CGO 2023
21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023)
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21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023), February 25 – March 1, 2023, Montréal, QC, Canada

CGO 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aanjaneya, Mridul CGO '23: "Fast Polynomial Evaluation ..."
Acar, Umut A. CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..."
Ahrens, Willow CGO '23: "Looplets: A Language for Structured ..."
Amaral, José Nelson CGO '23: "To Pack or Not to Pack: A ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman CGO '23: "D2X: An eXtensible conteXtual ..." CGO '23: "Looplets: A Language for Structured ..."
Ates, Berke CGO '23: "Bridging Control-Centric and ..."
Bahk, Cheongyo CGO '23: "Pin or Fuse? Exploiting Scratchpad ..."
Ben-Nun, Tal CGO '23: "Bridging Control-Centric and ..."
Bernat, Alex CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..."
Bhetwal, Kalyan CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Botacin, Marcus CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
Brahmakshatriya, Ajay CGO '23: "D2X: An eXtensible conteXtual ..."
Bramas, Bérenger CGO '23: "Lifting Code Generation of ..."
Brisk, Philip CGO '23: "Compiling Functions onto Digital ..."
Calotoiu, Alexandru CGO '23: "Bridging Control-Centric and ..."
Campanoni, Simone CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Canesche, Michael CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
Chabbi, Milind CGO '23: "DJXPerf: Identifying Memory ..."
Chen, Yufei CGO '23: "To Pack or Not to Pack: A ..."
Cho, Sungjun CGO '23: "PIMFlow: Compiler and Runtime ..."
Cohen, Albert CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."
Damásio, Thaís CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
De Carvalho, João P. L. CGO '23: "To Pack or Not to Pack: A ..."
Deiana, Enrico Armenio CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Dinda, Peter CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Donenfeld, Daniel CGO '23: "Looplets: A Language for Structured ..."
Dunajewski, Katarzyna CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Egger, Bernhard CGO '23: "Flexer: Out-of-Order Scheduling ..."
Essadki, Mohamed CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."
Faustino da Silva, Anderson CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
Fedin, Pavel CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Genaud, Stéphane CGO '23: "Lifting Code Generation of ..."
Ghorbani, Mahdi CGO '23: "Fine-Tuning Data Structures ..."
Gribov, Yuri CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Hall, Mary CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Han, Hwansoo CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Hardavellas, Nikos CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Parsimony: Enabling SIMD/Vector ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Henderson, Nathan CGO '23: "To Pack or Not to Pack: A ..."
Hoefler, Torsten CGO '23: "Bridging Control-Centric and ..."
Homerding, Brian CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Jeong, Hyuk-Jin CGO '23: "Pin or Fuse? Exploiting Scratchpad ..."
Ji, Hexiang CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Jiao, Shuyin CGO '23: "DJXPerf: Identifying Memory ..."
Jost, Tiago Trevisan CGO '23: "Lifting Code Generation of ..."
Jung, Hanwoong CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Kandiah, Vijay CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Parsimony: Enabling SIMD/Vector ..."
Kang, Yan CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Kelepeshis, Marios CGO '23: "Fine-Tuning Data Structures ..."
Kim, Hyunjun CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik CGO '23: "Looplets: A Language for Structured ..."
Kwon, Jungyoon CGO '23: "Flexer: Out-of-Order Scheduling ..."
Lai, Yuanming CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Lee, Seungwon CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Li, Bolun CGO '23: "DJXPerf: Identifying Memory ..."
Lim, Dongguen CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Liu, Xu CGO '23: "DJXPerf: Identifying Memory ..."
Loechner, Vincent CGO '23: "Lifting Code Generation of ..."
Loveless, Tyson CGO '23: "Compiling Functions onto Digital ..."
Lustig, Daniel CGO '23: "Parsimony: Enabling SIMD/Vector ..."
Maugars, Bruno CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."
McMichen, Tommy CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Michel, Bertrand CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."
Min, Hyemi CGO '23: "Flexer: Out-of-Order Scheduling ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh CGO '23: "Fast Polynomial Evaluation ..."
Nam, Heewoo CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Nellans, David CGO '23: "Parsimony: Enabling SIMD/Vector ..."
Niu, Wenlong CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Olschanowsky, Catherine CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Ostapenko, Maxim CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Pacheco, Vinícius CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
Palachev, Ilya CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Park, JongHyun CGO '23: "Pin or Fuse? Exploiting Scratchpad ..."
Park, Juseong CGO '23: "PIMFlow: Compiler and Runtime ..."
Peng, Mingfan CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Popoola, Tobi CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Pushchin, Alexey CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Qu, Yutian CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
Quintão Pereira, Fernando M. CGO '23: "A Game-Based Framework to ..."
Salvador Rohwedder, Caio CGO '23: "To Pack or Not to Pack: A ..."
Shaikhha, Amir CGO '23: "Fine-Tuning Data Structures ..."
Shin, Yongwon CGO '23: "PIMFlow: Compiler and Runtime ..."
Song, Joonho CGO '23: "Accelerating Deep Neural Networks ..."
St. George, Aaron CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Strout, Michelle Mills CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Su, Pengfei CGO '23: "DJXPerf: Identifying Memory ..."
Suchy, Brian CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Sung, Hyojin CGO '23: "PIMFlow: Compiler and Runtime ..."
Thangamani, Arun CGO '23: "Lifting Code Generation of ..."
Vasilache, Nicolas CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."
Villa, Oreste CGO '23: "Parsimony: Enabling SIMD/Vector ..."
Wang, Wei CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Wang, Zhe CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Westrick, Sam CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..."
Wilkins, Michael CGO '23: "WARDen: Specializing Cache ..." CGO '23: "Program State Element Characterization ..."
Wu, Chenggang CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Wu, Peng CGO '23: "PyTorch 2.0: The Journey to ..."
Yeo, JiHwan CGO '23: "Pin or Fuse? Exploiting Scratchpad ..."
Yu, Ding CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Zeng, Kai CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Zhang, Peihua CGO '23: "Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural ..."
Zhao, Tuowen CGO '23: "Code Synthesis for Sparse ..."
Zinenko, Oleksandr CGO '23: "Code Generation for In-Place ..."

111 authors

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