomic Web Services ..."
Stahlbauer, Andreas ESEC/FSE '13: "Precision Reuse for Efficient ..."
Su, Zhendong ESEC/FSE '13: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Server Interface Descriptions ..."
Succi, Giancarlo ESEC/FSE '13: "Empirical Answers to Fundamental ..."
Sun, Chengnian ESEC/FSE '13: "Mining Succinct Predicated ..."
Sun, Jiaguang ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Sun, Jun ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Tahiliani, Rohan ESEC/FSE '13: "Dynodroid: An Input Generation ..."
Tamburrelli, Giordano ESEC/FSE '13: "Understanding Gamification ..."
Tang, Yang ESEC/FSE '13: "Effective Dynamic Detection ..."
Terekhov, Andrey ESEC/FSE '13: "Good Technology Makes the ..."
Tikhonova, Ulyana ESEC/FSE '13: "A Framework for Defining the ..."
Tivoli, Massimo ESEC/FSE '13: "Producing Software by Integration: ..."
Tonella, Paolo ESEC/FSE '13: "Automated Oracles: An Empirical ..."
Touili, Tayssir ESEC/FSE '13: "PoMMaDe: Pushdown Model-Checking ..."
Tripp, Omer ESEC/FSE '13: "Tightfit: Adaptive Parallelization ..."
Valetto, Giuseppe ESEC/FSE '13: "Do All Task Dependencies Require ..."
Vardi, Moshe Y. ESEC/FSE '13: "A Logical Revolution (Keynote) ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "A Publication Culture in Software ..."
Veith, Helmut ESEC/FSE '13: "Con2colic Testing ..."
Venieris, Ricardo ESEC/FSE '13: "RSA-MBT: A Test Tool for Generating ..."
Vogel, Bahtijar ESEC/FSE '13: "Towards Open Architecture ..."
Von Rhein, Alexander ESEC/FSE '13: "Scalable Analysis of Variable ..."
Wadhwa, Bimlesh ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Wadsworth, Scott ESEC/FSE '13: "Will You Still Compile Me ..."
Wang, Haisheng ESEC/FSE '13: "Preventing Database Deadlocks ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "REDACT: Preventing Database ..."
Wang, Qi ESEC/FSE '13: "Extracting URLs from JavaScript ..."
Wang, Qianxiang ESEC/FSE '13: "Inferring Project-Specific ..."
Wang, Tiantian ESEC/FSE '13: "Searching for Better Configurations: ..."
Watanabe, Konosuke ESEC/FSE '13: "ShAir: Extensible Middleware ..."
Wendler, Philipp ESEC/FSE '13: "Precision Reuse for Efficient ..."
Whalen, Michael W. ESEC/FSE '13: "RADA: A Tool for Reasoning ..."
Wies, Thomas ESEC/FSE '13: "Explaining Inconsistent Code ..."
Wong, Peter Y. H. ESEC/FSE '13: "aPET: A Test Case Generation ..."
Wu, Jingyue ESEC/FSE '13: "Effective Dynamic Detection ..."
Wu, Wallace ESEC/FSE '13: "RiTHM: A Tool for Enabling ..."
Xie, Tao ESEC/FSE '13: "Inferring Project-Specific ..."
Xu, Guoqing ESEC/FSE '13: "Cachetor: Detecting Cacheable ..."
Yang, Junfeng ESEC/FSE '13: "Effective Dynamic Detection ..."
Ying, Annie T. T. ESEC/FSE '13: "Code Fragment Summarization ..."
Yoo, Shin ESEC/FSE '13: "Efficiency and Early Fault ..."
Young, Michal ESEC/FSE '13: "Second-Order Constraints in ..."
Zeller, Andreas ESEC/FSE '13: "Mining Behavior Models from ..."
Zervoudakis, Fokion ESEC/FSE '13: "Cascading Verification: An ..."
Zhang, Charles ESEC/FSE '13: "Finding Incorrect Compositions ..."
Zhang, Hehua ESEC/FSE '13: "System Reliability Calculation ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "Design and Optimization of ..."
Zhang, Hongyu ESEC/FSE '13: "A Cost-Effectiveness Criterion ..." ESEC/FSE '13: "BugMap: A Topographic Map ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ESEC/FSE '13: "Z3-str: A Z3-Based String ..."
Zhang, Yizhou ESEC/FSE '13: "Extracting URLs from JavaScript ..."
Zhao, Jianjun ESEC/FSE '13: "Extracting URLs from JavaScript ..."
Zheng, Manchun ESEC/FSE '13: "USMMC: A Self-Contained Model ..."
Zheng, Yunhui ESEC/FSE '13: "Z3-str: A Z3-Based String ..."
Zhou, Jingyu ESEC/FSE '13: "Extracting URLs from JavaScript ..."
Zimmer, Frank ESEC/FSE '13: "RUBRIC: A Flexible Tool for ..."
Zimmermann, Thomas ESEC/FSE '13: "Diversity in Software Engineering ..."
Zisman, Andrea ESEC/FSE '13: "Improving Trace Accuracy through ..."

318 authors

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