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2014 Software Evolution Week --- IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), February 3-6, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium

CSMR-WCRE 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abbasi, Ebrahim Khalil CSMR-WCRE '14: "Reverse Engineering Web Configurators ..."
Acher, Mathieu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Reverse Engineering Web Configurators ..."
Alalfi, Manar H. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Analysis and Clustering of ..."
Alawneh, Luay CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Contextual Approach for ..."
Amalfitano, Domenico CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas CSMR-WCRE '14: "Remodularization Analysis ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping ..."
Antinyan, Vard CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..."
Autili, Marco CSMR-WCRE '14: "CHOReOS: Large Scale Choreographies ..."
Bagge, Anya Helene CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Bagnato, Alessandra CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Bakota, Tibor CSMR-WCRE '14: "QualityGate SourceAudit: A ..."
Baudry, Benoit CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Bavota, Gabriele CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Bergmans, Lodewijk CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Beszédes, Árpád CSMR-WCRE '14: "Test Suite Reduction for Fault ..."
Bos, Jeroen van den CSMR-WCRE '14: "Lightweight Runtime Reverse ..."
Brada, Premek CSMR-WCRE '14: "Broken Promises: An Empirical ..."
Brandtner, Martin CSMR-WCRE '14: "Supporting Continuous Integration ..."
Büchler, Matthias CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..."
Chauvel, Franck CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Chen, DeJiu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Chen, Zhenyu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards More Accurate Multi-label ..."
Chulani, Ilknur CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Ciemniewska, Alicja CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Claes, Maëlick CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Maintainability of ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "ECOS: Ecological Studies of ..."
Clarke, Siobhán CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Cleve, Anthony CSMR-WCRE '14: "Reverse Engineering Web Configurators ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Dahlia: A Visual Analyzer ..."
Conradi, Reidar CSMR-WCRE '14: "Transition and Defect Patterns ..."
Cordy, James R. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Examining the Relationship ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Analysis and Clustering of ..."
Cruzes, Daniela Soares CSMR-WCRE '14: "Transition and Defect Patterns ..."
Csiszár, Norbert István CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Dal Sasso, Tommaso CSMR-WCRE '14: "in*Bug: Visual Analytics of ..."
Damevski, Kostadin CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Case Study of Paired Interleaving ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "How the Sando Search Tool ..."
Davis, Ian J. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Fact Extraction from Bash ..."
Dean, Thomas R. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Analysis and Clustering of ..."
Decan, Alexandre CSMR-WCRE '14: "Co-evolving Code-Related and ..."
De Lucia, Andrea CSMR-WCRE '14: "Cross-Project Defect Prediction ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..."
De Nigro, Antonio CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
De Roover, Coen CSMR-WCRE '14: "Building Development Tools ..."
Dietrich, Jens CSMR-WCRE '14: "Broken Promises: An Empirical ..."
Di Mare, Giancarlo CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Ding, Sun CSMR-WCRE '14: "Detecting Infeasible Branches ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane CSMR-WCRE '14: "APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping ..."
Einarson, Anton CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Espinha, Tiago CSMR-WCRE '14: "Web API Growing Pains: Stories ..."
Etien, Anne CSMR-WCRE '14: "APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping ..."
Fails, Jerry Alan CSMR-WCRE '14: "NL-Based Query Refinement ..."
Fasolino, Anna Rita CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Felgentreff, Tim CSMR-WCRE '14: "Follow the Path: Debugging ..."
Feng, Yang CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards More Accurate Multi-label ..."
Ferenc, Rudolf CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "QualityGate SourceAudit: A ..."
Ferrara, Ferdinando CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Fleurey, Franck CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Gall, Harald CSMR-WCRE '14: "Supporting Continuous Integration ..."
Galletti, Davide CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Galoppini, Roberto CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Ge, Xi CSMR-WCRE '14: "How the Sando Search Tool ..."
Giger, Emanuel CSMR-WCRE '14: "Supporting Continuous Integration ..."
Göde, Nils CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Goeminne, Mathieu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Understanding the Evolution ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Co-evolving Code-Related and ..."
Gordon, Thomas F. CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Grant, Scott CSMR-WCRE '14: "Examining the Relationship ..."
Grosjean, Philippe CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Maintainability of ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Using Biology and Ecology ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "ECOS: Ecological Studies of ..."
Gross, Hans-Gerhard CSMR-WCRE '14: "Web API Growing Pains: Stories ..."
Groz, Roland CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..."
Gyimóthy, Tibor CSMR-WCRE '14: "Test Suite Reduction for Fault ..."
Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Contextual Approach for ..."
Hansson, Jörgen CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Harman, Mark CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Orchestrating Change: An Artistic ..."
Hayase, Yasuhiro CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Hegedűs, Péter CSMR-WCRE '14: "QualityGate SourceAudit: A ..."
Heing-Becker, Marcel CSMR-WCRE '14: "Bit-Error Injection for Software ..."
Hendren, Laurie CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mc2for: A Tool for Automatically ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mc2for Demo: A Tool for Automatically ..."
Henriksson, Anders CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Heymans, Patrick CSMR-WCRE '14: "Reverse Engineering Web Configurators ..."
Higo, Yoshiki CSMR-WCRE '14: "Does Return Null Matter? ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Hill, Emily CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Use of Positional Proximity ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "NL-Based Query Refinement ..."
Hills, Mark CSMR-WCRE '14: "PHP AiR: Analyzing PHP Systems ..."
Hirschfeld, Robert CSMR-WCRE '14: "Follow the Path: Debugging ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Follow the Path: Debugging ..."
Holt, Richard C. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Fact Extraction from Bash ..."
Hora, André CSMR-WCRE '14: "APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping ..."
Horváth, Ákos CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Hossen, Karim CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..."
Hotta, Keisuke CSMR-WCRE '14: "Does Return Null Matter? ..."
Igaki, Hiroshi CSMR-WCRE '14: "Does Return Null Matter? ..."
Inoue, Katsuro CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Inverardi, Paola CSMR-WCRE '14: "CHOReOS: Large Scale Choreographies ..."
Ishio, Takashi CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Jelschen, Jan CSMR-WCRE '14: "SENSEI: Software Evolution ..."
Jezek, Kamil CSMR-WCRE '14: "Broken Promises: An Empirical ..."
Kak, Avinash CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Use of Positional Proximity ..."
Kamiya, Toshihiro CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Algorithm for Keyword Search ..."
Kamph, Timo CSMR-WCRE '14: "Bit-Error Injection for Software ..."
Kashiwabara, Yuki CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Kedziora, Pawel CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Keivanloo, Iman CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Khomh, Foutse CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Long ..."
Kimura, Shuhei CSMR-WCRE '14: "Does Return Null Matter? ..."
Klammer, Claus CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards Tool Support for Analyzing ..."
Klint, Paul CSMR-WCRE '14: "PHP AiR: Analyzing PHP Systems ..."
Knodel, Jens CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mitigating the Risk of Software ..."
Koschke, Rainer CSMR-WCRE '14: "The Vision of Software Clone ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Krishnan, Giri Panamoottil CSMR-WCRE '14: "Unification and Refactoring ..."
Kruse, Peter M. CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji CSMR-WCRE '14: "Does Return Null Matter? ..."
Ladányi, Gergely CSMR-WCRE '14: "QualityGate SourceAudit: A ..."
Lämmel, Ralf CSMR-WCRE '14: "Comparison of Feature Implementations ..."
Lanza, Michele CSMR-WCRE '14: "in*Bug: Visual Analytics of ..."
Lawall, Julia CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automated Construction of ..."
Legere, Katie CSMR-WCRE '14: "Orchestrating Change: An Artistic ..."
Leinberger, Martin CSMR-WCRE '14: "Comparison of Feature Implementations ..."
Lener, Ilaria CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Li, Xu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mc2for: A Tool for Automatically ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mc2for Demo: A Tool for Automatically ..."
Lima, Fernando Paim CSMR-WCRE '14: "Extracting Relative Thresholds ..."
Linder, Henrik CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Liu, Yan CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Contextual Approach for ..."
Lo, David CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards More Accurate Multi-label ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Bug ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automated Construction of ..."
Lungu, Mircea CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mining Frequent Bug-Fix Code ..."
Maggio, Valerio CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Mallet, Greg CSMR-WCRE '14: "NL-Based Query Refinement ..."
Marcus, Andrian CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..."
McIntosh, Shane CSMR-WCRE '14: "Orchestrating Change: An Artistic ..."
Meding, Wilhelm CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Mens, Tom CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Maintainability of ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Co-evolving Code-Related and ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "ECOS: Ecological Studies of ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Meurice, Loup CSMR-WCRE '14: "Dahlia: A Visual Analyzer ..."
Mihancea, Petru Florin CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "jModex: Model Extraction for ..."
Minea, Marius CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "jModex: Model Extraction for ..."
Mokhtari, Behrooz CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Mondal, Manishankar CSMR-WCRE '14: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automatic Ranking of Clones ..."
Monperrus, Martin CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Mony, Cendrine CSMR-WCRE '14: "DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired ..."
Mraz, Ron CSMR-WCRE '14: "Fact Extraction from Bash ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson CSMR-WCRE '14: "How the Sando Search Tool ..."
Murtaza, Syed Shariyar CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Contextual Approach for ..."
Naab, Matthias CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mitigating the Risk of Software ..."
Nierstrasz, Oscar CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mining Frequent Bug-Fix Code ..."
Nyberg, Mattias CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Oliveira, Paloma CSMR-WCRE '14: "Extracting Relative Thresholds ..."
Oliveto, Rocco CSMR-WCRE '14: "Cross-Project Defect Prediction ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "In Medio Stat Virtus: Extract ..."
Onizuka, Yuya CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Oriat, Catherine CSMR-WCRE '14: "Model Inference and Security ..."
Osman, Haidar CSMR-WCRE '14: "Mining Frequent Bug-Fix Code ..."
Österström, Per CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Oyetoyan, Tosin Daniel CSMR-WCRE '14: "Transition and Defect Patterns ..."
Panichella, Annibale CSMR-WCRE '14: "Cross-Project Defect Prediction ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Long ..."
Perscheid, Michael CSMR-WCRE '14: "Follow the Path: Debugging ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Follow the Path: Debugging ..."
Persson, Magnus CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Pichler, Josef CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards Tool Support for Analyzing ..."
Pollock, Lori CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Case Study of Paired Interleaving ..."
Prasetya, Wishnu CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Pratola, Roberto CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Pukacki, Juliusz CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Quante, Jochen CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards Recovering and Exploiting ..."
Raemaekers, Steven CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards a Context-Aware IDE-Based ..."
Rebahi, Yacine CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Rizzo, Giuseppe CSMR-WCRE '14: "Spotting Automatically Cross-Language ..."
Roldan-Vega, Manuel CSMR-WCRE '14: "NL-Based Query Refinement ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "The Vision of Software Clone ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automatic Ranking of Clones ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards a Context-Aware IDE-Based ..."
Saha, Ripon K. CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Long ..."
Santos, Gustavo CSMR-WCRE '14: "Remodularization Analysis ..."
Scala, Stefano CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Schmorleiz, Thomas CSMR-WCRE '14: "Comparison of Feature Implementations ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. CSMR-WCRE '14: "Improving the Detection Accuracy ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automatic Ranking of Clones ..."
Schupp, Sibylle CSMR-WCRE '14: "Bit-Error Injection for Software ..."
Shehory, Onn CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Shepherd, David CSMR-WCRE '14: "A Case Study of Paired Interleaving ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "How the Sando Search Tool ..."
Shihab, Emad CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Bug ..."
Siegmund, Janet CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards Recovering and Exploiting ..."
Siket, István CSMR-WCRE '14: "Test Suite Reduction for Fault ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "QualityGate SourceAudit: A ..."
Sisman, Bunyamin CSMR-WCRE '14: "On the Use of Positional Proximity ..."
Staron, Miroslaw CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Stevens, Reinout CSMR-WCRE '14: "Building Development Tools ..."
Szőke, Gábor CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Tan, Hee Beng Kuan CSMR-WCRE '14: "Detecting Infeasible Branches ..."
Tarabain, Mohammed CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards Recovering and Exploiting ..."
Tengeri, Dávid CSMR-WCRE '14: "Test Suite Reduction for Fault ..."
Tian, Yuan CSMR-WCRE '14: "Automated Construction of ..."
Tivoli, Massimo CSMR-WCRE '14: "CHOReOS: Large Scale Choreographies ..."
Tomassetti, Federico CSMR-WCRE '14: "Spotting Automatically Cross-Language ..."
Tonella, Paolo CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Torchiano, Marco CSMR-WCRE '14: "Spotting Automatically Cross-Language ..."
Torelli, Francesco CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Törngren, Martin CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Tramontana, Porfirio CSMR-WCRE '14: "Migrating Legacy Spreadsheets-Based ..."
Tsantalis, Nikolaos CSMR-WCRE '14: "Unification and Refactoring ..."
Ujhelyi, Zoltán CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio CSMR-WCRE '14: "Remodularization Analysis ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Extracting Relative Thresholds ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "APIEvolutionMiner: Keeping ..."
Varanovich, Andrei CSMR-WCRE '14: "Comparison of Feature Implementations ..."
Varró, Dániel CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Vidács, László CSMR-WCRE '14: "Test Suite Reduction for Fault ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "Anti-pattern Detection with ..."
Villalonga, Sergio García CSMR-WCRE '14: "The MARKet for Open Source: ..."
Vos, Tanja CSMR-WCRE '14: "FITTEST: A New Continuous ..."
Wang, Xinyu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards More Accurate Multi-label ..."
Wen, Ming CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Bug ..."
Westman, Jonas CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Wikström, Erik CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Wranker, Johan CSMR-WCRE '14: "Identifying Risky Areas of ..."
Xia, Xin CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards More Accurate Multi-label ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Bug ..."
Xie, Shuai CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Yamamoto, Tetsuo CSMR-WCRE '14: "Recommending Verbs for Rename ..."
Yeasmin, Shamima CSMR-WCRE '14: "Towards a Context-Aware IDE-Based ..."
Zaidman, Andy CSMR-WCRE '14: "Web API Growing Pains: Stories ..."
Zaytsev, Vadim CSMR-WCRE '14: "Formal Foundations for Semi-parsing ..." CSMR-WCRE '14: "International Workshop on ..."
Zhang, Hongyu CSMR-WCRE '14: "Detecting Infeasible Branches ..."
Zhang, Xinhai CSMR-WCRE '14: "Experience on Applying Software ..."
Zhou, Bo CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study of Bug ..."
Zibran, Minhaz F. CSMR-WCRE '14: "The Vision of Software Clone ..."
Zou, Ying CSMR-WCRE '14: "An Empirical Study on the ..."

253 authors

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