ETAPS 2017
2017 European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
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2017 European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), April 22–29, 2017, Uppsala, Sweden

ETAPS 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Abate, Alessandro ETAPS '17: "On the Relationship Between ..."
Abdulla, Parosh Aziz ETAPS '17: "Context-Bounded Analysis for ..."
Abriola, Sergio ETAPS '17: "Logics of Repeating Values ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ETAPS '17: "Automated Workarounds from ..."
Ah-Fat, Patrick ETAPS '17: "Secure Multi-party Computation: ..."
Akshay, S. ETAPS '17: "Towards Parallel Boolean Functional ..."
Alabbad, Mohammed ETAPS '17: "Defense in Depth Formulation ..."
Alpuim, João ETAPS '17: "Disjoint Polymorphism ..."
Alrajeh, Dalal ETAPS '17: "Interpolation-Based GR(1) ..."
Alt, Leonardo ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Altenkirch, Thorsten ETAPS '17: "Partiality, Revisited - The ..."
Alur, Rajeev ETAPS '17: "Scaling Enumerative Program ..."
Alvim, Mário S. ETAPS '17: "Quantifying Vulnerability ..."
Alvin, Chris ETAPS '17: "StaticGen: Static Generation ..."
Amadini, Roberto ETAPS '17: "Combining String Abstract ..."
Ancona, Davide ETAPS '17: "Generalizing Inference Systems ..."
Andersen, Kristoffer Just ETAPS '17: "Caper - Automatic Verification ..."
Andrianov, Pavel ETAPS '17: "CPA-BAM-BnB: Block-Abstraction ..."
Anjorin, Anthony ETAPS '17: "Inter-model Consistency Checking ..."
Antonino, Pedro R. G. ETAPS '17: "The Automatic Detection of ..."
Araújo, Cristiano Werner ETAPS '17: "On the Effectiveness of Bug ..."
Asada, Kazuyuki ETAPS '17: "Almost Every Simply Typed ..."
Asadi, Sepideh ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Asavoae, Irina Mariuca ETAPS '17: "Slicing from Formal Sematics: ..."
Asavoae, Mihail ETAPS '17: "Slicing from Formal Sematics: ..."
Asenov, Dimitar ETAPS '17: "Precise Version Control of ..."
Aslanyan, Zaruhi ETAPS '17: "Model Checking Exact Cost ..."
Atig, Mohamed Faouzi ETAPS '17: "Context-Bounded Analysis for ..."
Atkey, Robert ETAPS '17: "Observed Communication Semantics ..."
Atzei, Nicola ETAPS '17: "A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum ..."
Avni, Guy ETAPS '17: "Computing Scores of Forwarding ..."
Aydin, Abdulbaki ETAPS '17: "Visual Configuration of Mobile ..."
Babel, Kushal ETAPS '17: "On Communication Models When ..."
Baier, Christel ETAPS '17: "Maximizing the Conditional ..."
Bak, Stanley ETAPS '17: "Rigorous Simulation-Based ..."
Baldan, Paolo ETAPS '17: "Local Model Checking in a ..."
Barbosa, Haniel ETAPS '17: "Congruence Closure with Free ..."
Barnat, Jiří ETAPS '17: "Optimizing and Caching SMT ..."
Barthe, Gilles ETAPS '17: "Is Your Software on Dope? ..."
Bartocci, Ezio ETAPS '17: "ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon ..."
Bartoletti, Massimo ETAPS '17: "A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum ..."
Basin, David A. ETAPS '17: "Almost Event-Rate Independent ..."
Bauer, Lujo ETAPS '17: "Timing-Sensitive Noninterference ..."
Becker, Bernd ETAPS '17: "HQSpre - An Effective Preprocessor ..."
Berardi, Stefano ETAPS '17: "Classical System of Martin-Löf's ..."
Beyer, Dirk ETAPS '17: "Software Verification with ..."
Bhatt, Bhargav Nagaraja ETAPS '17: "Almost Event-Rate Independent ..."
Bian, Gaoang ETAPS '17: "On the Relationship Between ..."
Biere, Armin ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Model ..."
Biewer, Sebastian ETAPS '17: "Is Your Software on Dope? ..."
Birkedal, Lars ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..." ETAPS '17: "Caper - Automatic Verification ..."
Bizjak, Aleš ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..."
Blanchette, Jasmin Christian ETAPS '17: "Friends with Benefits - Implementing ..." ETAPS '17: "A Lambda-Free Higher-Order ..."
Blatter, Lionel ETAPS '17: "RPP: Automatic Proof of Relational ..."
Blot, Arthur ETAPS '17: "Compositional Synthesis of ..."
Bogomolov, Sergiy ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Refinement ..."
Bonakdarpour, Borzoo ETAPS '17: "Rewriting-Based Runtime Verification ..."
Bonchi, Filippo ETAPS '17: "Confluence of Graph Rewriting ..." ETAPS '17: "Up-To Techniques for Weighted ..."
Boreale, Michele ETAPS '17: "Algebra, Coalgebra, and Minimization ..."
Borralleras, Cristina ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Bouajjani, Ahmed ETAPS '17: "Verifying Robustness of Event-Driven ..." ETAPS '17: "Context-Bounded Analysis for ..."
Boutillier, Pierre ETAPS '17: "Incremental Update for Graph ..."
Bouyer, Patricia ETAPS '17: "Bounding Average-Energy Games ..." ETAPS '17: "Dynamic Complexity of the ..."
Bouzy, Aymeric ETAPS '17: "Friends with Benefits - Implementing ..."
Brett, Noel ETAPS '17: "Rewriting-Based Runtime Verification ..."
Breuvart, Flavien ETAPS '17: "On Higher-Order Probabilistic ..."
Brockschmidt, Marc ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Bruyère, Véronique ETAPS '17: "On the Existence of Weak Subgame ..."
Budde, Carlos E. ETAPS '17: "JANI: Quantitative Model and ..."
Bursuc, Sergiu ETAPS '17: "Automated Verification of ..."
Busatto-Gaston, Damien ETAPS '17: "Optimal Reachability in Divergent ..."
Butkova, Yuliya ETAPS '17: "Long-Run Rewards for Markov ..."
Cabot, Jordi ETAPS '17: "Traceability Mappings as a ..."
Caires, Luis ETAPS '17: "Linearity, Control Effects, ..."
Cañones, Pablo ETAPS '17: "Security Analysis of Cache ..."
Cardelli, Luca ETAPS '17: "ERODE: A Tool for the Evaluation ..."
Casini, Giovanni ETAPS '17: "Postulates for Revocation ..."
Cassez, Franck ETAPS '17: "Skink: Static Analysis of ..."
Cavezza, Davide G. ETAPS '17: "Interpolation-Based GR(1) ..."
Cerný, Pavol ETAPS '17: "Discriminating Traces with ..."
Chadha, Rohit ETAPS '17: "Emptiness Under Isolation ..."
Chakraborty, Supratik ETAPS '17: "Towards Parallel Boolean Functional ..."
Chalupa, Marek ETAPS '17: "Symbiotic 4: Beyond Reachability ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan ETAPS '17: "Discriminating Traces with ..."
Charguéraud, Arthur ETAPS '17: "Temporary Read-Only Permissions ..."
Chatterjee, Krishnendu ETAPS '17: "Faster Algorithms for Weighted ..."
Chattopadhyay, Sudipta ETAPS '17: "Directed Automated Memory ..."
Chauhan, Avriti ETAPS '17: "VeriAbs: Verification by Abstraction ..."
Chen, Yu-Fang ETAPS '17: "A Novel Learning Algorithm ..."
Chen, Yu-Wen ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..."
Cheng, Chih-Hong ETAPS '17: "autoCode4: Structural Controller ..."
Cheng, Zheng ETAPS '17: "A Deductive Approach for Fault ..."
Cheval, Vincent ETAPS '17: "On Communication Models When ..."
Chimdyalwar, Bharti ETAPS '17: "VeriAbs: Verification by Abstraction ..."
Chin, Wei-Ngan ETAPS '17: "HipTNT+: A Termination and ..."
Chockler, Hana ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Cimatti, Alessandro ETAPS '17: "Invariant Checking of NRA ..."
Cimoli, Tiziana ETAPS '17: "A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum ..."
Clerc, Florence ETAPS '17: "Pointless Learning ..."
Cobb, Andrew ETAPS '17: "Contextual Equivalence for ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas C. ETAPS '17: "DepthK: A k-Induction Verifier ..."
Cotton-Barratt, Conrad ETAPS '17: "ML and Extended Branching ..."
Courant, Nathanaël ETAPS '17: "Precise Widening Operators ..."
Cramer, Marcos ETAPS '17: "Postulates for Revocation ..."
Crubillé, Raphaëlle ETAPS '17: "Metric Reasoning About λ-Terms: ..." ETAPS '17: "The Free Exponential Modality ..."
Cruz-Filipe, Luís ETAPS '17: "The Paths to Choreography ..." ETAPS '17: "Efficient Certified Resolution ..."
Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Cubuktepe, Murat ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..."
Culpepper, Ryan ETAPS '17: "Contextual Equivalence for ..."
Dagnino, Francesco ETAPS '17: "Generalizing Inference Systems ..."
Dahlqvist, Fredrik ETAPS '17: "Pointless Learning ..."
Dal Lago, Ugo ETAPS '17: "Metric Reasoning About λ-Terms: ..." ETAPS '17: "Probabilistic Termination ..." ETAPS '17: "On Higher-Order Probabilistic ..."
Damiani, Ferruccio ETAPS '17: "A Unified and Formal Programming ..."
Danielsson, Nils Anders ETAPS '17: "Partiality, Revisited - The ..."
Danos, Vincent ETAPS '17: "Computing Continuous-Time ..." ETAPS '17: "Pointless Learning ..."
D'Antoni, Loris ETAPS '17: "Learning Symbolic Automata ..." ETAPS '17: "Forward Bisimulations for ..."
D'Argenio, Pedro R. ETAPS '17: "Is Your Software on Dope? ..."
Darke, Priyanka ETAPS '17: "VeriAbs: Verification by Abstraction ..."
Da Rocha Pinto, Pedro ETAPS '17: "Abstract Specifications for ..." ETAPS '17: "Caper - Automatic Verification ..."
Das, Ankush ETAPS '17: "ML for ML: Learning Cost Semantics ..."
Daviaud, Laure ETAPS '17: "Degree of Sequentiality of ..."
De Aledo Marugán, Pablo González ETAPS '17: "Skink: Static Analysis of ..."
Dehnert, Christian ETAPS '17: "JANI: Quantitative Model and ..."
De Lara, Juan ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
De Vink, Erik P. ETAPS '17: "Family-Based Model Checking ..."
Dietsch, Daniel ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Dillig, Isil ETAPS '17: "Static Detection of DoS Vulnerabilities ..."
Dimovski, Aleksandar S. ETAPS '17: "Variability-Specific Abstraction ..."
Dinsdale-Young, Thomas ETAPS '17: "Caper - Automatic Verification ..."
Di Rocco, Juri ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Diskin, Zinovy ETAPS '17: "Traceability Mappings as a ..."
Dodds, Mike ETAPS '17: "Proving Linearizability Using ..."
Doko, Marko ETAPS '17: "Tackling Real-Life Relaxed ..."
Doménech, Jesús ETAPS '17: "EasyInterface: A Toolkit for ..."
Dreier, Jannik ETAPS '17: "Beyond Subterm-Convergent ..."
Drews, Samuel ETAPS '17: "Learning Symbolic Automata ..."
Dreyer, Derek ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..."
Drossopolou, Sophia ETAPS '17: "Modular Verification of Procedure ..."
Duggirala, Parasara Sridhar ETAPS '17: "Rigorous Simulation-Based ..."
Duménil, Charles ETAPS '17: "Beyond Subterm-Convergent ..."
Dunfield, Joshua ETAPS '17: "Extensible Datasort Refinements ..."
Durán, Francisco ETAPS '17: "GTS Families for the Flexible ..."
Ehrhard, Thomas ETAPS '17: "Incremental Update for Graph ..." ETAPS '17: "The Free Exponential Modality ..."
Eisenbach, Susan ETAPS '17: "Modular Verification of Procedure ..."
Emmi, Michael ETAPS '17: "Verifying Robustness of Event-Driven ..."
Emrich, Frank ETAPS '17: "AProVE: Proving and Disproving ..."
Enea, Constantin ETAPS '17: "Verifying Robustness of Event-Driven ..."
Esparza, Javier ETAPS '17: "From LTL and Limit-Deterministic ..."
Esterle, Lukas ETAPS '17: "ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon ..."
Even Mendoza, Karine ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Faymonville, Peter ETAPS '17: "Encodings of Bounded Synthesis ..."
Fedyukovich, Grigory ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Feldman, Yotam M. Y. ETAPS '17: "Bounded Quantifier Instantiation ..."
Ferrara, Pietro ETAPS '17: "Visual Configuration of Mobile ..."
Ferreira, Francisco ETAPS '17: "Programs Using Syntax with ..."
Fiedor, Tomas ETAPS '17: "Lazy Automata Techniques for ..."
Figueira, Diego ETAPS '17: "Logics of Repeating Values ..."
Figueira, Santiago ETAPS '17: "Logics of Repeating Values ..."
Finkbeiner, Bernd ETAPS '17: "Is Your Software on Dope? ..." ETAPS '17: "Encodings of Bounded Synthesis ..."
Fischer, Bernd ETAPS '17: "DepthK: A k-Induction Verifier ..." ETAPS '17: "Lazy-CSeq 2.0: Combining Lazy ..."
Fontaine, Pascal ETAPS '17: "Congruence Closure with Free ..."
Forrest, Stephanie ETAPS '17: "Connecting Program Synthesis ..."
Frehse, Goran ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Refinement ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. ETAPS '17: "Automated Workarounds from ..."
Friedberger, Karlheinz ETAPS '17: "CPA-BAM-BnB: Block-Abstraction ..."
Frohn, Florian ETAPS '17: "AProVE: Proving and Disproving ..."
Gadducci, Fabio ETAPS '17: "Confluence of Graph Rewriting ..."
Gange, Graeme ETAPS '17: "Combining String Abstract ..."
Gardner, Philippa ETAPS '17: "Abstract Specifications for ..."
Garnier, Ilias ETAPS '17: "Computing Continuous-Time ..." ETAPS '17: "Pointless Learning ..."
Gauthier, François ETAPS '17: "Combining String Abstract ..."
Genaim, Samir ETAPS '17: "EasyInterface: A Toolkit for ..."
Georges, Aina Linn ETAPS '17: "Lincx: A Linear Logical Framework ..."
Giacobbe, Mirco ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Refinement ..."
Gibbons, Jeremy ETAPS '17: "APLicative Programming with ..."
Gibson-Robinson, Thomas ETAPS '17: "The Automatic Detection of ..."
Giesl, Jürgen ETAPS '17: "AProVE: Proving and Disproving ..."
Gilbert, Frédéric ETAPS '17: "Automated Constructivization ..."
Gligoric, Milos ETAPS '17: "Selective Bisection Debugging ..."
Goel, Shubham ETAPS '17: "Computing Scores of Forwarding ..."
Gómez, Abel ETAPS '17: "Traceability Mappings as a ..."
Goncharov, Sergey ETAPS '17: "Unifying Guarded and Unguarded ..."
Gotsman, Alexey ETAPS '17: "Proving Linearizability Using ..."
Greitschus, Marius ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Grellois, Charles ETAPS '17: "Probabilistic Termination ..."
Griggio, Alberto ETAPS '17: "Invariant Checking of NRA ..."
Grosu, Radu ETAPS '17: "ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon ..."
Guenat, Balz ETAPS '17: "Precise Version Control of ..."
Guéneau, Armaël ETAPS '17: "Verified Characteristic Formulae ..."
Guerra, Esther ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Hahn, Ernst Moritz ETAPS '17: "JANI: Quantitative Model and ..."
Hähnle, Reiner ETAPS '17: "A Unified and Formal Programming ..."
Harper, Robert ETAPS '17: "A Higher-Order Logic for Concurrent ..."
Hartmanns, Arnd ETAPS '17: "JANI: Quantitative Model and ..."
Hedin, Daniel ETAPS '17: "A Principled Approach to Tracking ..."
Heindel, Tobias ETAPS '17: "Computing Continuous-Time ..."
Heizmann, Matthias ETAPS '17: "Minimization of Visibly Pushdown ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Henda, Noomene Ben ETAPS '17: "OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis ..."
Hensel, Jera ETAPS '17: "AProVE: Proving and Disproving ..."
Henzinger, Thomas A. ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Refinement ..." ETAPS '17: "Computing Scores of Forwarding ..."
Hermanns, Holger ETAPS '17: "Is Your Software on Dope? ..." ETAPS '17: "Long-Run Rewards for Markov ..."
Herrou, Agathe ETAPS '17: "On Higher-Order Probabilistic ..."
Heule, Marijn J. H. ETAPS '17: "Static Detection of DoS Vulnerabilities ..."
Hicks, Michael W. ETAPS '17: "Quantifying Vulnerability ..."
Hirsch, Christian ETAPS '17: "ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon ..."
Hoffmann, Jan ETAPS '17: "ML for ML: Learning Cost Semantics ..."
Hofman, Piotr ETAPS '17: "Bounding Average-Energy Games ..."
Holik, Lukas ETAPS '17: "Lazy Automata Techniques for ..."
Holík, Lukás ETAPS '17: "Forester: From Heap Shapes ..."
Hou, Zhe ETAPS '17: "CSimpl: A Rely-Guarantee-Based ..."
Hruska, Martin ETAPS '17: "Forester: From Heap Shapes ..."
Hu, Raymond ETAPS '17: "Explicit Connection Actions ..."
Huth, Michael ETAPS '17: "Secure Multi-party Computation: ..."
Hyvärinen, Antti E. J. ETAPS '17: "HiFrog: SMT-based Function ..."
Immerman, Neil ETAPS '17: "Bounded Quantifier Instantiation ..."
Inala, Jeevana Priya ETAPS '17: "Synthesis of Recursive ADT ..."
Inverso, Omar ETAPS '17: "Lazy-CSeq 2.0: Combining Lazy ..."
Iovino, Ludovico ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Irfan, Ahmed ETAPS '17: "Invariant Checking of NRA ..."
Ismail, Hussama ETAPS '17: "DepthK: A k-Induction Verifier ..."
Janku, Petr ETAPS '17: "Lazy Automata Techniques for ..."
Jansen, Christina ETAPS '17: "Unified Reasoning About Robustness ..."
Jansen, Nils ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..."
Jecker, Ismaël ETAPS '17: "Degree of Sequentiality of ..."
Jia, Limin ETAPS '17: "Timing-Sensitive Noninterference ..."
Johansen, Christian ETAPS '17: "Automated Verification of ..."
Johansson, Björn ETAPS '17: "OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis ..."
John, Ajith K. ETAPS '17: "Towards Parallel Boolean Functional ..."
Johnsen, Einar Broch ETAPS '17: "EasyInterface: A Toolkit for ..."
Jonáš, Martin ETAPS '17: "Symbiotic 4: Beyond Reachability ..." ETAPS '17: "Optimizing and Caching SMT ..."
Jones, Owain ETAPS '17: "Defense in Depth Formulation ..."
Jordan, Alexander ETAPS '17: "Combining String Abstract ..."
Jourdan, Jacques-Henri ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..."
Jugé, Vincent ETAPS '17: "Dynamic Complexity of the ..."
Jung, Ralf ETAPS '17: "A Higher-Order Logic for Concurrent ..." ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..."
Junges, Sebastian ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..." ETAPS '17: "JANI: Quantitative Model and ..."
Kamburjan, Eduard ETAPS '17: "A Unified and Formal Programming ..."
Kapur, Deepak ETAPS '17: "Connecting Program Synthesis ..."
Katelaan, Jens ETAPS '17: "Unified Reasoning About Robustness ..."
Katoen, Joost-Pieter ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..."
Kavvos, G. A. ETAPS '17: "On the Semantics of Intensionality ..."
Khedri, Ridha ETAPS '17: "Defense in Depth Formulation ..."
Khurana, Sakaar ETAPS '17: "Bucketing Failing Tests via ..."
Khyzha, Artem ETAPS '17: "Proving Linearizability Using ..."
Kini, Dileep ETAPS '17: "Optimal Translation of LTL ..."
Kissinger, Aleks ETAPS '17: "Confluence of Graph Rewriting ..."
Klein, Joachim ETAPS '17: "Maximizing the Conditional ..."
Klüppelholz, Sascha ETAPS '17: "Maximizing the Conditional ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki ETAPS '17: "Modular Verification of Higher-Order ..." ETAPS '17: "Almost Every Simply Typed ..."
König, Barbara ETAPS '17: "Up-To Techniques for Weighted ..."
Kop, Cynthia ETAPS '17: "The Power of Non-determinism ..."
Köpf, Boris ETAPS '17: "Security Analysis of Cache ..."
Kosmatov, Nikolai ETAPS '17: "RPP: Automatic Proof of Relational ..."
Kozen, Dexter ETAPS '17: "Nominal Automata with Name ..."
Kragl, Bernhard ETAPS '17: "Faster Algorithms for Weighted ..."
Kraus, Nicolai ETAPS '17: "Partiality, Revisited - The ..."
Krebbers, Robbert ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Higher-Order ..."
Kremer, Steve ETAPS '17: "Beyond Subterm-Convergent ..." ETAPS '17: "On Communication Models When ..."
Kretínský, Jan ETAPS '17: "From LTL and Limit-Deterministic ..." ETAPS '17: "Index Appearance Record for ..."
Kristensen, Erik Krogh ETAPS '17: "Inference and Evolution of ..."
Krivine, Jean ETAPS '17: "Incremental Update for Graph ..."
Kumar, Ramana ETAPS '17: "Verified Characteristic Formulae ..."
Kumar, Shrawan ETAPS '17: "VeriAbs: Verification by Abstraction ..."
Kunčar, Ondřej ETAPS '17: "Comprehending Isabelle/HOL's ..."
Kupferman, Orna ETAPS '17: "Hierarchical Network Formation ..."
Küpper, Sebastian ETAPS '17: "Up-To Techniques for Weighted ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. ETAPS '17: "Modular Verification of Procedure ..."
Laird, James ETAPS '17: "From Qualitative to Quantitative ..."
Lambers, Leen ETAPS '17: "Symbolic Model Generation ..."
Lämmel, Ralf ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Functional ..."
Lamo, Yngve ETAPS '17: "Change-Preserving Model Repair ..."
Lange, Julien ETAPS '17: "On the Undecidability of Asynchronous ..."
Lantz, Patrik ETAPS '17: "OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis ..."
Larraz, Daniel ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Larsen, Kim Guldstrand ETAPS '17: "Validation, Synthesis, and ..."
Larsen, Kim S. ETAPS '17: "The Paths to Choreography ..."
Latella, Diego ETAPS '17: "FlyFast: A Mean Field Model ..."
La Torre, Salvatore ETAPS '17: "Lazy-CSeq 2.0: Combining Lazy ..."
Laud, Peeter ETAPS '17: "Combining Differential Privacy ..."
Lauko, Henrich ETAPS '17: "Optimizing and Caching SMT ..."
Le, Ton Chanh ETAPS '17: "HipTNT+: A Termination and ..."
Leblebici, Erhan ETAPS '17: "Inter-model Consistency Checking ..."
Lee, Edward A. ETAPS '17: "autoCode4: Structural Controller ..."
Lee, Insup ETAPS '17: "Automatic Verification of ..."
Le Gall, Pascale ETAPS '17: "RPP: Automatic Proof of Relational ..."
Leinberger, Martin ETAPS '17: "The Essence of Functional ..."
Lengal, Ondrej ETAPS '17: "Lazy Automata Techniques for ..."
Lengál, Ondrej ETAPS '17: "Fair Termination for Parameterized ..." ETAPS '17: "Forester: From Heap Shapes ..."
Lerner, Benjamin S. ETAPS '17: "Synthesis of Recursive ADT ..."
Le Roux, Stéphane ETAPS '17: "On the Existence of Weak Subgame ..."
Li, Yong ETAPS '17: "A Novel Learning Algorithm ..."
Lienhardt, Michael ETAPS '17: "A Unified and Formal Programming ..."
Lin, Anthony Widjaja ETAPS '17: "Fair Termination for Parameterized ..."
Liu, Depeng ETAPS '17: "A Novel Learning Algorithm ..."
Liu, Yang ETAPS '17: "CSimpl: A Rely-Guarantee-Based ..."
Lochbihler, Andreas ETAPS '17: "Friends with Benefits - Implementing ..."
Loreti, Michele ETAPS '17: "FlyFast: A Mean Field Model ..."
Lukina, Anna ETAPS '17: "ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon ..."
Majumdar, Rupak ETAPS '17: "Fair Termination for Parameterized ..."
Mamouras, Konstantinos ETAPS '17: "Equational Theories of Abnormal ..."
Mandrykin, Mikhail U. ETAPS '17: "CPA-BAM-BnB: Block-Abstraction ..."
Mardziel, Piotr ETAPS '17: "Quantifying Vulnerability ..."
Marin, Paolo ETAPS '17: "HQSpre - An Effective Preprocessor ..."
Markey, Nicolas ETAPS '17: "Bounding Average-Energy Games ..."
Marques-Silva, Joao ETAPS '17: "Efficient Certified Resolution ..."
Massink, Mieke ETAPS '17: "FlyFast: A Mean Field Model ..."
Matheja, Christoph ETAPS '17: "Unified Reasoning About Robustness ..."
Matsumoto, Kei ETAPS '17: "Coherence Spaces and Uniform ..."
Meggendorfer, Tobias ETAPS '17: "Index Appearance Record for ..."
Milius, Stefan ETAPS '17: "Nominal Automata with Name ..."
Miquey, Étienne ETAPS '17: "A Classical Sequent Calculus ..."
Mishra, Samarth ETAPS '17: "Faster Algorithms for Weighted ..."
Mitsch, Stefan ETAPS '17: "Change and Delay Contracts ..."
Møller, Anders ETAPS '17: "Inference and Evolution of ..."
Monmege, Benjamin ETAPS '17: "Optimal Reachability in Divergent ..."
Montaghami, Vajih ETAPS '17: "Bordeaux: A Tool for Thinking ..."
Montesi, Fabrizio ETAPS '17: "The Paths to Choreography ..."
Mrázek, Jan ETAPS '17: "Optimizing and Caching SMT ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Supratik ETAPS '17: "StaticGen: Static Generation ..."
Müller, Andreas ETAPS '17: "Change and Delay Contracts ..."
Müller, Peter ETAPS '17: "Precise Version Control of ..."
Murawska, Agata ETAPS '17: "Lincx: A Linear Logical Framework ..."
Murawski, Andrzej S. ETAPS '17: "ML and Extended Branching ..."
Musa, Betim ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..."
Mutilin, Vadim S. ETAPS '17: "CPA-BAM-BnB: Block-Abstraction ..."
Myreen, Magnus O. ETAPS '17: "Verified Characteristic Formulae ..."
Ngo, Tuan Phong ETAPS '17: "Context-Bounded Analysis for ..."
Nguyen, ThanhVu ETAPS '17: "Connecting Program Synthesis ..."
Nguyen, Truc L. ETAPS '17: "Lazy-CSeq 2.0: Combining Lazy ..."
Nielson, Flemming ETAPS '17: "Model Checking Exact Cost ..."
Niemetz, Aina ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Model ..."
Noll, Thomas ETAPS '17: "Unified Reasoning About Robustness ..."
Norrish, Michael ETAPS '17: "Verified Characteristic Formulae ..."
Norrman, Karl ETAPS '17: "OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis ..."
Ntzik, Gian ETAPS '17: "Abstract Specifications for ..."
Nunes, Daltro José ETAPS '17: "On the Effectiveness of Bug ..."
Nunes, Ingrid ETAPS '17: "On the Effectiveness of Bug ..."
Nutz, Alexander ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Ohrndorf, Manuel ETAPS '17: "Change-Preserving Model Repair ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. ETAPS '17: "Disjoint Polymorphism ..."
Oliveras, Albert ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Olivo, Oswaldo ETAPS '17: "Static Detection of DoS Vulnerabilities ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke ETAPS '17: "ML and Extended Branching ..."
Orejas, Fernando ETAPS '17: "Symbolic Model Generation ..."
Otis, Shawn ETAPS '17: "Lincx: A Linear Logical Framework ..."
Otth, Martin ETAPS '17: "Precise Version Control of ..."
Ozkan, Burcu Kulahcioglu ETAPS '17: "Verifying Robustness of Event-Driven ..."
Padoan, Tommaso ETAPS '17: "Local Model Checking in a ..."
Padon, Oded ETAPS '17: "Bounded Quantifier Instantiation ..."
Padovani, Luca ETAPS '17: "Context-Free Session Type ..."
Pagani, Michele ETAPS '17: "The Free Exponential Modality ..."
Pajic, Miroslav ETAPS '17: "Automatic Verification of ..."
Pang, Jun ETAPS '17: "Should We Learn Probabilistic ..."
Papusha, Ivan ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..."
Park, Junkil ETAPS '17: "Automatic Verification of ..."
Parkinson, Matthew J. ETAPS '17: "Proving Linearizability Using ..."
Parlato, Gennaro ETAPS '17: "Lazy-CSeq 2.0: Combining Lazy ..."
Pauly, Arno ETAPS '17: "On the Existence of Weak Subgame ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas ETAPS '17: "Faster Algorithms for Weighted ..."
Pérez, Jorge A. ETAPS '17: "Linearity, Control Effects, ..."
Peterson, Brian ETAPS '17: "StaticGen: Static Generation ..."
Pettai, Martin ETAPS '17: "Combining Differential Privacy ..."
Pham, Van-Thuan ETAPS '17: "Bucketing Failing Tests via ..."
Pientka, Brigitte ETAPS '17: "Lincx: A Linear Logical Framework ..." ETAPS '17: "Programs Using Syntax with ..."
Pierantonio, Alfonso ETAPS '17: "Reusing Model Transformations ..."
Piessens, Frank ETAPS '17: "A Principled Approach to Tracking ..."
Pigram, Matthew ETAPS '17: "Skink: Static Analysis of ..."
Piorkowski, David ETAPS '17: "Visual Configuration of Mobile ..."
Piróg, Maciej ETAPS '17: "Unifying Guarded and Unguarded ..."
Pistoia, Marco ETAPS '17: "Visual Configuration of Mobile ..."
Platzer, André ETAPS '17: "Change and Delay Contracts ..."
Podelski, Andreas ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia ETAPS '17: "Synthesis of Recursive ADT ..."
Ponzio, Pablo ETAPS '17: "Automated Workarounds from ..."
Poonawala, Hasan A. ETAPS '17: "Sequential Convex Programming ..."
Popescu, Andrei ETAPS '17: "Comprehending Isabelle/HOL's ..." ETAPS '17: "Friends with Benefits - Implementing ..."
Pottier, François ETAPS '17: "Temporary Read-Only Permissions ..."
Pous, Damien ETAPS '17: "Companions, Codensity and ..."
Prabhakar, Pavithra ETAPS '17: "HARE: A Hybrid Abstraction ..."
Preiner, Mathias ETAPS '17: "Counterexample-Guided Model ..."
Prevosto, Virgile ETAPS '17: "RPP: Automatic Proof of Relational ..."
Qiu, Xiaokang ETAPS '17: "Synthesis of Recursive ADT ..."
Rabe, Markus N. ETAPS '17: "Encodings of Bounded Synthesis ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun ETAPS '17: "Scaling Enumerative Program ..."
Rafnsson, Willard ETAPS '17: "Timing-Sensitive Noninterference ..."
Randour, Mickael ETAPS '17: "Bounding Average-Energy Games ..."
Raskin, Jean-Francois ETAPS '17: "On the Existence of Weak Subgame ..."
Raskin, Jean-François ETAPS '17: "From LTL and Limit-Deterministic ..."
Rauch, Christoph ETAPS '17: "Unifying Guarded and Unguarded ..."
Rayside, Derek ETAPS '17: "Bordeaux: A Tool for Thinking ..."
Regis, Germán ETAPS '17: "Automated Workarounds from ..."
Reimer, Sven ETAPS '17: "HQSpre - An Effective Preprocessor ..."
Reineke, Jan ETAPS '17: "Security Analysis of Cache ..."
Retschitzegger, Werner ETAPS '17: "Change and Delay Contracts ..."
Reynier, Pierre-Alain ETAPS '17: "Optimal Reachability in Divergent ..." ETAPS '17: "Degree of Sequentiality of ..."
Reynolds, Andrew ETAPS '17: "Congruence Closure with Free ..."
Riesco, Adrián ETAPS '17: "Slicing from Formal Sematics: ..."
Roberts, Matthew ETAPS '17: "Skink: Static Analysis of ..."
Rocha, Herbert ETAPS '17: "DepthK: A k-Induction Verifier ..."
Rocha, Williame ETAPS '17: "DepthK: A k-Induction Verifier ..."
Rodríguez-Carbonell, Enric ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Rodríguez-Navas, Guillermo ETAPS '17: "Computing Scores of Forwarding ..."
Rogalewicz, Adam ETAPS '17: "Forester: From Heap Shapes ..."
Roohi, Nima ETAPS '17: "HARE: A Hybrid Abstraction ..."
Roscoe, A. W. ETAPS '17: "The Automatic Detection of ..."
Rot, Jurriaan ETAPS '17: "Companions, Codensity and ..."
Roveri, Marco ETAPS '17: "Invariant Checking of NRA ..."
Roy, Subhajit ETAPS '17: "Bucketing Failing Tests via ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ETAPS '17: "Bucketing Failing Tests via ..."
Rubio, Albert ETAPS '17: "Proving Termination Through ..."
Ruess, Harald ETAPS '17: "autoCode4: Structural Controller ..."
Rümmer, Phillip ETAPS '17: "Fair Termination for Parameterized ..."
Rutle, Adrian ETAPS '17: "Change-Preserving Model Repair ..."
Saarinen, Pasi ETAPS '17: "OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis ..."
Sabelfeld, Andrei ETAPS '17: "A Principled Approach to Tracking ..."
Sagiv, Mooly ETAPS '17: "Bounded Quantifier Instantiation ..."
Saha, Ripon ETAPS '17: "Selective Bisection Debugging ..."
Sakayori, Ken ETAPS '17: "A Truly Concurrent Game Model ..."
Sanán, David ETAPS '17: "CSimpl: A Rely-Guarantee-Based ..."
Sankaranarayanan, Sriram ETAPS '17: "Discriminating Traces with ..."
Sankur, Ocan ETAPS '17: "An Abstraction Technique for ..."
Sasse, Ralf ETAPS '17: "Beyond Subterm-Convergent ..."
Sato, Ryosuke ETAPS '17: "Modular Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Schachte, Peter ETAPS '17: "Combining String Abstract ..."
Schätzle, Claus ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Schilling, Christian ETAPS '17: "Minimization of Visibly Pushdown ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Schlatte, Rudolf ETAPS '17: "EasyInterface: A Toolkit for ..."
Schneider, Sven ETAPS '17: "Symbolic Model Generation ..."
Schneider-Kamp, Peter ETAPS '17: "Efficient Certified Resolution ..."
Schröder, Lutz ETAPS '17: "Nominal Automata with Name ..." ETAPS '17: "Unifying Guarded and Unguarded ..."
Schürr, Andy ETAPS '17: "Inter-model Consistency Checking ..."
Schüssele, Frank ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Automizer with an ..." ETAPS '17: "Ultimate Taipan: Trace Abstraction ..."
Schwinger, Wieland ETAPS '17: "Change and Delay Contracts ..."