CSEE&T 2011
2011 24th IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2011)
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2011 24th IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2011), May 22–24, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

CSEE&T 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Allan, Vicki CSEE&T '11: "Mystery Bug Theater ..."
Almeida, Silas C. CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
Ammann, Paul CSEE&T '11: "Using Abstraction and Web ..."
Anderson, Paul V. CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..." CSEE&T '11: "Is Integration of Communication ..."
Andriano, Natalia CSEE&T '11: "A Quantitative Assessment ..."
Arnold, Ingo CSEE&T '11: "A Software Architecture Orientation ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto CSEE&T '11: "Erase and Rewind – Learning ..."
Badreddin, Omar CSEE&T '11: "Teaching UML Using Umple: ..."
Barbosa, Ellen Francine CSEE&T '11: "PROGTEST: An Environment for ..." CSEE&T '11: "International Workshop on ..."
Bareiss, Ray CSEE&T '11: "An Exploration of Knowledge ..."
Barrett, Martin L. CSEE&T '11: "Incorporating Software Architecture ..."
Barroca, Leonor CSEE&T '11: "International Workshop on ..."
Becker, Brian CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Begel, Andrew CSEE&T '11: "Is Integration of Communication ..."
Bener, Ayşe Başar CSEE&T '11: "Incorporating Software Architecture ..."
Bertoni, Carlos CSEE&T '11: "A Quantitative Assessment ..."
Boehm, Barry W. CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..." CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..." CSEE&T '11: "Making Winners for Both Education ..."
Bollin, Andreas CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Project ..."
Bourque, Pierre CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..."
Broman, David CSEE&T '11: "How Can We Make Software Engineering ..."
Brown, Nanette CSEE&T '11: "Hard Choice: A Game for Balancing ..."
Bruegge, Bernd CSEE&T '11: "SLPC++: Teaching Software ..."
Bryce, Renée CSEE&T '11: "Mystery Bug Theater ..."
Burge, Janet E. CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..." CSEE&T '11: "Is Integration of Communication ..."
Cai, Yuanfang CSEE&T '11: "Leveraging Design Structure ..."
Carter, Michael CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. CSEE&T '11: "Evaluating the Testing Ability ..."
Chen, Woei-Kae CSEE&T '11: "Grading Code Quality of Programming ..."
Chen, Zhenyu CSEE&T '11: "Delivering PSP Course in Tertiary ..." CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Testing ..."
Chenoweth, Steve CSEE&T '11: "Incorporating Software Architecture ..."
Chimalakonda, Sridhar CSEE&T '11: "Can We Make Software Engineering ..."
Chookittikul, Wajee CSEE&T '11: "Agile Methods in Thai Higher ..." CSEE&T '11: "Effective Real-World Project ..."
Chughtai, Arif CSEE&T '11: "A Software Architecture Orientation ..."
Clements, John CSEE&T '11: "Supporting Introductory Test-Driven ..."
Coffey, John CSEE&T '11: "The Design and Implementation ..."
Cooper, Kendra M. L. CSEE&T '11: "Using Games in Software Engineering ..."
Damasceno, António CSEE&T '11: "MSE Studio Project: The Viewpoint ..."
Dantas, Eric R. G. CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
De Azevedo, Ryan R. CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan CSEE&T '11: "Pex4Fun: Teaching and Learning ..."
Dekhtyar, Olga CSEE&T '11: "Supporting Introductory Test-Driven ..."
Delaney, Yvonne CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
De Souza, Draylson Micael CSEE&T '11: "PROGTEST: An Environment for ..."
Ding, Eryu CSEE&T '11: "Research and Practice on Software ..." CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Software Engineering ..."
Ding, Junhua CSEE&T '11: "Development of North Carolina's ..."
Dvornik, Thomas CSEE&T '11: "Supporting Introductory Test-Driven ..."
Eikerling, Heinz-Josef CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Course on ..."
Eng, Tony L. CSEE&T '11: "Continued Assessment of Students' ..."
Fairley, Richard E. CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Systems Engineering ..."
Fairmichael, Fintan CSEE&T '11: "Toward Instant Gradeification ..."
Fleischmann, Andreas CSEE&T '11: "Teach Sustainability in Software ..."
Forward, Andrew CSEE&T '11: "Teaching UML Using Umple: ..."
Freitas, Fred CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
Gamble, Rose F. CSEE&T '11: "Predicting Individual Performance ..."
Gannod, Gerald C. CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..." CSEE&T '11: "Is Integration of Communication ..."
Garcia, Vinicius C. CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
Garousi, Vahid CSEE&T '11: "Incorporating Real-World Industrial ..."
Gelosh, Don CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..."
Georgas, John C. CSEE&T '11: "Software Development as Service ..."
Gilles, Jeff CSEE&T '11: "Using Community-based Projects ..."
Gimenes, Itana M. S. CSEE&T '11: "International Workshop on ..."
Gluchow, Michaela CSEE&T '11: "SLPC++: Teaching Software ..."
Goh, Gerald CSEE&T '11: "Teammates: A Cloud-Based Peer ..."
Gray, Jeff CSEE&T '11: "SMArtphones in the Curriculum ..."
Grundy, John CSEE&T '11: "The Effects of Openness to ..."
Hale, Matthew L. CSEE&T '11: "Predicting Individual Performance ..."
Hartman, Lisa CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Hattori, Lile CSEE&T '11: "Erase and Rewind – Learning ..."
Heckman, Sarah CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Second-Level Java ..."
Hilburn, Thomas B. CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..." CSEE&T '11: "Read Before You Write ..."
Ho, Peter CSEE&T '11: "Software Engineering or Soft ..."
Hochmüller, Elke CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Project ..."
Hoffmann, Mark E. CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..."
Horton, Brian CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Horton, Thomas B. CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Second-Level Java ..."
Hosking, John CSEE&T '11: "Learning at the Elbows of ..."
Huang, LiGuo CSEE&T '11: "Relevance and Alignment of ..."
Humphries, Thorna CSEE&T '11: "A New CS0 Course for At-Risk ..."
Iannuzzi, Daniel CSEE&T '11: "Leveraging Design Structure ..."
Iyer, Sundaresan CSEE&T '11: "Incremental Sequential Problem ..."
Jacob, Anooja Mary CSEE&T '11: "Incremental Sequential Problem ..."
Janzen, David S. CSEE&T '11: "Supporting Introductory Test-Driven ..." CSEE&T '11: "Contextual Android Education ..."
Jazayeri, Mehdi CSEE&T '11: "Structuring a Software Engineering-based ..."
Ji, Feng CSEE&T '11: "Comparing Extreme Programming ..."
John, Bonnie E. CSEE&T '11: "A Quantitative Usability Assessment ..."
Jones, Meghan CSEE&T '11: "A New CS0 Course for At-Risk ..."
Jones, Nick CSEE&T '11: "Learning at the Elbows of ..."
Jorgenson, Noah M. CSEE&T '11: "Predicting Individual Performance ..."
Kallem, Aditya CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Katz, Edward CSEE&T '11: "An Exploration of Knowledge ..."
Kehrer, Timo CSEE&T '11: "A Software Architecture Orientation ..."
King, James CSEE&T '11: "Mission to Mars: An Agile ..."
Kiniry, Joseph R. CSEE&T '11: "Toward Instant Gradeification ..."
Knudson, Dean CSEE&T '11: "Updating CS Capstone Projects ..."
Komárek, Martin CSEE&T '11: "The Practical Method of Motivating ..."
Koolmanojwong, Supannika CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
Kourik, Janet L. CSEE&T '11: "Agile Methods in Thai Higher ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. CSEE&T '11: "Evaluating the Testing Ability ..."
Kruchten, Philippe CSEE&T '11: "Mission to Mars: An Agile ..." CSEE&T '11: "Hard Choice: A Game for Balancing ..." CSEE&T '11: "Experience Teaching Software ..."
Krull, Elisabeth CSEE&T '11: "Learning at the Elbows of ..."
Lai, Xiaoni CSEE&T '11: "Teammates: A Cloud-Based Peer ..."
Lanza, Michele CSEE&T '11: "Erase and Rewind – Learning ..."
Lauzun, Heather CSEE&T '11: "A New CS0 Course for At-Risk ..."
LeBlanc, Richard CSEE&T '11: "Using Community-based Projects ..."
Leite, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Engineering ..."
Lethbridge, Timothy C. CSEE&T '11: "Teaching UML Using Umple: ..."
Li, Nan CSEE&T '11: "Using Abstraction and Web ..."
Li, Qi CSEE&T '11: "Making Winners for Both Education ..."
Lim, Erin CSEE&T '11: "Hard Choice: A Game for Balancing ..."
Lin, Peng-Chun CSEE&T '11: "Competence Analysis of IT ..."
Liu, Qin CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Software Engineering ..."
Lo, Chia-Hui CSEE&T '11: "Competence Analysis of IT ..."
Longstreet, C. Shaun CSEE&T '11: "Using Games in Software Engineering ..."
Lu, Hsin-Ke CSEE&T '11: "Competence Analysis of IT ..."
Lungu, Mircea CSEE&T '11: "Erase and Rewind – Learning ..."
Luo, Bin CSEE&T '11: "Research and Practice on Software ..." CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Testing ..." CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Software Engineering ..."
Macek, Ondřej CSEE&T '11: "The Practical Method of Motivating ..."
Maher, Peter E. CSEE&T '11: "Agile Methods in Thai Higher ..." CSEE&T '11: "Effective Real-World Project ..."
Major, Debra CSEE&T '11: "A New CS0 Course for At-Risk ..."
Maldonado, José Carlos CSEE&T '11: "PROGTEST: An Environment for ..."
Manisha CSEE&T '11: "Industry Academia Collaboration ..."
Manuja, Manoj CSEE&T '11: "Industry Academia Collaboration ..."
Matsumoto, Kenichi CSEE&T '11: "Analysis of the Motivation ..."
McGregor, John D. CSEE&T '11: "Integrating Instructional ..."
Meawad, Fatma CSEE&T '11: "The Virtual Agile Enterprise: ..."
Meenakshi, S. CSEE&T '11: "Incremental Sequential Problem ..."
Mendes, Emilia CSEE&T '11: "The Effects of Openness to ..."
Meyer, Bertrand CSEE&T '11: "Empirical Assessment of Languages ..."
Mitchell, Rudolph CSEE&T '11: "Continued Assessment of Students' ..."
Mittermeir, Roland T. CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Project ..."
Monsalve, Elizabeth Suescún CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Engineering ..."
Monteith, J. Yates CSEE&T '11: "Integrating Instructional ..."
Moyano, Marcela Garay CSEE&T '11: "A Quantitative Assessment ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter CSEE&T '11: "Teaching UML Using Umple: ..."
Nagumo, Hideo CSEE&T '11: "Analysis of the Motivation ..."
Nanz, Sebastian CSEE&T '11: "Empirical Assessment of Languages ..."
Naughton, Helmut CSEE&T '11: "SLPC++: Teaching Software ..."
Nord, Robert L. CSEE&T '11: "Hard Choice: A Game for Balancing ..."
Nori, Kesav V. CSEE&T '11: "Can We Make Software Engineering ..."
Offutt, Jeff CSEE&T '11: "Using Abstraction and Web ..."
Oh, Sehun CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Ozkaya, Ipek CSEE&T '11: "Hard Choice: A Game for Balancing ..."
Pádua, Clarindo Isaías P. S. CSEE&T '11: "An Overview of the Main Design ..."
Pattinson, Bob CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
Pedroni, Michela CSEE&T '11: "Empirical Assessment of Languages ..."
Peixoto, Daniela C. C. CSEE&T '11: "An Overview of the Main Design ..."
Penzenstadler, Birgit CSEE&T '11: "Teach Sustainability in Software ..."
Port, Daniel CSEE&T '11: "Relevance and Alignment of ..."
Porter, Adam CSEE&T '11: "SMArtphones in the Curriculum ..."
Possa, Rodrigo M. CSEE&T '11: "An Overview of the Main Design ..."
Pyster, Art CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..."
Radermacher, Alex CSEE&T '11: "Investigating Student-Instructor ..." CSEE&T '11: "Updating CS Capstone Projects ..."
Rajapakse, Damith C. CSEE&T '11: "Teammates: A Cloud-Based Peer ..." CSEE&T '11: "Some Observations from Releasing ..."
Reed, James CSEE&T '11: "Contextual Android Education ..."
Reid, Louise CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
Resende, Rodolfo F. CSEE&T '11: "An Overview of the Main Design ..."
Richardson, Ita CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
Rizvi, Mona CSEE&T '11: "A New CS0 Course for At-Risk ..."
Roach, Steve CSEE&T '11: "Retrospectives in a Software ..."
Robinson, Ken CSEE&T '11: "Software Engineering or Soft ..."
Rodrigues, Claudia Susie C. CSEE&T '11: "Making the Comprehension of ..."
Rodrigues, Cleyton M. O. CSEE&T '11: "A Proposal for an Educational ..."
Rong, Guoping CSEE&T '11: "Delivering PSP Course in Tertiary ..."
Roshandel, Roshanak CSEE&T '11: "Using Community-based Projects ..."
Rubio, Diego CSEE&T '11: "A Quantitative Assessment ..."
Salamah, Salamah CSEE&T '11: "Read Before You Write ..."
Salleh, Norsaremah CSEE&T '11: "The Effects of Openness to ..."
Sandahl, Kristian CSEE&T '11: "How Can We Make Software Engineering ..."
Scharff, Christelle CSEE&T '11: "Guiding Global Software Development ..."
Sedano, Todd CSEE&T '11: "Comparing Extreme Programming ..."
Seidman, Stephen B. CSEE&T '11: "Educating Software Engineers ..."
Shao, Dong CSEE&T '11: "Delivering PSP Course in Tertiary ..." CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Software Engineering ..."
Shaw, Mary CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..."
Shepperd, Martin CSEE&T '11: "Group Project Work from the ..."
Sherriff, Mark CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Second-Level Java ..."
Skevoulis, Sotiris CSEE&T '11: "Engineering a Successful Partnership ..."
Smith, Peter CSEE&T '11: "Learning at the Elbows of ..."
Sun, Yanchun CSEE&T '11: "The Challenge and Practice ..."
Sweedyk, Elizabeth CSEE&T '11: "How Middle School Teachers ..."
Tabrizi, Nasseh CSEE&T '11: "Development of North Carolina's ..."
Takemura, Yasuhiro CSEE&T '11: "Analysis of the Motivation ..."
Tankashala, Shireesha CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Tanuan, Meyer Cu CSEE&T '11: "Design and Delivery of a Modern ..."
Thompson, J. Barrie CSEE&T '11: "The Role of Graduate Software ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai CSEE&T '11: "Pex4Fun: Teaching and Learning ..."
Torshizi, Faraz CSEE&T '11: "Empirical Assessment of Languages ..."
Towhidnejad, Masood CSEE&T '11: "Read Before You Write ..."
Tsukamoto, Hidekuni CSEE&T '11: "Analysis of the Motivation ..."
Tu, Pin-Ying CSEE&T '11: "Grading Code Quality of Programming ..."
Tu, Shengru CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Uelschen, Michael CSEE&T '11: "An Introductory Course on ..."
Venkatagiri, Shankar CSEE&T '11: "Teach Project Management, ..."
Vilkomir, Sergiy CSEE&T '11: "Development of North Carolina's ..."
Vírseda, Rafael del Vado CSEE&T '11: "A Learning Methodology based ..."
Vogel, Oliver CSEE&T '11: "A Software Architecture Orientation ..."
Vouk, Mladen CSEE&T '11: "Communication Genres: Integrating ..." CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Testing: ..."
Wagner, Daniel CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Walia, Gursimran CSEE&T '11: "Investigating Student-Instructor ..."
Wang, Haoran CSEE&T '11: "Research and Practice on Software ..."
Werneck, Vera Maria B. CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Engineering ..."
Werner, Cláudia M. L. CSEE&T '11: "Making the Comprehension of ..."
White, Jules CSEE&T '11: "SMArtphones in the Curriculum ..."
White, Laura J. CSEE&T '11: "The Design and Implementation ..."
Willshire, Mary Jane CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Systems Engineering ..."
Wong, Sunny CSEE&T '11: "Leveraging Design Structure ..."
Wong, W. Eric CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Testing: ..."
Xie, Tao CSEE&T '11: "Pex4Fun: Teaching and Learning ..."
Xu, Wuzhi CSEE&T '11: "Using Abstraction and Web ..."
Yang, Zhao CSEE&T '11: "Turning Real-World Systems ..."
Zhang, Daliang CSEE&T '11: "Research and Practice on Software ..."
Zhang, He CSEE&T '11: "Delivering PSP Course in Tertiary ..."
Zhang, Jinyu CSEE&T '11: "Teaching Software Testing ..."
Zimmerman, Daniel M. CSEE&T '11: "Toward Instant Gradeification ..."

233 authors

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