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2014 IEEE 27th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), April 23-25, 2014, Klagenfurt, Austria

CSEE&T 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Ackerman, A. Frank CSEE&T '14: "An Active Learning Module ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Akbar, Saiful CSEE&T '14: "Reshaping Software Engineering ..."
Akpolat, Bilal Sercan CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing Software Engineering ..."
AL-Houdhoud, Ghada CSEE&T '14: "The Synergy of Engineering ..."
Almasalmeh, Ayad CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing the Software Engineering ..."
Asnar, Yudistira CSEE&T '14: "Reshaping Software Engineering ..."
Barker, Michael CSEE&T '14: "Workshop on Improving the ..."
Benabid, Abir CSEE&T '14: "The Synergy of Engineering ..."
Bitter, Sofie CSEE&T '14: "Learning and Working Together ..." CSEE&T '14: "Win-for-All in Software Engineering ..."
Boehm, Barry CSEE&T '14: "Combining Software Engineering ..."
Boesch, Chris CSEE&T '14: "Automated Mentor Assignment ..."
Bourque, Pierre CSEE&T '14: "The Impact of SWEBOK Version ..."
Breivold, Hongyu Pei CSEE&T '14: "Cloud Computing Education ..."
Bull, Christopher N. CSEE&T '14: "Observations of a Software ..."
Crnković, Ivica CSEE&T '14: "Cloud Computing Education ..."
Dagnino, Aldo CSEE&T '14: "Increasing the Effectiveness ..."
Daun, Marian CSEE&T '14: "Industrial Case Studies in ..."
Ding, Junhua CSEE&T '14: "Self-Guided Learning Environment ..."
Di Nitto, Elisabetta CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Duboc, Leticia CSEE&T '14: "InspectorX: A Game for Software ..."
Ducrot, Joelle CSEE&T '14: "Opportunities and Challenges ..."
Estler, H.-Christian CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Fairley, Richard E. CSEE&T '14: "The Impact of SWEBOK Version ..."
Frailey, Dennis J. CSEE&T '14: "The Times, They Are a Changing ..."
Frankl, Gabriele CSEE&T '14: "Learning and Working Together ..." CSEE&T '14: "Win-for-All in Software Engineering ..."
Fukazawa, Yoshiaki CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Gaar, Wolfgang CSEE&T '14: "Improving Model-Based Collaboration ..."
Grant, Emanuel S. CSEE&T '14: "Technology-Driven Software ..."
Hanna, Samer CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing the Software Engineering ..."
Inaga, Shota CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Jaber, Fawze Abu CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing the Software Engineering ..."
Jaber, Hayat CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing the Software Engineering ..."
Kakehi, Katsuhiko CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Kaufmann, Bonifaz CSEE&T '14: "Learning and Working Together ..." CSEE&T '14: "Win-for-All in Software Engineering ..."
Keppler, John CSEE&T '14: "The Impact of SWEBOK Version ..."
Kiat, Pang Nai CSEE&T '14: "The Flipped Classroom Experience ..."
Koolmanojwong, Supannika CSEE&T '14: "Top-10 Risks in Real-Client ..." CSEE&T '14: "Combining Software Engineering ..."
Kropp, Martin CSEE&T '14: "Teaching and Learning Agile ..."
Kume, Teruhiko CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Kwong, Yap Tat CSEE&T '14: "The Flipped Classroom Experience ..."
Landes, Dieter CSEE&T '14: "Using Business Process Models ..."
Lethbridge, Timothy C. CSEE&T '14: "Teaching Modeling using Umple: ..."
Liem, Inggriani CSEE&T '14: "Reshaping Software Engineering ..."
Marques, Maíra CSEE&T '14: "Improving Teamwork in Students ..."
Mateescu, Magdalena CSEE&T '14: "Teaching and Learning Agile ..."
Meier, Andreas CSEE&T '14: "Teaching and Learning Agile ..."
Meyer, Bertrand CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Mittermeir, Roland T. CSEE&T '14: "Panel on Industrial Needs ..."
Mulyanto, Adi CSEE&T '14: "Reshaping Software Engineering ..."
Nordio, Martin CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Nori, Kesav V. CSEE&T '14: "Teaching Software Product ..."
Ochoa, Sergio F. CSEE&T '14: "Improving Teamwork in Students ..."
Okubo, Masashi CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Opdahl, Andreas L. CSEE&T '14: "Teaching Semantic Technologies ..."
Pohl, Klaus CSEE&T '14: "Industrial Case Studies in ..."
Pötter, Henrique CSEE&T '14: "InspectorX: A Game for Software ..."
Prikladnicki, Rafael CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Reddy, Y. Raghu CSEE&T '14: "Teaching Software Product ..."
Rong, Guoping CSEE&T '14: "Where Does Experience Matter ..."
Salmon, Andrea CSEE&T '14: "Industrial Case Studies in ..."
Savidis, Anthony CSEE&T '14: "An Experiment on Teaching ..."
Schots, Marcelo CSEE&T '14: "InspectorX: A Game for Software ..."
Sedelmaier, Yvonne CSEE&T '14: "Using Business Process Models ..."
Shalaby, Tarek Al CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing the Software Engineering ..."
Shankararaman, Venky CSEE&T '14: "Technology-Driven Software ..." CSEE&T '14: "Opportunities and Challenges ..."
Shao, Dong CSEE&T '14: "Where Does Experience Matter ..."
Slany, Wolfgang CSEE&T '14: "Enhancing Software Engineering ..."
Steppe, Kevin CSEE&T '14: "Teaching Analysis of Software ..." CSEE&T '14: "Automated Mentor Assignment ..."
Tamaki, Manabu CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Teiniker, Egon CSEE&T '14: "Improving Model-Based Collaboration ..."
Tenbergen, Bastian CSEE&T '14: "Industrial Case Studies in ..."
Washizaki, Hironori CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Werneck, Vera CSEE&T '14: "InspectorX: A Game for Software ..."
Weyer, Thorsten CSEE&T '14: "Industrial Case Studies in ..."
Whittle, Jon CSEE&T '14: "Observations of a Software ..."
Widyani, Yani CSEE&T '14: "Reshaping Software Engineering ..."
Wong, W. Eric CSEE&T '14: "Experience of Teaching Executive ..."
Yamada, Yusuke CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Yamato, Shoso CSEE&T '14: "The Impacts of Personal Characteristic ..."
Zahn, Carmen CSEE&T '14: "Teaching and Learning Agile ..."
Zhang, He CSEE&T '14: "Where Does Experience Matter ..."

88 authors

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